106 research outputs found

    A Light Stop with a Heavy Gluino: Enlarging the Stop Gap

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    It is widely thought that increasing bounds on the gluino mass, which feeds down to the stop mass through renormalization group running, are making a light stop increasingly unlikely. Here we present a counter-example. We examine the case of the Minimal Composite Supersymmetric Standard Model which has a light composite stop. The large anomalous dimension of the stop from strong dynamics pushes the stop mass toward a quasi-fixed point in the infrared, which is smaller than standard estimates by a factor of a large logarithm. The gluino can be about three times heavier than the stop, which is comparable to hierarchy achieved with supersoft Dirac gluino masses. Thus, in this class of models, a heavy gluino is not necessarily indicative of a heavy stop.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Exploring Softly Broken SUSY Theories via Grassmannian Taylor Expansion

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    We demonstrate that soft SUSY breaking introduced via replacement of the couplings of a rigid theory by spurion superfields has far reaching consequences. Substituting these modified couplings into renormalization constants, RG equations, solutions to these equations, fixed points, finiteness conditions, etc., one can get corresponding relations for the soft terms by a simple Taylor expansion over the Grassmannian variables. This way one can get new solutions of the RG equations. Some examples including the MSSM, SUSY GUTs and the N=2 Seiberg-Witten model are given.Comment: Latex, 10pp, no figure

    Duality of a Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We examine a dual theory of a Supersymmetric Standard Model(SSM) in terms of an SU(3)CSU(3)_C gauge group. In this scenario, it is naturally understood that at least one quark (the top quark) should be heavy, i.e., almost the same order as the weak scale. Moreover, the supersymmetric Higgs mass parameter μ\mu can naturally be expected to be small. This model automatically induces nine pairs of composite Higgs fields, which may be observed in the near future.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe

    Duality Symmetric Actions with Manifest Space-Time Symmetries

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    We consider a space-time invariant duality symmetric action for a free Maxwell field and an SL(2,R)×SO(6,22)SL(2,{\bf R})\times SO(6,22) invariant effective action describing a low-energy bosonic sector of the heterotic string compactified on a six-dimensional torus. The manifest Lorentz and general coordinate invariant formulation of the models is achieved by coupling dual gauge fields to an auxiliary vector field from an axionic sector of the theory.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, no figures, references added, misprints eliminate

    Duality in SUSY SU(N)SU(N) with an Antisymmetric Tensor

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    We present a dual description for SU(N)SU(N) supersymmetric gauge theory with an antisymmetric tensor and fundamentals, and no superpotential. This duality is derived from the dualities of Seiberg. Under a perturbation of the superpotential, the dual theory breaks supersymmetry at tree level.Comment: 8 pages, uses harvmac, no figure