72 research outputs found

    Wind-Wave induced velocity in ATI SAR Ocean Surface Currents: First experimental evidence from an airborne campaign

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    Conventional and along-track interferometric (ATI) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sense the motion of the ocean surface by measuring the Doppler shift of reflected signals. Measurements are affected by a Wind-wave induced Artefact Surface Velocity (WASV) which was modelled theoretically in past studies and has been estimated empirically only once before with Envisat ASAR by Mouche et al., (2012). An airborne campaign in the tidally dominated Irish Sea served to evaluate this effect and the current retrieval capabilities of a dual-beam SAR interferometer known as Wavemill. A comprehensive collection of Wavemill airborne data acquired in a star pattern over a well-instrumented validation site made it possible for the first time to estimate the magnitude of the WASV, and its dependence on azimuth and incidence angle from data alone. In light wind (5.5 m/s) and moderate current (0.7 m/s) conditions, the wind-wave induced contribution to the measured ocean surface motion reaches up to 1.6 m/s upwind, with a well-defined 2nd order harmonic dependence on direction to the wind. The magnitude of the WASV is found to be larger at lower incidence angles. The airborne WASV results show excellent consistency with the empirical WASV estimated from Envisat ASAR. These results confirm that SAR and ATI surface velocity estimates are strongly affected by WASV and that the WASV can be well characterized with knowledge of the wind knowledge and of the geometry. These airborne results provide the first independent validation of Mouche et al., 2012, and confirm that the empirical model they propose provides the means to correct airborne and spaceborne SAR and ATI SAR data for WASV to obtain accurate ocean surface current measurements. After removing the WASV, the airborne Wavemill retrieved currents show very good agreement against ADCP measurements with a root mean square error (RMSE) typically around 0.1 m/s in velocity and 10° in direction

    The 2-Look TOPS Mode: Design and Demonstration with TerraSAR-X

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    Burst-mode acquisition schemes achieve wide coverage at the expense of a degraded azimuth resolution, reducing therefore the performance on the retrieval of ground displacements in the azimuth direction, when interferometric acquisitions are combined. Moreover the azimuth varying line-of-sight can induce discontinuities in the interferometric phase when local azimuth displacements are present, e.g., due to ground deformation. In this contribution we propose the interferometric 2-look TOPS mode, a sustaining innovation, which records bursts of radar echoes of two separated slices of the Doppler spectrum. The spectral separation allows to exploit spectral diversity techniques, achieving sensitivities to azimuth displacements better than with StripMap, and eliminating discontinuities in the interferometric phase. Moreover some limitations of the TOPS mode to compensate ionospheric perturbations, in terms of data gaps or restricted sensitivity to azimuth shifts, are overcome. The design of 2-look TOPS acquisitions will be provided, taking the TerraSAR-X system as reference to derive achievable performances. The methodology for the retrieval of the azimuth displacement is exposed for the case of using pairs of images, as well as for the calculation of mean azimuth velocities when working with stacks. We include results with experimental TerraSAR-X acquisitions demonstrating its applicability for both scenarios

    Simultaneous ocean surface current and wind vectors retrieval with squinted SAR interferometry: Geophysical inversion and performance assessment

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    Simultaneous measurements of ocean surface current and wind vectors at the ocean submesoscale (O [1–10 km]) are needed to improve our understanding of upper ocean mixing, air-sea interactions, ocean biophysical processes and large-scale oceanic transports. A new satellite mission concept called SEASTAR aims to do just that. The concept is a Ku-band along-track interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) system with two squinted beams pointing ±45° from broadside and incidence angles around 30°. The paper presents an inversion strategy to retrieve simultaneously ocean surface current and wind vectors and reports on the performance obtained with different wind/current conditions and instrument configurations. Results are based on numerical simulations using a Bayesian approach and existing geophysical model functions (GMFs) of the microwave Normalized Radar Cross Section (NRCS) and Doppler shift. Using the baseline two-look instrument configuration and realistic instrument noise figures (radiometric resolution: kp = 5 and 12%; Δdf = 2 and 5 Hz), the root-mean square errors (RMSE) of the retrieved current and wind vectors are typically better than [0.1 m/s, 10°] for current and [0.5 m/s, 5°] for wind. This inversion setup yields four ambiguous solutions within a current range of ∼1 m/s. The addition of dual polarization (VV, HH) capability helps to discriminate these ambiguities. The retrieval performance depends weakly on geophysical parameters such as wind speed, current velocity or current direction, but is sensitive to wind direction because of its strong effect on current retrieval through the wind-wave induced artifact surface velocity (WASV). Larger retrieval errors are obtained when the wind is aligned with one of the antenna line-of-sight (LoS) directions, although errors remain typically below [0.2 m/s, 25°] for current and [0.5 m/s, 15°] for wind. Improving the retrieval performance regardless of wind direction could be achieved either with lower noise figures on σ0, or with higher incidence angles, or by including an additional third-look direction in azimuth (e.g. to achieve a configuration similar to Metop/ASCAT scatterometers) as per the SEASTAR mission concept submitted to EE10

    A moving target velocity estimation method based on the MC-MASA SAR mode

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    Imaging position shift based on the multiple azimuth squint angles (MASA) mode is effective for target azimuth velocity estimation, whereas accuracy is low when target range velocity is high. In this paper, the estimation problem for both target azimuth and range velocities is considered based on the multi-channels MASA (MC-MASA) mode. Firstly, the acquisition geometry of MC-MASA mode and Doppler characteristics of a moving target are analyzed in detail, especially in squint mode. Then, for better moving target estimation, the stationary background clutter is removed using the displacement phase center antenna (DPCA) technique, and the failure in range velocity estimation with sequential SAR images is also discussed. Furthermore, a modified along-track interferometry (ATI) is proposed to preliminarily reconstruct the azimuth-and-range velocity map based on the MC-MASA mode. Since the velocity estimation accuracy is dependent on squint angle and signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR), the circumstances are divided into three cases with different iteration estimation strategies, which could expand the scene application scope of velocity estimation and achieve a high estimation accuracy along both azimuth and range directions. Finally, the performance of the proposed method is demonstrated by experimental results

    Retrieval of Ocean Surface Currents and Winds Using Satellite SAR backscatter and Doppler frequency shift

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    Ocean surface winds and currents play an important role for weather, climate, marine life, ship navigation, oil spill drift and search and rescue. In-situ observations of the ocean are sparse and costly. Satellites provide a useful complement to these observations. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is particularly attractive due to its high spatial resolution and its capability to extract both sea surface winds and currents day and night and almost independent of weather.The work in this thesis involves processing of along-track interferometric SAR (ATI-SAR) data, analysis of the backscatter and Doppler frequency shift, and development of wind and current retrieval algorithms. Analysis of the Doppler frequency shift showed a systematic bias. A calibration method was proposed and implemented to correct for this bias. Doppler analysis also showed that the wave contribution to the SAR Doppler centroid often dominates over the current contribution. This wave contribution is estimated using existing theoretical and empirical Doppler models. For wind and current retrieval, two methods were developed and implemented.The first method, called the direct method, consists of retrieval of the wind speed from SAR backscatter using an empirical backscatter model. In order to retrieve the radial current, the retrieved wind speed is used to correct for the wave contribution. The current retrieval was assessed using two different (theoretical and empirical) Doppler models and wind inputs (model and SAR-derived). It was found that the results obtained by combining the Doppler empirical model with the SAR-derived wind speed were more consistent with ocean models.The second method, called Bayesian method, consists of blending the SAR observables (backscatter and Doppler shift) with an atmospheric and an oceanic model to retrieve the total wind and current vector fields. It was shown that this method yields more accurate estimates, i.e. reduces the models biases against in-situ measurements. Moreover, the method introduces small scale features, e.g. fronts and meandering, which are weakly resolved by the models.The correlation between the surface wind vectors and the SAR Doppler shift was demonstrated empirically using the Doppler shift estimated from over 300 TanDEM-X interferograms and ECMWF reanalysis wind vectors. Analysis of polarimetric data showed that theoretical models such as Bragg and composite surface models over-estimate the backscatter polarization ratio and Doppler shift polarization difference. A combination of a theoretical Doppler model and an empirical modulation transfer function was proposed. It was found that this model is more consistent with the analyzed data than the pure theoretical models.The results of this thesis will be useful for integrating SAR retrievals in ocean current products and assimilating SAR observables in the atmospheric, oceanic or coupled models. The results are also relevant for preparation studies of future satellite missions

    Radar Imaging in Challenging Scenarios from Smart and Flexible Platforms

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    Passive Interfering Method for InSAR Based on Circularly Moving Strong Scatterers

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    A novel jamming method based on circularly moving strong scatterers is proposed. The jamming signal model is presented first, and the corresponding imaging results are derived through a range-Doppler algorithm. Detailed analysis shows that the proposed method can decrease the correlation, produce interferometric phase bias, result in failure of phase unwrapping, and reduce the accuracy of the digital elevation model. Simulation results are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Shuttle imaging radar-C science plan

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    The Shuttle Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) mission will yield new and advanced scientific studies of the Earth. SIR-C will be the first instrument to simultaneously acquire images at L-band and C-band with HH, VV, HV, or VH polarizations, as well as images of the phase difference between HH and VV polarizations. These data will be digitally encoded and recorded using onboard high-density digital tape recorders and will later be digitally processed into images using the JPL Advanced Digital SAR Processor. SIR-C geologic studies include cold-region geomorphology, fluvial geomorphology, rock weathering and erosional processes, tectonics and geologic boundaries, geobotany, and radar stereogrammetry. Hydrology investigations cover arid, humid, wetland, snow-covered, and high-latitude regions. Additionally, SIR-C will provide the data to identify and map vegetation types, interpret landscape patterns and processes, assess the biophysical properties of plant canopies, and determine the degree of radar penetration of plant canopies. In oceanography, SIR-C will provide the information necessary to: forecast ocean directional wave spectra; better understand internal wave-current interactions; study the relationship of ocean-bottom features to surface expressions and the correlation of wind signatures to radar backscatter; and detect current-system boundaries, oceanic fronts, and mesoscale eddies. And, as the first spaceborne SAR with multi-frequency, multipolarization imaging capabilities, whole new areas of glaciology will be opened for study when SIR-C is flown in a polar orbit

    Geosynchronous synthetic aperture radar : design and applications

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging from geosynchronous orbit has significant potential advantages over conventional low-Earth orbit (LEO) radars, but also challenges to overcome. This thesis investigates both active and passive geosynchronous SAR configurations, presenting their different features and advantages. Following a system design trade-off that involved phase uncertainties, link budget, frequency and integration time, an L band bi-static configuration with 8-hour integration time that reuses the signal from a non-cooperative transmitter has been presented as a suitable solution. Cranfield Space Research Centre looked into this configuration and proposed the GeoSAR concept, an L band bi-static SAR based on the concept by Prati et al. (1998). It flies along a circular ground track orbit, reuses the signal coming from a noncooperative transmitter in GEO and achieves a spatial resolution of about 100 m. The present research contributes to the GeoSAR concept exploring the implications due to the 8-hour integration time and providing insights about its performance and its possible fields of application. Targets such as canopies change their backscattered phase on timescales of seconds due to their motion. On longer time scales, changes in dielectric properties of targets, Earth tides and perturbations in the structure of the atmosphere contribute to generate phase fluctuations in the collected signals. These phenomena bring temporal decorrelation and cause a reduction in SAR coherent integration gain. They have to be compensated for if useful images are to be provided. A SAR azimuth simulator has been developed to study the influence of temporal decorrelation on GeoSAR point spread function. The analysis shows that ionospheric delay is the major source of decorrelation; other effects, such as tropospheric delay and Earth tides, have to be dealt with but appear to be easier to handle. Two different options for GeoSAR interferometry have been discussed. The system is well suited to differential interferometry, due to the short perpendicular baseline induced by the geometry. A GeoSAR has advantages over a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) SAR system to monitor processes with significant variability over daily or shorter timescales (e.g. soil moisture variation). This potential justifies further study of the concept.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
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