105 research outputs found

    Подход к разработке программных приложений с использованием семантических Веб–сервисов

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    В работе представлена структура для проектирования и разработки Веб-приложений на основе семантических Веб-сервисов, которая охватывает деятельность нескольких предприятий, с использованием методологий, предложенных программным инжинирингом, Веб-инжинирингом и моделированием бизнес-процессов. В частности, предлагается использовать существующие стандарты: BPMN – для спецификации бизнес-процессов, WebML – для моделирования WorkFlow процессов, объединенных методологией, инструментарием и ссылками, WSMO – для проектирования и разработки спецификаций (онтологий, целей, Веб-сервисов и посредников).У роботі представлена структура проектування і розробки Веб-застосувань на основі семантичних Веб-сервісів, яка охоплює діяльність декількох підприємств, з використанням методологій, запропонованих програмним інжинірингом, Веб-інжинірингом і моделюванням бізнес-процесів. Зокрема, пропонується використовувати існуючі стандарти: BPMN – для специфікації бізнес-процесів, WEBML – для моделювання WorkFlow процесів, об'єднаних методологією, інструментарієм і посиланнями, WSMO – для проектування і розробки специфікацій (онтологій, цілей, Веб-сервісів і посередників).A structure for planning and development of Web application on the basis of Semantic Web Services are presented in this articles. The struc-ture are include activity of a few enterprises, methodologies offered in the programmatic engi-neering, Web-engineering and design of busi-ness-processes. In particular, it is suggested to utilizes existent standards: BPMN – for the busi-ness-process specification, WEBML – for the de-sign of WorkFlow, WSMO – for planning and development of specifications of Web Services (ontologies, aims, Web-services and mediators)


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    В работе представлена структура для проектирования и разработки Веб-приложений на основе семантических Веб-сервисов, которая охватывает деятельность нескольких предприятий, с использованием методологий, предложенных программным инжинирингом, Веб-инжинирингом и моделированием бизнес-процессов. В частности, предлагается использовать существующие стандарты: BPMN – для спецификации бизнес-процессов, WebML – для моделирования WorkFlow процессов, объединенных методологией, инструментарием и ссылками, WSMO – для проектирования и разработки спецификаций (онтологий, целей, Веб-сервисов и посредников)

    Integrating web services into data intensive web sites

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    Designing web sites is a complex task. Ad-hoc rapid prototyping easily leads to unsatisfactory results, e.g. poor maintainability and extensibility. However, existing web design frameworks focus exclusively on data presentation: the development of specific functionalities is still achieved through low-level programming. In this paper we address this issue by describing our work on the integration of (semantic) web services into a web design framework, OntoWeaver. The resulting architecture, OntoWeaver-S, supports rapid prototyping of service centred data-intensive web sites, which allow access to remote web services. In particular, OntoWeaver-S is integrated with a comprehensive web service platform, IRS-II, for the specification, discovery, and execution of web services. Moreover, it employs a set of comprehensive site ontologies to model and represent all aspects of service-centred data-intensive web sites, and thus is able to offer high level support for the design and development process

    WebML+ in a nutshell: Modeling architectural-level information flows

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    One aspect of the development of Web-enabled systems that has received increasing attention is information modeling, particularly with respect to aspects such as navigation models and their relationships to the underlying content. These models have, however, typically focused on modeling at a relatively low-level and have failed to address higher-level aspects, such as architectural and even business process modeling. In this paper we introduce a set of formal extensions to an existing modeling language - WebML - that facilitates information modeling at this higher level of abstraction. We argue that these extensions will provide a clearer connection between an understanding of business models and processes, and the lower-level designs typically represented in existing models

    A Notation and Framework for Dialog Flow Control in Web Applications

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    The usability of web applications today often suffers from the page-based medium’s lack of intrinsic support for hierarchical dialog sequences mirroring the parent-child relationships between dialog boxes in window-based user interfaces. For multi-channel applications, an additional challenge lies in reconciling the device-independent business logic with the device-specific interaction patterns necessitated by different clients’ input/output capabilities.We therefore present a graphical Dialog Flow Notation that allows the specification of nestable dialog sequences for different presentation channels. These specifications serve as input for a Dialog Control Framework that controls the dialog flows of complex web applications

    Requirements Engineering in the Development Process of Web Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Requirements Engineering (RE) is the first phase in the software development process during which designers attempt to fully satisfy users’ needs. Web Engineering (WE) methods should consider adapting RE to the Web’s large and diverse user groups. The objective of this work is to classify the literature with regard to the RE applied in WE in order to obtain the current “state-of-the-art”. The present work is based on the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method proposed by Kitchenham; we have reviewed publications from ACM, IEEE, Science Direct, DBLP and World Wide Web. From a population of 3059 papers, we identified 14 primary studies, which provide information concerning RE when used in WE methods.This work has been partially supported by the Programa de Fomento y Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación (PROFAPI) from the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (México), and the MANTRA project (GRE09-17) from the University of Alicante, Spain, and GV/2011/035 from the Valencia Government

    How Can We Educate Students on the Web Engineering Discipline via the Web? The NTUA's Approach.

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