13,989 research outputs found

    Confocal laser scanning microscope, raman microscopy and western blotting to evaluate inflammatory response after myocardial infarction

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    Cardiac muscle necrosis is associated with inflammatory cascade that clears the infarct from dead cells and matrix debris, and then replaces the damaged tissue with scar, through three overlapping phases: the inflammatory phase, the proliferative phase and the maturation phase. Western blotting, laser confocal microscopy, Raman microscopy are valuable tools for studying the inflammatory response following myocardial infarction both humoral and cellular phase, allowing the identification and semiquantitative analysis of proteins produced during the inflammatory cascade activation and the topographical distribution and expression of proteins and cells involved in myocardial inflammation. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) is a relatively new technique for microscopic imaging, that allows greater resolution, optical sectioning of the sample and three-dimensional reconstruction of the same sample. Western blotting used to detect the presence of a specific protein with antibody-antigen interaction in the midst of a complex protein mixture extracted from cells, produced semi-quantitative data quite easy to interpret. Confocal Raman microscopy combines the three-dimensional optical resolution of confocal microscopy and the sensitivity to molecular vibrations, which characterizes Raman spectroscopy. The combined use of western blotting and confocal microscope allows detecting the presence of proteins in the sample and trying to observe the exact location within the tissue, or the topographical distribution of the same. Once demonstrated the presence of proteins (cytokines, chemokines, etc.) is important to know the topographical distribution, obtaining in this way additional information regarding the extension of the inflammatory process in function of the time stayed from the time of myocardial infarction. These methods may be useful to study and define the expression of a wide range of inflammatory mediators at several different timepoints providing a more detailed analysis of the time course of the infarct

    The meaning of different forms of structural myocardial injury, immune response and timing of infarct necrosis and cardiac repair

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    Although a decline in the all-cause and cardiac mortality rates following myocardial infarction (MI) during the past 3 decades has been reported, MI is a major cause of death and disability worldwide. From a pathological point of view MI consists in a particular myocardial cell death due to prolonged ischemia. After the onset of myocardial ischemia, cell death is not immediate, but takes a finite period of time to develop. Once complete myocytes’ necrosis has occurred, a process leading to a healed infarction takes place. In fact, MI is a dynamic process that begins with the transition from reversible to irreversible ischemic injury and culminates in the replacement of dead myocardium by a fibrous scar. The pathobiological mechanisms underlying this process are very complex, involving an inflammatory response by several pathways, and pose a major challenge to ability to improve our knowledge. An improved understanding of the pathobiology of cardiac repair after MI and further studies of its underlying mechanisms provide avenues for the development of future strategies directed toward the identification of novel therapies. The chronologic dating of MI is of great importance both to clinical and forensic investigation, that is, the ability to create a theoretical timeline upon which either clinicians or forensic pathologists may increase their ability to estimate the time of MI. Aging of MI has very important practical implications in clinical practice since, based on the chronological dating of MI, attractive alternatives to solve therapeutic strategies in the various phases of MI are developing

    A Comparative Study of the ReCell® Device and Autologous Spit-Thickness Meshed Skin Graft in the Treatment of Acute Burn Injuries.

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    Early excision and autografting are standard care for deeper burns. However, donor sites are a source of significant morbidity. To address this, the ReCell® Autologous Cell Harvesting Device (ReCell) was designed for use at the point-of-care to prepare a noncultured, autologous skin cell suspension (ASCS) capable of epidermal regeneration using minimal donor skin. A prospective study was conducted to evaluate the clinical performance of ReCell vs meshed split-thickness skin grafts (STSG, Control) for the treatment of deep partial-thickness burns. Effectiveness measures were assessed to 1 year for both ASCS and Control treatment sites and donor sites, including the incidence of healing, scarring, and pain. At 4 weeks, 98% of the ASCS-treated sites were healed compared with 100% of the Controls. Pain and assessments of scarring at the treatment sites were reported to be similar between groups. Significant differences were observed between ReCell and Control donor sites. The mean ReCell donor area was approximately 40 times smaller than that of the Control (P < .0001), and after 1 week, significantly more ReCell donor sites were healed than Controls (P = .04). Over the first 16 weeks, patients reported significantly less pain at the ReCell donor sites compared with Controls (P ≤ .05 at each time point). Long-term patients reported higher satisfaction with ReCell donor site outcomes compared with the Controls. This study provides evidence that the treatment of deep partial-thickness burns with ASCS results in comparable healing, with significantly reduced donor site size and pain and improved appearance relative to STSG

    Antibodies aggravate the development of ischemic heart failure

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    Heart-specific antibodies have been widely associated with myocardial infarction (MI). However, it remains unclear whether autoantibodies mediate disease progression or are a byproduct of cardiac injury. To disambiguate the role of immunoglobulins in MI, we characterized the development of ischemic heart failure in agammaglobulinemic mice (AID-/-μS-/-). Although these animals can produce functional B cells, they cannot synthesize secretory IgM (μS-/-) or perform Ig class switching (AID-/-), leading to complete antibody deficiency. Agammaglobulinemia did not affect overall post-MI survival but resulted in a significant reduction in infarct size. Echocardiographic analyses showed that, compared with wild-type infarcted control mice, AID-/-μS-/- mice exhibited improved cardiac function and reduced remodeling on day 56 post-MI. These differences remained significant even after animals with matched infarct sizes were compared. Infarcted AID-/-μS-/- mice also showed reduced myocardial expression levels of transcripts known to promote adverse remodeling, such as matrix metalloproteinase-9, collagen type I a1, collagen type III a1, and IL-6. An unbiased screening of the heart reactivity potential in the plasma of wild-type MI animals revealed the presence of antibodies that target the myocardial scar and collagenase-sensitive epitopes. Moreover, we found that IgG accumulated within the scar tissues of infarcted mice and remained in close proximity with cells expressing Fcγ receptors (CD16/32), suggesting the existence of an in situ IgG-Fcγ receptor axis. Collectively, our study results confirm that antibodies contribute to ischemic heart failure progression and provide novel insights into the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Our study sheds some light on the long-standing debate over the relevance of autoantibodies in heart failure and might stimulate future research in the field. The observation of extracellular matrix-specific antibodies and the detection of Fcγ receptor-expressing cells within the scar provide novel insights into the mechanisms by which antibodies may contribute to adverse remodeling.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Implantation of a poly-L-lactide GCSF-functionalized scaffold in a model of chronic myocardial infarction

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    A previously developed poly-l-lactide scaffold releasing granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (PLLA/GCSF) was tested in a rabbit chronic model of myocardial infarction (MI) as a ventricular patch. Control groups were constituted by healthy, chronic MI and nonfunctionalized PLLA scaffold. PLLA-based electrospun scaffold efficiently integrated into a chronic infarcted myocardium. Functionalization of the biopolymer with GCSF led to increased fibroblast-like vimentin-positive cellular colonization and reduced inflammatory cell infiltration within the micrometric fiber mesh in comparison to nonfunctionalized scaffold; PLLA/GCSF polymer induced an angiogenetic process with a statistically significant increase in the number of neovessels compared to the nonfunctionalized scaffold; PLLA/GCSF implanted at the infarcted zone induced a reorganization of the ECM architecture leading to connective tissue deposition and scar remodeling. These findings were coupled with a reduction in end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes, indicating a preventive effect of the scaffold on ventricular dilation, and an improvement in cardiac performance

    Collagen bundle morphometry in skin & scar tissue: a novel distance mapping method provides superior measurements compared to Fourier analysis

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    Histopathological evaluations of fibrotic processes require the characterization of collagen morphology in terms of geometrical features such as bundle orientation thickness and spacing. However, there are currently no reliable and valid techniques of measuring bundle thickness and spacing. Hence, two objective methods quantifying the collagen bundle thickness and spacing were tested for their reliability and validity: Fourier first-order maximum analysis and Distance Mapping, with the latter constituting a newly developed morphometric technique. Histological slides were constructed and imaged from 50 scar and 50 healthy human skin biopsies and subsequently analyzed by two observers to determine the interobserver reliability via the intraclass correlation coefficient. An intraclass correlation coefficient larger than 0.7 is considered as representing good reliability. The interobserver reliability for the Fourier first-order maximum and for the Distance Mapping algorithms, respectively, showed an intraclass correlation coefficient above 0.72 and 0.89. Additionally, we performed an assessment of validity in the form of responsiveness, in particular, demonstrating medium to excellent results via a calculation of the effect size, highlighting that both methods are sensitive enough to measure a treatment effect in clinical practice. In summary, two reliable and valid measurement methods were demonstrated for collagen bundle morphometry for the first time. Due to its superior reliability and more useful measures (bundle thickness and bundle spacing), Distance Mapping emerges as the preferred and more practical method. Nevertheless, in the future, both methods can be used for reliable and valid collagen morphometry of skin and scars, whereas further applications evaluating the quantitative microscopy of other fibrotic processes are anticipated

    Mechanisms, Potential Therapies, and the Role of TGF-β in the Formation of Scars

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    Scarring is the inevitable outcome of wound healing. This review looks at some of the underlying mechanisms of this complex process with the aim of identifying targets for therapeutic manipulation that could result in reduced scarring or even scarless wound repair. Fetal wounds are shown to heal without scars primarily due to low levels of TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 and high levels of TGF-β3 as compared to adult wounds which heal with scars. Abnormal excessive scarring in keloid and hypertrophic scars are also attributed to TGF-β. Clinical manipulation of TGF-β ratios showed promise as a therapeutic means of controlling scar formation. The effect of the COX enzyme and PGE2 levels remains controversial and more research is needed to understand the exact roles these molecules play in the wound healing process before they can be exploited in a clinical settin

    Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells do not enhance intra-synovial tendon healing despite engraftment and homing to niches within the synovium

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    Intra-synovial tendon injuries display poor healing, which often results in reduced functionality and pain. A lack of effective therapeutic options has led to experimental approaches to augment natural tendon repair with autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) although the effects of the intra-synovial environment on the distribution, engraftment and functionality of implanted MSCs is not known. This study utilised a novel sheep model which, although in an anatomically different location, more accurately mimics the mechanical and synovial environment of the human rotator cuff, to determine the effects of intra-synovial implantation of MSCs
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