12 research outputs found

    Towards shared datasets for normalization research

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    In this paper we present a Dutch and English dataset that can serve as a gold standard for evaluating text normalization approaches. With the combination of text messages, message board posts and tweets, these datasets represent a variety of user generated content. All data was manually normalized to their standard form using newly-developed guidelines. We perform automatic lexical normalization experiments on these datasets using statistical machine translation techniques. We focus on both the word and character level and find that we can improve the BLEU score with ca. 20% for both languages. In order for this user generated content data to be released publicly to the research community some issues first need to be resolved. These are discussed in closer detail by focussing on the current legislation and by investigating previous similar data collection projects. With this discussion we hope to shed some light on various difficulties researchers are facing when trying to share social media data

    Detecting deceptive behaviour in the wild:text mining for online child protection in the presence of noisy and adversarial social media communications

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    A real-life application of text mining research “in the wild”, i.e. in online social media, differs from more general applications in that its defining characteristics are both domain and process dependent. This gives rise to a number of challenges of which contemporary research has only scratched the surface. More specifically, a text mining approach applied in the wild typically has no control over the dataset size. Hence, the system has to be robust towards limited data availability, a variable number of samples across users and a highly skewed dataset. Additionally, the quality of the data cannot be guaranteed. As a result, the approach needs to be tolerant to a certain degree of linguistic noise. Finally, it has to be robust towards deceptive behaviour or adversaries. This thesis examines the viability of a text mining approach for supporting cybercrime investigations pertaining to online child protection. The main contributions of this dissertation are as follows. A systematic study of different aspects of methodological design of a state-ofthe- art text mining approach is presented to assess its scalability towards a large, imbalanced and linguistically noisy social media dataset. In this framework, three key automatic text categorisation tasks are examined, namely the feasibility to (i) identify a social network user’s age group and gender based on textual information found in only one single message; (ii) aggregate predictions on the message level to the user level without neglecting potential clues of deception and detect false user profiles on social networks and (iii) identify child sexual abuse media among thousands of legal other media, including adult pornography, based on their filename. Finally, a novel approach is presented that combines age group predictions with advanced text clustering techniques and unsupervised learning to identify online child sex offenders’ grooming behaviour. The methodology presented in this thesis was extensively discussed with law enforcement to assess its forensic readiness. Additionally, each component was evaluated on actual child sex offender data. Despite the challenging characteristics of these text types, the results show high degrees of accuracy for false profile detection, identifying grooming behaviour and child sexual abuse media identification

    Normalization of Dutch user-generated content

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    Abstract This paper describes a phrase-based machine translation approach to normalize Dutch user-generated content (UGC). We compiled a corpus of three different social media genres (text messages, message board posts and tweets) to have a sample of this recent domain. We describe the various characteristics of this noisy text material and explain how it has been manually normalized using newly developed guidelines. For the automatic normalization task we focus on text messages, and find that a cascaded SMT system where a token-based module is followed by a translation at the character level gives the best word error rate reduction. After these initial experiments, we investigate the system's robustness on the complete domain of UGC by testing it on the other two social media genres, and find that the cascaded approach performs best on these genres as well. To our knowledge, we deliver the first proof-of-concept system for Dutch UGC normalization, which can serve as a baseline for future work

    Finding the online cry for help : automatic text classification for suicide prevention

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    Successful prevention of suicide, a serious public health concern worldwide, hinges on the adequate detection of suicide risk. While online platforms are increasingly used for expressing suicidal thoughts, manually monitoring for such signals of distress is practically infeasible, given the information overload suicide prevention workers are confronted with. In this thesis, the automatic detection of suicide-related messages is studied. It presents the first classification-based approach to online suicidality detection, and focuses on Dutch user-generated content. In order to evaluate the viability of such a machine learning approach, we developed a gold standard corpus, consisting of message board and blog posts. These were manually labeled according to a newly developed annotation scheme, grounded in suicide prevention practice. The scheme provides for the annotation of a post's relevance to suicide, and the subject and severity of a suicide threat, if any. This allowed us to derive two tasks: the detection of suicide-related posts, and of severe, high-risk content. In a series of experiments, we sought to determine how well these tasks can be carried out automatically, and which information sources and techniques contribute to classification performance. The experimental results show that both types of messages can be detected with high precision. Therefore, the amount of noise generated by the system is minimal, even on very large datasets, making it usable in a real-world prevention setting. Recall is high for the relevance task, but at around 60%, it is considerably lower for severity. This is mainly attributable to implicit references to suicide, which often go undetected. We found a variety of information sources to be informative for both tasks, including token and character ngram bags-of-words, features based on LSA topic models, polarity lexicons and named entity recognition, and suicide-related terms extracted from a background corpus. To improve classification performance, the models were optimized using feature selection, hyperparameter, or a combination of both. A distributed genetic algorithm approach proved successful in finding good solutions for this complex search problem, and resulted in more robust models. Experiments with cascaded classification of the severity task did not reveal performance benefits over direct classification (in terms of F1-score), but its structure allows the use of slower, memory-based learning algorithms that considerably improved recall. At the end of this thesis, we address a problem typical of user-generated content: noise in the form of misspellings, phonetic transcriptions and other deviations from the linguistic norm. We developed an automatic text normalization system, using a cascaded statistical machine translation approach, and applied it to normalize the data for the suicidality detection tasks. Subsequent experiments revealed that, compared to the original data, normalized data resulted in fewer and more informative features, and improved classification performance. This extrinsic evaluation demonstrates the utility of automatic normalization for suicidality detection, and more generally, text classification on user-generated content

    Mental distress detection and triage in forum posts: the LT3 CLPsych 2016 shared task system

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    This paper describes the contribution of LT3 for the CLPsych 2016 Shared Task on automatic triage of mental health forum posts. Our systems use multiclass Support Vector Machines (SVM), cascaded binary SVMs and ensembles with a rich feature set. The best systems obtain macro-averaged F-scores of 40% on the full task and 80% on the green versus alarming distinction. Multiclass SVMs with all features score best in terms of F-score, whereas feature filtering with bi-normal separation and classifier ensembling are found to improve recall of alarming posts

    Online suicide prevention through optimised text classification

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    Online communication platforms are increasingly used to express suicidal thoughts. There is considerable interest in monitoring such messages, both for population-wide and individual prevention purposes, and to inform suicide research and policy. Online information overload prohibits manual detection, which is why keyword search methods are typically used. However, these are imprecise and unable to handle implicit references or linguistic noise. As an alternative, this study investigates supervised text classification to model and detect suicidality in Dutch-language forum posts. Genetic algorithms were used to optimise models through feature selection and hyperparameter optimisation. A variety of features was found to be informative, including token and character ngram bags-of-words, presence of salient suicide-related terms and features based on LSA topic models and polarity lexicons. The results indicate that text classification is a viable and promising strategy for detecting suicide-related and alarming messages, with F-scores comparable to human annotators (93% for relevant messages, 70% for severe messages). Both types of messages can be detected with high precision and minimal noise, even on large high-skew corpora. This suggests that they would be fit for use in a real-world prevention setting

    Age prediction of Spanish-speaking Twitter users

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    Incluye bibliografía y anexos.Incluye archivos complementarios.La predicción de la edad en la red social Twitter surge como necesidad para el mejoramiento de herramientas como pueden ser el marketing online, así como para colaborar en la detección de pedofilia en la red social, identificando a los usuarios que fingen ser menores de edad mediante el uso de perfiles falsos. En el presente trabajo se analizan diferentes soluciones a este problema, prediciendo el rango de edad de una persona a partir de una colección de textos cortos escrita por la misma. Se analizan tres tipos de atributos: metadatos del usuario, atributos de estilometría sobre el texto de los tuits y atributos resultantes de la aplicación de técnicas de Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural sobre tuits, así como listas de suscripción las cuales contienen información acerca de los intereses del usuario. También se incluyen una serie de atributos que modelan la vinculación del perfil de Twitter con otras redes sociales. Dichos atributos recolectados son posteriormente utilizados para entrenar los modelos de Aprendizaje Automático, con el fin de predecir la edad de los usuarios y así proceder a clasificarlos en los rangos etarios definidos. Finalmente se realizó una serie de experimentos con distintos set de datos y algoritmos. Los resultados experimentales muestran que los atributos extraídos constituyen un elemento muy útil a la hora de detectar la edad de los usuarios

    The Taming of the Shrew - non-standard text processing in the Digital Humanities

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    Natural language processing (NLP) has focused on the automatic processing of newspaper texts for many years. With the growing importance of text analysis in various areas such as spoken language understanding, social media processing and the interpretation of text material from the humanities, techniques and methodologies have to be reviewed and redefined since so called non-standard texts pose challenges on the lexical and syntactic level especially for machine-learning-based approaches. Automatic processing tools developed on the basis of newspaper texts show a decreased performance for texts with divergent characteristics. Digital Humanities (DH) as a field that has risen to prominence in the last decades, holds a variety of examples for this kind of texts. Thus, the computational analysis of the relationships of Shakespeare’s dramatic characters requires the adjustment of processing tools to English texts from the 16th-century in dramatic form. Likewise, the investigation of narrative perspective in Goethe’s ballads calls for methods that can handle German verse from the 18th century. In this dissertation, we put forward a methodology for NLP in a DH environment. We investigate how an interdisciplinary context in combination with specific goals within projects influences the general NLP approach. We suggest thoughtful collaboration and increased attention to the easy applicability of resulting tools as a solution for differences in the store of knowledge between project partners. Projects in DH are not only constituted by the automatic processing of texts but are usually framed by the investigation of a research question from the humanities. As a consequence, time limitations complicate the successful implementation of analysis techniques especially since the diversity of texts impairs the transferability and reusability of tools beyond a specific project. We answer to this with modular and thus easily adjustable project workflows and system architectures. Several instances serve as examples for our methodology on different levels. We discuss modular architectures that balance time-saving solutions and problem-specific implementations on the example of automatic postcorrection of the output text from an optical character recognition system. We address the problem of data diversity and low resource situations by investigating different approaches towards non-standard text processing. We examine two main techniques: text normalization and tool adjustment. Text normalization aims at the transformation of non-standard text in order to assimilate it to the standard whereas tool adjustment concentrates on the contrary direction of enabling tools to successfully handle a specific kind of text. We focus on the task of part-of-speech tagging to illustrate various approaches toward the processing of historical texts as an instance for non-standard texts. We discuss how the level of deviation from a standard form influences the performance of different methods. Our approaches shed light on the importance of data quality and quantity and emphasize the indispensability of annotations for effective machine learning. In addition, we highlight the advantages of problem-driven approaches where the purpose of a tool is clearly formulated through the research question. Another significant finding to emerge from this work is a summary of the experiences and increased knowledge through collaborative projects between computer scientists and humanists. We reflect on various aspects of the elaboration and formalization of research questions in the DH and assess the limitations and possibilities of the computational modeling of humanistic research questions. An emphasis is placed on the interplay of expert knowledge with respect to a subject of investigation and the implementation of tools for that purpose and the thereof resulting advantages such as the targeted improvement of digital methods through purposeful manual correction and error analysis. We show obstacles and chances and give prospects and directions for future development in this realm of interdisciplinary research

    Children’s rights and advertising literacy in the digital era : towards an empowering regulatory framework for commercial communication

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    On a daily basis, children are exposed to a broad variety of new digital advertising techniques. These new forms of commercial communication have specific features (i.e. immersive, interactive, personalised) that make them particularly appealing to children, but also raise concerns as children often do not recognise or understand the persuasive intent of these new forms. Accordingly, these new forms raise significant legal and ethical questions from a children's rights perspective (e.g. their right to development, privacy and data protection, participation). However, currently a wide array of provisions regulates commercial communication aimed at children, across various channels. The research starts from the observation that the regulatory framework is fragmented into both legislative and alternative regulatory instruments (i.e. self- and co-regulation) and takes as its working hypothesis that this potentially may lead to gaps or overlaps such as inter alia a lack of clear and uniform definitions and even contradicting rules, which in turn may have a negative impact on children's development and advertising literacy. Therefore, the project questions what substantive and procedural elements a regulatory framework on commercial communication needs for children to be educated and empowered to cope with commercial communication (i.e. ad literate), so that they can grow up to be critical, informed consumers who make their own conscious choices in today's new media environment.status: publishe