17 research outputs found

    The PARSE Programming Paradigm. Part I: Software Development Methodology. Part II: Software Development Support Tools

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    The programming methodology of PARSE (parallel software environment), a software environment being developed for reconfigurable non-shared memory parallel computers, is described. This environment will consist of an integrated collection of language interfaces, automatic and semi-automatic debugging and analysis tools, and operating system —all of which are made more flexible by the use of a knowledge-based implementation for the tools that make up PARSE. The programming paradigm supports the user freely choosing among three basic approaches /abstractions for programming a parallel machine: logic-based descriptive, sequential-control procedural, and parallel-control procedural programming. All of these result in efficient parallel execution. The current work discusses the methodology underlying PARSE, whereas the companion paper, “The PARSE Programming Paradigm — II: Software Development Support Tools,” details each of the component tools

    A Domain Specific Graphical User Interface Framework

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    Since the early days of software development, there has been an ongoing trend towards higher-order or higher level abstractions in programming languages, software libraries and application frameworks. Some of the arguments for software development tools with higher levels of abstraction include simpler software development, improved portability and better maintainability. Higher level abstractions can however lead to reduced performance. This thesis presents an innovative graphical user interface software solution that mixes high-level and low-level approaches to achieve acceptable performance while retaining good maintainability. The solution is an extension to a graphical application framework called JavaFX. The scope of this thesis is defined by a software development project which goal is to create a graphical user interface framework. The framework is used in the creation of customer specific user interfaces for an accompanying intralogistics system. The resulting user interfaces must be able to visualize possibly thousands of objects moving on a factory floor. The views must simultaneously support user-initiated zooming, panning, and tilting of the two-dimensional view. Meeting these requirements while maintaining acceptable performance, requires an unconventional solution and a deviation from idiomatic JavaFX. The user interface framework in question is developed using a high-level graphical user interface application framework called JavaFX. JavaFX is the most recent graphical user interface toolkit included in the official Java Development Kit. It has many reactive traits and other modern high-level properties. Overcoming performance challenges with JavaFX when producing views with thousands of animated items was the key research challenge in this research. Some attention is also given to replacing JavaFX built-in dependency injection system with Spring framework to improve JavaFX suitability to the task at hand. This thesis presents a hybrid solution that overcomes JavaFX’s performance challenges in the problem domain, while retaining as much as possible of the usefulness of the high-level features present in the JavaFX framework. The key innovation is a mechanism that enables automated rendering of sprite-bitmaps from JavaFX scene-graph nodes. The solution includes a system that draws the automatically generated bitmaps to a lower-level JavaFX component called Canvas. The solution enables layered mixing of regular JavaFX views with the custom high-performance views, including seamless resizing and event handling between the two types of views. The solution enables the developers of customer specific user interfaces to choose an appropriate graphics rendering type, such that only objects that cause performance issues, typically items which number exceeds dozens, need to use the more complex high-performance system

    The Peano software---parallel, automaton-based, dynamically adaptive grid traversals

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    We discuss the design decisions, design alternatives, and rationale behind the third generation of Peano, a framework for dynamically adaptive Cartesian meshes derived from spacetrees. Peano ties the mesh traversal to the mesh storage and supports only one element-wise traversal order resulting from space-filling curves. The user is not free to choose a traversal order herself. The traversal can exploit regular grid subregions and shared memory as well as distributed memory systems with almost no modifications to a serial application code. We formalize the software design by means of two interacting automata—one automaton for the multiscale grid traversal and one for the application-specific algorithmic steps. This yields a callback-based programming paradigm. We further sketch the supported application types and the two data storage schemes realized before we detail high-performance computing aspects and lessons learned. Special emphasis is put on observations regarding the used programming idioms and algorithmic concepts. This transforms our report from a “one way to implement things” code description into a generic discussion and summary of some alternatives, rationale, and design decisions to be made for any tree-based adaptive mesh refinement software

    A Framework for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Distributed Programs

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    Current techniques for a software engineer to change a computer program are limited to static activities once the application begins executing, there are few reliable ways to reconfigure it. We have developed a general framework for reconfigurating application software dynamically. A sound method for managing changes in a running program allows developers to perform maintenance activities without loss of the overall system's service. The same methods also support some forms of load balancing in a distributed system, and research in software fault tolerance. Our goal has been to create an environment for organizing and effecting software reconfiguration activities dynamically. First we present the overall framework within which reconfiguration is possible, then we describe our formal approach for programmers to capture the state of a process abstractly. Next, we describe our implementation of this method within an environment for experimenting with program reconfiguration. We conclude with a summary of the key research problems that we are continuing to pursue in this area. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-93-78

    SAGA: A project to automate the management of software production systems

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    The Software Automation, Generation and Administration (SAGA) project is investigating the design and construction of practical software engineering environments for developing and maintaining aerospace systems and applications software. The research includes the practical organization of the software lifecycle, configuration management, software requirements specifications, executable specifications, design methodologies, programming, verification, validation and testing, version control, maintenance, the reuse of software, software libraries, documentation, and automated management

    The Polylith Software Bus

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    We describe a system called POLYLITH that helps programmers prepare and interconnect mixedlanguage software components for execution in heterogeneous environments. POLYLITH'S principal benefit is that programmers are free to implement functional requirements separately from their treatment of interfacing requirements; this means that once an application has been developed for use in one execution environment (such as a distributed network) it can be adapted for reuse in other environments (such as a share d-memory multiprocessor) by automatic techniques. This flexibility is provided without loss of performance. We accomplish this by creating a new run-time organization for software. An abstract decoupling agent, called the software toolbus, is introduced between the system components. Heterogeneity in language and architecture is accommodated since program units are prepared to interface directly to the toolbus, not to other program units. Programmers specify application structure in terms of a module interconnection language (MIL); POLYLITH uses this specification to guide packaging (static interfacing acti vities such as stub generation, source program adaptation, compilation and linking). At run time, an implementation of the toolbus abstraction may assist in message delivery, name service or system reconfiguration. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-90-65

    User interface considerations for a better TeX environment

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    Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality control issues may be present in this document. Please report any quality issues you encounter to [email protected], referencing the URI of the item.Bibliography: leaves 32-34.Not availabl

    A Graphical Environment Supporting the Algebraic Specification of Abstract Data Types

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    Abstract Data Types (ADTs) are a powerful conceptual and practical device for building high-quality software because of the way they can describe objects whilst hiding the details of how they are represented within a computer. In order to implement ADTs correctly, it is first necessary to precisely describe their properties and behaviour, typically within a mathematical framework such as algebraic specification. These techniques are no longer merely research topics but are now tools used by software practitioners. Unfortunately, the high level of mathematical sophistication required to exploit these methods has made them unattractive to a large portion of their intended audience. This thesis investigates the use of computer graphics as a way of making the formal specification of ADTs more palatable. Computer graphics technology has recently been explored as a way of making computer programs more understandable by revealing aspects of their structure and run-time behaviour that are usually hidden in textual representations. These graphical techniques can also be used to create and edit programs. Although such visualisation techniques have been incorporated into tools supporting several phases of software development, a survey presented in this thesis of existing systems reveals that their application to supporting the formal specification of ADTs has so far been ignored. This thesis describes the development of a prototype tool (called VISAGE) for visualising and visually programming formally-specified ADTs. VISAGE uses a synchronised combination of textual and graphical views to illustrate the various facets of an ADT's structure and behaviour. The graphical views use both static and dynamic representations developed specifically for this domain. VISAGE's visual programming facility has powerful mechanisms for creating and manipulating entire structures (as well as their components) that make it at least comparable with textual methods. In recognition of the importance of examples as a way of illustrating abstract concepts, VISAGE provides a dedicated tool (called the PLAYPEN) that allows the creation of example data by the user. These data can then be transformed by the operations belonging to the ADT with the result shown by means of a dynamic, graphical display. An evaluation of VISAGE was conducted in order to detect any improvement in subjects' performance, confidence and understanding of ADT specifications. The subjects were asked to perform a set of simple specification tasks with some using VISAGE and the others using manual techniques to act as a control. An analysis of the results shows a distinct positive reaction from the VISAGE group that was completely absent in the control group thereby supporting the thesis that the algebraic specification of ADTs can be made more accessible and palatable though the use of computer graphic techniques

    Traversal, Case Analysis, and Lowering for C++ Program Analysis

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    To work effectively, programmers need tools to support their typical development activities, such as the creation, analysis, and transformation of source code. Analysis and transformation tools can be difficult to write for modern programming languages and, without a reusable framework, each tool must separately implement nontrivial algorithms like name lookup and type checking. This thesis describes an extension to one such framework, named Pivot, that focuses on programs written in C++. This extension, named Filter, assists the tool builder in traversal, case analysis, and lowering of the data structure representing C++ programs. Comparisons described in the thesis show a 2-4x code reduction when solving basic problems (e.g., searching for uses of a given declaration) using the extension and a performance overhead that drops below 2x for larger problems (e.g., checking C++ layout compatibility)