8,208 research outputs found

    Numerical solutions of the three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic alpha-model

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    We present direct numerical simulations and alpha-model simulations of four familiar three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence effects: selective decay, dynamic alignment, inverse cascade of magnetic helicity, and the helical dynamo effect. The MHD alpha-model is shown to capture the long-wavelength spectra in all these problems, allowing for a significant reduction of computer time and memory at the same kinetic and magnetic Reynolds numbers. In the helical dynamo, not only does the alpha-model correctly reproduce the growth rate of magnetic energy during the kinematic regime, but it also captures the nonlinear saturation level and the late generation of a large scale magnetic field by the helical turbulence.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figure

    Adaptive Mesh Fluid Simulations on GPU

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    We describe an implementation of compressible inviscid fluid solvers with block-structured adaptive mesh refinement on Graphics Processing Units using NVIDIA's CUDA. We show that a class of high resolution shock capturing schemes can be mapped naturally on this architecture. Using the method of lines approach with the second order total variation diminishing Runge-Kutta time integration scheme, piecewise linear reconstruction, and a Harten-Lax-van Leer Riemann solver, we achieve an overall speedup of approximately 10 times faster execution on one graphics card as compared to a single core on the host computer. We attain this speedup in uniform grid runs as well as in problems with deep AMR hierarchies. Our framework can readily be applied to more general systems of conservation laws and extended to higher order shock capturing schemes. This is shown directly by an implementation of a magneto-hydrodynamic solver and comparing its performance to the pure hydrodynamic case. Finally, we also combined our CUDA parallel scheme with MPI to make the code run on GPU clusters. Close to ideal speedup is observed on up to four GPUs.Comment: Submitted to New Astronom

    Three Dimensional Pseudo-Spectral Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic GPU Code for Astrophysical Plasma Simulation

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    This paper presents the benchmarking and scaling studies of a GPU accelerated three dimensional compressible magnetohydrodynamic code. The code is developed keeping an eye to explain the large and intermediate scale magnetic field generation is cosmos as well as in nuclear fusion reactors in the light of the theory given by Eugene Newman Parker. The spatial derivatives of the code are pseudo-spectral method based and the time solvers are explicit. GPU acceleration is achieved with minimal code changes through OpenACC parallelization and use of NVIDIA CUDA Fast Fourier Transform library (cuFFT). NVIDIAs unified memory is leveraged to enable over-subscription of the GPU device memory for seamless out-of-core processing of large grids. Our experimental results indicate that the GPU accelerated code is able to achieve upto two orders of magnitude speedup over a corresponding OpenMP parallel, FFTW library based code, on a NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU. For large grids that require out-of-core processing on the GPU, we see a 7x speedup over the OpenMP, FFTW based code, on the Tesla P100 GPU. We also present performance analysis of the GPU accelerated code on different GPU architectures - Kepler, Pascal and Volta

    Spectral features of solar wind turbulent plasma

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    Spectral properties of a fully compressible solar wind Hall Magnetohydrodynamic plasma are investigated by means of time dependent three dimensional Hall MHD simulations. Our simulations, in agreement with spacecraft data, identify a spectral break in turbulence spectra at characteristic length-scales associated with electromagnetic fluctuations that are smaller than the ion gyroradius. In this regime, our 3D simulations show that turbulent spectral cascades in the presence of a mean magnetic field follow an omnidirectional anisotropic inertial range spectrum close to k−7/3k^{-7/3}. The onset of the spectral break in our simulations can be ascribed to the presence of nonlinear Hall interactions that modify the spectral cascades. Our simulations further show that the underlying charachteristic turbulent fluctuations are spectrally anisotropic, the extent of which depends critically on the local wavenumber. The fluctuations associated with length scales smaller than the ion gyroradius are highly compressible and tend to exhibit a near equipartition in the velocity and magnetic fields. Finally, we find that the orientation of velocity and magnetic field fluctuations critically determine the character of nonlinear interactions that predominantly govern a Hall MHD plasma, like the solar wind.Comment: This paper is accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journa

    Non regression testing for the JOREK code

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    Non Regression Testing (NRT) aims to check if software modifications result in undesired behaviour. Suppose the behaviour of the application previously known, this kind of test makes it possible to identify an eventual regression, a bug. Improving and tuning a parallel code can be a time-consuming and difficult task, especially whenever people from different scientific fields interact closely. The JOREK code aims at investing Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities in a Tokamak plasma. This paper describes the NRT procedure that has been tuned for this simulation code. Automation of the NRT is one keypoint to keeping the code healthy in a source code repository.Comment: No. RR-8134 (2012
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