559 research outputs found

    KQQKQQ and the Kasparov-World Game

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    The 1999 Kasparov-World game for the first time enabled anyone to join a team playing against a World Chess Champion via the web. It included a surprise in the opening, complex middle-game strategy and a deep ending. As the game headed for its mysterious finale, the World Team re-quested a KQQKQQ endgame table and was provided with two by the authors. This paper describes their work, compares the methods used, examines the issues raised and summarises the concepts involved for the benefit of future workers in the endgame field. It also notes the contribution of this endgame to chess itself

    Challenging the Criminal Alien Paradigm

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    Deportation of so-called “criminal aliens” has become the driving force in U.S. immigration enforcement. The Immigration Accountability Executive Actions of late 2014 provide the most recent example of this trend. Even for immigrants’ rights advocates, conventional wisdom holds that if deportations must occur, “criminal aliens” should be the first to go. A voluminous “crimmigration” scholarship notes the ever-growing entwinement of criminal and immigration enforcement, but does not challenge this fundamental premise. This Article calls for a rejection of the formulation of the “criminal alien”—the figure used to increasingly justify the preservation and expansion of a harmful immigration regime. It thus defends a normative claim that is starkly at odds with settled assumptions in advocacy and the literature: Deportations should not be distributed along the lines of migrant criminality. As a consequence, this Article argues that scholarship and advocacy should embrace “criminal aliens” as the priority group to defend against immigration enforcement efforts. This move is long overdue. Across the political spectrum, calls are being made to trim back the excesses of the criminal justice system, with both policing and incarceration practices suffering from crises of legitimacy. Yet the immigration system continues to layer the shortcomings and dysfunctions of the criminal justice system onto immigration enforcement efforts. The latest immigration reform effort, in the form of the Immigration Accountability Executive Actions, refines what it means to be a “criminal alien,” thereby expanding partnerships with the criminal justice system and creating stronger nets of social control over broad swaths of the noncitizen population. While offering the possibility of relief from deportation to part of the undocumented population, the Executive Actions ultimately do not curb deportations. Rather, the programs refocus enforcement efforts on an ideologically acceptable target: the “criminal alien.” To avoid this outcome, and to begin to dismantle immigrant vulnerability, the “criminal alien” paradigm must be challenged

    Forensic sciences, legal discourses and the (re) configuration of citizenship

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    One of the outstanding features of the recent history of legal systems is the growing use of scientific resources to assist in the administration of justice. In particular, recent technological and scientific advances in genetics, such as DNA profiling and the production of genetic databases for forensic purposes have been associated with new forms of interaction between the social worlds of law and science. As in several other countries, genetic profiling is sometimes requested by the Portuguese courts, usually in serious crimes and in paternity suits. By focusing on the Portuguese magistrates’ perceptions of scientific evidence, this paper aims to raise some fundamental issues regarding the landscape of legal systems of the inquisitorial type. Indeed, we believe that the magistrates’discourses and perceptions of the potential uses of scientific resources to assist in courts services and the impact of that evidence on judicial outputs can indeed be quite different according to the framing legal culture. Through its focus on legal practitioners' discourses, this paper examines some of the issues raised by the incorporation of these scientific resources in judicial activity, as a social phenomenon located at the intersection of law, science, politics and public policy

    The Shakespeare User

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    The Shakespeare User explores uses of Shakespeare in a wide variety of 21st century contexts, including business manuals, non-literary scholarship, database aggregation, social media, gaming, and creative criticism. Essays in this volume demonstrate that users’ critical and creative uses of the dramatist’s works position contemporary issues of race, power, identity, and authority in new networks that redefine Shakespeare and reconceptualize the ways in which he is processed in both scholarly and popular culture. This reticular understanding of Shakespeare use expands scholarly forays into non-academic practices, digital discourse communities, and creative critical works manifest via YouTube, Twitter, blogs, databases, websites, and popular fiction

    Before and After Terrorism: Economic and Political Development in the Basque Country

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    The Basque Country, a region along the Spanish-Franco border, has a long history of independence and autonomy. In the modern era, from 1959 until 2011, the domestic terrorist group Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) waged a campaign of political violence primarily concentrated in the Basque Autonomous Community in pursuit of the region’s independence from Spain. The group was ultimately unsuccessful and declared a permanent ceasefire in 2011. I analyze the important political and economic factors that contributed to ETA’s prolonged existence. In the economy, high youth unemployment in the 1980s and 1990s created a large pool of recruits that helped sustain ETA’s campaign. At the same time, ETA’s activities reinforced negative economic performance by damaging the region’s economy. Basque nationalist political parties also pushed for independence from Spain but sought to do so through established political processes. Despite being officially distinct entities, the “nationalist left” tacitly accepted ETA’s violence for many years and viewed the group as the military wing of the nationalist movement. This support eroded over time as ETA hampered nationalist parties’ ability to further their goals and the electorate’s opposition to the group grew. Ultimately, a loss of support among nationalist left parties led to ETA’s demise and declaration of a ceasefire. Since the ceasefire in 2011, there has been increased support for the nationalist left and improvements in the region’s economy

    Implementing Preventive Tobacco Policies : The role of contextual factors in policy implementation at school and national levels

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    Terveyden edistĂ€miseen tĂ€htÀÀvĂ€t poliittiset toimet, kuten lait ja sÀÀdökset, ovat keskeisiĂ€ vĂ€estön terveydelle ja hyvinvoinnille, sillĂ€ ne auttavat rakentamaan terveyttĂ€ tukevia ympĂ€ristöjĂ€. Poliittisten toimien vaikutukset riippuvat kuitenkin siitĂ€, miten ne on toimeenpantu. Esimerkiksi globaalit tupakkapoliittiset toimet voivat vĂ€hentÀÀ nuorten tupakka- ja nikotiinituotteiden kĂ€yttöÀ vain, jos ne sisĂ€llytetÀÀn kansalliseen lainsÀÀdĂ€ntöön ja sÀÀntelyyn ja jos niitĂ€ toteutetaan osana organisaatioiden, kuten koulujen, arkea. Koulut ovat yksi keskeisistĂ€ terveyden edistĂ€misen ja tupakkatuotteiden kĂ€ytön ehkĂ€isyn ympĂ€ristöistĂ€, koska ne tavoittavat lĂ€hes kaikki nuoret. Vaikka ennaltaehkĂ€isevĂ€t tupakkapoliittiset toimet ovat ratkaisevan tĂ€rkeitĂ€ kansanterveyttĂ€ edelleen rasittavan tupakkaepidemian lopettamiseksi, maiden vĂ€lillĂ€ ja maiden sisĂ€llĂ€ koulujen vĂ€lillĂ€ on huomattavia eroja siinĂ€, miten kattavasti nĂ€mĂ€ toimet on implementoitu ja miten johdonmukaisesti niitĂ€ toteutetaan. Huolimatta tupakkapoliittisten toimien kattavamman ja johdonmukaisemman toimeenpanon tarpeesta tupakkatutkimus ei ole toistaiseksi juurikaan keskittynyt toimeenpanon tutkimiseen. TĂ€mĂ€n vĂ€itöstutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selittÀÀ ennaltaehkĂ€isevien tupakkapoliittisten toimien implementointia kouluissa ja kansallisella tasolla. Tutkimus keskittyi seuraaviin Maailman terveysjĂ€rjestön tupakoinnin torjuntaa koskevan puitesopimuksen (WHO FCTC) mukaisiin toimiin: savuttomat ympĂ€ristöt, verotus, tuotesÀÀntely, pakkausmerkinnĂ€t, mainonta- ja markkinointikiellot sekĂ€ ikĂ€rajat. VĂ€itöskirja koostuu neljĂ€stĂ€ kansainvĂ€lisestĂ€ artikkelista ja yhteenvedosta. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin monikansallista tutkimusasetelmaa ja laadullisia tutkimusmenetelmiĂ€, joiden tieteenfilosofisena lĂ€htökohtana on kriittinen realismi. EnsimmĂ€inen artikkeli oli realistinen katsaus, joka selitti koulun henkilökunnan tupakointikieltojen toteuttamista (artikkeli I). Katsauksen tuottamaa ymmĂ€rrystĂ€ tĂ€ydennettiin analysoimalla kouluhenkilökunnan haastatteluja (n=84) seitsemĂ€stĂ€ Euroopan maasta temaattisen analyysin avulla (artikkelit II ja III). NeljĂ€nnessĂ€ artikkelissa arvioitiin ja vertailtiin narratiivisen katsauksen avulla pohjoismaisen tupakkalainsÀÀdĂ€nnön ja sÀÀntelyn kattavuutta ja sen toimeenpanoon vaikuttavia syitĂ€ (artikkeli IV). Yhteenvetoartikkelissa tulokset koostettiin ohjelmateoriaksi, joka selittÀÀ miten konteksti on vuorovaikutuksessa poliittisten toimien kanssa ja vaikuttaa niiden toimeenpanoon tiettyjen mekanismien kautta. Analyysia ohjasi monitieteinen kĂ€sitteellinen viitekehys toimeenpanosta. Se auttoi selittĂ€mÀÀn muun muassa kontekstitekijöiden roolia osana kompleksisia toimeenpanoprosesseja. Koulun henkilökunnan tupakointikieltojen toteuttamista selitti kolme mekanismia: velvollisuudentunto, motivaatio ja itseluottamus. Erilaiset kontekstitekijĂ€t vaikuttivat nĂ€iden mekanismien aktivoitumiseen, ja niistĂ€ yksi keskeisimmistĂ€ oli henkilökunnan toiminnan yhdenmukaisuus kieltojen toteuttamisessa. Toiminnan yhdenmukaisuutta haastoi kuitenkin kaksi asiaa. EnsinnĂ€kin osa henkilökunnasta jĂ€tti puuttumatta sÀÀntörikkeisiin, koska he eivĂ€t luottaneet selviytyvĂ€nsĂ€ oppilaiden kielteisten reaktioiden kanssa. Henkilökunnan itseluottamusta tukivat kuitenkin tietyt kontekstitekijĂ€t. SÀÀntörikkeisiin puuttuminen oli helpompaa silloin, kun henkilökunta koki oman toimintansa olevan legitimoitua, uskoi pystyvĂ€nsĂ€ rakentavaan vuorovaikutukseen opiskelijan kanssa ja luotti saavansa kollegiaalista tukea mahdollisiin haasteisiin. Toinen henkilökunnan yhdenmukaista toimintaa haastavista tekijöistĂ€ oli haavoittuvassa asemassa olevat opiskelijat, jotka toistuvasti rikkoivat tupakointikieltoja. Tulokset osoittivat, ettĂ€ henkilökunnan jĂ€senet eivĂ€t puuttuneet nĂ€iden opiskelijoiden sÀÀntörikkeisiin, kun he kokivat kieltojen toteuttamisen olevan ristiriidassa opiskelijoiden koulumenestyksen tukemisen kanssa, kun he odottivat tiukempien kurinpitokeinojen olevan tehottomia ja aiheuttavan vakavampia ongelmia tai kun he eivĂ€t kokeneet saavansa tukea nuorten tupakointiin keskeisesti vaikuttavilta sidosryhmiltĂ€, kuten vanhemmilta. Pohjoismaiden vertailu osoitti, ettĂ€ WHO FCTC sekĂ€ tupakkatuotteita, verotusta ja mainontaa koskevat Euroopan unionin (EU) direktiivit ovat yhdenmukaistaneet tupakkapoliittisten toimien implementointia eri maissa. NiillĂ€ on varmistettu, ettĂ€ keskeiset ehkĂ€isevĂ€t toimet, kuten sisĂ€tilojen tupakointikiellot ja 18 vuoden ostoikĂ€raja, on sisĂ€llytetty kansalliseen lainsÀÀdĂ€ntöön. WHO FCTC ja EU-direktiivit selittivĂ€t kuitenkin myös eri maiden yhteisiĂ€ lainsÀÀdĂ€nnöllisiĂ€ heikkouksia, jotka nĂ€kyivĂ€t erityisesti savuttomien ja uusien tupakka- ja nikotiinituotteiden vaihtelevassa ja puutteellisessa sÀÀntelyssĂ€. Kansalliset tupakkapoliittiset toimijat, kuten terveysministeriö ja kansanterveysjĂ€rjestöt, ja nĂ€iden vĂ€linen yhteistyö olivat keskeisiĂ€ syitĂ€ kattavaan ennaltaehkĂ€isevien tupakkapoliittisten toimien implementointiin. NĂ€mĂ€ toimijat ovat myös mahdollistaneet sen, ettĂ€ useat Pohjoismaat ovat ottaneet kĂ€yttöön edistyksellisiĂ€ tupakkapoliittisia toimia jopa maailman ensimmĂ€isten maiden joukossa. TĂ€llaisia toimia olivat esimerkiksi sĂ€hkösavukkeiden makuainekiellot Suomessa ja kattavat ulkoalueiden tupakointikiellot Ruotsissa. NeljĂ€n artikkelin tulokset yhdistĂ€vĂ€ ohjelmateoria havainnollistaa, miten kontekstitekijĂ€t ovat vuorovaikutuksessa tupakkapoliittisten toimien kanssa ja nĂ€in vaikuttavat kansalliseen ja koulutason toimeenpanoon tiettyjen mekanismien kautta. NĂ€mĂ€ kausaaliprosessit auttavat ymmĂ€rtĂ€mÀÀn, miten toimeenpanoa voitaisiin tukea kontekstitekijöitĂ€ vahvistamalla. Suosituksissa korostuu se, ettĂ€ toimijoiden vĂ€lisen yhteistyön vahvistaminen on tĂ€rkeÀÀ eri toimeenpanotasoilla ja niiden vĂ€lillĂ€ niin kansallisesti kuin kansainvĂ€lisesti. Yhteistyön vahvistaminen voi auttaa ratkaisemaan nykyisiĂ€ toimeenpanohaasteita, edistÀÀ kattavampien tupakkapoliittisten toimien implementointia ja tukea sellaisten keinojen löytĂ€mistĂ€, joiden avulla eri toimeenpanotasot voisivat parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla tukea toinen toisiaan yhteisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi: nuorten tupakka- ja nikotiinituotteiden kĂ€ytön vĂ€hentĂ€miseksi ja tupakkaepidemian lopettamiseksi.Healthy public policies play a crucial role in the health and well-being of populations, as they help to build health-promoting environments. However, the impact of these policies depends on their implementation. For example, global tobacco prevention policies can decrease adolescent tobacco and nicotine use only if they are implemented into national regulations and enforced in the everyday practices of organisations such as schools. Schools are one of the core settings for tobacco prevention and health promotion, as they reach almost all young people. Although preventive tobacco policies are critical for ending the tobacco epidemic, which continues to burden public health, countries vary considerably in how comprehensively the policies are implemented at the national level or enforced in schools. Despite the need for more comprehensive and consistent tobacco policy implementation, so far tobacco research has paid little attention to implementation. In this doctoral thesis I explain the school- and national-level implementation of preventive tobacco policies. In line with the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) I focus on policies such as smoke-free environments, price and tax measures, product regulations, packaging and labelling, bans on advertising and promotion, and age limits. The thesis consists of four international journal articles and a summary article. I used a cross-country research design and qualitative methods with critical realism as an ontological basis. First, I conducted a realist review to explain school staff members’ enforcement of school tobacco policies (STPs) (Article I). This understanding was complemented by a thematic analysis of interviews with school staff (n=84) from seven European countries (Articles II and III). In the fourth article, I used a narrative review to assess and compare the comprehensiveness of tobacco policies in the Nordic countries and the reasons for their implementation (Article IV). In the summary article, I synthesised the findings into a programme theory that explains how context interact with policies and influence their implementation via specific mechanisms. The analysis was guided by a multidisciplinary conceptual framework on policy implementation, which helped to explain among other things the role of contextual factors in complex policy implementation processes. The school-level results showed that three mechanisms – responsibility, motivation and confidence – explained school staff’s enforcement of STPs. The emergence of these mechanisms was influenced by certain contextual factors, with consistency of staff enforcement behaviour being one of the key factors. However, consistent staff enforcement was challenged by two key issues. First, some staff did not intervene in rule violations because they were not confident in their own ability to cope with students’ negative responses. Staff confidence was supported by certain contextual factors. Intervening in rule violations was easier when staff felt legitimised in their actions, believed they could interact constructively with students, and expected collegial support in the face of challenges. The second issue that challenged consistency was enforcement with vulnerable students who persistently violated smoking bans. The results demonstrated that staff did not intervene in rule violations if they felt that STP enforcement conflicted with support for students’ school performance, if they expected stricter disciplinary measures to be ineffective and cause more serious problems, or if they did not feel supported by other stakeholders involved in the young people’s smoking behaviour, such as parents. The Nordic comparison showed that countries’ tobacco policies were harmonised by the WHO FCTC and European Union (EU) directives on tobacco products, taxation and advertising. These measures ensure that core policies, such as indoor smoking bans and the 18- year age limit on sales, are included in national legislation. However, the WHO FCTC and EU directives also explained shared deficiencies across the countries, which were especially visible in the inconsistent or absent regulation of smokeless and novel tobacco and nicotine products. The main reasons for the comprehensive implementation of tobacco policies were national tobacco control actors, such as health ministries and civil society and their networks. These actors also facilitated the Nordic countries to implement some advanced tobacco policies, and indeed to be among the first countries in the world to do so. These advanced policies included, for instance, flavour bans on e-cigarettes in Finland and comprehensive outdoor smoking bans in Sweden. The programme theory that synthesises the results from the four articles outline how the context interact with policies and influence national- and school-level implementation via specific mechanisms. These causal pathways help us to understand how to support policy implementation by strengthening contextual factors. The recommendations highlight the importance of strengthening collaboration between actors, both within and between implementation levels, and both nationally and internationally. Strengthening collaboration may help to address current implementation challenges, contribute to the implementation of more comprehensive tobacco policies, and support the identification of ways in which different implementation levels can best support each other to achieve the common goals: reducing adolescents’ use of tobacco and nicotine products and ending the tobacco epidemic

    Looking for Group: Sociality, Embodiment, and Institutions in World of Warcraft

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    This ethnography examines the varying degrees of conflict between multiple stakeholders involved in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft (WoW). The game’s designers, like many software developers in the contemporary world, tend to be guided by an ideology influenced by classical liberalism, but also inspired by a utopian view of technology in general. That ideological position has directly affected many aspects of the game, from the largely unregulated in-game economy, to the strong emphasis on individual mastery of the game’s systems to progress through the complete content of the game world. World of Warcraft advertises itself not just on its narrative and combat mechanics; it also entices players to participate because of its very nature as a multiplayer game. The structure of WoW encourages players to join together in tight-knit communities (“guilds”) not just to overcome powerful opponents, but to socialize as well. In this way the game exists for many players as a significant social outlet in their everyday lives. However, players, guilds, and designers exist in a state of tension due to the ideological and architected constraints of the game. Due to the classical liberal bent of WoW promoting individual achievement through the game’s many obstacles, players oftentimes find themselves having to break away from close friends they game with in order to follow the primary goals of the narrative. This leads to an environment where players are constantly weighing the social bonds they establish and/or maintain through play against the concerns of software programmers intent on directing them to endgame content above all else

    Towards a multilevel analysis of the Western Sahara conflict and the effects of its protractedness

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    This extract is taken from the author's original manuscript and has not been edited. The definitive, published, version of record is available here: http://www.palgrave.com/br/book/978134995034
