13,280 research outputs found

    Power quality and electromagnetic compatibility: special report, session 2

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    The scope of Session 2 (S2) has been defined as follows by the Session Advisory Group and the Technical Committee: Power Quality (PQ), with the more general concept of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and with some related safety problems in electricity distribution systems. Special focus is put on voltage continuity (supply reliability, problem of outages) and voltage quality (voltage level, flicker, unbalance, harmonics). This session will also look at electromagnetic compatibility (mains frequency to 150 kHz), electromagnetic interferences and electric and magnetic fields issues. Also addressed in this session are electrical safety and immunity concerns (lightning issues, step, touch and transferred voltages). The aim of this special report is to present a synthesis of the present concerns in PQ&EMC, based on all selected papers of session 2 and related papers from other sessions, (152 papers in total). The report is divided in the following 4 blocks: Block 1: Electric and Magnetic Fields, EMC, Earthing systems Block 2: Harmonics Block 3: Voltage Variation Block 4: Power Quality Monitoring Two Round Tables will be organised: - Power quality and EMC in the Future Grid (CIGRE/CIRED WG C4.24, RT 13) - Reliability Benchmarking - why we should do it? What should be done in future? (RT 15

    3D Simulation of Partial Discharge in High Voltage Power Networks

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    Open accessPartial discharge (PD) events arise inside power cables due to defects of cable’s insulation material, characterized by a lower electrical breakdown strength than the surrounding dielectric material. These electrical discharges cause signals to propagate along the cable, manifesting as noise phenomena. More significantly, they contribute to insulation degradation and can produce a disruptive effect with a consequent interruption of power network operation. PD events are, therefore, one of the best ‘early warning’ indicators of insulation degradation and, for this reason, the modeling and studying of such phenomena, together with the development of on-line PDs location methods, are important topics for network integrity assessment, and to define methods to improve the power networks’ Electricity Security. This paper presents a 3D model of PD events inside a void in epoxy-resin insulation cables for High Voltage (HV) power networks. The 3D model has been developed using the High Frequency (HF) Solver of CST Studio SuiteÂź software. PD events of a few ”s duration have been modelled and analyzed. The PD behavior has been investigated using varying electrical stress. A first study of the PD signal propagation in a power network is described

    A Web-Based Distributed Virtual Educational Laboratory

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    Evolution and cost of measurement equipment, continuous training, and distance learning make it difficult to provide a complete set of updated workbenches to every student. For a preliminary familiarization and experimentation with instrumentation and measurement procedures, the use of virtual equipment is often considered more than sufficient from the didactic point of view, while the hands-on approach with real instrumentation and measurement systems still remains necessary to complete and refine the student's practical expertise. Creation and distribution of workbenches in networked computer laboratories therefore becomes attractive and convenient. This paper describes specification and design of a geographically distributed system based on commercially standard components

    Static and dynamic weighing of rolling stocks by mean of a customized FBG-Sensorized-Patch

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    The structural health monitoring (SHM) of an infrastructure is of fundamental importance for the structure and people safety. Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors allow to design for each application, a tailored array of quasi-distributed sensors integrated to the infrastructure. To ensure the structural integrity of the railways is crucial to verify that the infrastructures comply with safety requirements to carry out their task. Railways rolling stock must comply with speed limits, the maximum number of wagons, maximum weight limit distributed on each axis of the wagons and the allowed number of trains on specific routes. The identification of the vertical load acting on each wheel is fundamental for the safety of a rolling-stock moving on a railway line. This paper presents the results of a test campaign on sensitive smart patches for static and dynamic weighing of trains. The system aims to generate a gripping system based on the magnetic force of a plastoferrite patch, taking advantage of the peculiarity that the rails are made of ferritic steel. This solution has the benefit of simplifying and speeding up the installation process and enabling a fast and easy removal or change in the configuration of the sensors array on the rail

    Data analysis challenges in transient gravitational-wave astronomy

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    Gravitational waves are radiative solutions of space-time dynamics predicted by Einstein's theory of General Relativity. A world-wide array of large-scale and highly sensitive interferometric detectors constantly scrutinizes the geometry of the local space-time with the hope to detect deviations that would signal an impinging gravitational wave from a remote astrophysical source. Finding the rare and weak signature of gravitational waves buried in non-stationary and non-Gaussian instrument noise is a particularly challenging problem. We will give an overview of the data-analysis techniques and associated observational results obtained so far by Virgo (in Europe) and LIGO (in the US), along with the prospects offered by the up-coming advanced versions of those detectors.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of the ARENA'12 Conference, few minor change

    Basics of Geomatics

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    Data intensive scientific analysis with grid computing

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    At the end of September 2009, a new Italian GPS receiver for radio occultation was launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Center (Sriharikota, India) on the Indian Remote Sensing OCEANSAT-2 satellite. The Italian Space Agency has established a set of Italian universities and research centers to implement the overall processing radio occultation chain. After a brief description of the adopted algorithms, which can be used to characterize the temperature, pressure and humidity, the contribution will focus on a method for automatic processing these data, based on the use of a distributed architecture. This paper aims at being a possible application of grid computing for scientific research
