670,458 research outputs found

    Expert assessment of practical approaches to optimize the participation of nurses in obtaining informed consent from the patient

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    INTRODUCTION: Nurses are an important resource to the health system and occupy a significant place in providing effective and quality healthcare. At the same time, obtaining informed consent is an important aspect in the nurses` work. Therefore, the opinion survey and the evaluation of experts on developing practical approaches aim to optimize the participation of nurses in the process of informed consent and have a great scientific and practical significance.AIM: To study the opinion and evaluation of experts on developing practical approaches to optimize the participation of nurses in the process of obtaining informed consent.MATERIALS AND METHODS: We have attached an analysis of the literature and used a documentary and an expert assessment method. An expert assessment of our own developed practical approaches was performed in the period March-September, 2015. It involved 50 experts - chief and senior nurses at the St. Marina University Hospital and used a questionnaire method of interviewing. Its aim was to optimize the participation of nurses in the process of informed consent of the patient.RESULTS: The majority of the experts approved the presented algorithm for obtaining informed consent from the patient and confirmed that the algorithm can be applied in the working process of the nurses. With regard to the presented data sheet for obtaining informed consent for intravenous injection (invasive nursing manipulation) the experts expressed concerns about the possible difficulties in putting it into practice, citing the shortage of nursing staff and time. A significant majority of experts, however, approved the technical sheet and evaluated it as applicable in nursing practice.CONCLUSIONS: The results of the expert assessment lead to the conclusion that the proposed practical approaches are applicable in nursing practice and will help to optimize the process of informed consent, respect the patient‘s right to informed consent, the professional comfort and safety of nurses

    Issues of organization of expertise and problems of expert assessments

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    In the course of preparation and carrying out of various expertises, in a number of cases methodological and organizational problems arise due to both the insufficiently high level of training of the working group members who develop the program and methodology of the expertise, and various restrictions, that could have a material impact on the credibility of the results. These restrictions generally are either financial in nature or are associated with a lack of sufficiently qualified and objective experts in the subject area. Objective: to develop a set of techniques that allow to expand the possibilities of using expert assessment methods in the preparation and carrying out of modern expertise in the presence of restrictions associated with external conditions. Methods: methods and approaches of system analysis, integration of individual expert assessments are used. Results: a comprehensive analysis of the problems faced by specialists in the organization of various expertises has been carried out. A number of techniques have been proposed that make it possible to significantly simplify the process of preparing and carrying out expertises but at the same time do not negatively affect the adequacy of the results obtained. Practical significance: the results obtained can be widely used in the course of various expertises, both in the process of selecting experts and in the process of direct obtaining and combining expert assessments. In addition, the use of obtained results in terms of different organizational and material restrictions will allow to expand the scope of possible applications of expert assessments. Prospects: the proposed approach and the set of techniques lay the methodological basis for creating a decision support system that will give specific recommendations to specialists involved in the development of program and methodology of the expertise at all stages of their activities. The introduction of such a system will greatly contribute to the simplification of various expertises, and will also increase confidence in their results


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    Introduction. Subject position of a personality is the phenomenon that determines self-activity, identity, sovereignty, and positive dynamics of selfdevelopment, self-education, self-training and self-realization, i.e. those qualities which are necessary for a modern expert. Therefore, the development of the concept of formation and development of a subject position of a future expert during his/her vocational training is an urgent scientific and practical task.The aim of the present research is to prove theoretically the following issues: regularities of a formation process of a subject position of a student of a higher education institution; principles reflecting features of functioning of subject space; and requirements shown to the organization of this pedagogical process. Methodology and research methods. The methods involve the analysis of philosophical and psychology and pedagogical sources on the research problem; transspective, phenomenological, psychological, comparative, system, and structure-functional types of the analysis; deductive and inductive methods; comparison, generalization, synthesis, and abstraction. Results and scientific novelty. The concept «student’s subject position» is redefined; the concept includes such features as polysystemacity, multidimensionality, and multi-functionality. The characteristics of a person with a subject position are summarized; special attention is paid to his/her personal characteristics. The regularities of formation and development of the subject position of the student caused by internal mechanisms of self-updating, self-organization, self-development and self-improvement are found out. It is testified that these regularities are shown in the system of various social relations; depend on external impact, integrity and unity of a teaching and educational process; those regularities are characterized by heterochronism, emergence, and evolving. The research enables to present an overall picture of design, organization and realization of the continuous didactic process of a subject position formation. Practical significance. The thesis and conclusions of the article can be used to improve the modern concept of the subject position formation of students in the university educational space. Введение. Субъектная позиция личности – феномен, детерминирующий самоактивность, индивидуальность, суверенность, положительную динамику саморазвития, самовоспитания, самообучения и самореализации – т. е. те качества, которые необходимы современному специалисту. Поэтому разработка концепции формирования и развития субъектной позиции будущего специалиста в период его профессиональной подготовки является актуальной научно-практической задачей. Цель описанного в публикации исследования – теоретическое осмысление закономерностей процесса становления субъектной позиции студента вуза; принципов, отражающих особенности функционирования субъектного пространства; и требований, предъявляемых к организации данного педагогического процесса. Методология и методики исследования. В работе использовались анализ фи- лософских и психолого-педагогических источников по проблеме исследования; трансспективный феноменологический, психологический, сопоставительный, системный, структурно-функциональный виды анализа, дедуктивно-индуктивный метод, сопоставление, сравнение, обобщение, синтез, абстрагирование. Результаты и научная новизна. Уточнено понятие «субъектная позиция обучающегося», включающее в себя такие категории, как полисистемность, многомерность, многофункциональность. Обобщены признаки носителя субъектной пози- ции, особое внимание уделено его личностным характеристикам. Выделены закономерности формирования и развития субъектной позиции обучающегося, обусловленные внутренними механизмами самоактуализации, самоорганизации, саморазвития и самосовершенствования. Показано, что эти закономерности проявляются в системе разнообразных социальных отношений, зависят от внешнего воздействия, целостности и единства учебно-воспитательного процесса, характеризуются гетерохронностью, эмерджентностью и эволюционированием. Исследование позволяет представить общую картину проектирования, организации и реализации непрерывного дидактического процесса формирования и становления субъектной позиции. Практическая значимость. Положения и выводы статьи могут быть использованы для совершенствования современной концепции процесса формирования субъектной позиции обучающегося в образовательном пространстве вуза

    Development of a quality rating for regulatory impact assessment in municipalities

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    The aim of the study is to elaborate an assessment methodology for local government authorities regarding the quality of implementation of Regulatory Impact Assessment. The compilation of such rating will allow the identification of bottlenecks in the activities of local government authorities as well as best practices in the sphere of regulatory impact assessment. The relevance of research, on the one hand, is contingent upon the lack of methodological insights in the area of regulatory impact assessments at the local level, and, on the other, upon the active introduction of evaluation into municipal administrative practices. The experience of organising regulatory impact assessment at the local level and different approaches to rating formation is analysed in the study. It is shown that borrowing the regional rating methodology is not appropriate for evaluating municipalities. Principles for analysing the quality of evaluations in municipalities that take the specific character of its implementation into account, particularly at the local level, are formulated by the author. In the course of the study, features of regulatory impact assessment application at the municipal level are identified and approaches for monitoring the results of introducing regulatory impact assessment in municipalities are formulated. A system of indicators for the analysis of quality evaluation and expert evaluation by the bodies of local self-government are substantiated by the author along with a set of corrective measures. A method is proposed for the collection of information and formation of a rating on the basis of monitoring data. The formation of a rating of regulatory impact assessment quality on the basis of the author’s original developments allows corrective solutions to be applied in a timely manner and best practices to be replicated at the same time as encouraging the local self-governing bodies to improve assessment quality. The resented approaches and principles can be used by the authorities to develop specific methods for the monitoring of assessment quality at the local level during the initial stage of introducing the institution. With the accumulation of practical experience, improved qualifications on the part of municipal employees and civil society activities, a refinement of the theses formulated by the author will be required as a part of future research

    Modeling social information skills

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    In a modern economy, the most important resource consists in\ud human talent: competent, knowledgeable people. Locating the right person for\ud the task is often a prerequisite to complex problem-solving, and experienced\ud professionals possess the social skills required to find appropriate human\ud expertise. These skills can be reproduced more and more with specific\ud computer software, an approach defining the new field of social information\ud retrieval. We will analyze the social skills involved and show how to model\ud them on computer. Current methods will be described, notably information\ud retrieval techniques and social network theory. A generic architecture and its\ud functions will be outlined and compared with recent work. We will try in this\ud way to estimate the perspectives of this recent domain

    Records management capacity and compliance toolkits : a critical assessment.

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    This article seeks to present the results of a project that critically evaluated a series of toolkits for assessing records management capacity and/or compliance. These toolkits have been developed in different countries and sectors within the context of the e-environment and provide evidence of good corporate and information governance. Design/methodology/approach - A desk-based investigation of the tools was followed by an electronic Delphi with toolkit developers and performance measurement experts to develop a set of evaluation criteria. Different stakeholders then evaluated the toolkits against the criteria using cognitive walkthroughs and expert heuristic reviews. The results and the research process were reviewed via electronic discussion. Findings - Developed by recognised and highly respected organisations, three of the toolkits are software tools, whilst the fourth is a methodology. They are all underpinned by relevant national/international records management legislation, standards and good practice including, either implicitly or explicitly, ISO 15489. They all have strengths, complementing rather than competing with one another. They enable the involvement of other staff, thereby providing an opportunity for raising awareness of the importance of effective records management. Practical implications - These toolkits are potentially very powerful, flexible and of real value to organisations in managing their records. They can be used for a "quick and dirty" assessment of records management capacity or compliance as well as in-depth analysis. The most important criterion for selecting the appropriate one is to match the toolkit with the scenario. Originality/value - This paper aims to raise awareness of the range and nature of records management toolkits and their potential for varied use in practice to support more effective management of records

    The program of development of the school as a condition of providing new quality of education: the project approach

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    The aim of the investigation is to generalize the experience on implementation of the Program of development of educational institution that allows providing high quality of education in the conditions of introduction of Federal Educational Standards of New Generation. Methods. Traditional psychological and pedagogical methods involve: stating, developing and control. Analysis of the average data and dynamics of educational results, an expert estimation, interrogations and questioning are used. Results. Transition of a gymnasium to educational institution of new type has become result of introduction of the Program of development. The unique profile of establishment is created and priority positions are taken in the educational environment of the region; in response to an implementation of the program of the development focused on the social procurement. Efficiency of the Program is confirmed with intermediate results of monitoring concerning all subjects of educational space: trained, teachers and parents. The program allows all participants of educational process to be involved in process of introduction of new quality of education via the mechanism of realization of system. The program represents improvement of activity of structures of educational space of a gymnasium, development of resource base, and also a control system as a factor of ensuring stability of functioning and innovative development of a gymnasium. Scientific novelty. The possibility of implementation of the Program of development of educational institution through introduction of system-activity and project-based approach which connected nine sub-programmes in one complex (structured in three modules) is shown. It includes introduction of Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), an international exam, development of a progymnasium, formation of the personality, ongoing support to gifted children, extension of innovative culture of teachers, efficiency of management and development of organizational system, and also development of culture of school meal. Practical significance. The proposed Program of development is an actual administrative tool which allows teaching staff harmoniously and purposefully to carry out objectives by implementation of the planned projects; also it gives the chance to the customers of social services to estimate objectively achievements of educational institution. This Program is focused on the priorities of the social procurement Цель статьи – обобщение опыта реализации программы развития образовательного учреждения (ОУ), которая позволяет обеспечить высокое качество образования, соответствующее содержанию федеральных образовательных стандартов нового поколения. Методика и методы. Авторы использовали традиционные психолого-педагогические методы – констатирующий, развивающий и контрольный, структурированные как три этапа исследования. В ходе работы применялись также методики анализа средних данных и динамики учебных результатов, экспертная оценка, опросы и анкетирование. Результаты. Благодаря воплощению программы развития, ориентированной на социальный заказ, удалось создать учебное учреждение инновационного типа, ставшее лидером в региональном образовательном пространстве. К совершенствованию деятельности гимназии, развитию ее ресурсной базы, обеспечению стабильности функционирования были привлечены все субъекты образовательного процесса: учащиеся, педагоги и родители. Эффективность программы подтверждена промежуточными итогами мониторинга. Научная новизна. Описана многоуровневая программа развития ОУ, разработанная на основе системно-деятельностного и проектного подходов и связавшая в один комплекс девять образовательных проектов (объединенных в три модуля): внедрение ФГОС, международный экзамен, развитие прогимназии, становление личности, поддержку одаренных детей, повышение инновационной культуры педагогов, эффективности организационной системы, ресурсной базы ОУ, а также совершенствование культуры питания. Практическая значимость. Предложен эффективный управленческий инструмент, который позволяет педагогическому коллективу образовательного учреждения слаженно и целенаправленно выполнять поставленные задачи, а социальным заказчикам – объективно оценивать деятельность и достижения ОУ