5 research outputs found

    CyTest – An Innovative Open-source Platform for Training and Testing in Cythopathology

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    Abstract This paper describes an e-learning platform developed in the context of the European Project CyTest (2014-1-IT01-KA202-002607), dedicated to Cytological Training at European Standard through Telepathology. The main, and novel, feature of our system is the deep integration between virtual microscopy and the training system: images are not simply there to be seen but they are active parts of testing, supporting quantitative measurement of image comprehension, for instance by evaluating the identification of relevant cellular structures by the position of markers put by the student on the image. The solution we developed offers a complete tool for easy creation and interactive access to questions related to images and fully integrates the components of virtual microscopy and teaching, based on state-of-the-art instruments for digital pathology images management, as OMERO, and for training course distribution, as Moodle. The system can be easily extended to support histopathological diagnosis. The software is distributed as Open Source and available on GitHub

    Results of the implementation of a virtual microscope in a course of histology

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    [EN] The course of Anatomy and Histology is studied in the first year of Dentistry at the University Cardenal Herrera CEU (Alfara del Patriarca, Spain). Its practices consist on choose freely six different tissue samples and draw their most representative features. These practices were made by optical microscopy until 2014, and in 2015 was introduced the virtual microscope exclusively. The aim of the study is to test whether this new teaching method has improved the quality of exercise and the understanding shown by students. First, the best exercises of both years were chosen, and from them some drawings from the same tissue were compared. Some tissues which samples for optical microscope were hard to obtain, were drawn for the very first time thanks to the virtual microscope. Also, with the virtual microscopy the drawings contained more details and definition. The understanding of the structures improved, shown by a more functional, detailed and defined vision of the tissues. The labels of the virtual microscope helped to the self-study and avoided the loss of unnoticed structures. In conclusion, replacement of optical microscope by the virtual microscope is a teaching improvement and facilitates student learning.Alegre-Martínez, A.; Martínez-Martínez, MI.; Alfonso Sanchez, JL.; Morales Suárez-Varela, MM.; Llopis Gonzalez, A. (2016). Results of the implementation of a virtual microscope in a course of histology. En 2nd. International conference on higher education advances (HEAD'16). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 169-176. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD16.2015.2626OCS16917

    The Introduction of a New Virtual Microscope into the eLearning Platform of the Medical University of Graz

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    In 2002 the Medical University of Graz (MUG) introduced its first Learning Management System (LMS). One of the first applications developed was a virtual microscope 1.0 (VM 1.0) to be used by students via a standard web browser. The basic idea was to offer the functionality of a microscope via an interactive application which is integrated within the LMS. The main advantages of that concept were saving costs, enhancing the flexibility for students and utilizing additional features and possibilities offered by new media. Cost saving was achieved by replacing hundreds of expensive physical microscopes by the virtual microscope, which can be used on any PC with a standard web browser. After more than 8 years the technology as well as the functionality of the VM 1.0 was now out-dated. We describe the stages to introduce a VM 2.0 within VMC/Moodle in order to help other universities who want to introduce a VM for their students to speed up the decision process and to avoid possible traps

    Microscopios virtuales: estudio y comparación

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    Investigación sobre el estado del arte de microscopios virtuales utilizados en el ámbito educativo/académico y privado, en general, poniendo especial énfasis en sus características pertinentes para fines educativos y que faciliten el trabajo colaborativo.Facultad de Informátic

    Microscopios virtuales: estudio y comparación

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    Investigación sobre el estado del arte de microscopios virtuales utilizados en el ámbito educativo/académico y privado, en general, poniendo especial énfasis en sus características pertinentes para fines educativos y que faciliten el trabajo colaborativo.Facultad de Informátic