10,313 research outputs found

    Colored-Gaussian Multiple Descriptions: Spectral and Time-Domain Forms

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    It is well known that Shannon's rate-distortion function (RDF) in the colored quadratic Gaussian (QG) case can be parametrized via a single Lagrangian variable (the "water level" in the reverse water filling solution). In this work, we show that the symmetric colored QG multiple-description (MD) RDF in the case of two descriptions can be parametrized in the spectral domain via two Lagrangian variables, which control the trade-off between the side distortion, the central distortion, and the coding rate. This spectral-domain analysis is complemented by a time-domain scheme-design approach: we show that the symmetric colored QG MD RDF can be achieved by combining ideas of delta-sigma modulation and differential pulse-code modulation. Specifically, two source prediction loops, one for each description, are embedded within a common noise shaping loop, whose parameters are explicitly found from the spectral-domain characterization.Comment: Accepted for publications in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Title have been shortened, abstract clarified, and paper significantly restructure

    Improved Upper Bounds to the Causal Quadratic Rate-Distortion Function for Gaussian Stationary Sources

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    We improve the existing achievable rate regions for causal and for zero-delay source coding of stationary Gaussian sources under an average mean squared error (MSE) distortion measure. To begin with, we find a closed-form expression for the information-theoretic causal rate-distortion function (RDF) under such distortion measure, denoted by Rcit(D)R_{c}^{it}(D), for first-order Gauss-Markov processes. Rc^{it}(D) is a lower bound to the optimal performance theoretically attainable (OPTA) by any causal source code, namely Rc^{op}(D). We show that, for Gaussian sources, the latter can also be upper bounded as Rc^{op}(D)\leq Rc^{it}(D) + 0.5 log_{2}(2\pi e) bits/sample. In order to analyze Rcit(D)R_{c}^{it}(D) for arbitrary zero-mean Gaussian stationary sources, we introduce \bar{Rc^{it}}(D), the information-theoretic causal RDF when the reconstruction error is jointly stationary with the source. Based upon \bar{Rc^{it}}(D), we derive three closed-form upper bounds to the additive rate loss defined as \bar{Rc^{it}}(D) - R(D), where R(D) denotes Shannon's RDF. Two of these bounds are strictly smaller than 0.5 bits/sample at all rates. These bounds differ from one another in their tightness and ease of evaluation; the tighter the bound, the more involved its evaluation. We then show that, for any source spectral density and any positive distortion D\leq \sigma_{x}^{2}, \bar{Rc^{it}}(D) can be realized by an AWGN channel surrounded by a unique set of causal pre-, post-, and feedback filters. We show that finding such filters constitutes a convex optimization problem. In order to solve the latter, we propose an iterative optimization procedure that yields the optimal filters and is guaranteed to converge to \bar{Rc^{it}}(D). Finally, by establishing a connection to feedback quantization we design a causal and a zero-delay coding scheme which, for Gaussian sources, achieves...Comment: 47 pages, revised version submitted to IEEE Trans. Information Theor

    One-shot lossy quantum data compression

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    We provide a framework for one-shot quantum rate distortion coding, in which the goal is to determine the minimum number of qubits required to compress quantum information as a function of the probability that the distortion incurred upon decompression exceeds some specified level. We obtain a one-shot characterization of the minimum qubit compression size for an entanglement-assisted quantum rate-distortion code in terms of the smooth max-information, a quantity previously employed in the one-shot quantum reverse Shannon theorem. Next, we show how this characterization converges to the known expression for the entanglement-assisted quantum rate distortion function for asymptotically many copies of a memoryless quantum information source. Finally, we give a tight, finite blocklength characterization for the entanglement-assisted minimum qubit compression size of a memoryless isotropic qubit source subject to an average symbol-wise distortion constraint.Comment: 36 page

    CMB at 2x2 order: the dissipation of primordial acoustic waves and the observable part of the associated energy release

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    Silk damping of primordial small-scale perturbations in the photon-baryon fluid due to diffusion of photons inevitably creates spectral distortions in the CMB. With the proposed CMB experiment PIXIE it might become possible to measure these distortions and thereby constrain the primordial power spectrum at comoving wavenumbers 50 Mpc^{-1} < k < 10^4 Mpc^{-1}. Since primordial fluctuations in the CMB on these scales are completely erased by Silk damping, these distortions may provide the only way to shed light on otherwise unobservable aspects of inflationary physics. A consistent treatment of the primordial dissipation problem requires going to second order in perturbation theory, while thermalization of these distortions necessitates consideration of second order in Compton scattering energy transfer. Here we give a full 2x2 treatment for the creation and evolution of spectral distortions due to the acoustic dissipation process, consistently including the effect of polarization and photon mixing in the free streaming regime. We show that 1/3 of the total energy (9/4 larger than previous estimates) stored in small-scale temperature perturbations imprints observable spectral distortions, while the remaining 2/3 only raises the average CMB temperature, an effect that is unobservable. At high redshift dissipation is mainly mediated through the quadrupole anisotropies, while after recombination peculiar motions are most important. During recombination the damping of the higher multipoles is also significant. We compute the average distortion for several examples using CosmoTherm, analyzing their dependence on parameters of the primordial power spectrum. For one of the best fit WMAP7 cosmologies, with n_S=1.027 and n_run=-0.034, the cooling of baryonic matter practically compensates the heating from acoustic dissipation in the mu-era. (abridged)Comment: 40 pages, 17 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Centroid-Based Clustering with ab-Divergences

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    Centroid-based clustering is a widely used technique within unsupervised learning algorithms in many research fields. The success of any centroid-based clustering relies on the choice of the similarity measure under use. In recent years, most studies focused on including several divergence measures in the traditional hard k-means algorithm. In this article, we consider the problem of centroid-based clustering using the family of ab-divergences, which is governed by two parameters, a and b. We propose a new iterative algorithm, ab-k-means, giving closed-form solutions for the computation of the sided centroids. The algorithm can be fine-tuned by means of this pair of values, yielding a wide range of the most frequently used divergences. Moreover, it is guaranteed to converge to local minima for a wide range of values of the pair (a, b). Our theoretical contribution has been validated by several experiments performed with synthetic and real data and exploring the (a, b) plane. The numerical results obtained confirm the quality of the algorithm and its suitability to be used in several practical applications.MINECO TEC2017-82807-

    Optimal Kullback-Leibler Aggregation via Information Bottleneck

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    In this paper, we present a method for reducing a regular, discrete-time Markov chain (DTMC) to another DTMC with a given, typically much smaller number of states. The cost of reduction is defined as the Kullback-Leibler divergence rate between a projection of the original process through a partition function and a DTMC on the correspondingly partitioned state space. Finding the reduced model with minimal cost is computationally expensive, as it requires an exhaustive search among all state space partitions, and an exact evaluation of the reduction cost for each candidate partition. Our approach deals with the latter problem by minimizing an upper bound on the reduction cost instead of minimizing the exact cost; The proposed upper bound is easy to compute and it is tight if the original chain is lumpable with respect to the partition. Then, we express the problem in the form of information bottleneck optimization, and propose using the agglomerative information bottleneck algorithm for searching a sub-optimal partition greedily, rather than exhaustively. The theory is illustrated with examples and one application scenario in the context of modeling bio-molecular interactions.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure