9 research outputs found

    Bosnia and Herzegovina market research on the use of autonomous vehicles and drones in postal traffic

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    New technologies primarily affect the lives of all people, their habits, needs, desires, but also significantly affect the demands placed on various business sectors. Discussions on the increasingly rapid development of technical-technological solutions that can be applied in the postal sector and logistics have a long history. New technologies in all areas bring a constant change in the relationship between companies and their customers, which significantly affect the quality of work and activities. In the years to come, it will be an increasing challenge for postal operators around the world, as well as for other companies, to achieve substantive communication and understanding of their customers through the application of innovative technologies. Understanding and learning about customer issues is key to offering them services that, with their precise targeting of stakeholders, quality, visibility, efficiency, and, perhaps most importantly, flexibility, will be able to meet needs that change so quickly over time. This will be possible with new technologies and innovative solutions. The paper presents a market research on the potential use of autonomous vehicles and drones in the postal sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research is based on a survey questionnaire on the use of drones and autonomous vehicles in the postal sector in the segment of shipment delivery

    Analysis of Influence of Information and Communication Technologies on Postal Traffic

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    Informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (informatika, računalstvo, telekomunikacije i sl.) danas imaju bitnu ulogu funkcioniranju poštanskog sustava. One predstavljaju priliku davateljima poštanskih usluga kako bi poboljšali postojeće usluge ili razvili čitav spektar novih usluga. Informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije predstavljaju temelj modernizacije i digitalizacije poslovanja davatelja poštanskih usluga.Information and communication technologies (information technology, computing, telecommunications, etc.) are having an important role in the functioning of the postal system. They are an opportunity for the postal operators to improve their existing services or to evolve a new whole range of services. Information and communication technologies represent the basis of modernization and digitization of the postal business

    Analysis of Influence of Information and Communication Technologies on Postal Traffic

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    Informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (informatika, računalstvo, telekomunikacije i sl.) danas imaju bitnu ulogu funkcioniranju poštanskog sustava. One predstavljaju priliku davateljima poštanskih usluga kako bi poboljšali postojeće usluge ili razvili čitav spektar novih usluga. Informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije predstavljaju temelj modernizacije i digitalizacije poslovanja davatelja poštanskih usluga.Information and communication technologies (information technology, computing, telecommunications, etc.) are having an important role in the functioning of the postal system. They are an opportunity for the postal operators to improve their existing services or to evolve a new whole range of services. Information and communication technologies represent the basis of modernization and digitization of the postal business

    Propuesta de un modelo de aplicaci?n de IoT y telemetr?a en los procesos de servicios de taller para empresas concesionarias automotrices

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    El objetivo de esta tesis es proponer un modelo de aplicaci?n de las tecnolog?as IoT y Telemetr?a para los principales procesos de servicio de taller en las empresas concesionarias automotrices del Per? con la finalidad de generar una ventaja competitiva frente a sus competidores. La soluci?n tecnol?gica del modelo se compone de un sistema de diagn?stico a bordo OBD-II, dispositivos IoT, aplicaciones de recepci?n y transmisi?n de datos, aplicaciones funcionales y de anal?tica de datos. El modelo propuesto es aplicable a los procesos cr?ticos del servicio de taller y considera las siguientes fases: elaborar la definici?n de una arquitectura de hardware y software, la gesti?n del proyecto y la estrategia de implementaci?n. Para efectos de la investigaci?n se consider? realizar el an?lisis estrat?gico y an?lisis de procesos de una empresa peruana con m?s de 15 a?os de experiencia en el mercado automotor dedicada a la venta y postventa de autom?viles y veh?culos comerciales. Como resultado de dicho an?lisis se determin? que el modelo es aplicable a los procesos de reserva de citas, la recepci?n del veh?culo, el abastecimiento y la venta de repuestos, generando beneficios para dicha empresa, tanto a nivel de un incremento en la satisfacci?n de sus usuarios, como econ?micos por la venta de repuestos obsoletos a trav?s de campa?as personalizadas y la optimizaci?n de la compra de repuestos

    System dynamics approach for digital transformation and complex policy design for the postal sector in Southern Africa

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    The key motivation of the study was to explore and enlarge understanding of the factors that inhibit and drive the performance of the postal sector in a dynamic setting in the context of Southern Africa. This study was prompted by the unsatisfactory performance of the postal sector in Southern Africa as measured by the Integrated Index on Postal Development (2IPD) an index used by the Universal Postal Union to measure the performance of Posts across the globe on dimensions of reliability, resilience, reach, and relevance. Postal operators across the world are faced with inescapable business model disruptions steered by the digital era, and Southern Africa is not an exception. The dawn of the digital age presents both prospects and threats to business models of the industrial age as digitalisation has resulted in a sustained decline of mail volumes as the core business of the postal service for the past 100 years. The substitution of traditional physical mail with electronic alternatives has been a threat that has unsettled the postal service for over two decades. However, the arrival of the digital age has quickened the decline of mail volumes at an unprecedented speed as the digital age diffuses to almost all sectors of society and the digital economy becomes the preferred platform for conducting business. A constructivist philosophical worldview, an inductive research approach, a Grounded Theory research strategy, and a qualitative methodological choice were adopted for the first phase of the research which was to identify the inhibitors and drivers that are prevalent in the postal sector. System dynamics was adopted as a modelling and simulation approach for the second phase of the research and aimed to conceptualise the interaction of the variables extracted from the insights gained from literature through a Grounded Theory research strategy. The ten dimensions that arose from the exploratory study were digital culture, adoption, customer insights, digital investments, digital ecosystem, operational efficiency/excellence, shared vision, digital capabilities, digital competitiveness, and diverging interests. These dimensions were further synthesized during the development of the system dynamics model, four key stocks emerged that are prevalent in managing digital transformation in the postal sector. The four key stocks (variables) that emerged were adoption, digital culture, operations capability maturity, and financial performance. The system dynamics approach revealed that the postal sector can be described as a complex phenomenon due to intricate interdependent variables that interact in a dynamic setting. The complex nature of the postal sector is further amplified by multiple feedback systems of non-linear relations. The results of the study point to the complex interaction of these variables that inhibit and drive the digital transformation and competitiveness of the postal sector. It is by grasping these complexities that decision-makers and policymakers could pull the levers revealed by this research to direct the postal sector toward a sustainable future. The system dynamic model (stocks and flows) was developed and validated with postal industry experts, and the verification and validation processes confirmed that the model outcomes are reliable and reflect the reality of the dynamics prevalent in the sector. The results indicate that the factors that inhibit postal development and sustainability of the sector include poor digital culture, poor adoption of the Universal Postal Union digital ecosystem, and underperforming operations capability and this leads to poor financial performance and unsustainability of the sector in Southern Africa and many developing countries globally. Different policy design and analysis scenarios were evaluated, and the outcomes of the policy design and analysis revealed that there are vital levers that administrators and policymakers could pull to improve the financial performance and overall competitiveness of the postal sector. The levers include but are not limited to factors such as digital financial payment services offered, support services offered, ePost and eGov services offered, e-commerce services offered, change of Chief Executive Officers in 10 years, unavailability of Enterprise Architecture blueprint, number of staff who attended Train-post courses, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) index, e-Government index, marketing effectiveness, adoption fraction, contact rate, drop out of adopters rate, non-compliance to electronic advance data, compliance to quality of service, operational expenses, rural population, universal service obligation paid, universal service obligation shortfall and other factors. The study presents a scientific and systemic approach to improve operations capability maturity as measured through the Integrated Index on Postal Development (2IPD) and the financial performance of the postal sector in Southern Africa. The novelty of the new body of knowledge lies in the mathematical equations developed and their application through simulation and scenario analysis to develop a robust solution to improve the business model of the postal sector in Southern Africa through the adoption of a digital transformation agenda and complex policy design. It is noteworthy to point out that the study confirmed the systems thinking principle that “the whole is greater than the sum of the parts”. This was evident in the results when the stocks were improved as stand-alone compared to when the improved stand-alone stocks interacted with each other in a dynamic setting. All stocks exhibited solid improvements when stand-alone scenarios were allowed to interact with each other in a dynamic setting.College of Engineering, Science and TechnologyD. Phil. (Industrial Engineering

    Internet of Things in the Delivery Phase of Postal Items

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    U današnjem okruženju prisutni su sljedeći značajniji trendovi u poštanskoj djelatnosti: Internet stvari, tehnologija velikih podataka, umjetna inteligencija i virtualna stvarnost. U ovome radu predstavljen je koncept Interneta poštanskih stvari, njegove prednosti te ključna područja njegove primjene. Uz navedeno, u radu su analizirane prednosti za davatelje i korisnike poštanskih usluga te prikazani primjeri potencijalnih prednosti primjene koncepta Interneta poštanskih stvari u funkciji smanjenja broja neisporučenih pošiljaka.In today's environment, the following significant trends are present in the postal industry: Internet of Things, Big data technology, Artificial intelligence and Virtual reality. This paper presents the concept of the Internet of Postal Things, its advantages and key areas of its application. In addition to the above, the paper analysed the advantages for providers and users of postal services, and presented examples of potential advantages of applying the concept of the Internet of Postal Things in the function of reducing the number of undelivered items

    Internet of Things in the Delivery Phase of Postal Items

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    U današnjem okruženju prisutni su sljedeći značajniji trendovi u poštanskoj djelatnosti: Internet stvari, tehnologija velikih podataka, umjetna inteligencija i virtualna stvarnost. U ovome radu predstavljen je koncept Interneta poštanskih stvari, njegove prednosti te ključna područja njegove primjene. Uz navedeno, u radu su analizirane prednosti za davatelje i korisnike poštanskih usluga te prikazani primjeri potencijalnih prednosti primjene koncepta Interneta poštanskih stvari u funkciji smanjenja broja neisporučenih pošiljaka.In today's environment, the following significant trends are present in the postal industry: Internet of Things, Big data technology, Artificial intelligence and Virtual reality. This paper presents the concept of the Internet of Postal Things, its advantages and key areas of its application. In addition to the above, the paper analysed the advantages for providers and users of postal services, and presented examples of potential advantages of applying the concept of the Internet of Postal Things in the function of reducing the number of undelivered items

    Internet of Things in the Delivery Phase of Postal Items

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    U današnjem okruženju prisutni su sljedeći značajniji trendovi u poštanskoj djelatnosti: Internet stvari, tehnologija velikih podataka, umjetna inteligencija i virtualna stvarnost. U ovome radu predstavljen je koncept Interneta poštanskih stvari, njegove prednosti te ključna područja njegove primjene. Uz navedeno, u radu su analizirane prednosti za davatelje i korisnike poštanskih usluga te prikazani primjeri potencijalnih prednosti primjene koncepta Interneta poštanskih stvari u funkciji smanjenja broja neisporučenih pošiljaka.In today's environment, the following significant trends are present in the postal industry: Internet of Things, Big data technology, Artificial intelligence and Virtual reality. This paper presents the concept of the Internet of Postal Things, its advantages and key areas of its application. In addition to the above, the paper analysed the advantages for providers and users of postal services, and presented examples of potential advantages of applying the concept of the Internet of Postal Things in the function of reducing the number of undelivered items


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    Nowadays the smart city concepts focus on the quality improvement of a citizen’s life by using the ICT. Meanwhile, the consideration of possible participants of smart city projects and the assessment of their potential remain outside the scientific discourse. The state Postal services are outside the Smart cities concepts and models, despite the available resources to handle big data. This research is aimed to highlight the significance of postal services involvement in effective data collection, storage and aggregation. The study refers to the international sources and considers a data-driven approach and a high-level smart city architecture, proposes architectural principles for its construction; substantiates the possibility and importance of the participation of postal services in the effective collection, storage and aggregation of urban data; describes the functions and assets of the Russian Post. Digital technologies used for the development of the urban environment have also been adopted by the postal services. The technology of the Internet of Things (IPT), implemented by the world's postal services, has called the Internet-of-Postal-Things (IoPT). City administrations build relationships with key businesses and state-owned companies that can provide the information the city needs, but such interactions are not sufficiently developed. The authors present the results of an online survey of the Russian citizens in order to justify the relevance of the research. The survey reveals the respondents' attitude to the use of the digital technologies, IoPT in the city initiatives, assessment of the potential of the Russian Post in implementing the smart city projects