15 research outputs found

    Institutional drivers of internet voting adoption in Ghana:A Qualitative Exploratory Studies

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    Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Niat UMKM Kuliner dalam Pemanfaatan Layanan Go-Food di Surakarta

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    This research aims to determine factors that influence the culinary MSMEs intention to use Go-Food in Surakarta using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) modification. Factors are perceived resources, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude towards using, and relative advantage. The basic research method is the descriptive method. The method of location determination is purposive. The method of sample determination is purposive sampling with many samples of 60 respondents. Data collection tools using questionnaires. The data analysis method is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Data analysis tools using Partial Least Square (PLS) with SmartPLS 3.0. software. The research results show that perceived resources have a positive effect on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have positive effects on attitude towards using, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have positive effects on relative advantage, attitude towards using and relative advantage have positive effects on behavior intention to use Go-Food in Surakarta.Keywords: Culinary MSMEs, Go-Food, Modified Technology Acceptance Model, Structural Equation Modelin

    Analysis of E-Banking Acceptance in Oman: The Case of Islamic Banks’ Customers

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    The main objective of this study is to examine the factors that influence the customers’ intention to adopt E-banking services in Oman across the Islamic Banking sector. This research endeavours to assess the willingness of the Islamic banks’ customers to adopt these services rather than the traditional banking methods. Accordingly, a sample of 300 Islamic banks' customers were surveyed in different districts of Oman. Afterwards, linear regression and one sample t-test were utilized in order to analyse the gathered data. The findings showed that customers have high tendency of embracing and utilizing E-banking services as opposed to the conventional services. Additionally, the results revealed that relative advantage, self-efficacy, ease of use, and facilitating conditions are the fundamental factors that impact the selection of E-banking by Islamic banks' customers in Oman. However, uncertainty had no significant effect on the intention of Islamic banks’ customers to use E-banking services. These findings would significantly contribute to the theory, and the way that Islamic banking sector would be practiced and regulated

    GMO/GMF on Social Media in China: Jagged Landscape of Information Seeking and Sharing Behavior through a Valence View

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    The study examines the critical factors affecting Chinese social media (SM) users’ intentions and behavior to seek and share information on genetically modified organisms/ genetically modified food (GMO/GMF). The proposed framework was conceptualized through benefit-risk analysis and subsequently mapped SM users’ perceived benefits and risks to seeks and share information using Kurt Lewin’s valence view. Quantitative data was collected using survey questionnaires administered from 583 SM users. The results of the path analysis demonstrated two key findings related to SM users’ perceived benefits and risks to seek and share information on GMO/GMF. Among risks, the psychological risk is the strongest predictor of perceived risk to use SM for GMO/GMF, which consequently determines the intentions and behaviors to share information about GMO/GMF on SM in People’s Republic of China. Among benefits, the results showed that perceived usefulness, creditability of GMO/GMF information, and information support are positively related to perceived benefits to use SM for GMO/GMF, which subsequently, predicts the intentions and behaviors to seek information about GMO/GMF on SM. This study suggests scholars and practitioners explore and utilize the efficient communication strategy to fulfill the potential of the SM to increase GMO/GMF acceptance in Chinese society

    Determinan Karakteristik Konten dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Penerimaan Pengguna pada Aplikasi Travelation

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    Inovasi selama pandemi adalah sebuah keharusan bagi perusahaan. Hal ini juga berlaku bagi perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa kebandarudaraan. Aplikasi Travelation merupakan inovasi PT. Angkasa Pura 2, yang dikembangkan dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan pengurusan perjalanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganlisis pengaruh karakteristik konten dengan penerimaan pengguna pada aplikasi Travelation. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan metode survei online. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, dari kelima karakteristik konten, yakni keuntungan, kesesuaian, kerumitan, observabilitas, dan akurasi data, dapat diterima dengan baik oleh pengguna. Pengguna juga merasa bahwa aplikasi Travelation memberikan manfaat sehingga menerima kehadiran aplikasi berbasis web itu. Pengujian hipotesis membuktikan, terdapat pengaruh antara karakteristik konten dengan penerimaan pengguna. Untuk perbaikan, aplikasi Travelation diharapkan memperbarui informasi serta meningkatkan keakuratan data

    Technological Limitations to the Cost Saving Effect of Remote Internet Voting

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    This thesis examines remote internet voting (I-voting) in the context of the Downsian (1957) theory of rational voters. I-voting could potentially raise turnout by providing a lower cost method for casting a vote, but only if the technology used is not a hurdle for adoption. Using data from the Estonian E-voters survey I-voters are contrasted to regular voters and change over the time span of 2007 to 2011 is examined. Findings indicate that there is a large difference between the initial cost of I-voting between different levels of technological aptitude, differences remain largely intact over time. When the regular cost of voting becomes too high, even the least adept might vote online.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4498784*es

    E-voting system adoption and its impact on voter turnout in Nigeria

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    There are numerous problems ascribed to the existing ballot paper voting system in Nigeria. Some of the identified problems include multiple voting, under aged voting, intimidation of voters and miscomputation or falsification of election results. The consequences of the flawed voting system often lead to political apathy as well as decreased voter turnout. Consequently, the government plans to introduce e-voting system in order to enhance fiee, fair and credible elections as well as improve voter turnout. However, the e-voting system could be a solution to the problem of low turnout if it influences the electorates to participate in elections. Thus, this study is aimed at investigating factors that influence e-voting system adoption and its impact on voter turnout. By blending theories of Rational Choice, Diffusion of Innovation, Trust Model and Self-efficacy construct, the study conceptualized a model of election participation using e-voting system. Using combined methods of survey instrument and semi-structured interviews, data were collected from voters, government officials and political party officials across three States of the Northeastern Nigeria. Using PLS-SEM approach, the model demonstrated significant influence of technological attributes, trust and computer self-efficacy variables as determinants of intention to adopt e-voting system. In addition, the study demonstrated the significance of the adoption variables in influencing voter rational decision to participate in election using e-voting system. Potential challenges of evoting adoption identified through thematic analysis include institutional, sociopsychological, technological and infrastructural challenges, while strengthening institutional framework, technological proficiency, effective information dissemination and provision of adequate requisite facilities were identified among other remedies to the challenges of e-voting adoption. The study has significant contributions to theory and practice of information system, participatory public policy and democracy. It also provides policy makers and practitioners with the understanding of e-voting adoption for strategic planning and decisions towards the desired voting system

    Role of shared identity and agency trust in online voting among Finnish citizens

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    This study examined the impact of shared identity and agency trust, governmental vs. third party, on Finnish citizens' intention to vote online. Using the integrated model of shared identity and trust as a theoretical lens, a within-subject quasi-experiment was conducted to understand the impact of agency trust on intention to vote online. The model was tested using data from 248 Finnish citizens using PLS-SEM. We found that citizens’ perceptions of shared identity with online voting agencies significantly contribute to agency trust. This trust in agencies, then directly and indirectly through perceived usefulness, affects online voting intention. Perceived usefulness directly and perceived ease of use indirectly increase the intention to vote online. However, the perceived usefulness of online voting is contingent upon the voting administering agency being the government. This study contributes to the understanding of agency trust in online voting adoption in the Finnish context and highlights the role of shared identity in building citizen trust in online voting. It also emphasizes the effect of voting agency type on the perceived usefulness of online voting

    Voting: What Has Changed, What Hasn't, & Why: Research Bibliography

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    Since the origins of the Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project in the fall of 2000, there has been an explosion of research and analysis on election administration and voting technology. As we worked throughout 2012 on our most recent study, Voting: What Has Changed, What Hasn’t, & What Needs Improvement, we found many more research studies. In this research bibliography, we present the research literature that we have found; future revisions of this research bibliography will update this list.Carnegie Corporation of New Yor

    Factores relacionados con la adopción de servicios financieros móviles en población no bancarizada en las plazas distritales de mercado del 20 de Julio, Restrepo y 12 de octubre en Bogotá.

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    Uno de los principales problemas de la sociedad colombiana es la informalidad laboral, la cual trae consigo un número importante de situaciones. Entre estas se encuentran, la no adopción de servicios móviles y no bancarización en las poblaciones de las plazas de mercado distritales de Bogotá, particularmente en las tres principales en términos de población, como lo son la del 20 de Julio, Restrepo y la del 12 de octubre. Los trabajadores de estas plazas de mercado son aquellos comerciantes en menor escala, sobre los cuales se orientó el presente trabajo de investigación. El objetivo principal de este estudio es identificar a través de la aplicación de la Teoría de Difusión de la Innovación por sus siglas en inglés DOI, los factores determinantes para la población no bancarizada ubicada en las plazas distritales de mercado en su intención de adoptar el servicio de banca móvil. La metodología utilizada es de carácter cuantitativo de corte transversal y como instrumento se empleó una encuesta voluntaria y personal a una población de 400 trabajadores que laboran en las tres principales plazas de mercado distritales de la ciudad de Bogotá, anteriormente mencionadas. Los resultados obtenidos dejan en evidencia que, para la población objeto de estudio las variables relevantes en la intención de adopción del servicio de banca móvil son la Trialabilidad, Observabilidad, Complejidad y Riesgo Percibido. Sin embargo, en esta investigación, se hace también una breve explicación con respecto al motivo por el cual las otras dos variables, Ventaja Relativa y Compatibilidad, carecen de importancia en este caso.Resumen ; 1. Introducción ; 2. Revisión de la literatura ; 3. Metodología ; 4. Análisis de datos ; 5. Conclusiones y recomendaciones.Magíster en Dirección de Marketing, CESA