10 research outputs found

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) : Innovación

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    En este documento vamos a determinar cuál es la relación entre los sistemas Customer Relationship Management (CRM) y la capacidad de innovación de las empresas que lo usan. Se introduce primeramente en el documento el concepto de CRM, así como lo que se entiende por capacidad de innovación de las empresas. Posteriormente se mostrará cual es el vínculo entre estos dos conceptos y el impacto que tiene el uno sobre el otro. Con ello, se mostrará que ambos conceptos están íntimamente relacionados, y que una buena gestión de ambos puede llevar a estrategias empresariales exitosas.Guerola Navarro, V. (2021). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) : Innovación. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/160638DE

    The Impact of Innovation in Jordanian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries on Export Performance

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    Innovation has long been considered an important factor for creating and maintaining the competitiveness of the firms. Common knowledge stands that innovation is the cause of the increase of exports. However, contradicting empirical evidences are reported in the literature on the relationship between innovation and export performance. In this research we examine whether innovation performed by Jordanian chemical and pharmaceutical industries enhances their export performance. Based on research objectives, a structured questionnaire was developed to collect the needed data to test the developed hypotheses. Data were collected from twenty two companies, representing a sixty-five percent response rate. Data were analyzed and hypotheses were tested using various analytical methods. Research findings indicate that there is a statistical significant relationship between innovation and export performance for the sample under study; mainly for research and development, marketing data base, management (atmosphere conductive to innovation), promotion and product (quality). Based on the results, several recommendations are suggested

    Impacto del grado de implementación del Customer Relationship Management (CRM) y la Estrategia de Innovación en los resultados empresariales. Aplicación al sector vitivinícola español

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El mercado y las transacciones comerciales se desarrollan en la actualidad en un entorno cada vez más dinámico y cambiante, que obliga a las empresas a adaptarse a expectativas cada vez más específicas y exigentes por parte de los clientes, y a una competencia feroz por mantener y ampliar la ventaja competitiva para poder subsistir. La fidelización de los clientes, y el establecimiento de relaciones comerciales duraderas con ellos a largo plazo es una de las formas más eficientes a través de las cuales las empresas pueden conseguir estos objetivos. Para ello es fundamental tener la mejor información posible sobre los clientes, así como establecer estrategias coherentes para la gestión de las relaciones con ellos. Poner al cliente como foco y centro de toda la cadena de valor de las empresas asegura que, desde la toma de requerimientos para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes, hasta la provisión de bienes y servicios que satisfagan dichas necesidades, pasando por todas las etapas de su proceso productivo, están diseñadas y orientadas a conseguir la máxima satisfacción del cliente y con ello su fidelidad y una relación comercial duradera y beneficiosa. Las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) son clave para cualquier estrategia dirigida a la consecución de estos objetivos, tanto por su potencia en el manejo de la información valiosa de gestión empresarial, como por el cambio cultural que introducen en las empresas que adoptan estos sistemas en su camino hacia la transformación digital. En las últimas dos décadas ha crecido especialmente el interés por una de estas tecnologías, en concreto los sistemas Customer Relationship Management (CRM), cuyo ámbito de trabajo es la gestión de las relaciones con los clientes. CRM nace en los años 70 con el objetivo de automatizar la fuerza de ventas de las empresas, es decir, sistematizar e informatizar los procesos comerciales en tres áreas: ventas, marketing, y servicios. El objetivo primero de CRM era que toda acción emprendida por cualquiera de los agentes de la empresa, en cualquiera de estas tres áreas de gestión de relaciones con los clientes, estuviera registrada y accesible para el resto de los agentes clave de la empresa. Con CRM se conseguía unificar y tener de forma coherente y consistente toda la información de gestión de relaciones con los clientes. El dinamismo y competitividad de los mercados, alentado por la globalización y el acceso a información y mercados diversos y dispersos, ha movido a las empresas a buscar estrategias de gestión que hagan sostenibles en el tiempo sus ventajas competitivas. CRM se ha mostrado como una de estas herramientas más valiosas, aportando expectativas no solo de beneficios de explotación actual por su gestión de la información relacionada con la gestión del conocimiento sobre los clientes, sino también de beneficios a futuro por su directo impacto en los procesos de innovación. Una vez definidos cuales son los beneficios esperados por parte de las empresas que deciden implementar sistemas CRM, se plantea la cuestión de saber en qué condiciones estos beneficios se suelen dar en la realidad. El presente trabajo de investigación ha pretendido comprobar cuáles son las condiciones que pueden hacer que el uso CRM por parte de las empresas venga acompañado consecuentemente de mejoras en los resultados empresariales, de modo que las conclusiones ayuden a las empresas a tomar sus decisiones sobre su adopción de dichos sistemas CRM. La conclusión general del estudio es la confirmación de que una buena cultura de gestión de la relación con los clientes ("customer relationship management") es clave para tener un buen resultado empresarial, ya que está en línea con las teorías modernas del marketing relacional que se enfocan en la gestión centrada en el cliente. A esta relevancia de la cultura de gestión centrada en el cliente, se agrega que el uso de tecnologías CRM puede y de[CA] El mercat i les transaccions comercials es desenvolupen en l'actualitat en un entorn cada vegada més dinàmic i canviant, que obliga les empreses a adaptar-se a expectatives cada vegada més específiques i exigents per part dels clients, i a una competència feroç per mantindre i ampliar l'avantatge competitiu per a poder subsistir. La fidelització dels clients, i l'establiment de relacions comercials duradores amb ells a llarg termini és una de les formes més eficients a través de les quals les empreses poden aconseguir aquests objectius. Per a això és fonamental tindre la millor informació possible sobre els clients, així com establir estratègies coherents per a la gestió de les relacions amb ells. Posar al client com a focus i centre de tota la cadena de valor de les empreses assegura que, des de la presa de requeriments per a satisfer les necessitats dels clients, fins a la provisió de béns i serveis que satisfan aquestes necessitats, passant per totes les etapes del seu procés productiu, estan dissenyades i orientades a aconseguir la màxima satisfacció del client i amb això la seua fidelitat i una relació comercial duradora i beneficiosa. Les Tecnologies d'Informació i Comunicació (TIC) són clau per a qualsevol estratègia dirigida a la consecució d'aquests objectius, tant per la seua potència en el maneig de la informació valuosa de gestió empresarial, com pel canvi cultural que introdueixen en les empreses que adopten aquests sistemes en el seu camí cap a la transformació digital. En les últimes dues dècades ha crescut especialment l'interés per una d'aquestes tecnologies, en concret els sistemes Customer Relationship Management (CRM), l'àmbit de treball del qual és la gestió de les relacions amb els clients. CRM naix en els anys 70 amb l'objectiu d'automatitzar la força de vendes de les empreses, és a dir, sistematitzar i informatitzar els processos comercials en tres àrees: vendes, màrqueting, i serveis. L'objectiu primer de CRM era que tota acció empresa per qualsevol dels agents de l'empresa, en qualsevol d'aquestes tres àrees de gestió de relacions amb els clients, estiguera registrada i accessible per a la resta d'agents clau de l'empresa. Amb CRM s'aconseguia unificar i tindre de manera coherent i consistent tota la informació de gestió de relacions amb els clients. El dinamisme i competitivitat dels mercats, encoratjat per la globalització i l'accés a informació i mercats diversos i dispersos, ha mogut a les empreses a buscar estratègies de gestió que facen sostenibles en el temps els seus avantatges competitius. CRM s'ha mostrat com una d'aquestes eines més valuoses, aportant expectatives no sols de beneficis d'explotació actual per la seua gestió de la informació relacionada amb la gestió del coneixement sobre els clients, sinó també de beneficis a futur pel seu directe impacte en els processos d'innovació. Una vegada definits quals són els beneficis esperats per part de les empreses que decideixen implementar sistemes CRM, es planteja la qüestió de saber sota quines condicions aquests beneficis se solen donar en la realitat. El present treball de recerca ha pretés comprovar quines són les condicions que poden fer que l'ús CRM per part de les empreses vinga acompanyat conseqüentment de millores en els resultats empresarials, de manera que les conclusions ajuden les empreses a prendre les seues decisions sobre la seua adopció d'aquests sistemes CRM. La conclusió general de l'estudi és la confirmació que una bona cultura de gestió de la relació amb els clients ("customer relationship management") és clau per a tindre un bon resultat empresarial, ja que està en línia amb les teories modernes del màrqueting relacional que s'enfoquen en la gestió centrada en el client. A aquesta rellevància de la cultura de gestió centrada en el client, s'agrega que l'ús de tecnologies CRM pot i deu ajudar a millorar l'acompliment de l'empresa.[EN] The market and commercial transactions are currently developing in an increasingly dynamic and changing environment, which forces companies to adapt to increasingly specific and demanding expectations from customers, and to a fierce competition to maintain and expand the competitive advantage in order to survive. The loyalty of customers, and the establishment of lasting business relationships with them in the long term is one of the most efficient ways through which companies can achieve these objectives. For this purpose, it is essential to have the best possible information about customers, as well as to establish coherent strategies for managing relationships with them. Putting the client as the focus and center of the entire value chain of companies ensures that, from the study of requirements to satisfy the needs of clients, to the provision of goods and services that satisfy said needs, passing through all stages of its production process, are designed and oriented to achieve maximum customer satisfaction and with it their loyalty and a lasting and beneficial business relationship. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are key to any strategy aimed at achieving these objectives, both because of their power in handling valuable business management information, and because of the cultural change they introduce in companies that adopt these systems on their way to digital transformation. In the last two decades, interest in one of these technologies has grown especially, specifically the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, whose scope of work is the management of customer relationships. CRM was born in the 70s with the aim of automating the sales force of companies, that is, to systematize and computerize business processes in three areas: sales, marketing, and services. The first objective of CRM was that any action taken by any of the company's agents, in any of these three areas of customer relationship management, be registered and accessible to the rest of the company's key agents. With CRM it was possible to unify and have in a coherent and consistent way all the information on customer relationship management. The dynamism and competitiveness of the markets, encouraged by globalization and access to information and diverse and dispersed markets, has prompted companies to seek management strategies that make their competitive advantages sustainable over time. CRM has proven to be one of these most valuable tools, providing expectations not only of current operating benefits due to its management of information related to customer knowledge management, but also future benefits due to its direct impact on processes of innovation. Once the expected benefits of companies that decide to implement CRM systems have been defined, the question arises of knowing under what conditions these benefits usually occur in reality. The present research work has tried to verify which are the conditions that can make the use of CRM by companies consequently accompanied by improvements in business results, so that the conclusions help companies make their decisions about their adoption of such CRM systems. The general conclusion of the study is the confirmation that a good culture of customer relationship management ("customer relationship management") is key to having a good business result, as it is in line with modern theories of relationship marketing that they focus on customer-centric management. To this relevance of the customer-centric management culture, it is added that the use of CRM technologies can and should help improve company performance. An adequate innovation strategy appears as the ideal complement to the strategies for the use of culture and CRM technologies in order to improve business results.Guerola Navarro, V. (2021). Impacto del grado de implementación del Customer Relationship Management (CRM) y la Estrategia de Innovación en los resultados empresariales. Aplicación al sector vitivinícola español [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/166614TESISCompendi

    Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth

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    In the last years sustainability has become a topic of global concern and a key issue in the strategic agenda of both business organizations and public authorities and organisations. Significant changes in business landscape, the emergence of new technology, including social media, the pressure of new social concerns, have called into question established conceptualizations of competitiveness, wealth creation and growth. New and unaddressed set of issues regarding how private and public organisations manage and invest their resources to create sustainable value have brought to light. In particular the increasing focus on environmental and social themes has suggested new dimensions to be taken into account in the value creation dynamics, both at organisations and communities level. For companies the need of integrating corporate social and environmental responsibility issues into strategy and daily business operations, pose profound challenges, which, in turn, involve numerous processes and complex decisions influenced by many stakeholders. Facing these challenges calls for the creation, use and exploitation of new knowledge as well as the development of proper management models, approaches and tools aimed to contribute to the development and realization of environmentally and socially sustainable business strategies and practices

    G2G interaction model of information sharing among local agencies based on phenomenology approach: Dhi-qar province employees’ viewpoints

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    The exchange of information electronically has help local agencies to increase their productivity and performance. At the same time, it improves the process of policy-making by providing better public services to citizens. However, only a few studies that examine the factors influencing the electronic interaction among local agencies in developing countries, including in Iraq. In fact, government agencies usually rely on information provided by other government agencies, making the electronic interactions crucial for effective inter-organizational operations management in the government. This study aims to determine the factors affecting the interaction among local agencies in Dhi-Qar, Iraq. Thus, it proposes a government-to-government (G2G) interaction model among local agencies from the environmental, organizational, and technological contexts, using phenomenological approach based on the Diffusion of Innovation and Social Exchange theories. Data were collected in two phases. First, a series of interviews with local egovernment employees were carried out to discover the factors that influence the G2G interaction in Dhi-Qar, Iraq. Later, another series of semi-structured interviews focusing on extracting the main issues that influence G2G interaction was followed. The collected data were validated through triangulation and member checking. A case study was used to confirm the findings. The study has discovered the factors that influence the electronic interaction among local agencies in Dhi-Qar. The factors are benefits, compatibility, complexity, costs, information security, inter-agency trust, internal resistance to change, information technology (IT) capability, legislation, physical security, and top management support. Based on these factors, the government-to-government interaction model (G2GIM) is proposed. This model can be applied to different local agencies in implementing e-government projects

    Marketing the Irish hotel industry in an economic downturn: an exploration into the rejuvenation of the Sligo hotel industry through customer innovation

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    The purpose o f this research study was to ascertain innovative ideas from a sample o f\ud hotel customers’ from four participant hotels in Sligo in order to enhance hotel service\ud offerings. The researcher conducted a comprehensive exploration on the previous\ud literature regarding the topic. The literature revealed that given the ever changing\ud nature o f the hotel industry, and the needs, and desires o f hotel guests hotel operators\ud must increase the value o f their offerings to prosper (Victorino et al., 2005, p. 556;\ud Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 2001; Olsen and Connolly, 2000). The researcher\ud noted that while there were some studies to advocate the importance o f customer\ud innovation in the hotel industry such as Johns and Mattsson (2003); Preissl (2000);\ud Jones (1996), they were limited and only a minute number directly related to the Irish\ud hotel industry (Ottenbacher and Gnoth, 2005). Given the knowledge and through\ud witnessing the current difficulties that the Irish hotel industry is experiencing the\ud following research question was formed. ‘What innovations can be ascertained from\ud hotel customers to rejuvenate the Sligo hotel industry?’ In order to achieve the overall\ud purpose o f the study three key research aims were formed which guided the study; to\ud examine the innovations the participant hotels in Sligo are currently implementing; to\ud assert the perceived importance the participant hotel managers place on customer\ud innovation; and to ascertain the innovations customers wish to see implemented in\ud hotels in order to enhance the service offerings. The research took the form o f an\ud explorative study. Both qualitative and quantitative research tools were used to\ud achieve the aims o f the dissertation study. The research methodology took two\ud primary forms; firstly, the development o f an extensive review o f existing literature\ud was represented in the literature review; and secondly, the research methodology,\ud guided by the findings o f the review o f secondary literature, was carried out through\ud the collection and analysis o f primary data, and the interpretation and dissemination o f\ud the research findings. The collection o f primary data was carried out using two\ud methodological tools Firstly customer questionnaires containing both qualitative and\ud quantitative questions were distributed to forty customers from each o f the four\ud participant Sligo hotels. This culminated in a total participant sample o f one hundred\ud and sixty; and secondly, four semi-structured interviews were conducted with the\ud managers from each o f the participant hotels.\ud The findings o f the study reveal that the perceptions o f the participant hotel managers\ud and customers differ quite strongly, despite the managers’ proclamations o f their firm\ud commitment to innovation 33% o f respondents see no current innovations in the\ud participant Sligo hotels. The future innovations which respondents wish to see\ud implemented are; send e-mails regarding special offers such as complementary meals;\ud discounts on multiple night stays; family discounts; group discounts; and\ud complementary offerings; improvements made to in-room facilities, particularly the\ud availability o f Wi-Fi internet access; the introduction o f a loyalty card system,\ud rewarding guests for frequent stays; and finally improving leisure facilities.\ud In summary, these results provide important insights for hotel managers, and indeed\ud managers in general who are involved in innovation activities. Furthermore they\ud contribute academically by providing conceptual based new knowledge about hotel\ud customers’ perceptions and desires. However, due to a number o f limitations,\ud principally concerning time and resources, while the study identifies the innovative\ud preferences o f participant Sligo hotel guests and contributing factors in developing\ud innovation activity, the make-up o f the identified essential factors and their\ud contributions and interrelationships are worthy o f further consideration and debate

    The Impact Of Industrial Characteristics And Organizational Climate On Kms And Bip-Taiwan Bioscience Industry

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    [[abstract]]The aim of this paper is to examine how the bioscience industry exploits KMS to effectively manage intellectual properly, especially patent documents. A majority of Taiwan's bioscience firms are small and medium-sized start-up companies that possess many valuable intellectual properties and patents/licenses. Nevertheless, due to lack or distortion of information, they are more likely to be charged of patent infringement by overseas companies who own the invention or technology. A case study on a Taiwan's leading bioscience firm is conducted to analyze the effect of KMS on patent management. This study findings show that KMS helps the firm avoid a conflict of interest, ensures rapid publication while allowing the firm to protect R&D results, and enhances competitive advantage. Four constructs are developed in this research: KMS, business innovation performance, and Bio-KMS benefits. Seven propositions are developed and supported by two case analysis results

    Sustainable agriculture and rural development in terms of the republic of Serbia strategic goals realization within the Danube region. Rural development and (un)limited resources

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    International Scientific Conference „SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA STRATEGIC GOALS REALIZATION WITHIN THE DANUBE REGION - rural development and (un)limited resources“, which was held in period 5-6th June 2014 in Belgrade, the Republic of Serbia, through number of presented papers mainly provides an overview of results of scientific research on the integrated and interdisciplinary project No. III 46006 „SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA STRATEGIC GOALS REALIZATION WITHIN THE DANUBE REGION“. Besides the authors from Serbia in Thematic Proceedings are also presented the papers of authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania, Romania, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Austria and USA. The papers are systematized in 3 thematic sections: I RURAL ECONOMY IN THE FUNCTION OF INTEGRAL LOCAL DEVELOPMENT (section was represented by 30 papers); II ALLOCATION AND VALORIZATION OF RESOURCE POTENTIALS OF RURAL AREAS (section was represented by 26 papers); III THE REFORM OF THE EU COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY – A NEW DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK FOR THE PERIOD 2014-2020 (section was represented by 7 papers)

    11th International Coral Reef Symposium Proceedings

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    A defining theme of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium was that the news for coral reef ecosystems are far from encouraging. Climate change happens now much faster than in an ice-age transition, and coral reefs continue to suffer fever-high temperatures as well as sour ocean conditions. Corals may be falling behind, and there appears to be no special silver bullet remedy. Nevertheless, there are hopeful signs that we should not despair. Reef ecosystems respond vigorously to protective measures and alleviation of stress. For concerned scientists, managers, conservationists, stakeholders, students, and citizens, there is a great role to play in continuing to report on the extreme threat that climate change represents to earth’s natural systems. Urgent action is needed to reduce CO2 emissions. In the interim, we can and must buy time for coral reefs through increased protection from sewage, sediment, pollutants, overfishing, development, and other stressors, all of which we know can damage coral health. The time to act is now. The canary in the coral-coal mine is dead, but we still have time to save the miners. We need effective management rooted in solid interdisciplinary science and coupled with stakeholder buy in, working at local, regional, and international scales alongside global efforts to give reefs a chance.https://nsuworks.nova.edu/occ_icrs/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Smoking and Second Hand Smoking in Adolescents with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Report from the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) Cohort Study

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    The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of smoking and second hand smoking [SHS] in adolescents with CKD and their relationship to baseline parameters at enrollment in the CKiD, observational cohort study of 600 children (aged 1-16 yrs) with Schwartz estimated GFR of 30-90 ml/min/1.73m2. 239 adolescents had self-report survey data on smoking and SHS exposure: 21 [9%] subjects had “ever” smoked a cigarette. Among them, 4 were current and 17 were former smokers. Hypertension was more prevalent in those that had “ever” smoked a cigarette (42%) compared to non-smokers (9%), p\u3c0.01. Among 218 non-smokers, 130 (59%) were male, 142 (65%) were Caucasian; 60 (28%) reported SHS exposure compared to 158 (72%) with no exposure. Non-smoker adolescents with SHS exposure were compared to those without SHS exposure. There was no racial, age, or gender differences between both groups. Baseline creatinine, diastolic hypertension, C reactive protein, lipid profile, GFR and hemoglobin were not statistically different. Significantly higher protein to creatinine ratio (0.90 vs. 0.53, p\u3c0.01) was observed in those exposed to SHS compared to those not exposed. Exposed adolescents were heavier than non-exposed adolescents (85th percentile vs. 55th percentile for BMI, p\u3c 0.01). Uncontrolled casual systolic hypertension was twice as prevalent among those exposed to SHS (16%) compared to those not exposed to SHS (7%), though the difference was not statistically significant (p= 0.07). Adjusted multivariate regression analysis [OR (95% CI)] showed that increased protein to creatinine ratio [1.34 (1.03, 1.75)] and higher BMI [1.14 (1.02, 1.29)] were independently associated with exposure to SHS among non-smoker adolescents. These results reveal that among adolescents with CKD, cigarette use is low and SHS is highly prevalent. The association of smoking with hypertension and SHS with increased proteinuria suggests a possible role of these factors in CKD progression and cardiovascular outcomes