3,643 research outputs found

    Walking with virtual humans : understanding human response to virtual humanoids' appearance and behaviour while navigating in immersive VR

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    In this thesis, we present a set of studies whose results have allowed us to analyze how to improve the realism, navigation, and behaviour of the avatars in an immersive virtual reality environment. In our simulations, participants must perform a series of tasks and we have analyzed perceptual and behavioural data. The results of the studies have allowed us to deduce what improvements are needed to be incorporated to the original simulations, in order to enhance the perception of realism, the navigation technique, the rendering of the avatars, their behaviour or their animations. The most reliable technique for simulating avatars’ behaviour in a virtual reality environment should be based on the study of how humans behave within the environment. For this purpose, it is necessary to build virtual environments where participants can navigate safely and comfortably with a proper metaphor and, if the environment is populated with avatars, simulate their behaviour accurately. All these aspects together will make the participants behave in a way that is closer to how they would behave in the real world. Besides, the integration of these concepts could provide an ideal platform to develop different types of applications with and without collaborative virtual reality such as emergency simulations, teaching, architecture, or designing. In the first contribution of this thesis, we carried out an experiment to study human decision making during an evacuation. We were interested to evaluate to what extent the behaviour of a virtual crowd can affect individuals' decisions. From the second contribution, in which we studied the perception of realism with bots and humans performing just locomotion or varied animations, we can conclude that the combination of having human-like avatars with animation variety can increase the overall realism of a crowd simulation, trajectories and animation. The preliminary study presented in the third contribution of this thesis showed that realistic rendering of the environment and the avatars do not appear to increase the perception of realism in the participants, which is consistent with works presented previously. The preliminary results in our walk-in-place contribution showed a seamless and natural transition between walk-in-place and normal walk. Our system provided a velocity mapping function that closely resembles natural walk. We observed through a pilot study that the system successfully reduces motion sickness and enhances immersion. Finally, the results of the contribution related to locomotion in collaborative virtual reality showed that animation synchronism and footstep sound of the avatars representing the participants do not seem to have a strong impact in terms of presence and feeling of avatar control. However, in our experiment, incorporating natural animations and footstep sound resulted in smaller clearance values in VR than previous work in the literature. The main objective of this thesis was to improve different factors related to virtual reality experiences to make the participants feel more comfortable in the virtual environment. These factors include the behaviour and appearance of the virtual avatars and the navigation through the simulated space in the experience. By increasing the realism of the avatars and facilitating navigation, high scores in presence are achieved during the simulations. This provides an ideal framework for developing collaborative virtual reality applications or emergency simulations that require participants to feel as if they were in real life.En aquesta tesi, es presenta un conjunt d'estudis els resultats dels quals ens han permès analitzar com millorar el realisme, la navegació i el comportament dels avatars en un entorn de realitat virtual immersiu. En les nostres simulacions, els participants han de realitzar una sèrie de tasques i hem analitzat dades perceptives i de comportament mentre les feien. Els resultats dels estudis ens han permès deduir quines millores són necessàries per a ser incorporades a les simulacions originals, amb la finalitat de millorar la percepció del realisme, la tècnica de navegació, la representació dels avatars, el seu comportament o les seves animacions. La tècnica més fiable per simular el comportament dels avatars en un entorn de realitat virtual hauria de basar-se en l'estudi de com es comporten els humans dins de l¿entorn virtual. Per a aquest propòsit, és necessari construir entorns virtuals on els participants poden navegar amb seguretat i comoditat amb una metàfora adequada i, si l¿entorn està poblat amb avatars, simular el seu comportament amb precisió. Tots aquests aspectes junts fan que els participants es comportin d'una manera més pròxima a com es comportarien en el món real. A més, la integració d'aquests conceptes podria proporcionar una plataforma ideal per desenvolupar diferents tipus d'aplicacions amb i sense realitat virtual col·laborativa com simulacions d'emergència, ensenyament, arquitectura o disseny. En la primera contribució d'aquesta tesi, vam realitzar un experiment per estudiar la presa de decisions durant una evacuació. Estàvem interessats a avaluar en quina mesura el comportament d'una multitud virtual pot afectar les decisions dels participants. A partir de la segona contribució, en la qual estudiem la percepció del realisme amb robots i humans que realitzen només una animació de caminar o bé realitzen diverses animacions, vam arribar a la conclusió que la combinació de tenir avatars semblants als humans amb animacions variades pot augmentar la percepció del realisme general de la simulació de la multitud, les seves trajectòries i animacions. L'estudi preliminar presentat en la tercera contribució d'aquesta tesi va demostrar que la representació realista de l¿entorn i dels avatars no semblen augmentar la percepció del realisme en els participants, que és coherent amb treballs presentats anteriorment. Els resultats preliminars de la nostra contribució de walk-in-place van mostrar una transició suau i natural entre les metàfores de walk-in-place i caminar normal. El nostre sistema va proporcionar una funció de mapatge de velocitat que s'assembla molt al caminar natural. Hem observat a través d'un estudi pilot que el sistema redueix amb èxit el motion sickness i millora la immersió. Finalment, els resultats de la contribució relacionada amb locomoció en realitat virtual col·laborativa van mostrar que el sincronisme de l'animació i el so dels avatars que representen els participants no semblen tenir un fort impacte en termes de presència i sensació de control de l'avatar. No obstant això, en el nostre experiment, la incorporació d'animacions naturals i el so de passos va donar lloc a valors de clearance més petits en RV que treballs anteriors ja publicats. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi ha estat millorar els diferents factors relacionats amb experiències de realitat virtual immersiva per fer que els participants se sentin més còmodes en l'entorn virtual. Aquests factors inclouen el comportament i l'aparença dels avatars i la navegació a través de l'entorn virtual. En augmentar el realisme dels avatars i facilitar la navegació, s'aconsegueixen altes puntuacions en presència durant les simulacions. Això proporciona un marc ideal per desenvolupar aplicacions col·laboratives de realitat virtual o simulacions d'emergència que requereixen que els participants se sentin com si estiguessin en la vida realPostprint (published version

    The Effect of Anthropometric Properties of Self-Avatars on Action Capabilities in Virtual Reality

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    The field of Virtual Reality (VR) has seen a steady exponential uptake in the last decade and is being continuously incorporated into areas of popular interest like healthcare, training, recreation and gaming. This steady upward trend and prolonged popularity has resulted in numerous extravagant virtual environments, some that aim to mimic real-life experiences like combat training, while others intend to provide unique experiences that may otherwise be difficult to recreate like flying over ancient Egypt as a bird. These experiences often showcase highly realistic graphics, intuitive interactions and unique avatar embodiment scenarios with the help of various tracking sensors, high definition graphic displays, sound systems, etc. The literature suggests that estimates and affordance judgments in VR scenarios such as the ones described above are affected by the properties and the nature of the avatar embodied by the user. Therefore, to provide users with the finest experiences it is crucial to understand the interaction between the embodied self and the action capabilities afforded by it in the surrounding virtual environment. In a series of studies aimed at exploring the effect of gender matched body-scaled self-avatars on the user\u27s perception, we investigate the effect of self-avatars on the perception of size of objects in an immersive virtual environment (IVE) and how this perception affects the actions one can perform as compared to the real world. In the process, we make use of newer tracking technology and graphic displays to investigate the perceived differences between real world environments and their virtual counterparts to understand how the spatial properties of the environment and the embodied self-avatars affect affordances by means of passability judgments. We describe techniques for creation and mapping VR environments onto their real world counterparts and the creation of gender matched body-scaled self-avatars that provides real time full-body tracking. The first two studies investigate how newer graphical displays and off-the-shelf tracking devices can be utilized to create salient gender matched body-scaled self-avatars and their effect on the judgment of passability as a result of the embodied body schema. The study involves creating complex scripts that automate the process of mapping virtual worlds onto their real world counterparts within a 1cm margin of error and the creation of self-avatars that match height, limb proportions and shoulder width of the participant using tracking sensors. The experiment involves making judgments about the passability of an adjustable doorway in the real world and in a virtual to-scale replica of the real world environment. The results demonstrated that the perception of affordances in IVEs is comparable to the real world but the behavior leading to it differs in VR. Also, the body-scaled self-avatars generated provide salient information yielding performance similar to the real world. Several insights and guidelines related to creating veridical virtual environments and realistic self-avatars were achieved from this effort. The third study investigates how the presence of body-scaled self-avatars affects the perception of size of virtual handheld objects and the influence of the person-plus-virtual-object system created by lifting the said virtual object on passability. This is crucial to understand as VR simulations now often utilize self-avatars that carry objects while maneuvering through the environment. How they interact with these handheld objects can influence what they do in critical scenarios where split second decisions can change the outcome like combat training, role-playing games, first person shooting, thrilling rides, physiotherapy, etc. It has also been reported that the avatar itself can influence the perception of size of virtual objects, in turn influencing action capabilities. There is ample research on different interaction techniques to manipulate objects in a virtual world but the question about how the objects affect our action capabilities upon interaction remains unanswered, especially when the haptic feedback associated with holding a real object is mismatched or missing. The study investigates this phenomenon by having participants interact with virtual objects of different sizes and making frontal and lateral passability judgments to an adjustable aperture similar to the first experiment. The results suggest that the presence of self-avatars significantly affects affordance judgments. Interestingly, frontal and lateral judgments in IVEs seem to similar unlike the real world. Investigating the concept of embodied body schema and its influence on action-capabilities further, the fourth study looks at how embodying self-avatars that may vary slightly from your real world body affect performance and behavior in dynamic affordance scenarios. In this particular study, we change the eye height of the participants in the presence or absence of self-avatars that are either bigger, smaller or the same size as the participant. We then investigate how this change in eye height and anthropometric properties of the self-avatar affects their judgments when crossing streets with oncoming traffic in virtual reality. We also evaluate any changes in the perceived walking speed as a result of embodying altered self-avatars. The findings suggest that the presence of self-avatars results in safer crossing behavior, however scaling the eye height or the avatar does not seem to affect the perceived walking speed. A detailed discussion on all the findings can be found in the manuscript

    Owning an overweight or underweight body: distinguishing the physical, experienced and virtual body

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    Our bodies are the most intimately familiar objects we encounter in our perceptual environment. Virtual reality provides a unique method to allow us to experience having a very different body from our own, thereby providing a valuable method to explore the plasticity of body representation. In this paper, we show that women can experience ownership over a whole virtual body that is considerably smaller or larger than their physical body. In order to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying body ownership, we use an embodiment questionnaire, and introduce two new behavioral response measures: an affordance estimation task (indirect measure of body size) and a body size estimation task (direct measure of body size). Interestingly, after viewing the virtual body from first person perspective, both the affordance and the body size estimation tasks indicate a change in the perception of the size of the participant’s experienced body. The change is biased by the size of the virtual body (overweight or underweight). Another novel aspect of our study is that we distinguish between the physical, experienced and virtual bodies, by asking participants to provide affordance and body size estimations for each of the three bodies separately. This methodological point is important for virtual reality experiments investigating body ownership of a virtual body, because it offers a better understanding of which cues (e.g. visual, proprioceptive, memory, or a combination thereof) influence body perception, and whether the impact of these cues can vary between different setups

    Investigating Embodied Interaction in Near-Field Perception-Action Re-Calibration on Performance in Immersive Virtual Environments

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    Immersive Virtual Environments (IVEs) are becoming more accessible and more widely utilized for training. Previous research has shown that the matching of visual and proprioceptive information is important for calibration. Many state-of-the art Virtual Reality (VR) systems, commonly known as Immersive Virtual Environments (IVE), are created for training users in tasks that require accurate manual dexterity. Unfortunately, these systems can suffer from technical limitations that may force de-coupling of visual and proprioceptive information due to interference, latency, and tracking error. It has also been suggested that closed-loop feedback of travel and locomotion in an IVE can overcome compression of visually perceived depth in medium field distances in the virtual world [33, 47]. Very few experiments have examined the carryover effects of multi-sensory feedback in IVEs during manual dexterous 3D user interaction in overcoming distortions in near-field or interaction space depth perception, and the relative importance of visual and proprioceptive information in calibrating users\u27 distance judgments. In the first part of this work, we examined the recalibration of movements when the visually reached distance is scaled differently than the physically reached distance. We present an empirical evaluation of how visually distorted movements affects users\u27 reach to near field targets in an IVE. In a between subjects design, participants provided manual reaching distance estimates during three sessions; a baseline measure without feedback (open-loop distance estimation), a calibration session with visual and proprioceptive feedback (closed-loop distance estimation), and a post-interaction session without feedback (open-loop distance estimation). Subjects were randomly assigned to one of three visual feedbacks in the closed-loop condition during which they reached to target while holding a tracked stylus: i) Minus condition (-20% gain condition) in which the visual stylus appeared at 80\% of the distance of the physical stylus, ii) Neutral condition (0% or no gain condition) in which the visual stylus was co-located with the physical stylus, and iii) Plus condition (+20% gain condition) in which the visual stylus appeared at 120% of the distance of the physical stylus. In all the conditions, there is evidence of visuo-motor calibration in that users\u27 accuracy in physically reaching to the target locations improved over trials. Scaled visual feedback was shown to calibrate distance judgments within an IVE, with estimates being farthest in the post-interaction session after calibrating to visual information appearing nearer (Minus condition), and nearest after calibrating to visual information appearing further (Plus condition). The same pattern was observed during closed-loop physical reach responses, participants generally tended to physically reach farther in Minus condition and closer in Plus condition to the perceived location of the targets, as compared to Neutral condition in which participants\u27 physical reach was more accurate to the perceived location of the target. We then characterized the properties of human reach motion in the presence or absence of visuo-haptic feedback in real and IVEs within a participant\u27s maximum arm reach. Our goal is to understand how physical reaching actions to the perceived location of targets in the presence or absence of visuo-haptic feedback are different between real and virtual viewing conditions. Typically, participants reach to the perceived location of objects in the 3D environment to perform selection and manipulation actions during 3D interaction in applications such as virtual assembly or rehabilitation. In these tasks, participants typically have distorted perceptual information in the IVE as compared to the real world, in part due to technological limitations such as minimal visual field of view, resolution, latency and jitter. In an empirical evaluation, we asked the following questions; i) how do the perceptual differences between virtual and real world affect our ability to accurately reach to the locations of 3D objects, and ii) how do the motor responses of participants differ between the presence or absence of visual and haptic feedback? We examined factors such as velocity and distance of physical reaching behavior between the real world and IVE, both in the presence or absence of visuo-haptic information. The results suggest that physical reach responses vary systematically between real and virtual environments especially in situations involving presence or absence of visuo-haptic feedback. The implications of our study provide a methodological framework for the analysis of reaching motions for selection and manipulation with novel 3D interaction metaphors and to successfully characterize visuo-haptic versus non-visuo-haptic physical reaches in virtual and real world situations. While research has demonstrated that self-avatars can enhance ones\u27 sense of presence and improve distance perception, the effects of self-avatar fidelity on near field distance estimations has yet to be investigated. Thus, we investigated the effect of visual fidelity of the self-avatar in enhancing the user\u27s depth judgments, reach boundary perception and properties of physical reach motion. Previous research has demonstrated that self-avatar representation of the user enhances the sense of presence [37] and even a static notion of an avatar can improve distance estimation in far distances [59, 48]. In this study, performance with a virtual avatar was also compared to real-world performance. Three levels of fidelity were tested; 1) an immersive self-avatar with realistic limbs, 2) a low-fidelity self-avatar showing only joint locations, and 3) end-effector only. There were four primary hypotheses; First, we hypothesize that just the existence of self-avatar or end-effector position would calibrate users\u27 interaction space depth perception in an IVE. Therefore, participants\u27 distance judgments would be improved after the calibration phase regardless of self-avatars\u27 visual fidelity. Second, the magnitude of the changes from pre-test to post-test would be significantly different based on the visual details of the self-avatar presented to the participants (self-avatar vs low-fidelity self-avatar and end-effector). Third, we predict distance estimation accuracy would be the highest in immersive self-avatar condition and the lowest in end-effector condition. Forth, we predict that the properties of physical reach responses vary systematically between different visual fidelity conditions. The results suggest that reach estimations become more accurate as the visual fidelity of the avatar increases, with accuracy for high fidelity avatars approaching real-world performance as compared to low-fidelity and end-effector conditions. There was also an effect of the phase where the reach estimate became more accurate after receiving feedback in calibration phase. Overall, in all conditions reach estimations became more accurate after receiving feedback during a calibration phase. Lastly, we examined factors such as path length, time to complete the task, average velocity and acceleration of physical reach motion and compared all the IVEs conditions with real-world. The results suggest that physical reach responses vary systematically between the VR viewing conditions and real-world

    How Foot Tracking Matters: The Impact of an Animated Self-Avatar on Interaction, Embodiment and Presence in Shared Virtual Environments

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    The use of a self-avatar representation in head-mounted displays has been shown to have important effects on user behavior. However, relatively few studies focus on feet and legs. We implemented a shared virtual reality for consumer virtual reality systems where each user could be represented by a gender-matched self-avatar controlled by multiple trackers. The self-avatar allowed users to see their feet, legs and part of their torso when they looked down. We implemented an experiment where participants worked together to solve jigsaw puzzles. Participants experienced either no-avatar, a self-avatar with floating feet, or a self-avatar with tracked feet, in a between-subjects manipulation. First, we found that participants could solve the puzzle more quickly with self-avatars than without self-avatars; but there was no significant difference between the latter two conditions, solely on task completion time. Second, we found participants with tracked feet placed their feet statistically significantly closer to obstacles than participants with floating feet, whereas participants who did not have a self-avatar usually ignored obstacles. Our post-experience questionnaire results confirmed that the use of a self-avatar has important effects on presence and interaction. Together the results show that although the impact of animated legs might be subtle, it does change how users behave around obstacles. This could have important implications for the design of virtual spaces for applications such as training or behavioral analysis

    Do As We Do, Not As You Think: The Effect of Group Influence on Individual Choices in a Virtual Environment

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    Second Life (SL) is a virtual world application that enables users to create virtual representations of themselves and interact with other users. SL is increasingly being used to study important psychological questions. The current project sought to replicate within SL Asch’s (1951) classic finding of group influence, in which participants often respond in accordance with choices expressed by other members of a group, regardless of the accuracy of those choices. Participants were given a series of perceptual judgment trials, in which they chose one of three stimulus alternatives that matched the length of a target stimulus. Participants were tested either alone or with three other confederate avatars whose choices were predetermined by the experimenter. On two of the trials, confederate avatars unanimously chose incorrectly before the actual participant made their choice. Results showed that on these trials participants were significantly more likely to choose in accord with the confederate’s choices, relative to participants tested as single avatars. The results generally support earlier research on group influence and extend these findings to a virtual world environment


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