114,170 research outputs found


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    According to Nurgiyantoro (2005: 200), folktale serves as both a means of entertainment and to pass on the values ​​that are believed as truth by the people of the time. Although in recent times folktales have been heavily modified, the characters’ actions in the folktale remains unchanged. In narrative structure, a folktale is divided into several sections, however it does not mean that the tale is separated, as it refers to the entirety of the meaning (Endraswara, 2009: 112). Therefore, the research problems in this study are (1) what narrative functions are included in die zertanzten Schuhe by Brüder Grimm, and (2) what spheres of action are included in die zertanzten Schuhe by Brüder Grimm. The objectives of this study are (1) to describe the narrative functions included in die zertanzten Schuhe by Brüder Grimm, and (2) to describe the sphere of action included in die zertanzten Schuhe by Brüder Grimm. This study used the narrative structure theory of Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp. The approach used in this study is descriptive qualitative approach. The sources of data in this study is an electronic book (e-book) which contains a compilation of Brüder Grimm collection tales. While the data in this research is sentences that show the narrative function and sphere of action. Based on the results and discussion on narrative structures in Die zertanzten Schuhe by Brüder Grimm there are 17 functions found and those are difficult task (M), lack(a), ‘the first function of the donor’ (D), interdiction (γ), provision or receipt of magical agent (F) ‘heros reaction (E), ‘departure’ (↑), ‘transfiguration’ (T), trickery’ (η), ‘mediation, the connective incident’ (B), ‘the initial misfortune or lack is liquated’ (K), ‘reconnaissance’ (ε), ‘branding’ (J), ‘return (↓), solution (N), wedding (W), and ‘punishment’ (U). From those functions, there are six spheres of actions that were found 6 in die zertanzten Schuhe by Brüder Grimm, namely hero, helper, donor, villain, princess and her father, and dispatcher. Keyword : narrative Structure, folktale, Brüder Grim

    Lx-SFR relation in star forming galaxies

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    We compare the results of Grimm et al. (2003) and Ranalli et al. (2003) on the Lx-SFR relation in normal galaxies. Based on the Lx-stellar mass dependence for LMXBs, we show, that low SFR (SFR<1 Msun/year) galaxies in the Ranalli et al. sample are contaminated by the X-ray emission from low mass X-ray binaries, unrelated to the current star formation activity. The most important conclusion from our comparison is, however, that after the data are corrected for the ``LMXB contamination'', the two datasets become consistent with each other, despite of their different content, variability effects, difference in the adopted source distances, X-ray flux and star formation rate determination and in the cosmological parameters used in interpreting the HDF-N data. They also agree well, both in the low and high SFR regimes, with the predicted Lx-SFR dependence derived from the parameters of the ``universal'' HMXB luminosity function. This encouraging result emphasizes the potential of the X-ray luminosity as an independent star formation rate indicator for normal galaxies.Comment: revised, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Nye møter med Rødhette og ulven

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    Dette er forfatternes versjon av en artikkel publisert i Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning. Artikkelen er tilgjengelig via forlagets hjemmeside: idunn.no https://www.idunn.no/tfk/2015/03-04/nye_moeter_med_roedhette_og_ulvenNorsk: Utgangspunktet for artikkelen er en grunnleggende tanke om at bevegelser mellom det kjente og det ukjente kan åpne opp for ny forståelse og mening. I produktive prosesser skaper og gjenskaper vi oss selv og den verden som omgir oss. Det kjente og det ukjente kan vi blant annet møte gjennom litterære fortellinger. Inspirert av narrativ forskning, ulike studier fra barnehagefeltet og Paul Ricæurs kritisk hermeneutiske filosofi argumenterer vi for hvordan møtet mellom to narrative tekster kan knyttes til barns subjektskaping. I eventyret om Rødhette og ulven (Grimm og Grimm, 2002) og i billedboka om Gitte og gråulvene (Lindenbaum, 2001), beskrives to forskjellige rødhettekledde jenters møter med ulven/ulvene. Ved å sette tekstene i forbindelse med hverandre ønsker vi å vise hvordan barnelitteratur som presenteres i barnehagen, kan skape mulighetsrom som produserer ulike forståelser av kjønn og identitet.English: New approaches to Little Red Riding Hood The paper takes as its starting point a principal idea that movement between the known and unknown may open for novel comprehension and meaning. Through productive processes we create and recreate ourselves and the world surrounding us. We may encounter the known and the unknown through literary narratives. Inspired by narrative research, empirical studies from the pre-school field and Paul Ricæur's critical hermeneutics we explore how encounters between two narrative texts may be connected to the shaping of children's' subjectivity . In the fairytale of Little Red Riding Hood (Grimm & Grimm, 2002) and in the picture book Gitte og gråulvene [Gitte and the gray wolves] (Lindenbaum, 2001), two different red hooded girls' encounters with wolves are described. By relating the texts to each other we show how literature presented in the pre-school may create different opportunities and understandings of gender and identity

    Grounding, Understanding, and Explanation

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    Starting with the slogan that understanding is a 'knowledge of causes,' Stephen Grimm and John Greco have argued that understanding comes from a knowledge of dependence relations. Grounding is the trendiest dependence relation on the market, and if Grimm and Greco are correct, then instances of grounding should also give rise to understanding. In this paper, I will show that this prediction is correct-grounding does indeed generate understanding in just the way that Grimm and Greco anticipate. However, grounding examples of understanding also show that Grimm and Greco are not telling the full story when it comes to understanding. Understanding can only be generated by a particular subset of dependence relations-those dependence relations that are also explanatory. Grimm and Greco should thus appeal to a privileged class of dependence relations, relations like grounding that can give rise to explanation as well

    The Divergence of Binary Sex and the Transgender

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    The X-ray binary population in M33: II. X-ray spectra and variability

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    In this paper we investigate the X-ray spectra and X-ray spectral variability of compact X-ray sources for 3 Chandra observations of the Local Group galaxy M33. The observations are centered on the nucleus and the star forming region NGC 604. In the observations 261 sources have been detected. For a total of 43 sources the number of net counts is above 100, sufficient for a more detailed spectral fitting. Of these sources, 25 have been observed in more than one observation, allowing the study of spectral variability on ~months timescales. A quarter of the sources are found to be variable between observations. However, except for two foreground sources, no source is variable within any observation above the 99% confidence level. Only six sources show significant spectral variability between observations. A comparison of N_H values with HI observations shows that X-ray absorption values are consistent with Galactic X-ray binaries and most sources in M33 are intrinsically absorbed. The pattern of variability and the spectral parameters of these sources are consistent with the M33 X-ray source population being dominated by X-ray binaries: Two thirds of the 43 bright sources have spectral and timing properties consistent with X-ray binaries; we also find two candidates for super-soft sources and two candidates for quasi-soft sources.Comment: 25 pages, ApJ accepte