265 research outputs found

    The role of institutional repositories in the changing environment of scientific communication and the activity of academic libraries

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    Celem badań opisanych w artykule było ustalenie roli repozytoriów instytucjonalnych w zmieniającym się środowisku informacyjnym nauki i bibliotek akademickich, a w szczególności przeprowadzone analizy dotyczyły realizacji dodatkowych zadań i funkcji, jakie są wykonywane w polskich repozytoriach. Poszukiwano informacji na temat działań dotyczących parametrycznej oceny uczelni i pracowników naukowych, prowadzenia działalności wydawniczej, raportowania na temat działalności naukowej i innych aktywności wykraczających poza podstawową działalność repozytoriów, czyli upowszechnianie publikacji naukowych. Badania przeprowadzono za pomocą wywiadów oraz analizy jakościowej i ilościowej stron internetowych. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań ustalono, że w znikomym zakresie realizowane są dodatkowe funkcje poszerzające podstawową działalność repozytoriów. Poza systemami typu CRIS, działania te podejmowane są tylko w 5 repozytoriach. Głównie polegają na prowadzeniu działalności wydawniczej, digitalizacji zasobów, masowych eksportach metadanych do centralnych systemów informacji o nauce i szkolnictwie wyższym POL-on i PBN oraz w przypadku systemów CRIS kompleksowym gromadzeniu informacji i raportowaniu o dorobku pracowników danej uczelni.The aim of the research described in the article was to determine the role of institutional repositories in the changing information environment of science and academic libraries. In particular, the analyzes concerned the implementation of additional tasks and functions that are performed in Polish repositories. Information was sought regarding the parametric evaluation of universities and researchers, conducting publishing activities, reporting on scientific activities and other activities beyond the basic activity of repositories, i.e. dissemination of scientific publications. The research was conducted by means of interviews, qualitative and quantitative analysis of websites and analysis of existing documents. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that additional functions are implemented to a negligible extent, expanding the basic activity of repositories. Apart from CRIS systems, these activities are only undertaken in 5 repositories. They mainly rely on publishing, the digitization of resources, mass metadata exports to POL-on and PBN central information systems for science and higher education, and, in the case of CRIS systems, comprehensive information collection and reporting on the achievements of university [email protected] Jagielloński, Biblioteka JagiellońskaAbout. 2018. Tryb dostępu: https://www.coar-repositories.org/about [19 stycznia 2019].de Castro P., Mennielli M.: Recent work by the euroCRIS Best Practice/DRIS Task Group: a way forward for engaging with the CRIS community. „Procedia Computer Science” Vol. 33 (2014), s. 60-67.de Castro P., Shearer K., Summann F.: The gradual merging of repository and CRIS solutions to meet institutional research information management requirements. „Procedia Computer Science” Vol. 33 (2014), s. 39-46.Cullen R., Nagata H.: Academic Libraries in Japan. „The Journal of Academic Librarianship” Vol. 34, nr 2 (2008), s. 163-167.Gałuszka E., Szafrański L.: Jagiellonian University Repository (RUJ): organizational and functional aspects. „Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia” T. 15 (2017), s. 360-374.Gościniak K.: Bazy wiedzy typu Current Research Information System (CRIS). 2017. Tryb dostępu: https://prezi.com/yrb3ymdyp8qt/bazy-wiedzy-typu-current-research-information-system-cris [12 lutego 2019].Gottschling M.: [Seven] 7 things you should know about…Institutional Repositories, CRIS Systems, and their Interoperability. 2017. Tryb dostępu: https://www.coar-repositories.org/community/events/archive/repository-observatory-third-edition/7-things-you-should-know-about-institutional-repositoriescris-systems-and-their-interoperability/#anchor-what-are-the-main-differences-between-criss-and-irs [20 stycznia 2019].Most Wiedzy. Tryb dostępu: https://mostwiedzy.pl [13 lutego 2019].OpenDOAR Statistics. Tryb dostępu: http://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/view/repository_visualisations/1.html [19 stycznia 2019].POL-on: instytucje szkolnictwa wyższego. Tryb dostępu: https://polon.nauka.gov.pl [20 stycznia 2019].Raport nt. realizacji polityki otwartego dostępu do publikacji naukowych w latach 2015-2017. Warszawa 2018. Tryb dostępu: https://www.gov.pl/documents/1068557/1069061/20180413_Raport_nt_polityki_OA_w_latach_2015-2017_ost.pdf/11191306-ecb3-b73d-c82a-72ba6d170c0d [19 stycznia 2019].Repozytorium Politechniki Krakowskiej. Tryb dostępu: https://suw.biblos.pk.edu.pl/search [13 lutego 2019].Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Tryb dostępu: https://ruj.uj.edu.pl/xmlui/discover [12 lutego 2019].Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Tryb dostępu: http://repozytorium.uni.lodz.pl:8080/xmlui/handle/11089/26779?show=full [13 lutego 2019].Rodrigues E., Shearer K.: Next Generation Repositories: Behaviours and Technical Recommendations of the COAR Next Generation Repositories Working Group. 2017. Tryb dostępu: https://www.coar-repositories.org/files/NGR-Final-Formatted-Report-cc.pdf [19 stycznia 2019].Szafrański L.: Zarządzanie zasobami dokumentów elektronicznych w instytucjonalnych repozytoriach akademickich. Warszawa 2019.19921

    Making the most of what we have got: Enhancing the RADAR repository to support research planning

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    This article discusses how RADAR, the institutional repository (IR) at the Glasgow School of Art (GSA), has been modified to house an Annual Research Planning (ARP) template. A case study on the implementation of this research planning tool will outline the role that a repository and its staff can play in supporting individuals, enhancing processes and helping to reach strategic institutional goals in preparing for the next Research Excellence Framework (REF). The paper will also investigate how the extension of RADAR to incorporate Current Research Information System (CRIS) elements has led to increased user engagement, and has successfully demonstrated a new use for the repository beyond its scholarly communication function

    Research Information Management: Defining RIM and the Library\u27s Role

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    Research information management (RIM) is the aggregation, curation, and utilization of information about research and is emerging as an area of increasing interest and relevance in many university libraries. RIM intersects with many aspects of traditional library services in discovery, acquisition, dissemination, and analysis of scholarly activities, and does so through the nexus with institutional data systems, faculty workflows, and institutional partners. RIM adoption offers libraries new opportunities to support institutional and researcher goals. In this paper prepared by Rebecca Bryant, OCLC Research Senior Program Officer, and a working group of librarians representing OCLC Research Library Partnership institutions, learn more about what RIM is, what is driving RIM adoption, and the library’s role in RIM. The publication is intended to help libraries and other institutional stakeholders understand developing research information management practices—and particularly the value add that libraries can offer in a complex ecosystem. This work is part of a suite of publications and resources around RIM practices. Read more about upcoming research and reports in the area of research information management

    Practices and patterns : the convergence of repository and CRIS functions

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    The recently released report Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey, jointly produced by OCLC Research and euroCRIS, shines a light onto a relevant area of repository evolution, namely the ever increasing coupling of its workflows to those traditionally associated with Research Information Management (RIM, or CRIS) systems. Previous landscape analysis had already identified this trend a few years ago, and this comprehensive OCLC/euroCRIS exercise provides new evidence on repositories and RIM systems acting like a single integrated, interoperable system for the purpose of collecting and exposing the institutional research output. The proposed presentation examines this trend based on nearly 400 survey responses from 40 nations, and provides insights into the increasing overlap of practice, functionality, and workflows, such as the extent to which RIM systems may be playing the role of institutional (literature) repositories, data repositories, and repositories for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). The global responses will be analysed together with their regional breakdown. Also relevant is the fact that the most popular protocol identified in the survey is OAI-PMH. Further iterations planned for this survey should help capturing the trends of the landscape evolution in this and other areas

    Research Management Systems: Systematic Mapping of Literature (2007-2017)

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    Research management in relation to Research and Development (R&D) has found a comprehensive and powerful tool in the Current Research Information System (CRIS). Publications on the subject are still emerging, so knowing what research has been done and its contributions presents an opportunity to build theoretical and reference frameworks, and to identify gaps and potential opportunities for future developments in information technology. Various articles covering these systems were analyzed with the objective of identifying the research areas, countries and institutions in which they were published, as well as their research approaches, contributions and topics covered. A systematic mapping of literature was carried out, which included 33 articles published on Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus, from 2007 to 2017. To ensure valid results, the evaluation guide for researchers was used during for the design and review phases of the systematic mapping studies, as well as the corresponding evaluation rubric; in addition, a strategy to define direct decision rules on how to classify an article based on the results of evaluations of multiple researchers was adopted. The findings show that the main research areas are Information Science & Library Science and Computer Science; the largest concentration of publications is found in Europe; research focuses on Evaluation Research; contributions are oriented to create processes and models, and to describe the applications and uses of CRIS. It is concluded that there are areas of opportunity for the development of research in this area, such as the expansion of the research areas in which it is used, the possibilities of collaboration, sharing and exchange at a global level, and the coverage towards integration issues with open access

    DSPACE-CRIS: Perisian sistem repositori maklumat penyelidikan

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    The use of open source software for the new version of the DSpace repository system known as DSpace-CRIS has received a lot of attention by system researchers and has opened the eyes of various research management organizations. The use of DSpace-CRIS is recorded as the best step in preserving and upgrading the work of indexing the digital content of research materials more efficiently, smartly and interactively as needed in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). DSpace-CRIS has also been identified as not only a role in managing information content according to the standard Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) but also has evolved according to new system model specifications and frameworks. It has been adopted by European research institutes and has created a new model framework framework known as the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) Data Mode

    Libraries for the future: the role of IT utilities in the transformation of academic libraries.

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    This article presents an evaluation of the role of IT utilities in the transformation of academic library services. It begins with a brief overview of the historical development of academic libraries followed by a discussion of current challenges and opportunities for academic libraries. It then offers reflections on the changing role and focus of academic libraries, evident, for example, via the reduction of physical book stock and through an increased focus on collaborative learning spaces. The article also discusses examples of innovative technological developments for learning, data management and the impact of these on the academic library sector, including the need for library staff to develop new skills and roles such as 'embedded' librarian roles. The article concludes with reflections on future developments and the role of IT Utilities

    Research Information Management: defining RIM and the Library’s role

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    Research information management (RIM) is the aggregation, curation, and utilization of information about research and is emerging as an area of increasing interest and relevance in many university libraries. RIM intersects with many aspects of traditional library services in discovery, acquisition, dissemination, and analysis of scholarly activities, and does so through the nexus with institutional data systems, faculty workflows, and institutional partners. RIM adoption offers libraries new opportunities to support institutional and researcher goals. In this paper prepared by Rebecca Bryant, OCLC Research Senior Program Officer, and a working group of librarians representing OCLC Research Library Partnership institutions, learn more about what RIM is, what is driving RIM adoption, and the library’s role in RIM. The publication is intended to help libraries and other institutional stakeholders understand developing research information management practices—and particularly the value add that libraries can offer in a complex ecosystem.Publisher PD