87 research outputs found

    Narrow passage identification using cell decomposition approximation and minimum spanning tree

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    Narrow passage problem is a problematic issue facing the sampling-based motion planner. In this paper, a new approach for narrow areas identification is proposed. The quad-tree cell-decomposition approximation is used to divide the free workspace into smaller cells, and build a graph of adjacency for these. The proposed method follows the graph edges and finds a sequence of cells, which have the same size, preceded and followed by a bigger cell size. The sequence, which has the pattern bigger-smaller-bigger cells size, is more likely to be located in a narrow area. The minimum spanning tree algorithm is used, to linearize adjacency graph. Many methods have been proposed to manipulate the edges cost in the graph, in order to make the generated spanning tree traverse through narrow passages in detectable ways. Five methods have been proposed, some of them give bad results, and the others give better on in simulationsNarrow passage problem is a problematic issue facing the sampling-based motion planner. In this paper, a new approach for narrow areas identification is proposed. The quad-tree cell-decomposition approximation is used to divide the free workspace into smaller cells, and build a graph of adjacency for these. The proposed method follows the graph edges and finds a sequence of cells, which have the same size, preceded and followed by a bigger cell size. The sequence, which has the pattern bigger-smaller-bigger cells size, is more likely to be located in a narrow area. The minimum spanning tree algorithm is used, to linearize adjacency graph. Many methods have been proposed to manipulate the edges cost in the graph, in order to make the generated spanning tree traverse through narrow passages in detectable ways. Five methods have been proposed, some of them give bad results, and the others give better on in simulation

    Generalized Regressive Motion: a Visual Cue to Collision

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    Brains and sensory systems evolved to guide motion. Central to this task is controlling the approach to stationary obstacles and detecting moving organisms. Looming has been proposed as the main monocular visual cue for detecting the approach of other animals and avoiding collisions with stationary obstacles. Elegant neural mechanisms for looming detection have been found in the brain of insects and vertebrates. However, looming has not been analyzed in the context of collisions between two moving animals. We propose an alternative strategy, Generalized Regressive Motion (GRM), which is consistent with recently observed behavior in fruit flies. Geometric analysis proves that GRM is a reliable cue to collision among conspecifics, whereas agent-based modeling suggests that GRM is a better cue than looming as a means to detect approach, prevent collisions and maintain mobility

    Path planning using harmonic functions and probabilistic cell decomposition

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    Potential-field approach based on harmonic functions have good path planning properties, although the explicit knowledge of the robot’s Configuration Space is required. To overcome this drawback, a combination with a random sampling scheme is proposed. Harmonic functions are computed over computed over a 2d –tree decomposition of a d-dimensional Configuration Space that is obtained with a probabilistic cell decomposition (sampling and classification). Cell sampling is biased towards the more promising regions by using the harmonic function values. Cell classification is performed by evaluating a set of configurations of the cell obtained with a deterministic sampling sequence that provides a good uniform and incremental coverage of the cell. The proposed planning framework open the use of harmonic functions to higher dimensional C-spaces

    An adaptative deterministic sequence for sampling-based motion planners

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    This paper presents a deterministic sequence with good and useful features for sampling-based motion planners, On the one hand, the proposed sequence is able to generate samples over a hierarchical grid structure of the C-space in an incremental low-dispersion manner. On the other hand it allows to locally control the degree of resolution required at each region of the C-space by disabling the generation of mode samples where they are not needed. Therefore, the proposed sequence combines the strength of deterministic sequences (good uniformity coverage), with that of random sequences (adaptive behavior

    OOPS for Motion Planning: An Online Open-source Programming System

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    Abstract — The success of sampling-based motion planners has resulted in a plethora of methods for improving planning components, such as sampling and connection strategies, local planners and collision checking primitives. Although this rapid progress indicates the importance of the motion planning problem and the maturity of the field, it also makes the evaluation of new methods time consuming. We propose that a systems approach is needed for the development and the experimental validation of new motion planners and/or components in existing motion planners. In this paper, we present the Online, Open-source, Programming System for Motion Planning (OOPSMP), a programming infrastructure that provides implementations of various existing algorithms in a modular, object-oriented fashion that is easily extendible. The system is open-source, since a community-based effort better facilitates the development of a common infrastructure and is less prone to errors. We hope that researchers will contribute their optimized implementations of their methods and thus improve the quality of the code available for use. A dynamic web interface and a dynamic linking architecture at the programming level allows users to easily add new planning components, algorithms, benchmarks, and experiment with different parameters. The system allows the direct comparison of new contributions with existing approaches on the same hardware and programming infrastructure. I
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