16,053 research outputs found

    Hybrid Rules with Well-Founded Semantics

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    A general framework is proposed for integration of rules and external first order theories. It is based on the well-founded semantics of normal logic programs and inspired by ideas of Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) and constructive negation for logic programs. Hybrid rules are normal clauses extended with constraints in the bodies; constraints are certain formulae in the language of the external theory. A hybrid program is a pair of a set of hybrid rules and an external theory. Instances of the framework are obtained by specifying the class of external theories, and the class of constraints. An example instance is integration of (non-disjunctive) Datalog with ontologies formalized as description logics. The paper defines a declarative semantics of hybrid programs and a goal-driven formal operational semantics. The latter can be seen as a generalization of SLS-resolution. It provides a basis for hybrid implementations combining Prolog with constraint solvers. Soundness of the operational semantics is proven. Sufficient conditions for decidability of the declarative semantics, and for completeness of the operational semantics are given

    Negation by default and unstratifiable logic programs

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    AbstractThe default approach to the theory of logic programs (and deductive databases) is based on the interpretation of negation by default rules. Default logic is a well-suited formalism to express the Closed World Assumption and to define the declarative semantics of stratifiable logic programs. The case of disjunctive consequences in rules is treated. General logic programs may not have a meaning with respect to default semantics. The contribution of the paper is to exhibit an interesting class of programs having a default semantics, called effectively stratifiable programs. This time, disjunctive consequences are not considered. Effective stratification is a weaker constraint than stratification, local stratification and weak stratification. Besides enlarging the class of stratifiable logic programs, the paper contributes to provide a constructive definition of well-founded models of logic programs. The class of effectively stratifiable logic programs matches the class of programs having a total well-founded model and in general, the default semantics extends the well-founded semantics

    Active Integrity Constraints and Revision Programming

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    We study active integrity constraints and revision programming, two formalisms designed to describe integrity constraints on databases and to specify policies on preferred ways to enforce them. Unlike other more commonly accepted approaches, these two formalisms attempt to provide a declarative solution to the problem. However, the original semantics of founded repairs for active integrity constraints and justified revisions for revision programs differ. Our main goal is to establish a comprehensive framework of semantics for active integrity constraints, to find a parallel framework for revision programs, and to relate the two. By doing so, we demonstrate that the two formalisms proposed independently of each other and based on different intuitions when viewed within a broader semantic framework turn out to be notational variants of each other. That lends support to the adequacy of the semantics we develop for each of the formalisms as the foundation for a declarative approach to the problem of database update and repair. In the paper we also study computational properties of the semantics we consider and establish results concerned with the concept of the minimality of change and the invariance under the shifting transformation.Comment: 48 pages, 3 figure

    Logic Programming for Describing and Solving Planning Problems

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    A logic programming paradigm which expresses solutions to problems as stable models has recently been promoted as a declarative approach to solving various combinatorial and search problems, including planning problems. In this paradigm, all program rules are considered as constraints and solutions are stable models of the rule set. This is a rather radical departure from the standard paradigm of logic programming. In this paper we revisit abductive logic programming and argue that it allows a programming style which is as declarative as programming based on stable models. However, within abductive logic programming, one has two kinds of rules. On the one hand predicate definitions (which may depend on the abducibles) which are nothing else than standard logic programs (with their non-monotonic semantics when containing with negation); on the other hand rules which constrain the models for the abducibles. In this sense abductive logic programming is a smooth extension of the standard paradigm of logic programming, not a radical departure.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, Eighth International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, special track on Representing Actions and Plannin
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