11 research outputs found

    Verbos de movimento, preposições direcionais e escalas

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    Prepositions para and até are apparently similar in some contexts, but they give rise to distinct interpretations that are related to the aspectual profile of the predications. This work aims to explore the differences between para and até regarding the telicity of the predications projected by verbs of movement of the type caminhar. Two theoretical perspectives are compared and the data presented suggest that the contribution of these prepositions to the telicity of the predications can be described in a more accurate way by using the notion of 'scale', in a similar way to apparently unrelated constructions such as Degree Achievements

    Sobre a natureza homogénea do Pretérito Perfeito Composto em Português Europeu

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    O Pretérito Perfeito Composto do Indicativo (PPC) é um tempo que apresenta certaspeculiaridades em Português Europeu que o distinguem inequivocamente de construçõessimilares em outras línguas. De facto, enquanto, nas restantes línguas, esta construçãoveicula apenas uma eventualidade, em PE surge tipicamente uma leitura de repetição deeventualidades. Assim, na primeira parte deste trabalho, é analisada a natureza desta repetiçãode eventualidades - se se trata de iteração, frequência ou habitualidade. Defenderemos que a mais adequada é a noção de iteração, na medida em que o PPC converte um número nãodeterminado de eventos básicos do mesmo tipo numa única eventualidade, da qual os eventosbásicos são subfases.Contudo, esta leitura iterativa não surge em todos os casos: sob certas condições, o PPCpode ter uma leitura de eventualidade única. Deste modo, na segunda parte deste trabalho,apresentamos uma análise aspetual do PPC que inclui tanto a leitura de eventualidadeúnica como a leitura iterativa, no sentido de fornecer uma explicação unificada para asleituras do PPC. Para isso, recorreremos à noção de homogeneidade tal como é definida emLandman & Rothstein (2012a e 2012b). Defendemos que a propriedade da homogeneidadeé uma propriedade aspetual central do PPC em Português Europeu e que a oposição entrehomogeneidade segmental e homogeneidade incremental proposta por estes autores para osadverbiais do tipo 'for x time' permite explicar ambas as leituras deste tempo gramatical.In European Portuguese, 'Pretérito Perfeito Composto' (PPC) is a tense that presents somepeculiarities distinguishing it clearly from similar constructions in other languages. Althoughthis construction exhibits a single-eventuality reading in other languages, in EP there is typicallya multiple eventuality reading. So, in the first part of this paper, we discuss the quantificationover situations underlying the PPC in EP considering the notions of frequency, habituality anditeration. We argue that iteration is the relevant concept, as PPC converts an undeterminednumber of basic events of the same type into a single event.However, in some cases, the PPC in EP has a second reading available: a single-eventuality,like in other languages. Therefore, in the second part of this paper, we present an aspectualanalysis of the PPC that includes both the single-event reading and the iterative reading,in order to provide a unified explanation for both readings. To do so, we will resort to thenotion of homogeneity as defined in Landman & Rothstein 2012a e 2012b). We will arguethat homogeneity is a central aspectual property of PPC in EP and that the distinction betweensegmental homogeneity and incremental homogeneity proposed by these authors for 'for xtime' adverbials allows us to explain both readings of this EP tense

    Linear lengthening in Iwaidja : an event-quantifying intonation at the phonology to semantics/pragmatics interface

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    This paper investigates the meaning of a specific intonation contour called linear lengthening intonation (LLI), which is found in the northern Australian language Iwaidja. Using an experimental field work approach, we analysed approximately 4000 utterances. We demonstrate that the semantics of LLI is broadly event-quantificational as well as temporally scalar. LLI imposes aspectual selectional restrictions on the verbs it combines with (they must be durative, i.e., cannot describe ‘punctual’, atomic events), and requires the event description effected by said verbs to exceed a contextually determined relative scalar meaning. Iwaidja differs from other northern Australian languages with similar intonation patterns in that it does not seem to have any argument NP-related incremental or event scalar meaning. This suggests that LLI is a decidedly grammatical, language-specific device and not a purely iconic kind of expression (even though it also possibly has an iconic dimension)

    Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2017

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    Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2017 is a collection of fifteen articles that were prepared on the basis of talks given at the conference Formal Description of Slavic Languages 12.5, which was held on December 7–9, 2017, at the University of Nova Gorica. The volume covers a wide array of topics, such as control verbs, instrumental arguments, and perduratives in Russian, comparatives, negation, n-words, negative polarity items, and complementizer ellipsis in Czech, impersonal se-constructions and complementizer doubling in Slovenian, prosody and the morphology of multi-purpose suffixes in Serbo-Croatian, and indefinite numerals and the binding properties of dative arguments in Polish. Importantly, by exploring these phenomena in individual Slavic languages, the collection of articles in this volume makes a significant contribution to both Slavic linguistics and to linguistics in general

    Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2017

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    Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2017 is a collection of fifteen articles that were prepared on the basis of talks given at the conference Formal Description of Slavic Languages 12.5, which was held on December 7-9, 2017, at the University of Nova Gorica. The volume covers a wide array of topics, such as control verbs, instrumental arguments, and perduratives in Russian, comparatives, negation, n-words, negative polarity items, and complementizer ellipsis in Czech, impersonal se-constructions and complementizer doubling in Slovenian, prosody and the morphology of multi-purpose suffixes in Serbo-Croatian, and indefinite numerals and the binding properties of dative arguments in Polish. Importantly, by exploring these phenomena in individual Slavic languages, the collection of articles in this volume makes a significant contribution to both Slavic linguistics and to linguistics in general

    Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2021

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    Synopsis: Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2021 offers a selection of articles that were prepared on the basis of talks given at the conference Formal Description of Slavic Languages 14 or at the satellite workshop on secondary imperfectives in Slavic, which were held on June 2–5, 2021, at the University of Leipzig. The volume covers all branches of Slavic languages and features synchronic as well as diachronic analyses. It comprises a wide array of topics, such as degree achievements, clitic climbing in Czech and Polish, typology of Slavic l-participles, aspectual markers in Russian and Czech, doubling in South Slavic relative clauses, congruence and case-agreement in close apposition in Russian, cataphora in Slovenian, Russian and Polish participles, prefixation and telicity in Serbo-Croatian, Bulgarian adjectives, negative questions in Russian and German and imperfectivity in discourse. The numerous topics addressed demonstrate the importance of Slavic data and the analyses presented in this collection make a significant contribution to Slavic linguistics as well as to linguistics in general

    Breaking verbs. From event structure to syntactic categories in Basque

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    445 p.Doktore tesi honetan, predikatuen dekonposizioa eta lexikalizazioa arakatu ditut. Zehatzago, ikerketa honen helburu nagusia da aztertzea euskarazko aditzen -batez ere aditz eratorrien- barne-osaketa eta predikatu horien aditz konfigurazioa. Horretarako, Ereduzko Prosa Gaur (Salaburu et al. 2011) corpusetik hartutako aditz zerrenda bat lagin moduan hartu dut (Landaren 2008 Corsintax arakatzailea baliatuz) eta aditz horien alderdi hauek arakatu ditut: (i) haien dekonposaketa sintaktikoa (ii) azpielementu sintaktikoen lexikalizazioa eta kategorizazioa. Bestetik, euskarazko bi aditz konfigurazio nagusiak aztertu ditut, hots, forma sintetikoa (edo trinkoa) eta forma analitikoa (edo perifrastikoa)

    Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2017

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    Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2017 is a collection of fifteen articles that were prepared on the basis of talks given at the conference Formal Description of Slavic Languages 12.5, which was held on December 7-9, 2017, at the University of Nova Gorica. The volume covers a wide array of topics, such as control verbs, instrumental arguments, and perduratives in Russian, comparatives, negation, n-words, negative polarity items, and complementizer ellipsis in Czech, impersonal se-constructions and complementizer doubling in Slovenian, prosody and the morphology of multi-purpose suffixes in Serbo-Croatian, and indefinite numerals and the binding properties of dative arguments in Polish. Importantly, by exploring these phenomena in individual Slavic languages, the collection of articles in this volume makes a significant contribution to both Slavic linguistics and to linguistics in general