47 research outputs found

    Dynamic microsatellites in transcribed regions of gastropod mitochondrial 16S rDNA

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    Length variations of repetitive sequences in different AT-rich loop-coding regions of mitochondrial 16S rDNA in two gastropod species were discovered during intraspecific haplotype surveys. Examination of the discrete length variation of the basic repeat unit in a phylogenetic framework led to the conclusion of a microsatellite-like mutational dynamic. The observations suggest that the presence of a repetitive sequence structure alone is sufficient to trigger this dynamic.Des variations quant à la longueur de séquences répétitives au sein de diverses régions codantes à boucle AT-riche du gène codant pour l’ADNr 16S mitochondrial ont été découvertes chez deux gastéropodes lors de la comparaison d’haplotypes interspécifiques. Le fait que cette variation de taille, de type discrète, impliquait la perte ou le gain de monomères de la séquence répétitive a été interprété dans un contexte phylogénétique. Il en ressort que cette variation s’apparente à une dynamique mutationnelle analogue à celle des microsatellites. Ces observations suggèrent que la présence d’une structure formée de séquences répétitives suffit, à elle seule, à enclencher ce genre de dynamique. Mots clés : microsatellites, ARNr 16S, génome mitochondrial, ADN répétitif, gastéropodes

    Análisis de la estructura secundaria del LSU rRNA mitocondrial de caracoles terrestres peruanos (Orthalicidae: Gastropoda)

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    The alignment of ribosomal genes is difficult due to insertion and deletion events of nucleotides, making the alignment ambiguous. This can be overcome by using information from the secondary structure of ribosomal genes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of the secondary structure in improving the alignment of the 16S rRNA gene in land snails of the family Orthalicidae. We assessed 10 Orthalicid species (five genera). Total DNA was isolated and the partial 16S rRNA gene was amplified and sequenced using internal primers. The sequences were aligned with ClustalX and manually corrected, in DCSE format, using the 16S rRNA secondary structure of Albinaria caerulea (Pulmonata: Clausiliidae). The sequences obtained ranged from 323 to 345 bp corresponding to parts of both domains IV and V of the 16S rRNA gene. The secondary structure was recovered by homology using RnaViz 2.0. Most stems are conserved, and in general the loops are more variable. The compensatory mutations in stems are related to maintenance of the structure. The absence of a bulge-stem-loop in domain V places the family Orthalicidae within the Heterobranchia.El alineamiento de genes ribosomales es dificultoso debido a eventos de inserción y deleción de nucleótidos, convirtiendo el alineamiento en ambiguo; esto puede ser superado utilizando la información de la estructura secundaria. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la utilidad de la estructura secundaria en mejorar el alineamiento del gen 16S rRNA de caracoles terrestres de la familia Orthalicidae. Se evaluaron 10 especies de Orthalicidos (5 géneros). El ADN total fue aislado y parte del gen 16S rRNA fue amplificado y secuenciado usando primers internos. Las secuencias fueron alineadas con ClustalX y corregidas a mano, en formato DCSE, usando la estructura secundaria del 16S rRNA de Albinaria caerulea (Pulmonata: Clausiliidae). Las secuencias obtenidas variaron de 323 a 345 pb correspondiendo a partes del dominio IV y V del gen 16S rRNA. Se pudo recuperar por homología la estructura secundaria para los Orthalicidos usando RnaViz 2.0. La mayoría de las hélices son conservadas, siendo en general los bucles más variables. El fenómeno de mutaciones compensatorias en las hélices, estaría relacionado con la conservación de la estructura. La ausencia de un "bulge-stem-loop" en el dominio V ubica a la familia Orthalicidae dentro de Heterobranchia

    A comprehensive comparison of comparative RNA structure prediction approaches

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    BACKGROUND: An increasing number of researchers have released novel RNA structure analysis and prediction algorithms for comparative approaches to structure prediction. Yet, independent benchmarking of these algorithms is rarely performed as is now common practice for protein-folding, gene-finding and multiple-sequence-alignment algorithms. RESULTS: Here we evaluate a number of RNA folding algorithms using reliable RNA data-sets and compare their relative performance. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that comparative data can enhance structure prediction but structure-prediction-algorithms vary widely in terms of both sensitivity and selectivity across different lengths and homologies. Furthermore, we outline some directions for future research

    Evaluation of sequence alignments and oligonucleotide probes with respect to three-dimensional structure of ribosomal RNA using ARB software package

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    BACKGROUND: Availability of high-resolution RNA crystal structures for the 30S and 50S ribosomal subunits and the subsequent validation of comparative secondary structure models have prompted the biologists to use three-dimensional structure of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) for evaluating sequence alignments of rRNA genes. Furthermore, the secondary and tertiary structural features of rRNA are highly useful and successfully employed in designing rRNA targeted oligonucleotide probes intended for in situ hybridization experiments. RNA3D, a program to combine sequence alignment information with three-dimensional structure of rRNA was developed. Integration into ARB software package, which is used extensively by the scientific community for phylogenetic analysis and molecular probe designing, has substantially extended the functionality of ARB software suite with 3D environment. RESULTS: Three-dimensional structure of rRNA is visualized in OpenGL 3D environment with the abilities to change the display and overlay information onto the molecule, dynamically. Phylogenetic information derived from the multiple sequence alignments can be overlaid onto the molecule structure in a real time. Superimposition of both statistical and non-statistical sequence associated information onto the rRNA 3D structure can be done using customizable color scheme, which is also applied to a textual sequence alignment for reference. Oligonucleotide probes designed by ARB probe design tools can be mapped onto the 3D structure along with the probe accessibility models for evaluation with respect to secondary and tertiary structural conformations of rRNA. CONCLUSION: Visualization of three-dimensional structure of rRNA in an intuitive display provides the biologists with the greater possibilities to carry out structure based phylogenetic analysis. Coupled with secondary structure models of rRNA, RNA3D program aids in validating the sequence alignments of rRNA genes and evaluating probe target sites. Superimposition of the information derived from the multiple sequence alignment onto the molecule dynamically allows the researchers to observe any sequence inherited characteristics (phylogenetic information) in real-time environment. The extended ARB software package is made freely available for the scientific community via

    Identification of brown mussel (Perna indica) larvae using molecular tool

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    Species identification of larvae is crucial in understanding larval distribution and population ecology of bivalves. There is great prospects for brown mussel (Perna indica) mariculture and therefore the natural spat collection as a source of seed for culture gains importance. It is critical to precisely identify the larvae of the species in order to predict the spat fall for successful spat collection. The larvae of different bivalve species have similar morphology which makes it difficult to identify the species by microscopy. The partial coding sequences of the mitochondrial gene, cytochrome oxidase c subunit 1 (CO1) of P. indica and other related bivalve species were compared and a pair of species specific PCR (SSPCR) primers was designed that can specifically amplify the DNA of P. indica. The assay conducted to establish the specificity of SSPCR primers produced 291 bp PCR product, only with the target species. The SSPCR conducted with individual veliger larva sorted from the field collected plankton samples have confirmed the presence of P. indica. The SSPCR with the whole plankton samples showed presence of the species from the last week of May until the last week of June 2011

    SILVA: a comprehensive online resource for quality checked and aligned ribosomal RNA sequence data compatible with ARB

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    Sequencing ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes is currently the method of choice for phylogenetic reconstruction, nucleic acid based detection and quantification of microbial diversity. The ARB software suite with its corresponding rRNA datasets has been accepted by researchers worldwide as a standard tool for large scale rRNA analysis. However, the rapid increase of publicly available rRNA sequence data has recently hampered the maintenance of comprehensive and curated rRNA knowledge databases. A new system, SILVA (from Latin silva, forest), was implemented to provide a central comprehensive web resource for up to date, quality controlled databases of aligned rRNA sequences from the Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya domains. All sequences are checked for anomalies, carry a rich set of sequence associated contextual information, have multiple taxonomic classifications, and the latest validly described nomenclature. Furthermore, two precompiled sequence datasets compatible with ARB are offered for download on the SILVA website: (i) the reference (Ref) datasets, comprising only high quality, nearly full length sequences suitable for in-depth phylogenetic analysis and probe design and (ii) the comprehensive Parc datasets with all publicly available rRNA sequences longer than 300 nucleotides suitable for biodiversity analyses. The latest publicly available database release 91 (August 2007) hosts 547 521 sequences split into 461 823 small subunit and 85 689 large subunit rRNAs

    Rapid and repeated limb loss in a clade of scincid lizards

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    © 2008 Skinner et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Background: The Australian scincid clade Lerista provides perhaps the best available model for studying limb reduction in squamates (lizards and snakes), comprising more than 75 species displaying a remarkable variety of digit configurations, from pentadactyl to entirely limbless conditions. We investigated the pattern and rate of limb reduction and loss in Lerista, employing a comprehensive phylogeny inferred from nucleotide sequences for a nuclear intron and six mitochondrial genes. Results: The inferred phylogeny reveals extraordinary evolutionary mutability of limb morphology in Lerista. Ancestral state reconstructions indicate at least ten independent reductions in the number of digits from a pentadactyl condition, with a further seven reductions proceeding independently from a tetradactyl condition derived from one of these reductions. Four independent losses of all digits are inferred, three from pentadactyl or tetradactyl conditions. These conclusions are not substantially affected by uncertainty in assumed rates of character state transition or the phylogeny. An estimated age of 13.4 million years for Lerista entails that limb reduction has occurred not only repeatedly, but also very rapidly. At the highest rate, complete loss of digits from a pentadactyl condition is estimated to have occurred within 3.6 million years. Conclusion: The exceptionally high frequency and rate of limb reduction inferred for Lerista emphasise the potential for rapid and substantial alteration of body form in squamates. An absence of compelling evidence for reversals of digit loss contrasts with a recent proposal that digits have been regained in some species of the gymnophthalmid clade Bachia, possibly reflecting an influence of differing environmental and genetic contexts on the evolution of limb morphology in these clades. Future study of the genetic, developmental, and ecological bases of limb reduction and loss in Lerista promises the elucidation of not only this phenomenon in squamates, but also the dramatic evolutionary transformations of body form that have produced the extraordinary diversity of multicellular organisms.Adam Skinner, Michael SY Lee and Mark N Hutchinso

    Cyprinid phylogeny based on Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses of partitioned data: implications for Cyprinidae systematics

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    Cyprinidae is the biggest family of freshwater fish, but the phylogenetic relationships among its higher-level taxa are not yet fully resolved. In this study, we used the nuclear recombination activating gene 2 and the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome b genes to reconstruct cyprinid phylogeny. Our aims were to (i) demonstrate the effects of partitioned phylogenetic analyses on phylogeny reconstruction of cyprinid fishes; (ii) provide new insights into the phylogeny of cyprinids. Our study indicated that unpartitioned strategy was optimal for our analyses; partitioned analyses did not provide better-resolved or -supported estimates of cyprinid phylogeny. Bayesian analyses support the following relationships among the major monophyletic groups within Cyprinidae: (Cyprininae, Labeoninae), ((Acheilognathinae, ((Leuciscinae, Tincinae), Gobioninae)), Xenocyprininae). The placement of Danioninae was poorly resolved. Estimates of divergence dates within the family showed that radiation of the major cyprinid groups occurred during the Late Oligocene through the Late Miocene. Our phylogenetic analyses improved our understanding of the evolutionary history of this important fish family.Cyprinidae is the biggest family of freshwater fish, but the phylogenetic relationships among its higher-level taxa are not yet fully resolved. In this study, we used the nuclear recombination activating gene 2 and the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome b genes to reconstruct cyprinid phylogeny. Our aims were to (i) demonstrate the effects of partitioned phylogenetic analyses on phylogeny reconstruction of cyprinid fishes; (ii) provide new insights into the phylogeny of cyprinids. Our study indicated that unpartitioned strategy was optimal for our analyses; partitioned analyses did not provide better-resolved or -supported estimates of cyprinid phylogeny. Bayesian analyses support the following relationships among the major monophyletic groups within Cyprinidae: (Cyprininae, Labeoninae), ((Acheilognathinae, ((Leuciscinae, Tincinae), Gobioninae)), Xenocyprininae). The placement of Danioninae was poorly resolved. Estimates of divergence dates within the family showed that radiation of the major cyprinid groups occurred during the Late Oligocene through the Late Miocene. Our phylogenetic analyses improved our understanding of the evolutionary history of this important fish family

    Potential pitfalls of modelling ribosomal RNA data in phylogenetic tree reconstruction: Evidence from case studies in the Metazoa

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Failure to account for covariation patterns in helical regions of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes has the potential to misdirect the estimation of the phylogenetic signal of the data. Furthermore, the extremes of length variation among taxa, combined with regional substitution rate variation can mislead the alignment of rRNA sequences and thus distort subsequent tree reconstructions. However, recent developments in phylogenetic methodology now allow a comprehensive integration of secondary structures in alignment and tree reconstruction analyses based on rRNA sequences, which has been shown to correct some of these problems. Here, we explore the potentials of RNA substitution models and the interactions of specific model setups with the inherent pattern of covariation in rRNA stems and substitution rate variation among loop regions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found an explicit impact of RNA substitution models on tree reconstruction analyses. The application of specific RNA models in tree reconstructions is hampered by interaction between the appropriate modelling of covarying sites in stem regions, and excessive homoplasy in some loop regions. RNA models often failed to recover reasonable trees when single-stranded regions are excessively homoplastic, because these regions contribute a greater proportion of the data when covarying sites are essentially downweighted. In this context, the RNA6A model outperformed all other models, including the more parametrized RNA7 and RNA16 models.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results depict a trade-off between increased accuracy in estimation of interdependencies in helical regions with the risk of magnifying positions lacking phylogenetic signal. We can therefore conclude that caution is warranted when applying rRNA covariation models, and suggest that loop regions be independently screened for phylogenetic signal, and eliminated when they are indistinguishable from random noise. In addition to covariation and homoplasy, other factors, like non-stationarity of substitution rates and base compositional heterogeneity, can disrupt the signal of ribosomal RNA data. All these factors dictate sophisticated estimation of evolutionary pattern in rRNA data, just as other molecular data require similarly complicated (but different) corrections.</p