34 research outputs found

    The equality problem for rational series with multiplicities in the tropical semiring is undecidable

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    We show that the equality problem for rational series with multiplicities in the tropical semiring is undecidable

    The equality problem for rational series with multiplicities in the tropical semiring is undecidable

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    We show that the equality problem for rational series with multiplicities in the tropical semiring is undecidable

    Series which are both max-plus and min-plus rational are unambiguous

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    Consider partial maps from the free monoid into the field of real numbers with a rational domain. We show that two families of such series are actually the same: the unambiguous rational series on the one hand, and the max-plus and min-plus rational series on the other hand. The decidability of equality was known to hold in both families with different proofs, so the above unifies the picture. We give an effective procedure to build an unambiguous automaton from a max-plus automaton and a min-plus one that recognize the same series

    On Determinism and Unambiguity of Weighted Two-way Automata

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    In this paper, we first study the conversion of weighted two-way automata to one-way automata. We show that this conversion preserves the unambiguity but does not preserve the determinism. Yet, we prove that the conversion of an unambiguous weighted one-way automaton into a two-way automaton leads to a deterministic two-way automaton. As a consequence, we prove that unambiguous weighted two-way automata are equivalent to deterministic weighted two-way automata in commutative semirings.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2014, arXiv:1405.527

    On the Complexity of the Equivalence Problem for Probabilistic Automata

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    Checking two probabilistic automata for equivalence has been shown to be a key problem for efficiently establishing various behavioural and anonymity properties of probabilistic systems. In recent experiments a randomised equivalence test based on polynomial identity testing outperformed deterministic algorithms. In this paper we show that polynomial identity testing yields efficient algorithms for various generalisations of the equivalence problem. First, we provide a randomized NC procedure that also outputs a counterexample trace in case of inequivalence. Second, we show how to check for equivalence two probabilistic automata with (cumulative) rewards. Our algorithm runs in deterministic polynomial time, if the number of reward counters is fixed. Finally we show that the equivalence problem for probabilistic visibly pushdown automata is logspace equivalent to the Arithmetic Circuit Identity Testing problem, which is to decide whether a polynomial represented by an arithmetic circuit is identically zero.Comment: technical report for a FoSSaCS'12 pape

    Algebraic Elimination of epsilon-transitions

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    We present here algebraic formulas associating a k-automaton to a k-epsilon-automaton. The existence depends on the definition of the star of matrices and of elements in the semiring k. For this reason, we present the theorem which allows the transformation of k-epsilon-automata into k-automata. The two automata have the same behaviour.Comment: 13 decembre 200

    Isomorphisms of scattered automatic linear orders

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    We prove that the isomorphism of scattered tree automatic linear orders as well as the existence of automorphisms of scattered word automatic linear orders are undecidable. For the existence of automatic automorphisms of word automatic linear orders, we determine the exact level of undecidability in the arithmetical hierarchy