8 research outputs found

    Pengaruh gaya kognitif terhadap pencapaian pelajar

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    Gaya kognitif ialah satu gaya yang sedia ada pada seseorang individu sejak lahir. Justeru, gaya kognitif adalah satu aspek penting yang perlu diambil kira dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Pengaruh gaya kognitif ini tidak dapat disangkal kerana banyak kajian yang telah membuktikan bahawa pelajar yang mempunyai gaya kognitif yang berbeza menunjukkan pencapaian yang berbeza terhadap sesuatu kaedah pengajaran. Hal ini kerana terdapat pelbagai jenis pelajar dengan gaya kognitif yang berbeza dalam sesuatu bilik darjah, maka adalah tidak mungkin satu bahan yang sama boleh digunakan untuk semua pelajar. Kertas kerja ini akan mengulas kajian-kajian yang pernah dijalankan dalam melihat pengaruh gaya kognitif terhadap pencapaian pelajar. Setiap kajian akan dibandingbezakan dari segi kaedah yang digunakan, jenis sampel, hasil kajian dan juga kesannya dalam bidang pendidikan. Rumusan yang diperoleh hasil daripada penganalisisan ini boleh dijadikan sebagai panduan dalam mereka bentuk bahan pengajaran dan seterusnya mengaplikasikan kaedah yang sesuai dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran bersesuaian dengan gaya kognitif pelajar


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran biologi dengan Guided Inquiry Model menggunakan LKS terbimbing dan LKS bebas termodifikasi, kreativitas, motivasi berprestasi siswa, serta interaksinya terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain faktorial 2x2x2. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh  siswa kelas  XI IPA SMA Negeri 6 Madiun tahun pelajaran 2012-2013. Sampel diperoleh dengan teknik cluster random sampling terdiri dari 2 kelas XI A1 and XI A3. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes untuk prestasi belajar kognitif, psikomotor, dan mengukur kreativitas, serta angket untuk motivasi berprestasi dan prestasi belajar afektif. Data dianalisis menggunakan anava tiga jalan, berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan: 1) guided inquiry model menggunakan LKS terbimbing dan LKS bebas termodifikasi memberikan pengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik, 2) kreativitas memberikan pengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik, 3) motivasi berprestasi memberikan pengaruh terhadap prestasi kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik, 4) terdapat interaksi antara guided inquiry model menggunakan LKS terbimbing dan LKS bebas termodifikasi dengan kreativitas terhadap prestasi belajar kognitif, tetapi tidak pada prestasi belajar  afektif dan psikomotorik, 5) tidak terdapat interaksi antara guided inquiry model menggunakan LKS terbimbing dan LKS bebas termodifikasi dengan motivasi berprestasi terhadap prestasi belajar kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik, 6) terdapat interaksi antara kreativitas dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap prestasi belajar afektif dan psikomotorik, tetapi tidak pada prestasi belajar kognitif, 7) terdapat interaksi antara guided inquiry model menggunakan LKS terbimbing dan LKS bebas termodifikasi, dengan kreativitas dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap prestasi belajar afektif, tetapi tidak pada prestasi belajar kognitif dan psikomotorik. Kata kunci: inquiry, LKS, kreativitas, motivasi, peredaran dara

    Web-based interaction: A review of three important human factors

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    With the rapid development of information technology, the World Wide Web has been widely used in various applications, such as search engines, online learning and electronic commerce. These applications are used by a diverse population of users with heterogeneous backgrounds, in terms of their knowledge, skills, and needs. Therefore, human factors are key issues for the development of Web-based applications, leading research into human factors to grow significantly in the past decade. This paper identifies and reviews three important human factors that have been examined in existing empirical studies, including gender differences, prior knowledge, and cognitive styles. The main results from the analysis include that: (a) females have more disorientation problems than males; (b) flexible paths are more beneficial to experts while structured content is more useful to novices; and (c) Field Dependent and Field Independent users prefer to employ different search strategies. In addition to reviewing the existing empirical studies, this paper also highlights areas of future research

    Kehadiran guru, tahap pencapaian pelajar, kemahiran pembelajaran dan sikap dalam pembelajaran sains fizik melalui kaedah pembelajaran berbantukan komputer

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    Report by the Aceh Education Department showed that the performance in Physics among Level I secondary school (SMP) students was weak. Despite the development in Information and Communication Technology, not many teachers were using the computer-assisted instruction (CAI) teaching approach. This research aimed to determine the main effect of the presence of teacher, the main effect of student achievement level, and the interaction effect between the presence of teacher and student achievement level on the performance in Physics among students at SMP. The research also examined the correlation between learning skills and students' attitudes with the performance in Physics. This experimental research used a 2 x 2 factorial design.This research involved two independent variables, namely the presence of teacher and student achievement level and one dependent variable, the level of performance in Physics. A total of 68 students were involved in answering a post-test and a questionnaire. Research findings showed that the main effect of the presence of the teacher and the student achievement level were significant. Students with teacher performed better than the students without teacher. Similarly, students with high achievement level performed better than students with low achievement level. Findings also showed a significant positive relationship between learning skills and the level of performance in Physics. The relationship between students' attitudes and the level of performance in physics was also found to be significant for the students with teacher. Based on the findings, the presence of teacher and the student’s achievement level are important factors in CAI. Despite students being able to learn independently, the presence of teacher helped improve students’ performance further. This research provides new input in enhancing the teaching and learning methods in Science education. It also emphasizes the importance of learning skills and students' attitudes towards the learning of Science in improving the learning performance

    The effects of individual differences and instructional aids on learners' disorientation, learning performance and attitudes in a hypermedia learning system

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    Hypermedia Learning Systems (HLS) are being used increasingly widely in Higher Education, offering non-linear navigation through complex learning materials and, it is argued, leading to improve cognitive flexibility. For some learners, though, nonlinear navigation in HLS leads to higher levels of disorientation, which can have an impact on their learning performance and attitudes towards the learning system. There has been significant research into the factors that can influence individual learners‘ experiences. For example, a number of studies have confirmed that individual differences such as cognitive style, domain knowledge and computer experience affect individuals‘ levels of disorientation and learning performance, and influence their attitudes towards HLS. It has also been suggested that instructional aids (in the form of certain visual elements and audio elements) can reduce levels of disorientation and, in turn, increase learning performance in, and positive attitudes towards, HLS for some learners. However, existing studies have tended to look at only a subset of these three individual differences in relation to an individual and/or consider only a small number of visual instructional aids. No study up to this point has considered the impact of cognitive style, domain knowledge and computer experience on disorientation, learning performance and attitudes in a HLS that incorporates a full range of visual instructional aids. In terms of the research related to audio instructional aids, no studies have looked into the effects of audio aids and these three individual differences in relation to disorientation, learning performance and attitudes in HLS. This thesis addresses these two shortcomings through two experiments. The aim of experiment 1 was to examine the effects of and between these three individual differences with respect to disorientation, learning performance and attitudes in two versions of a HLS: one that incorporated the set of visual instructional aids and one that did not. Experiment 2 aimed to do the same, but with respect to a HLS that provided audio instructional aids. The experiments used quantitative and qualitative approaches to gather data to address a set of research questions and research hypotheses. The participants were 384 university students from across London. The Cognitive Style Analysis (CSA) test was administered to determine participants‘ field dependence, and participants‘ demographic information, levels of computer experience and levels of prior knowledge were gathered using questionnaires. Learning performance was measured through achievement tests and a practical task. Levels of disorientation were measured using questionnaires, and attitudes were assessed using questionnaires and interviews. Participants were also observed when they were interacting with the HLS to perform learning tasks. A number of interesting results were revealed. Significant effects were found between the three individual differences with respect to disorientation, learning performance and attitudes in the HLS that provided no instructional aids. No significant effects were found between the three individual differences with respect to disorientation or learning performance in the other two versions of the HLS – those providing visual and audio instructional aids. Significant effects were found between the three individual differences with respect to the use of the visual and audio instructional aids to perform learning in the HLS. No significant effects were found between the three individual differences with respect to attitudes in the HLS that provided visual instructional aids. Significant effects were found between the three individual differences with respect to attitudes in the version that provided audio instructional aids. Analysis of the results led to the framing of a set of HLS design guidelines which are presented in this thesis. Finally, an agenda for future research leading on from the study‘s findings is presented.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo