21 research outputs found

    The Effects of Visualization and Interactivity on Calibration in Financial Decision-Making

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    This study examines how visualization and interactivity affect accuracy, confidence, and calibration in a financial decisionmakingcontext. Decision-makers are typically overconfident and this research proposes that visualization and interactivitycan reduce calibration, increasing overconfidence. An experiment was conducted with 157 participants and the resultsshowed that visualization and interactivity features can increase decision-maker confidence independently. However,interactive visualization, both interface features, are required to increase accuracy. As a result, when interactivity andvisualization are offered individually, decision-makers become overconfident, less calibrated. Implications for designers arediscussed

    Aplicación de minería de datos para la clasificación de programas universitarios de ingeniería industrial acreditados en alta calidad en Colombia

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    The present research article proposes a method to classify University engineering programs, placing special attention to relations between the subjects of the curriculum and the 12 areas of knowledge established in the body of competencies published by the Institute of industrial and System Engineers (IIES). Techniques of unsupervised data analysis such as Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis were used for the proposed classification. Twenty-one programs, accredited by high quality in Industrial Engineering in Colombia, are used as units of study. The results show that factors such as international accreditation, size of the faculties of engineering and University profile, influence the grouping of the programs of study. The research allowed to classify three large main components and profiles of accredited programs. © 2018 Centro de Informacion Tecnologica. All Rights Reserved.Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation, Yale School of Medicin

    A Study on Resolution Skills in Phishing Detection

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    This study examines resolution skills in phishing email detection, defined as the abilities of individuals to discern correct judgments from incorrect judgments in probabilistic decision- making. An illustration of the resolution skills is provided. A number of antecedents to resolution skills in phishing email detection, including familiarity with the sender, familiarity with the email, online transaction experience, prior victimization of phishing attack, perceived self-efficacy, time to judgment, and variability of time in judgments, are examined. Implications of the study are further discussed

    Studies on Visual Analytics in the Information Systems Literature: A Review

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    Model Revisi Keyakinan Dan Keputusan Audit: Suatu Pengujian Eksperimental

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    The purpose of the research is to assess the recency effect about sequence, manner of presentation and form of information on audit decisions when the information is presented sequentially or simultaneously. Recency effect is a biased decision of the auditor when information is given in sequence and auditors tend to weigh the last information greater than the earlier information. The research used a 2x2x2 experimental design with 80 participants between the subject of undergraduate students majoring in accounting. The results of the research showed that: (i) belief revision occurs when information is presented in the sequential method; and (ii) in the audit decision-making, reviews effects occur in the form of a chart

    Creación de Perfiles Empresariales para Compañías Exportadoras mediante Aprendizaje No Supervisado

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    This research presents a method for the creation of business profiles of export companies in the city of Barranquilla - Colombia. The method is supported by the development of unsupervised data learning techniques, Principal Component Analysis and Cluster analysis. The database used corresponds to primary financial information of 107 companies registered in the Chamber of Commerce of Barranquilla. First, a review of the context of global and local exports is presented. Next, the analysis of components allowed the creation of new uncorrelated variables and the joint visualization of variables in a two-dimensional space. Subsequently, the cluster analysis of the companies was interpreted in the cluster analysis according to the financial items studied. The work shows that the methodology employed allows identifying the type of service that an enterprise needs to achieve the best levels of performance, which in turns facilitates the implementation of development plans and of public and private policies of business promotion. © 2019 Centro de Informacion Tecnologica. All rights reserved

    Métodos multivariantes aplicados a la efectividad de los disolventes en la industria farmacéutica

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    Introducción: Los disolventes son agentes químicos usados en la industria farmacéutica y su importancia radica en que su presencia puede acelerar o retardar la reacción de un fármaco hasta un millón de veces. Objetivo: La presente investigación analiza los diferentes tipos de disolventes para evaluar la existencia de grupos en los cuales se puedan identificar patrones relacionados con la efectividad de esos disolventes en la producción de fármacos. Metodología: El estudio consta de 4 fases: 1) análisis de componentes principales, 2) análisis de clúster, 3) análisis discriminante, y 4) interpretación de resultados y conclusiones. Resultados: Se identificaron tres conglomerados categorizados como supercríticos, microesféricos y biodegradables. La prueba de T de Hotelling arroja un p-valor de 0, poniendo en evidencia la diferencia entre grupos. El discriminante cuadrático arroja una precisión del 96% para la clasificación de disolventes. Conclusiones: El análisis multivariante permite modelar la efectividad de los disolventes en la industria farmacéutica, generando una metodología objetiva de decisión para la clasificación de disolventes según un enfoque de efectividad.Introduction− Solvents are chemical agents used in the pharmaceutical industry. Their importance is that their presence can accelerate or delay the reaction of a drug up to a million times.Objective−The present investigation analyzes the diffe-rent types of solvents in order to evaluate the existence of groups in which patterns related to the effectiveness of the mentioned solvents in medicine production can be identified.Methodology−The study is comprised of 4 phases: 1) Principal component analysis; 2) Cluster analysis; 3) Dis-criminant analysis; 4) Interpretation of results and con-clusions.Results− Three clusters, categorized as supercritical, microspherical and biodegradable, were identified. The Hotelling T test yields a p-value of 0, evidencing the diffe-rence between groups. The quadratic discriminant yields a precision of a 96% for the classification of solvents.Conclusions−The multivariate analysis allows modeling the effectiveness of solvents in the pharmaceutical indus-try. Hence, generating an objective decision methodology for the classification of solvents according to an effective-ness approach


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    AbstractAuditors have limited cognitive in managing information. The form of information presented visually and non-visually can trigger halo effect. This study aims to investigate the accuracy of an audit judgment when the information is served visually and non-visually and the information presentation affects halo effect. This experimental design 2 x 2 between subjects in which 64-bachelor degree students of Accounting Department that assigned as an internal auditor. The result shows that the group who gets the treatment of information presentation in visual forms and order of information positive-negative triggers the positive halo effect and impact to an audit judgment with low accuracy.Keywords: Halo Effect, Information Presentation, Audit Judgemen