481 research outputs found

    The Role of Immersive Virtual Reality in Individual Learning

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    New technologies create opportunities to improve education and, in this way, the individual learning. Due to their certain characteristics, such as immersion (i.e. the total engagement to a specific activity while other attentional demands are ignored), immersive Virtual Reality (VR) systems have the potential to increase the individual learning performance. Modern VR-head mounted displays (e.g. Oculus Rift) and provided controllers allow a new kind of interaction within a virtual environment. Against this background, the construct cognitive absorption (CA) within a learning context emerged. CA consists of five sub- constructs: temporal dissociation, curiosity, enjoyment, control, and immersion. Both, learning and CA, have already been brought together but not within a context of immersive VR. Hence, this study examines learning and its conditions within an immersive VR context by a Grounded Theory approach with 21 qualitative interviews. Implications for theory and design are derived

    A Study of Antecedents of Sense of Presence in Virtual World: Virtual Presence vs. Social Presence

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    Virtual World as an electronic artificial environment, enables users to have an identity while interacting with others is one of the new instances of Computer-Mediated Communications environment. Our study aims to elaborate the two types of presence in virtual world and their effects on users’ satisfaction and loyalty in second life. In addition we try to elaborate the factors that affect virtual and social presence. We used survey in order to collect data from a student sample frame. Our samples are students who at least have three weeks experience with second life in order to measure our model. Results of the research suggested that cognitive absorption positively influence virtual presence and sense of belonging positively influence social presence. In addition our results suggested that sense of presence in virtual world increase satisfaction and loyalty among virtual world users

    Seeking the Entanglement of Immersion and Emergence: Reflections from an Analysis of the State of IS Research on Virtual Worlds

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    This paper critically reviews the state of virtual world research within the Information Systems field; revealing areas of interest evident in research studies between 2007-2011, the methods employed to conduct such research, the theories/frameworks used to ground VW research, as well as reoccurring memes/concepts. We argue that virtual worlds are best interpreted as both an immersive and emergent co-creative process, ‘performed’ by users’ actions and interactions both with other users and with artifacts such as virtual goods. Nevertheless, our analysis reveals a near neglect of the substantive nature of digital materiality and of the emergent nature of virtual worlds. We conclude that this ‘human-centric’ stance has taken focus away from the unique nature of the virtual world artifact itself, and posit a research agenda that focuses on virtual world objects as well as the immersive and emergent activities of ‘world-builders’ as necessary to advance virtual world research

    Using Media Equation Theory to Assess the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Technology in Organizational Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Training

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    The emergence of immersive virtual reality media technology is providing human beings with a new communication platform to engage beyond the traditional frameworks of video media, audio media, and static webpages on the Internet. These communication media technologies offer users an immersive environment in which they are able to communicate and interact with fellow human beings and non-human entities in life-like mannerisms. Most importantly, this technology also has the potential to bridge gaps and solve problems within the context of certain cultural and societal issues. The issue of communication deficiencies surrounding the area of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) is one that holds significant value for many individuals, organizations, and institutions. This research study explores how the use of virtual reality media in the form of a DEIB training module can aid in more efficient and meaningful organizational training related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging communication strategies

    What drives consumers to patronise a hedonic social network? an empirical test of consumers' experiences, and their impact on continuance intention

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    My doctoral research focuses on the analysis of the various factors that potentially contribute to loyalty towards hedonic social networks. Among all the social networks, our study focuses on Facebook. After reviewing the relevant literature, we built a model including factors in three different categories: user experience (flow, interactivity and presence), social influence (subjective norms) and users' personality (OSL and attitude). With all the forgoing factors, we built a model containing the relationships between the constructs proposed, and its role in the construction of loyalty. The model has been validated and empirically analysed with a field research. For that purpose, we took a 371 valid records sample. The model was analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM). The empirical study yielded a positive relationship between the following constructs: interactivity with social and spatial presence, flow, attitude and loyalty; spatial presence with flow and social presence; social presence with loyalty; flow with attitude; subjective norms with loyalty; and attitude with loyalty.Esta tesis doctoral se enfoca en identificar y analizar los factores que puedan contribuir a la formación de lealtad hacia el uso de las redes sociales hedónicas. Entre todas las redes sociales, nuestro estudio se ha enfocado en Facebook. Después de revisar la literatura relevante, construimos un modelo que incluía factores relacionados de tres categorías distintas: la experiencia de uso (flujo, presencia e interactividad), la influencia social (normas subjetivas) y la personalidad del usuario (actitud y OSL). Con todo ello hemos construido un modelo que recoge las relaciones entre los constructos propuestos, y su papel dentro de la construcción de la lealtad. El modelo ha sido validado y contrastado empíricamente con una investigación de campo. Para ello se ha tomado una muestra de 371 registros. El modelo fue analizado utilizando una metodología de modelado de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). El estudio empírico arrojó una influencia positiva entre los siguientes constructos: interactividad con presencia social y espacial, con flujo, actitud y lealtad; presencia espacial con flujo y presencia espacial; presencia social con lealtad; flujo con actitud; normas subjetivas con lealtad; y actitud con lealtad.Aquesta tesi doctoral s'enfoca en identificar i analitzar els factors que puguin contribuir a la formació de lleialtat cap a l'ús de les xarxes socials hedòniques. Entre totes les xarxes socials hedòniques, el nostre estudi s'ha enfocat a Facebook. Després de revisar la literatura rellevant, vam construir un model que incloïa factors relacionats de tres categories diferents: l'experiència d'ús (flux, interactivitat i presència), la influència social (normes subjectives) i la personalitat de l'usuari (actitud y OSL). Amb tot això hem construït un model que recull les relacions entre els constructes proposats, i el seu paper dins de la construcció de la lleialtat. El model ha estat validat i contrastat empíricament amb una investigació de camp. Per això s'ha obtingut una mostra de 371 registres. El model va ser analitzat utilitzant una metodologia de modelatge d'equacions estructurals (SEM). Aquest contrast va permetre mostrar una influència positiva entre els següents constructes: interactivitat amb presència social i espacial, amb flux, actitud i lleialtat; presència espacial amb flux i presència espacial; presència social amb lleialtat; flux amb actitud; normes subjectives amb lleialtat; i actitud amb lleialtat.Societat de la informació i el coneixemen

    Still believing in virtual worlds: A decomposed approach

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    siirretty Doriast

    Informative and peripheral metaverse: Which leads to experience? An investigation from the viewpoint of self-concept

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    The growth of the Metaverse has been massive in the last two years. However, limited evidence exists to understand how consumers perceive it as a potential retail space. This study investigates the effect of information (central route) and design (peripheral route) to experience and its subsequent impact on purchase intention and continuation intention in the Metaverse. The study also employed actual and ideal self-congruence to test its indirect effect on the model. This study was conducted using a simulated metaverse space by employing a 3x3 factorial design in which the data was collected from 354 participants. The results indicate that information and design are crucial in developing a metaverse experience, which builds positive purchase and continuation intentions in metaverse space. It was also found that ideal self-congruence with the Metaverse significantly creates an indirect relationship effect. The study extends theoretical knowledge of various theories and metaverse literature and suggests implications to managers

    Towards a Video Consumer Leaning Spectrum: A Medium-Centric Approach

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    Purpose: As TV and digital video converge, there is a need to compare advertising effectiveness, advertising receptivity, and video consumption drivers in this new context. Considering the emerging viewing practices and underlying theories, this study examines the feasibility of the traditional notion of differentiating between lean-back (LB) and lean-forward (LF) media, and proposes a revised approach of addressing video consumption processes and associated advertising effectiveness implications. Methodology: An extensive, systematic literature review examines a total of 715 sources regarding current lean-back/lean-forward media research and alternative approaches as by (1) basic terminologies, (2) limitations of lean-back/lean-forward situations, (3) advertising effectiveness implications, (4) video-specific approaches. Findings/Contribution: Key differences between lean-back and lean-forward video consumption are presented. A conceptual integration of video ad receptivity/effectiveness drivers is proposed to guide future media and marketing research and practice. Video consumption today is no longer lean-back or lean-forward, but a “leaning spectrum” with two dimensions: leaning direction and leaning degree. Designing video content today requires focusing on consumption drivers and platform synergies for owning the “leaning spectrum”

    Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy

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    The metaverse has the potential to extend the physical world using augmented and virtual reality technologies allowing users to seamlessly interact within real and simulated environments using avatars and holograms. Virtual environments and immersive games (such as, Second Life, Fortnite, Roblox and VRChat) have been described as antecedents of the metaverse and offer some insight to the potential socio-economic impact of a fully functional persistent cross platform metaverse. Separating the hype and “meta…” rebranding from current reality is difficult, as “big tech” paints a picture of the transformative nature of the metaverse and how it will positively impact people in their work, leisure, and social interaction. The potential impact on the way we conduct business, interact with brands and others, and develop shared experiences is likely to be transformational as the distinct lines between physical and digital are likely to be somewhat blurred from current perceptions. However, although the technology and infrastructure does not yet exist to allow the development of new immersive virtual worlds at scale - one that our avatars could transcend across platforms, researchers are increasingly examining the transformative impact of the metaverse. Impacted sectors include marketing, education, healthcare as well as societal effects relating to social interaction factors from widespread adoption, and issues relating to trust, privacy, bias, disinformation, application of law as well as psychological aspects linked to addiction and impact on vulnerable people. This study examines these topics in detail by combining the informed narrative and multi-perspective approach from experts with varied disciplinary backgrounds on many aspects of the metaverse and its transformational impact. The paper concludes by proposing a future research agenda that is valuable for researchers, professionals and policy makers alike