220 research outputs found


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    Creativity and innovation go hand in hand. This book presents a plethora of creative interventions in education, culture, expressions, communications, and other areas. Each chapter brings forth a core idea well attested on the scales of creative interventions. It is a collaborative effort to bring forth multidisciplinary creativity in the ever-evolving world of design, communication, and possibilities. There is really no logical order to the book. You do not necessarily have to start at the beginning, just find a chapter that interests you and read. I hope that you find the book stimulating as well as informative

    Narrative Approach in Training Programme for Teachers

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    This article's purpose is to describe the examples of Narrative Approach and its relevance in teacher training programme in Malaysia. The paper begins with the discussion of the current Moral Education (ME) in Malaysia together with their Moral Education teacher training programme. Then this article will describe on how Narrative Approach can take part as a method that can developed moral reasoning of preservice teacher in their training programme. A variety of teaching technique such as drama, role-play, storytelling, etc. will be considered as strategies for infusing Narrative Approach as an educational approach in teachers‟ training programme in Malaysia, particularly in Moral Education field

    A Suggested Program Based on Picture Reading Strategy to Improve English Reading Comprehension Skills among Seventh Graders in Palestine

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    This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a suggested program based on picture reading strategy to develop seventh graders' English reading comprehension skills. The researcher used four tools: a checklist to determine the criteria of good picture which is suitable for reading comprehension texts for seventh graders, a questionnaire to determine the degree of importance of the reading comprehension skills, an achievement test (Pre& post-test) and the suggested program which consists of Teacher's Guide, Student's Book, teaching aids and evaluation tools. The researcher purposively chose Nuseirat Prep "C" Boys School for applying an experiment to prove the effectiveness of using the strategy of reading pictures. The sample of the study was 60 male students, (30) students in each group. They were equally divided into two groups, experimental and control. Both groups were pre-tested to assure that they both were equivalent. The results were statistically analyzed by SPSS to be compared with the post-test results. The suggested program was taught to the experimental group while the control one was taught by the traditional method. The findings revealed that there were significant differences between the mean scores attained by the experimental group and those by the control group in favor of the experimental group. This was due to picture reading strategy activation. The experiment showed the importance of activating picture reading strategy throughout reading. According to the findings the researcher recommends that the seventh graders' English Language teachers need to activate picture reading strategy throughout reading in order to develop not only seventh graders' reading comprehension and comprehension skills, but also their general achievement in English language

    Blood type examination of Cigentur community as efforts to realize community care for health

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    Counseling and early examination of blood type to the community at Cigentur village has not been done before. Blood transfusion from incompatible types can cause immunological transfusion reactions and clinical aspects such as the incompatibility of the blood type systems ABO. The community engagement method consists of direct information to the community by visiting every communities house (door to door). Besides, the engagement was also carried out quietly, namely, the residents came to the post directly located at the Wiswa Anak Yatim Piatu, At-Taqwa. After conducting a health test, people who provide personal information from the results of their blood tests. In addition to identifying blood types, this activity provides more knowledge about the health of each that is related to the utilization that has been identified by the group. The results of this activity can be in the form of initial information to determine the policies of each community in carrying out social activities such as blood transfusion. The types of rhesus tests from the communityof Cigentur must be done for information about blood type identification are complete

    2019-2020 Catalog

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    This catalog lists available courses for the 2019-2020 academic year. The College Catalog is a document of record issued in September 2019. The Catalog contains current information regarding the College calendar, admissions, degree requirements, fees, regulations and course offerings.https://crossworks.holycross.edu/course_catalog/1123/thumbnail.jp

    2018-2019 Catalog

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    This catalog lists available courses for the 2018-2019 academic year. The College Catalog is a document of record issued in September 2019. The Catalog contains current information regarding the College calendar, admissions, degree requirements, fees, regulations and course offerings.https://crossworks.holycross.edu/course_catalog/1122/thumbnail.jp

    Implementation, use and analysis of open source learning management system “Moodle” and e-learning for the deaf in Jordan

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    When learning mathematics, deaf children of primary school age experience difficulties due to their disability. In Jordan, little research has been undertaken to understand the problems facing deaf children and their teachers. Frequently, children are educated in special schools for the deaf; the majority of deaf children tend not to be integrated into mainstream education although efforts are made to incorporate them into the system. Teachers in the main stream education system rarely have knowledge and experience to enable deaf students to reach their full potential. The methodological approach used in this research is a mixed one consisting of action research and Human Computer interaction (HCI) research. The target group was deaf children aged nine years (at the third grade) and their teachers in Jordanian schools. Mathematics was chosen as the main focus of this study because it is a universal subject with its own concepts and rules and at this level the teachers in the school have sufficient knowledge and experience to teach mathematics topics competently. In order to obtain a better understanding of the problems faced by teachers and the deaf children in learning mathematics, semi-structured interviews were undertaken and questionnaires distributed to teachers. The main aim at that stage of research was to explore the current use and status of the e-learning environment and LMS within the Jordanian schools for the deaf in Jordan. In later stages of this research, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires were used again to ascertain the effectiveness, usability and readiness of the adopted e-learning environment “Moodle. Finally pre-tests and post-tests used to assess the effectiveness of the e-learning environment and LMS. It is important to note that it was not intended to work with the children directly but were used as test subjects. Based on the requirements and recommendations of the teachers of the deaf, a key requirements scheme was developed. Four open source e-learning environments and LMS evaluated against the developed key requirements. The evaluation was based on a software engineering approache. The outcome of that evaluation was the adoption of an open source e-learning environment and LMS called “Moodle”. Moodle was presented to the teachers for the purpose of testing it. It was found it is the most suitable e-learning environment and LMS to be adapted for use by deaf children in Jordan based on the teachers requirements. Then Moodle was presented to the deaf children’s to use during this research. After use, the activities of the deaf and their teachers were used and analysed in terms of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) analysis. The analysis includes the readiness, usability, user satisfaction, ease of use, learnability, outcome/future use, content, collaboration & communication tools and functionality

    2017-2018 Catalog

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    This catalog lists available courses for the 2017-2018 academic year. The College Catalog is a document of record issued in August 2018. The Catalog contains current information regarding the College calendar, admissions, degree requirements, fees, regulations and course offerings.https://crossworks.holycross.edu/course_catalog/1121/thumbnail.jp

    2020-2021 Catalog

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    This catalog lists available courses for the 2020-2021 academic year. The College Catalog is a document of record issued in September 2020. The Catalog contains current information regarding the College calendar, admissions, degree requirements, fees, regulations and course offerings. This catalog contains an important note regarding the on-going COVID-19 Pandemic.https://crossworks.holycross.edu/course_catalog/1124/thumbnail.jp

    Islam, Science, and Civilization: Prospect and Challenge for Humanity

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    This Joint International Seminar Proceeding is intended and aimed at reexploring the values of modern science that have been lost. Considering the current crisis of modern civilization, constructing principles of modern science which are based on divinity and humanity is a must as well as formulating spiritualized framework of modern science. Therefore, this proceeding identifies not only the agenda of modern science and technology which are based on divinity principles but also extensive strategic networks for Islamic science development that are useful for civilization development. Through this proceeding, UIN Walisongo in cooperation with UTM Malaysia performed a civilizational duty to discuss some important topics such as the humanization of science and technology, the unity of sciences for humanity, Muslim contribution to Asian civilization, and science and technology future agenda. The target of this proceeding is to compile strategic formula in the face of prospects and challenges for the efforts to fulfill the divinity values to modern science