6,775 research outputs found

    Naujos technologijos kaip galimas katalizatorius demokratizuojant miestų paveldo išsaugojimo praktiką: 3D skenavimo ir dirbtinio intelekto atvejis

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     The conflict between heritage protection and urban infrastructure development rationales creates a context for inclusion, participation and dialogue of different heritage-related communities. However, developed in the pre-computer age of administrative practice, are often incapable, partially or completely, to accommodate the ‘new-era’ community oriented participatory practices. In this article, authors discuss the mutual effects of IT in the process of democratization of urban heritage preservation. The authors create and argue the conceptual model of distributed ledger technologies (DLT) in participatory UHP. The model demonstrates how technologies can become catalysts for democratization in situations when the regulatory and administrative change (on its own) is too inert. The article hypothesizes that novel technological developments which aim at or have the potential for increasing community involvement and democratization of administrative practice, exert their effects directly through technology-based participatory practices.Prieštaravimas tarp paveldosaugos ir miestų infrastruktūros plėtros sukuria ne tik įtampas, bet ir sąlygas įvairių su paveldu susijusių bendruomenių įtraukčiai, dalyvavimui ir dialogui. Tačiau dauguma paveldosaugos administravimo praktikų ir jas taikančių institucijų, atsiradę laikais, kai dar nebuvo kompiuterio, sunkiai prisitaiko prie skaitmeninių technologijų paskatintų pokyčių bei galimybių, orientuotų į bendruomenių dalyvavimą sprendimų priėmime. Šiame straipsnyje autoriai aptaria abipusį IT poveikį miestų paveldo išsaugojimo demokratizavimo procese. Straipsnyje daroma prielaida, kad nauji technologiniai sprendimai, kuriais gali būti didinamas bendruomenės įsitraukimas yra svarbus įrankis demokratizuojant paveldosaugos administracines praktikas. Autoriai sukūrė ir pagrindžia koncepcinį paskirstytų duomenų technologijų modelį ir jo taikymą dalyvaujamajame miestų paveldo išsaugojime. Modelis parodo, kaip technologijos gali tapti demokratizacijos katalizatoriais tais atvejais, kai reguliavimo ir administraciniai pokyčiai (savaime) yra pernelyg inertiški

    Unemployment Compensation: Women and Children-The Denials

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    Motivation - A selected bibliography

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    Bibliography of publications on motivatio

    Targeting Workplace Context: Title VII as a Tool for Institutional Reform

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    Using low-cost drones to map malaria vector habitats

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    Abstract Background There is a growing awareness that if we are to achieve the ambitious goal of malaria elimination, we must compliment indoor-based vector control interventions (such as bednets and indoor spraying) with outdoor-based interventions such as larval source management (LSM). The effectiveness of LSM is limited by our capacity to identify and map mosquito aquatic habitats. This study provides a proof of concept for the use of a low-cost (< $1000) drone (DJI Phantom) for mapping water bodies in seven sites across Zanzibar including natural water bodies, irrigated and non-irrigated rice paddies, peri-urban and urban locations. Results With flying times of less than 30\ua0min for each site, high-resolution (7\ua0cm) georeferenced images were successfully generated for each of the seven sites, covering areas up to 30\ua0ha. Water bodies were readily identifiable in the imagery, as well as ancillary information for planning LSM activities (access routes to water bodies by road and foot) and public health management (e.g. identification of drinking water sources, mapping individual households and the nature of their construction). Conclusion The drone-based surveys carried out in this study provide a low-cost and flexible solution to mapping water bodies for operational dissemination of LSM initiatives in mosquito vector-borne disease elimination campaigns. Generated orthomosaics can also be used to provide vital information for other public health planning activities

    A preliminary training guide for utilizing high-altitude, color-infrared photography in compiling soil maps

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    Instruction for acquiring and analytically processing small-scale color-infrared photography to perform a soil resources inventory over forests of the southern U.S. is provided. Planning the project; acquiring aerial photography, materials, equipment and supplemental data; and preparing the photography for analysis are discussed. The procedures for preparing ancillary and primary component overlays are discussed. The use of correlation charts and dichotomous keys for mountain landforms, water regime, and vegetation is explained

    Synchronised neural signature of creative mental imagery in reality and augmented reality

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    Creativity, transforming imaginative thinking into reality, is a mental imagery simulation in essence. It can be incorporeal, concerns sophisticated and/or substantial thinking, and involves objects. In the present study, a mental imagery task consisting of creating a scene using familiar (FA) or abstract (AB) physical or virtual objects in real (RMI) and augmented reality (VMI) environments, and an execution task involving effectively creating a scene in augmented reality (VE), were utilised. The beta and gamma neural oscillations of healthy participants were recorded via a 32 channel wireless 10/20 international EGG system. In real and augmented environments and for both the mental imagery and execution tasks, the participants displayed a similar cortico-cortical neural signature essentially based on synchronous vs asynchronous beta and gamma oscillatory activities between anterior (i.e. frontal) and posterior (i.e. parietal, occipito-parietal and occipito-temporal) areas bilaterally. The findings revealed a transient synchronised neural architecture that appears to be consistent with the hypothesis according to which, creativity, because of its inherent complexity, cannot be confined to a single brain area but engages various interconnected networks

    Use of multi-sensory marketing techniques and its influence on brand experience in retail and HORECA sector

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    Double degree. A Work Project presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA- School of Business and Economics and Warsaw School of EconomicsThis dissertation aims at providing an analysis of the influence of sensory stimuli on consumer’s decision making process along with product and service perception. It focuses on the multisensory marketing techniques in consumer foodservice and retail sector. The impact of multisensory marketing techniques is firstly theoretically analyzed regarding advertising and in-store promotion strategies applied by FMCG and HORECA companies. The theoretical basis and conceptualization is supported by examples of successful online and offline marketing campaigns launched in recent years. The second part of this study is focused specifically on the use of multisensory promotional techniques in the foodservice environment. The real life experiment has been conducted in a local Lisbon restaurant in order to measure the influence of auditory cues on the service perception and overall customer experience. The initial hypotheses were proved by post-purchase survey conducted among patrons of the restaurant. The result of this study shows that brand, product and service perception can be positively influenced by multisensory marketing techniques. The auditory stimuli proved to be a significant source of customer overall satisfaction and in-store perception, which confirms partly the initial assumptions of the study.NSBE - UN