1,162 research outputs found


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     The background of this research is to investigate the urgency of vocabulary as the most important aspect in language. In this research, vocabulary learning will be assisted by using an android application, namely VocApp; (Vocabulary Application). The purpose of this research and development is to (1) identify the needs of vocabulary learning media according to teachers and students, (2) know the principles of developing learning media based on theoretical studies, identify needs and analyze existing learning media, (3) design VocApp learning media based on the results of the analysis of the existing media, (4) test the VocApp learning media (5) Revise the features of the application according to the evaluation of the trial, (6) Disseminate and implement applications for vocabulary learning in the classroom. The method used is research and development. The steps in the research are Needs analysis, Prototyping, Revision Prototype, Developing, Testing, and Deployment. The result indicated there is a significant improvement of students’ skill in vocabulary building by means of VocApp application. This case can be seen from the results of calculations using statistical tools, it is known that t-count is 0.03 which means 0.05. From the results of t-count, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference

    The Effect Of Explicit Vocabulary Application (EVA) On Student's Achievement And Appeptance In Learning Explicit English Vocabulary

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of mobile learning application on students’ achievement and acceptance in learning explicit English vocabulary in KPTM Bangi. A mobile phone application that was called Explicit Vocabulary Application (EVA) was developed for this purpose to be used by the experiment group students in learning the topic. The independent variable was the EVA application, while the dependent variables were the students’ achievement in test and presentation, and the perception of the students after using the EVA. Their achievement was measured using pre-test, post-test scores, and presentation scores, while the perception was measured by using a questionnaire. A total of 36 students from two classes of semester one who enrolled in January 2016 were selected in this study. They were divided into two groups: control group and experiment group, which each group consisted of 18 students and the students that belong to the experiment group was required to have android smartphone in order for them to be able to use the application. The findings indicate: (1) no significant difference between the pre-test scores of the control group and the experiment group, (2) a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores after using the application, (3) a significant difference between presentation scores between the control group and the experiment group, (4) a significant positive impact on students who used the application. Overall the findings clearly indicate that the students that used the application have better achievement than those who did not in their test and presentation. Through this study, the EVA is proven to influence the students’ learning and motivation


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    Penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis Android adalah salah satu penerapan gaya belajar abad ke 21. Ini disebabkan peningkatan pesat pertumbuhan pengguna smartphone berbasis android. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengembangan dan kelayakan media pembelajaran berbasis mobile learning berbasis android pada mata pelajaran sistem operasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Systematic Literature Review (SLR), yang terdiri dari 4 langkah penelitian yaitu Research Question, Search Process, Inclusion  and Exclusion Criteria dan Quality Assesment. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa dari hasil sebagian peneliti bahwasanya pengembangan media pembelajaran mobile learning berbasis Android pada mata pelajaran sistem operasi dapat menggunakan berbagai model pengembangan aplikasi. Dan untuk membuat aplikasi Android tersebut dapat dikembangkan melalui berbagai jenis aplikasi yang dapat digunakan membuat aplikasi untuk Android. Untuk kelayakan media pembelajaran berbasis mobile learning berbasis android pada mata pelajaran sistem operasi rata-rata semua penelitian memperoleh hasil “Layak” untuk digunakan dalam setiap proses belajar mengajar dana dapat meningkatkan ketertarikan siswa untuk belajar dikala pandemi COVID-19 ini


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    The teaching and learning of the Arabic language has been using traditional methods and textbooks for a very long time. The language has been used and taught for various reasons including communication purpose. However, in this era of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the needs to produce the interactive and technology-based learning and teaching tools have been the area of research by various fields of knowledge. Hence, the huge use of mobile gadgets as Tablet PC, smartphones, I-Pads and so on has the learners to adapt with the mobile revolution in their learning preference of various educational application such as many Apps that are available in Google Store. This project was focusing on the design, development and evaluation of a mobile language guide application in Arabic language for Mutawwif (Umrah Tour Guide) VIA smart phones especially in Android supported platforms. Once completed, the project is expected to produce a mobile App of teaching and learning Arabic among Mutawwif (Umrah Tour Guide) via interactive mobile App prototype, which could enhance the learners’ self-motivation and language learning for traveller’s purpose. It will be helping the Mutawwif to communicate in Arabic more effectively and efficiently. The App also has the potential market to be commercialized and expanded to others umrah and Hajj travel and tours companies in Malaysia and all over the world


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    Abstract: The requirement for all Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University students to achieve at least 450 TOEFL score is really hard since they are non-English department students and lack of vocabulary. Students get difficult to understand the meaning of sentences and vocabulary in the TOEFL test. Moreover, students tend to hang their hope to get high TOEFL score only to the teacher who teaches them TOEFL only in 13 meetings in their fourth semester through Intensive English program held by English Center UIN Malang. Hence, it is really important to help them to improve their TOEFL scores by enriching their vocabulary mastery using TOEFL IBT practice android application in which this application is free to be downloaded, practice to be operated in hand phone, and contains thousands words frequently used in TOEFL. Furthermore, this application helps students to be more autonomous to learn various fields of vocabulary in TOEFL. Keywords: TOEFL, Vocabulary, Android Applicatio

    Screen distractions during Memrise MALL experience: Course-of-action study on students’ performance and perception

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    This study employed Course-of-Action methodology in a mixed-methods approach to examine the impact of screen distractions on Memrise MALL experience in an EFL flipped classroom setting. An Exploratory Sequential Design was utilized to analyze the two-week Memrise MALL experience and its impact on the screen behaviors of 46 Indonesian first-year university students. Descriptive and nonparametric inferential statistics were employed to analyze the quantitative data, while confrontative interview data were transcribed and encoded using in vivo coding to mark key phrases in the participants' comments. Results of the study indicated that social media and entertainment apps were the most common type of distraction and that these distractions had a detrimental effect on task performance. The participants expressed their appreciation for the customizable learning experience and found the app layouts and gamification features were encouraging; however, they found it challenging to switch between multiple tabs or windows on a mobile screen. There was a small correlation between total screen distractions and total vocabulary learned, as well as a strong correlation between total screen distractions and the total time spent on the task


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    Speaking is complex skilll that express the ideas,opinions,desires,our fellings freely,structured and spontaneously that aim give or get information and knowledge from other people.The speaking process base on experiences that can be obtained through discusiion,reading,obsrvation, and listening.All the students want to speak English fluently, therefore students must learn to boosting their speaking skills. Talking about Speaking boosting, the boosting is divided into several aspects ranging from boosting pronounciation,comprehension, grammar, and vocabbulary. It can be used as a measurement our speaking is good or not..almost all students have method to boosting English speaking skill namely Online game. The studennts was familiar with gadgets rarely have online games, not only one but more online games on one gadget.This researcher have research the student of english department in academic year 2017-2020 with using interview method. The result of the study is can boosting speaking skill but not efeective to be Media learning in English program students Madura University

    The Effectiveness of Bright-English for Beginners application in improving students' vocabulary

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    Lack of vocabulary is the main problem for Indonesian students who learn English. One of the things that makes learning English difficult is the lack of vocabulary. In order that, the technology development in this current era can be used as a way to improve students’ vocabulary. There are many software or applications on phones and laptops that provide learning English. The purpose of this research is to analyze whether the “Bright-English for Beginners” application be able to increase students’ vocabulary or not. This type of research was included in the type of quantitative research with a group without treatment (control group) and a group with treatment (experimental group) which carry out a pre-test and post-test. Before giving the treatment, both groups were given a pre-test. After giving the treatment, which is an experimental group are taught by “Bright-English for Beginners” application and control group without it, the researcher gave a post-test. The results of this include 1) There is a relevant improvement for the group with treatment (experimental group) from the pre-test (before treatment) and post-test (after treatment), 2) There is a significant difference between students’ vocabulary utilizing “Bright-English for Beginners” application and without using it, 3) Vocabulary learning using the “Bright-English for Beginners” application has been proven to be more effective than using the usual method

    Students’ Perception of Using Whatsapp in Blended Learning on Reading

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    This research aimed to investigate students’ perception of using Whatsapp in blended learning on reading comprehension. This was a descriptive research. The participants of this study consisted of 40 students of the second semester at STMIK-AMIK Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia. The data collected through questionnaire and interview. The finding of this research showed that majority of the participants had positive perception towards the using Whatsapp in blended learning on reading comprehension. All of the means of students responses in the questionnaire in each items were at 3.5-4.5 which indicated students’ responses were positive or at high level. The result from questionnaire also revealed that students agreed that using whatsapp in blended learning on reading comprehension was useful, helpful and effective in learning English anytime and anywhere. The findings from interview results also revealed that there were positive aspects and drawbacks of using Whatsapp in blended learning on reading comprehension. Nevertheless, the positive aspects of using Whatsapp in blended learning on reading comprehension gave more benefits to the students’ learning activities and their performances. These benefits could be continued to students’ learning outcome especially on their reading comprehension ability

    The Effect Of Hello English Application On The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At The Eighth Grade Of Junior High School (A Quasi-Experimental Study At The Eighth Grade Students Of SMPN 1 STM Hulu In Academic Year 2019/2020)

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    The objective of this study is to find out whether or not there is significant effect of Hello English application on the students’ vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade of Junior High School. This research is a quantitative research with quasi-experimental design. It was carried out in the eighth grade of SMPN 1 STM Hulu under academic year 2019/2020. The total number of population was 128 students and the researcher took 32 students for experimental class and 32 students for controlled class which means 64 students as total of the sample. In collecting the data, the researcher used tests in the form of multiple choices as the instrument. The tests were pre-test which was given before the treatment and post-test which was given after the treatment. Then, the data obtained were analyzed by using t-test in SPSS 20 with 5% (0.05) significance level. Further, the researcher found that the mean score of post-test in experimental class was higher than controlled class (80.31 > 66.88). The t-test result also presents that t0(8.984) was higher than the ttablein the significance level 5% (0.05) with the degree of freedom 62 is 1.699. Therefore, the t0 result >ttable generated that H0 (null hypothesis) was rejected and Ha (alternative hypothesis) was accepted. The calculation of the effect size was 1.37 which in the range of effect criteria included to strong effect. Thus, Hello English application has significant effect on the students’ vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade of SMPN 1 STM Hulu
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