8 research outputs found

    Benefits of Video Presentations in Product Design

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    Product Design uses a human-centered process to develop solutions that solve unmet user needs. Because of the sequential nature of this activity, final designs are often presented in printed process books or digital slideshows, which visually communicate the development of the solution from start to finish rather than focusing just on the final result. Storytelling is a key element to consider when creating these process books in order to communicate the design solution as well as where it came from. An alternative to these presentations is the use of short videos, which offer the advantage of communicating the design process with a richer narrative and engaging style. The use of videos for final presentations both in the classroom and in professional practice offers a wider array of opportunities for effective storytelling of design projects while reaching a broader audience

    Digital video presentation in an EFL writing classroom / Yustinus Calvin Gai Mali

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    This qualitative study delved into students’ perspectives on the practices of a digital video presentation project in their English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing class at an English Language Education Program of a private university in Central Java, Indonesia. Twenty-five students participated in this research by submitting their reflective journals that responded to five guiding questions. The study indicated some successes as well as challenges in the implementation aspects of the project. Implications for the integration of technology into EFL teaching and learning practices were also discussed in the paper

    Recursos Multimídia no Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem:

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    A utilização de recursos multimídia no processo educacional vem ganhando maior espaço, suscitando dúvidas quanto a sua eficácia. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar se o desempenho dos alunos com aulas suportadas com recursos multimídias diferem dos alunos com aulas tradicionais. É um quase-experimento, os participantes são alunos de Ciências Contábeis. Para verificar se o desempenho difere realizou-se o Teste t. Os resultados sugerem que os recursos multimídia não influenciam na aprendizagem da teoria, onde as aulas são essencialmente expositivas. Em relação às aulas práticas, as turmas apresentaram diferenças significativas. &nbsp

    A Study of the Relationship between CBT Developers\u27 Multiple Intelligences Dispositions and the Design of Computer-based Training

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    This study assessed the relationship between CBT developers\u27 multiple intelligences (MI) dispositions and their designs for computer-based training programs (CBTs). This study was based on the theoretical framework of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) and theories about instructional design (ID). Student developers in a class were surveyed using Shearer\u27s Multiple Intelligences Development Assessment Scales (MIDAS), a screening instrument that is designed to determine the students\u27 MIDAS profiles, or their intelligences. The students received instruction in using MI in their CBT design; and, after they had designed their CBTs, four professionals assessed their CBTs for inclusion of MI. Both quantitative and qualitative tests and analyses were performed on the association between students\u27 MIDAS profiles and the CBT reviewer ratings. While the findings of the correlation analysis of the quantitative data were refuted, some of the correlation and regression analyses of the observations of the qualitative data were conclusive regarding the hypothesis. CBT design was influenced by the student CBT designers MI as indicated by the MIDAS profiles, particularly in the qualitative analysis. Positive significant outcomes were reported for the linguistic spatial, intrapersonal, and kinesthetic intelligences. These findings show that knowledge of MI was influential on a few of the design variables, as the students were successful in designing CBTs that reflected inclusion of MI for tailoring to learners\u27 needs rather than to designers\u27 preferences. The information gathered in this study will make a significant contribution to the e-learning field because it sheds light on the association of MI with the development of CBTs

    Aprendizaje combinado de las habilidades visuoespaciales en fisioterapia: estudio de caso

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    La finalidad de esta tesis es describir el aprendizaje combinado para mejorar las habilidades visuoespaciales. Los estudiantes de Fisioterapia participantes fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en un grupo de retroalimentación visual y textual (VT), y en otro grupo que solo recibió la textual (T). Durante las 10 semanas que duró el aprendizaje combinado, las sesiones presenciales fueron filmadas y las participaciones en el entorno virtual registradas para evaluar la interacción. Los estudiantes cumplimentaron un cuestionario mixto que incluía preguntas sobre la interactividad y la transferencia del conocimiento antes de iniciar el proceso experimental y al finalizarlo. Además, para complementar estos datos, los estudiantes participaron en sesiones de discusión grupal después de la experiencia. Los resultados de este estudio contribuyen a reforzar que la retroalimentación visual y textual de casos reales en vídeo facilita la transferencia de conocimiento en el aprendizaje combinado de las habilidades visuoespaciales. Palabras clave: educación superior, aprendizaje combinado, casos reales, retroalimentación, transferencia de conocimiento y habilidades visuoespaciales.The purpose of this dissertation was to describe the blended learning for improving visuospatial skills. Undergraduate physiotherapy students who participated in the 10-weeks blended learning sessions, were randomized into visual-textual (VT) or textual (T) feedback groups. The face-to face sessions were filmed and virtual learning participations were collected to identify students’ interaction during the learning process. The students completed a mixed questionnaire asking them about interactivity and transfer of knowledge before starting the experiment and at the end. The data were complemented with a focus group at the end of the learning process. This study aims to contribute new insight regarding the instructional visual and textual feedback design of case-based instruction, in a visuospatial skills-blended learning programme to improve transfer of learning for beginners. Keywords: higher education, blended learning, case method (teaching technique), feedback (response), transfer of training and visuospatial abilities