15 research outputs found

    Institutional Translation for the Public. Localisation in Finnish and English Web News

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    Euroopan unioni on yksi suurimmista tekstintuottajista Euroopassa. Monikielisyyspolitiikan vuoksi kaikki 24 EU-kieltä ovat yhdenvertaisia, minkä vuoksi käännöksillä on suuri merkitys eri instituutiossa ja toimielimissä. Yhä useammin käännöksiä tehdään suoraan internetiin. Tämä koskee etenkin laajalle lukijakunnalle suunnattuja tekstejä, kuten uutisia. Verkkotekstien kääntäminen on vielä verrattain uusi tutkimuskohde, mutta joitakin tutkimuksia on aiheesta jo tehty. Verkkoon tehtäviä uutisia sen sijaan ei ole tutkittu juuri lainkaan. Institutionaalisten verkkouutisten kääntämisessä on ominaisuuksia institutionaalisesta kääntämisestä, uutistekstien kirjoittamisesta sekä verkkotekstien kirjoittamisesta. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa verrattiin, kuinka Euroopan komission verkkouutisia oli lokalisoitu suomen- ja englanninkielisille lukijoille. Uutisartikkeleita oli 11 ja ne valittiin aikaväliltä syys-joulukuu 2012. Artikkeleissa keskityttiin esimerkiksi talouskriisiin sekä yleisiin ajankohtaisiin asioihin. Lokalisointia tutkittiin korvausten (replacement) sekä pragmaattisten muutosten (pragmatic changes) kautta ankkuroitua teoriaa (grounded theory) ja kvantitatiivista menetelmää apuna käyttäen. Tutkielmassa hyödynnettiin Anthony Pymin (2009/2010) listausta lokalisoiduista elementeistä korvauksissa, jotka vaikuttivat osaltaan tyyliin sekä Andrew Chestermanin (1997) listausta pragmaattisista käännöstrategioista muiden tyylillisten ja sisällöllisten muutosten tarkastelussa. Uutistekstit olivat odotusten mukaisesti selkeitä ja helppolukuisia sekä englanniksi että suomeksi. Tulokset osoittivat, että korvaukset vaikuttivat lähinnä tekstin ulkoasuun sekä osittain myös tyyliin ja muutokset olivat pieniä, esimerkiksi päivämäärää ja aikaa koskevia. Muita tyyliin vaikuttavia muutoksia sekä sisällöllisiä muutoksia löytyi pragmaattisten käännösstrategioiden avulla. Johtopäätöksenä oli, että tekstin sujuvuus eli tyyli oli tärkeämpää kuin tekstin mielenkiintoisuus eli sisältö.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Book of proceedings:3th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate (CIRRE)

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    10 Years Barometer for Public Real Estate in the Netherlands

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    Book of proceedings:3th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate (CIRRE)

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    10 Years Barometer for Public Real Estate in the Netherlands

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    2007, the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning took the initiative to issue the social building blocks: real estate for facilities. This has been the first attempt to deal with social real estate professionally as an asset. In 2008 the professorship of public real estate started with its first Barometer for Social Real Estate. In 2009, I advocated in Real Estate Magazine that research into social real estate is necessary from the perspective of Corporate Real Estate Management (CREM) through new development models and more (PhD) research. In anticipation of the municipal elections of 2010, research by the research group Municipal Real Estate showed that social real estate was not a matter for the election programs of the political parties. This was a prelude to the funded RAAK subsidy application towards marketed municipal real estate for carrying out practice-oriented research. In 2012, this research led to the externally funded research group Social Real Estate. After that, the Social Real Estate professorship profiled itself in different areas. Extra media publicity has been generated primarily thanks to the attention of minister Stef Blok in 2014, when he received the first copy of the book Barometer Maatschappelijk Vastgoed (Social Real Estate): Corporate Social Responsibility at our annual congress, the round table meeting with State Secretary for Health, Welfare and Sport Martin van Rijn in 2015 and the informal conversation with the Minister of Education, Culture and Science Jet Bussemaker in 2015, as well as the many publications of the lectorate. In the 2016 debate with civil society with the Prime Minister Mark Rutte when handing over the book Barometer Maatschappelijk Vastgoed (Social Real Estate) 2016, a round table meeting in 2017 with Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Stef Blok, aldermen and directors Real Estate of Municipalities in The Netherlands, have contributed to social and economic knowledge utilization for future and existing real estate professionals. At the PROVADA 2017 we co-organized ‘Shrink: Emptiness and Space for Innovation and Change’ session, where the Minister of the Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk presented his vision on this subject

    Signifying Europe

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    Signifying Europe provides a systematic overview of the wide range of symbols used to represent Europe and Europeanness, both by the political elite and the broader public. Through a critical interpretation of the meanings of the various symbols—and their often contradictory or ambiguous dimensions—Johan Fornäs uncovers illuminating insights into how Europe currently identifies itself and is identified by others outside its borders. While the focus is on the European Union’s symbols, those symbols are also interpreted in relation to other symbols of Europe. Offering insight into the cultural dimensions of European unification, this volume will appeal to students, scholars and politicians interested in European policy issues, cultural studies and postnational cultural identity

    Definitions of War Violence and Genocide: Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The aim of this study is analyzing the narratives of survivors of thewar in northwestern Bosnia in the 1990s. The focus lies on analyzing interviewees’ description of war-time violence and also analyzingdiscursive patterns that contribute in constructing the phenomenon“war violence”. Analysis shows that the interpersonal interactions thatcaused the violence continue even after the violent situation is over.Recollections from perpetrators and those subjected to violence of thewar do not exist only as verbal constructions in Bosnia of today.Stories about violent situations live their own lives after the war andcontinue being important to individuals and social life. The crimescommitted in northwestern Bosnia are qualified as genocide accordingto indictments against former Serbian leaders Radovan Karadžić andRatko Mladić. All interviewees in this study experienced and survivedthe war in northwestern Bosnia. These individuals have a present,ongoing relation with these communities: Some live therepermanently, and some spend their summers in northwestern Bosnia.Institutions in the administrative entity Republika Srpska (to whichnorthwestern Bosnia now belong administratively) deny genocide,and this approach to war-time events becomes a central theme infuture, post-war analysis of the phenomena “war violence”, and“reconciliation”. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the politicalelite’s denial of the systematic acts of violence during the war thathave been conveyed by the Hague Tribunal, the Court of Bosnia andHerzegovina onWar Crime, and Bosnian media. The narratives in myempirical material seem to be influenced by (or coherent with) therhetoric mediated in these fora. When informants emphasizeextermination and the systematization of violence during the war, theyproduce and reproduce the image of a mutual struggle on a collectivelevel. The aim of this struggle seems to be that the described acts ofviolence be recognized as genocide

    E-Learning Implementation in Higher Education Institutions

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    Trust in a viable real estate economy with disruption and blockchain

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