67 research outputs found

    A one-valued logic for non-one-sidedness

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    Does it make sense to employ modern logical tools for ancient philosophy? This well-known debate2 has been re-launched by the indologist Piotr Balcerowicz, questioning those who want to look at the Eastern school of Jainism with Western glasses. While plainly acknowledging the legitimacy of Balcerowicz's mistrust, the present paper wants to propose a formal reconstruction of one of the well-known parts of the Jaina philosophy, namely: the saptabhangi, i.e. the theory of sevenfold predication. Before arguing for this formalist approach to philosophy, let us return to the reasons to be reluctant at it

    Ancestor Worship in The Logic of Games. How foundational were Aristotle\u27s contributions?

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    Notwithstanding their technical virtuosity and growing presence in mainstream thinking, game theoretic logics have attracted a sceptical question: Granted that logic can be done game theoretically, but what would justify the idea that this is the preferred way to do it?\u27\u27 A recent suggestion is that at least part of the desired support might be found in the Greek dialectical writings. If so, perhaps we could say that those works possess a kind of foundational significance. The relation of being foundational for is interesting in its own right. In this paper, I explore its ancient applicability to relevant, paraconsistent and nonmonotonic logics, before returning to the question of its ancestral tie, or want of one, to the modern logics of games

    A game theoretical semantics for a logic of formal inconsistency

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    This paper introduces a game theoretical semantics for a particular logic of formal inconsistency called mbC

    Meeting Hintikka's Challenge to Paraconsistentism

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1808-1711.2009v13n3p283Em uma série de seminários e conferências no Brasil em 2008, Jaakko Hintikka, em uma série de palestras no Brasil em 2008, defendeu que a “IF-lógica” (“independence friendly logic”) e a lógica paraconsistente são, em certo sentido, bastante similares. A partir do esboço de um novo sistema paraconsistente, ele afirma que várias potencialidades da IF-lógica podem ser reproduzidas na lógica paraconsistente. Uma das grandes dificuldades, deixada como um desafio, seria a formulação de condições de verdade para esta nova linguagem paraconsistente de primeira ordem, com vistas a garantir uma maior inter-relação entre esta e a IF-lógica. Argumento que tais condições de verdade não somente sugerem uma abordagem inovadora em semântica de jogos para a paraconsistência, mas também que a partir deste ponto de vista as “Lógicas da Inconsistência Formal” podem modelar a lógica interna dos elencos socráticos. Pretendo discutir estes e outros pontos levantados por Hintikka, tomando-os como desafios e oportunidades para o paraconsistentismo e para a IF-lógica, bem como levantar algumas críticas sobre a visão de Hintikka sobre a paraconsistência

    Towards a Feminist Logic: Val Plumwood’s Legacy and Beyond

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    Val Plumwood’s 1993 paper, “The politics of reason: towards a feminist logic” (hence- forth POR) attempted to set the stage for what she hoped would begin serious feminist exploration into formal logic – not merely its historical abuses, but, more importantly, its potential uses. This work offers us: (1) a case for there being feminist logic; and (2) a sketch of what it should resemble. The former goal of Plumwood’s paper encourages feminist theorists to reject anti-logic feminist views. The paper’s latter aim is even more challenging. Plumwood’s critique of classical negation (and classical logic) as a logic of domination asks us to recognize that particular logical systems are weapons of oppression. Against anti-logic feminist theorists, Plumwood argues that there are other logics besides classical logic, such as relevant logics, which are suited for feminist theorizing. Some logics may oppress while others may liberate. We provide details about the sources and context for her rejection of classical logic and motivation for promoting relevant logics as feminist

    Connexive logics. An overview and current trends

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    In this introduction, we offer an overview of main systems developed in the growing literature on connexive logic, and also point to a few topics that seem to be collecting attention of many of those interested in connexive logic. We will also make clear the context to which the papers in this special issue belong and contribute

    Towards Paraconsistent Inquiry

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    In this paper, we discuss Hintikka’s theory of interrogative approach to inquiry with a focus on bracketing. First, we dispute the use of bracketing in the interrogative model of inquiry arguing that bracketing provides an indispensable component of an inquiry. Then, we suggest a formal system based on strategy logic and logic of paradox to describe the epistemic aspects of an inquiry, and obtain a naturally paraconsistent system. We then apply our framework to some cases to illustrate its use
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