6 research outputs found

    The Diagonally Dominant Degree and Disc Separation for the Schur Complement of Ostrowski Matrix

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    By applying the properties of Schur complement and some inequality techniques, some new estimates of diagonally and doubly diagonally dominant degree of the Schur complement of Ostrowski matrix are obtained, which improve the main results of Liu and Zhang (2005) and Liu et al. (2012). As an application, we present new inclusion regions for eigenvalues of the Schur complement of Ostrowski matrix. In addition, a new upper bound for the infinity norm on the inverse of the Schur complement of Ostrowski matrix is given. Finally, we give numerical examples to illustrate the theory results

    Šurov komplement i teorija H-matrica

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    This thesis studies subclasses of the class of H-matrices and their applications, with emphasis on the investigation of the Schur complement properties. The contributions of the thesis are new nonsingularity results, bounds for the maximum norm of the inverse matrix, closure properties of some matrix classes under taking Schur complements, as well as results on localization and separation of the eigenvalues of the Schur complement based on the entries of the original matrix.Докторска дисертација изучава поткласе класе Х-матрица и њихове примене, првенствено у истраживању својстава Шуровог комплемента. Оригиналан допринос тезе представљају нови услови за регуларност матрица, оцене максимум норме инверзне матрице, резултати о затворености појединих класа матрица на Шуров комплемент, као и резултати о локализацији и сепарацији карактеристичних корена Шуровог комплемента на основу елемената полазне матрице.Doktorska disertacija izučava potklase klase H-matrica i njihove primene, prvenstveno u istraživanju svojstava Šurovog komplementa. Originalan doprinos teze predstavljaju novi uslovi za regularnost matrica, ocene maksimum norme inverzne matrice, rezultati o zatvorenosti pojedinih klasa matrica na Šurov komplement, kao i rezultati o lokalizaciji i separaciji karakterističnih korena Šurovog komplementa na osnovu elemenata polazne matrice

    Author index to volumes 301–400

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    Inner-outer Iterative Methods for Eigenvalue Problems - Convergence and Preconditioning

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    Many methods for computing eigenvalues of a large sparse matrix involve shift-invert transformations which require the solution of a shifted linear system at each step. This thesis deals with shift-invert iterative techniques for solving eigenvalue problems where the arising linear systems are solved inexactly using a second iterative technique. This approach leads to an inner-outer type algorithm. We provide convergence results for the outer iterative eigenvalue computation as well as techniques for efficient inner solves. In particular eigenvalue computations using inexact inverse iteration, the Jacobi-Davidson method without subspace expansion and the shift-invert Arnoldi method as a subspace method are investigated in detail. A general convergence result for inexact inverse iteration for the non-Hermitian generalised eigenvalue problem is given, using only minimal assumptions. This convergence result is obtained in two different ways; on the one hand, we use an equivalence result between inexact inverse iteration applied to the generalised eigenproblem and modified Newton's method; on the other hand, a splitting method is used which generalises the idea of orthogonal decomposition. Both approaches also include an analysis for the convergence theory of a version of inexact Jacobi-Davidson method, where equivalences between Newton's method, inverse iteration and the Jacobi-Davidson method are exploited. To improve the efficiency of the inner iterative solves we introduce a new tuning strategy which can be applied to any standard preconditioner. We give a detailed analysis on this new preconditioning idea and show how the number of iterations for the inner iterative method and hence the total number of iterations can be reduced significantly by the application of this tuning strategy. The analysis of the tuned preconditioner is carried out for both Hermitian and non-Hermitian eigenproblems. We show how the preconditioner can be implemented efficiently and illustrate its performance using various numerical examples. An equivalence result between the preconditioned simplified Jacobi-Davidson method and inexact inverse iteration with the tuned preconditioner is given. Finally, we discuss the shift-invert Arnoldi method both in the standard and restarted fashion. First, existing relaxation strategies for the outer iterative solves are extended to implicitly restarted Arnoldi's method. Second, we apply the idea of tuning the preconditioner to the inner iterative solve. As for inexact inverse iteration the tuned preconditioner for inexact Arnoldi's method is shown to provide significant savings in the number of inner solves. The theory in this thesis is supported by many numerical examples.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Integrality and cutting planes in semidefinite programming approaches for combinatorial optimization

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    Many real-life decision problems are discrete in nature. To solve such problems as mathematical optimization problems, integrality constraints are commonly incorporated in the model to reflect the choice of finitely many alternatives. At the same time, it is known that semidefinite programming is very suitable for obtaining strong relaxations of combinatorial optimization problems. In this dissertation, we study the interplay between semidefinite programming and integrality, where a special focus is put on the use of cutting-plane methods. Although the notions of integrality and cutting planes are well-studied in linear programming, integer semidefinite programs (ISDPs) are considered only recently. We show that manycombinatorial optimization problems can be modeled as ISDPs. Several theoretical concepts, such as the Chvátal-Gomory closure, total dual integrality and integer Lagrangian duality, are studied for the case of integer semidefinite programming. On the practical side, we introduce an improved branch-and-cut approach for ISDPs and a cutting-plane augmented Lagrangian method for solving semidefinite programs with a large number of cutting planes. Throughout the thesis, we apply our results to a wide range of combinatorial optimization problems, among which the quadratic cycle cover problem, the quadratic traveling salesman problem and the graph partition problem. Our approaches lead to novel, strong and efficient solution strategies for these problems, with the potential to be extended to other problem classes

    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum