12 research outputs found

    A note on organizational learning and knowledge sharing in the context of communities of practice

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    Please, cite this publication as: Antonova, A. & Gourova, E. (2006). A note on organizational learning and knowledge sharing in the context of communities of practice. Proceedings of International Workshop in Learning Networks for Lifelong Competence Development, TENCompetence Conference. September 12th, Sofia, Bulgaria: TENCompetence. Retrieved June 30th, 2006, from http://dspace.learningnetworks.orgThe knowledge management (KM) literature emphasizes the impact of human factors for successful implementation of KM within the organization. Isolated initiatives for promoting learning organization and team collaboration, without taking consideration of the knowledge sharing limitations and constraints can defeat further development of KM culture. As an effective instrument for knowledge sharing, communities of practice (CoP) are appearing to overcome these constraints and to foster human collaboration.This work has been sponsored by the EU project TENCompetenc

    From collaborative virtual research environment SOA to teaching and learning environment SOA

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    This paper explores the extension of the CORE VRE SOA to a collaborative virtual teaching and learning environment (CVTLE) SOA. Key points are brought up to date from a number of projects researching and developing a CVTLE and its component services. Issues remain: there are few implementations of the key services needed to demonstrate the CVTLE concept; there are questions about the feasibility of such an enterprise; there are overlapping standards; questions about the source and use of user profile data remain difficult to answer; as does the issue of where and how to coordinate, control, and monitor such a teaching and learning syste

    XATA 2006: XML: aplicações e tecnologias associadas

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    Esta é a quarta conferência sobre XML e Tecnologias Associadas. Este evento tem-se tornado um ponto de encontro para quem se interessa pela temática e tem sido engraçado observar que os participantes gostam e tentam voltar nos anos posteriores. O grupo base de trabalho, a comissão científica, também tem vindo a ser alargada e todos os que têm colaborado com vontade e com uma qualidade crescente ano após ano. Pela quarta vez estou a redigir este prefácio e não consigo evitar a redacção de uma descrição da evolução da XATA ao longo destes quatro anos: 2003 Nesta "reunião", houve uma vintena de trabalhos submetidos, maioritariamente da autoria ou da supervisão dos membros que integravam a comissão organizadora o que não envalidou uma grande participação e acesas discussões. 2004 Houve uma participação mais forte da comunidade portuguesa mas ainda com números pouco expressivos. Nesta altura, apostou-se também numa forte participação da indústria, o que se traduziu num conjunto apreciável de apresentações de casos reais. Foi introduzido o processo de revisão formal dos trabalhos submetidos. 2005 Houve uma forte adesão nacional e internacional (Espanha e Brasil, o que para um evento onde se pretende privilegiar a língua portuguesa é ainda mais significativo). A distribuição geográfica em Portugal também aumentou, havendo mais instituições participantes. Automatizaram-se várias tarefas como o processo de submissão e de revisão de artigos. 2006 Nesta edição actual, e contrariamente ao que acontece no plano nacional, houve um crescimento significativo. Em todas as edições, tem sido objectivo da comissão organizadora, previlegiar a produção científica e dar voz ao máximo número de participantes. Nesse sentido, este ano, não haverá oradores convidados, sendo o programa integralmente preenchido com as apresentações dos trabalhos seleccionados. Apesar disso ainda houve uma taxa significativa de rejeições, principalmente devido ao elevado número de submissões. Foi introduzido também, nesta edição, um dia de tutoriais com o objectivo de fornecer competências mínimas a quem quer começar a trabalhar na área e também poder assistir de uma forma mais informada à conferência. Se analisarmos as temáticas, abordadas nas quatro conferências, percebemos que também aqui há uma evolução no sentido de uma maior maturidade. Enquanto que no primeiro encontro, os trabalhos abordavam problemas emergentes na utilização da tecnologia, no segundo encontro a grande incidência foi nos Web Services, uma nova tecnologia baseada em XML, no terceiro, a maior incidência foi na construção de repositórios, motores de pesquisa e linguagens de interrogação, nesta quarta edição há uma distribuição quase homogénea por todas as áreas temáticas tendo mesmo aparecido trabalhos que abordam aspectos científicos e tecnológicos da base da tecnologia XML. Desta forma, podemos concluir que a tecnologia sob o ponto de vista de utilização e aplicação está dominada e que a comunidade portuguesa começa a fazer contributos para a ciência de base.Microsoft

    Situationsbewusste Informationsdienste für das arbeitsbegleitende Lernen

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    Zunehmend werden Lernen und Arbeiten als miteinander verwobene Aktivitäten verstanden, was von existierenden Ansätzen nur unzureichend unterstützt wird, da sie kaum die Arbeitssituation berücksichtigen, in der sie benutzt werden. In dieser Arbeit geht es darum, eine Methodik für die Lernunterstützung zu erarbeiten und auf technischer Ebene situationsbewusste Informationsdienste mittels Kompetenzontologien und Kontextmanagement zu konzipieren und in realen Unternehmensumgebungen zu evaluieren

    GLUE!: an architecture for the integration of external tools in virtual learning environments

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    La integración de herramientas externas en VLE (Virtual Learning Environments - Entornos deAprendizaje Virtual) tiene como objetivo enriquecer las actividades de aprendizaje que los profesionales de la educación pueden diseñar y poner en marcha. Tradicionalmente, las herramientas externas han sido integradas mediante desarrollos ad hoc, siendo esta solución muy poco eficiente a medida que aumentaba el número de VLE y herramientas utilizados por estos profesionales. Además, aquellas aproximaciones genéricas que abordan la integración de múltiples herramientas en múltiples VLE no han conseguido obtener una amplia adopción, principalmente debido al alto esfuerzo de desarrollo necesario para integrar nuevas herramientas y VLE, y a las restricciones impuestas sobre los proveedores. Algunos trabajos recientes han intentado superar estas dos limitaciones proponiendo una integración ligera de herramientas. Sin embargo, estos trabajos no facilitan la instanciación y puesta en marcha de situaciones de aprendizaje colaborativo, lo que impide de forma significativa que se puedan emplear las propiedades colaborativas específicas que proporcionan los VLE para la gestión de usuarios y grupos. Esta tesis propone una arquitectura middleware de integración denominada GLUE! (Group Learning Uniform Environment - Entorno Uniforme de Aprendizaje en Grupo) que permite la integración ligera de múltiples herramientas externas existentes en múltiples VLE existentes, superando estas limitaciones. GLUE! fomenta esta integración imponiendo pocas restricciones sobre los proveedores de VLE y herramientas, así como demandando un esfuerzo asumible por parte de los desarrolladores. Además, GLUE! facilita la instanciación y puesta en marcha de situaciones de aprendizaje colaborativo desde los VLE, aprovechando las propiedades específicas de éstos para la gestión de usuarios y grupos. Por medio de GLUE!, los profesionales de la educación pueden utilizar herramientas externas como si fueran herramientas nativas de los VLE, y además sin tener que renunciar a los VLE a los que están acostumbrados. GLUE! ha sido evaluado con la ayuda de tres situaciones de aprendizaje colaborativo auténticas, las cuales fueron diseñadas para cubrir las necesidades pedagógicas de tres cursos de educación superior. Estas tres situaciones se utilizaron en cuatro experimentos diferentes con educadores y estudiantes reales. Los resultados de esta evaluación mostraron que GLUE! permite la instanciación y puesta en marcha de situaciones de aprendizaje colaborativo que requieran la integración de herramientas externas, reduce la carga asociada a la instanciación de actividades colaborativas complejas, y facilita a los estudiantes la realización de estas actividades en colaboración. Curiosamente, el esfuerzo de desarrollo necesario por el software de integración fue similar al de otras aproximaciones de integración genéricas que ofrecen un menor grado de funcionalidad.Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería Telemática2012-11-2

    A hybrid e-learning framework: Process-based, semantically-enriched and service-oriented

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    Despite the recent innovations in e-Learning, much development is needed to ensure better learning experience for everyone and bridge the research gap in the current state of the art e-Learning artefacts. Contemporary e-learning artefacts possess various limitations as follows. First, they offer inadequate variations of adaptivity, since their recommendations are limited to e-learning resources, peers or communities. Second, they are often overwhelmed with technology at the expense of proper pedagogy and learning theories underpinning e-learning practices. Third, they do not comprehensively capture the e-learning experiences as their focus shifts to e-learning activities instead of e-learning processes. In reality, learning is a complex process that includes various activities and interactions between different roles to achieve certain gaols in a continuously evolving environment. Fourth, they tend more towards legacy systems and lack the agility and flexibility in their structure and design. To respond to the above limitations, this research aims at investigating the effectiveness of combining three advanced technologies (i.e., Business Process Modelling and Enactment, Semantics and Service Oriented Computing – SOC–) with learning pedagogy in order to enhance the e-learner experience. The key design artefact of this research is the development of the HeLPS e-Learning Framework – Hybrid e-Learning Framework that is Process-based, Semantically-enriched and Service Oriented-enabled. In this framework, a generic e-learning process has been developed bottom-up based on surveying a wide range of e-learning models (i.e., practical artefacts) and their underpinning pedagogies/concepts (i.e., theories); and then forming a generic e-learning process. Furthermore, an e-Learning Meta-Model has been developed in order to capture the semantics of e-learning domain and its processes. Such processes have been formally modelled and dynamically enacted using a service-oriented enabled architecture. This framework has been evaluated using a concern-based evaluation employing both static and dynamic approaches. The HeLPS e-Learning Framework along with its components have been evaluated by applying a data-driven approach and artificially-constructed case study to check its effectiveness in capturing the semantics, enriching e-learning processes and deriving services that can enhance the e-learner experience. Results revealed the effectiveness of combining the above-mentioned technologies in order to enhance the e-learner experience. Also, further research directions have been suggested.This research contributes to enhancing the e-learner experience by making the e-learning artefacts driven by pedagogy and informed by the latest technologies. One major novel contribution of this research is the introduction of a layered architectural framework (i.e., HeLPS) that combines business process modelling and enactment, semantics and SOC together. Another novel contribution is adopting the process-based approach in e-learning domain through: identifying these processes and developing a generic business process model from a set of related e-learning business process models that have the same goals and associated objectives. A third key contribution is the development of the e-Learning Meta-Model, which captures a high-abstract view of learning domain and encapsulates various domain rules using the Semantic Web Rule Language. Additional contribution is promoting the utilisation of Service-Orientation in e-learning through developing a semantically-enriched approach to identify and discover web services from e-learning business process models. Fifth, e-Learner Experience Model (eLEM) and e-Learning Capability Maturity Model (eLCMM) have been developed, where the former aims at identifying and quantifying the e-learner experience and the latter represents a well-defined evolutionary plateau towards achieving a mature e-learning process from a technological perspective. Both models have been combined with a new developed data-driven Validation and Verification Model to develop a Concern-based Evaluation Approach for e-Learning artefacts, which is considered as another contribution

    Concept Mapping Strategy For Academic Writing Tutorial In Open And Distant Learning Higher Institution

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    Universitas Terbuka (UT) an open and distant higher education institution of Indonesia conducts the in-service teacher education program. In order to complete the program, the students – mostly teachers - have to submit the final academic paper. In fact, most of the UT students have difficulty to write this academic paper. UT offers an academic writing course to solve this writing program. Most of the student view academic writing still as a difficult assignment. Most of the students view academic writing as a difficult assignment to complete. UT has to find an appropriate instructional strategy that can facilitate student to write the academic writing assignment. One of the instructional strategy that can be selected to solve the academic writing problems is concept mapping. The aim of this study is to elaborate the implementation of concept map as an instructional strategy to facilitate the open and distance learning students io complete academic writing assignments. A design based research was applied to measure the effectiveness of using concept mapping strategy in helping students to gain academic writing skills. The steps of research and development model from Borg, Gall and Gall which consist of instructional design and development phases were implemented in this study. The result of this study indicated that students were facilitated and enjoyed the process of academic writing used the concept map strategy