19 research outputs found

    Improving Energy Efficiency of OFDM Using Adaptive Precision Reconfigurable FFT

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    International audienceBeing an essential issue in digital systems, especially battery-powered devices, energy efficiency has been the subject of intensive research. In this research, a multi-precision FFT module with dynamic run-time reconfigurability is proposed to trade off accuracy with the energy efficiency of OFDM in an SDR-based architecture. To support variable-size FFT, a reconfigurable memory-based architecture is investigated. It is revealed that the radix-4 FFT has the minimum computational complexity in this architecture. Regarding implementation constraints such as fixed-width memory, a noise model is exploited to statistically analyze the proposed architecture. The required FFT word-lengths for different criteria—namely BER, modulation scheme, FFT size, and SNR—are computed analytically and confirmed by simulations in AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels. At run-time, the most energy-efficient word-length is chosen and the FFT is reconfigured until the required application-specific BER is met. Evaluations show that the implementation area and the number of memory accesses are reduced. The results obtained from synthesizing basic operators of the proposed design on an FPGA show energy consumption experienced a saving of over 80 %

    Generic low power reconfigurable distributed arithmetic processor

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    Higher performance, lower cost, increasingly minimizing integrated circuit components, and higher packaging density of chips are ongoing goals of the microelectronic and computer industry. As these goals are being achieved, however, power consumption and flexibility are increasingly becoming bottlenecks that need to be addressed with the new technology in Very Large-Scale Integrated (VLSI) design. For modern systems, more energy is required to support the powerful computational capability which accords with the increasing requirements, and these requirements cause the change of standards not only in audio and video broadcasting but also in communication such as wireless connection and network protocols. Powerful flexibility and low consumption are repellent, but their combination in one system is the ultimate goal of designers. A generic domain-specific low-power reconfigurable processor for the distributed arithmetic algorithm is presented in this dissertation. This domain reconfigurable processor features high efficiency in terms of area, power and delay, which approaches the performance of an ASIC design, while retaining the flexibility of programmable platforms. The architecture not only supports typical distributed arithmetic algorithms which can be found in most still picture compression standards and video conferencing standards, but also offers implementation ability for other distributed arithmetic algorithms found in digital signal processing, telecommunication protocols and automatic control. In this processor, a simple reconfigurable low power control unit is implemented with good performance in area, power and timing. The generic characteristic of the architecture makes it applicable for any small and medium size finite state machines which can be used as control units to implement complex system behaviour and can be found in almost all engineering disciplines. Furthermore, to map target applications efficiently onto the proposed architecture, a new algorithm is introduced for searching for the best common sharing terms set and it keeps the area and power consumption of the implementation at low level. The software implementation of this algorithm is presented, which can be used not only for the proposed architecture in this dissertation but also for all the implementations with adder-based distributed arithmetic algorithms. In addition, some low power design techniques are applied in the architecture, such as unsymmetrical design style including unsymmetrical interconnection arranging, unsymmetrical PTBs selection and unsymmetrical mapping basic computing units. All these design techniques achieve extraordinary power consumption saving. It is believed that they can be extended to more low power designs and architectures. The processor presented in this dissertation can be used to implement complex, high performance distributed arithmetic algorithms for communication and image processing applications with low cost in area and power compared with the traditional methods

    The JM-Filter to detect specific frequency in monitored signal

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    The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is a mathematical procedure that stands at the center of the processing inside a digital signal processor. It has been widely known and argued in relevant literature that the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is useless in detecting specific frequencies in a monitored signal of length N because most of the computed results are ignored. In this paper, we present an efficient FFT-based method to detect specific frequencies in a monitored signal, which will then be compared to the most frequently used method which is the recursive Goertzel algorithm that detects and analyses one selectable frequency component from a discrete signal. The proposed JM-Filter algorithm presents a reduction of iterations compared to the first and second order Goertzel algorithm by a factor of r, where r represents the radix of the JM-Filter. The obtained results are significant in terms of computational reduction and accuracy in fixed-point implementation. Gains of 15 dB and 19 dB in signal to quantization noise ratio (SQNR) were respectively observed for the proposed first and second order radix-8 JM-Filter in comparison to Goertzel algorithm

    Adaptive Baseband Pro cessing and Configurable Hardware for Wireless Communication

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    The world of information is literally at one’s fingertips, allowing access to previously unimaginable amounts of data, thanks to advances in wireless communication. The growing demand for high speed data has necessitated theuse of wider bandwidths, and wireless technologies such as Multiple-InputMultiple-Output (MIMO) have been adopted to increase spectral efficiency.These advanced communication technologies require sophisticated signal processing, often leading to higher power consumption and reduced battery life.Therefore, increasing energy efficiency of baseband hardware for MIMO signal processing has become extremely vital. High Quality of Service (QoS)requirements invariably lead to a larger number of computations and a higherpower dissipation. However, recognizing the dynamic nature of the wirelesscommunication medium in which only some channel scenarios require complexsignal processing, and that not all situations call for high data rates, allowsthe use of an adaptive channel aware signal processing strategy to provide adesired QoS. Information such as interference conditions, coherence bandwidthand Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) can be used to reduce algorithmic computations in favorable channels. Hardware circuits which run these algorithmsneed flexibility and easy reconfigurability to switch between multiple designsfor different parameters. These parameters can be used to tune the operations of different components in a receiver based on feedback from the digitalbaseband. This dissertation focuses on the optimization of digital basebandcircuitry of receivers which use feedback to trade power and performance. Aco-optimization approach, where designs are optimized starting from the algorithmic stage through the hardware architectural stage to the final circuitimplementation is adopted to realize energy efficient digital baseband hardwarefor mobile 4G devices. These concepts are also extended to the next generation5G systems where the energy efficiency of the base station is improved.This work includes six papers that examine digital circuits in MIMO wireless receivers. Several key blocks in these receiver include analog circuits thathave residual non-linearities, leading to signal intermodulation and distortion.Paper-I introduces a digital technique to detect such non-linearities and calibrate analog circuits to improve signal quality. The concept of a digital nonlinearity tuning system developed in Paper-I is implemented and demonstratedin hardware. The performance of this implementation is tested with an analogchannel select filter, and results are presented in Paper-II. MIMO systems suchas the ones used in 4G, may employ QR Decomposition (QRD) processors tosimplify the implementation of tree search based signal detectors. However,the small form factor of the mobile device increases spatial correlation, whichis detrimental to signal multiplexing. Consequently, a QRD processor capableof handling high spatial correlation is presented in Paper-III. The algorithm and hardware implementation are optimized for carrier aggregation, which increases requirements on signal processing throughput, leading to higher powerdissipation. Paper-IV presents a method to perform channel-aware processingwith a simple interpolation strategy to adaptively reduce QRD computationcount. Channel properties such as coherence bandwidth and SNR are used toreduce multiplications by 40% to 80%. These concepts are extended to usetime domain correlation properties, and a full QRD processor for 4G systemsfabricated in 28 nm FD-SOI technology is presented in Paper-V. The designis implemented with a configurable architecture and measurements show thatcircuit tuning results in a highly energy efficient processor, requiring 0.2 nJ to1.3 nJ for each QRD. Finally, these adaptive channel-aware signal processingconcepts are examined in the scope of the next generation of communicationsystems. Massive MIMO systems increase spectral efficiency by using a largenumber of antennas at the base station. Consequently, the signal processingat the base station has a high computational count. Paper-VI presents a configurable detection scheme which reduces this complexity by using techniquessuch as selective user detection and interpolation based signal processing. Hardware is optimized for resource sharing, resulting in a highly reconfigurable andenergy efficient uplink signal detector

    Interconnect architectures for dynamically partially reconfigurable systems

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    Dynamically partially reconfigurable FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) allow hardware modules to be placed and removed at runtime while other parts of the system keep working. With their potential benefits, they have been the topic of a great deal of research over the last decade. To exploit the partial reconfiguration capability of FPGAs, there is a need for efficient, dynamically adaptive communication infrastructure that automatically adapts as modules are added to and removed from the system. Many bus and network-on-chip (NoC) architectures have been proposed to exploit this capability on FPGA technology. However, few realizations have been reported in the public literature to demonstrate or compare their performance in real world applications. While partial reconfiguration can offer many benefits, it is still rarely exploited in practical applications. Few full realizations of partially reconfigurable systems in current FPGA technologies have been published. More application experiments are required to understand the benefits and limitations of implementing partially reconfigurable systems and to guide their further development. The motivation of this thesis is to fill this research gap by providing empirical evidence of the cost and benefits of different interconnect architectures. The results will provide a baseline for future research and will be directly useful for circuit designers who must make a well-reasoned choice between the alternatives. This thesis contains the results of experiments to compare different NoC and bus interconnect architectures for FPGA-based designs in general and dynamically partially reconfigurable systems. These two interconnect schemes are implemented and evaluated in terms of performance, area and power consumption using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) andANN(Artificial Neural Network) systems as benchmarks. Conclusions drawn from these results include recommendations concerning the interconnect approach for different kinds of applications. It is found that a NoC provides much better performance than a single channel bus and similar performance to a multi-channel bus in both parallel and parallel-pipelined FFT systems. This suggests that a NoC is a better choice for systems with multiple simultaneous communications like the FFT. Bus-based interconnect achieves better performance and consume less area and power than NoCbased scheme for the fully-connected feed-forward NN system. This suggests buses are a better choice for systems that do not require many simultaneous communications or systems with broadcast communications like a fully-connected feed-forward NN. Results from the experiments with dynamic partial reconfiguration demonstrate that buses have the advantages of better resource utilization and smaller reconfiguration time and memory than NoCs. However, NoCs are more flexible and expansible. They have the advantage of placing almost all of the communication infrastructure in the dynamic reconfiguration region. This means that different applications running on the FPGA can use different interconnection strategies without the overhead of fixed bus resources in the static region. Another objective of the research is to examine the partial reconfiguration process and reconfiguration overhead with current FPGA technologies. Partial reconfiguration allows users to efficiently change the number of running PEs to choose an optimal powerperformance operating point at the minimum cost of reconfiguration. However, this brings drawbacks including resource utilization inefficiency, power consumption overhead and decrease in system operating frequency. The experimental results report a 50% of resource utilization inefficiency with a power consumption overhead of less than 5% and a decrease in frequency of up to 32% compared to a static implementation. The results also show that most of the drawbacks of partial reconfiguration implementation come from the restrictions and limitations of partial reconfiguration design flow. If these limitations can be addressed, partial reconfiguration should still be considered with its potential benefits.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 201

    Low power techniques and architectures for multicarrier wireless receivers

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    Fast Fourier transforms on energy-efficient application-specific processors

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    Many of the current applications used in battery powered devices are from digital signal processing, telecommunication, and multimedia domains. Traditionally application-specific fixed-function circuits have been used in these designs in form of application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) to reach the required performance and energy-efficiency. The complexity of these applications has increased over the years, thus the design complexity has increased even faster, which implies increased design time. At the same time, there are more and more standards to be supported, thus using optimised fixed-function implementations for all the functions in all the standards is impractical. The non-recurring engineering costs for integrated circuits have also increased significantly, so manufacturers can only afford fewer chip iterations. Although tailoring the circuit for a specific application provides the best performance and/or energy-efficiency, such approach lacks flexibility. E.g., if an error is found after the manufacturing, an expensive chip iteration is required. In addition, new functionalities cannot be added afterwards to support evolution of standards. Flexibility can be obtained with software based implementation technologies. Unfortunately, general-purpose processors do not provide the energy-efficiency of the fixed-function circuit designs. A useful trade-off between flexibility and performance is implementation based on application-specific processors (ASP) where programmability provides the flexibility and computational resources customised for the given application provide the performance. In this Thesis, application-specific processors are considered by using fast Fourier transform as the representative algorithm. The architectural template used here is transport triggered architecture (TTA) which resembles very long instruction word machines but the operand execution resembles data flow machines rather than traditional operand triggering. The developed TTA processors exploit inherent parallelism of the application. In addition, several characteristics of the application have been identified and those are exploited by developing customised functional units for speeding up the execution. Several customisations are proposed for the data path of the processor but it is also important to match the memory bandwidth to the computation speed. This calls for a memory organisation supporting parallel memory accesses. The proposed optimisations have been used to improve the energy-efficiency of the processor and experiments show that a programmable solution can have energy-efficiency comparable to fixed-function ASIC designs