2,773 research outputs found

    An affordable surround-screen virtual reality display

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    Building a projection-based virtual reality display is a time, cost, and resource intensive enterprise andmany details contribute to the final display quality. This is especially true for surround-screen displays wheremost of them are one-of-a-kind systems or custom-made installations with specialized projectors, framing, andprojection screens. In general, the costs of acquiring these types of systems have been in the hundreds and evenmillions of dollars, specifically for those supporting synchronized stereoscopic projection across multiple screens.Furthermore, the maintenance of such systems adds an additional recurrent cost, which makes them hard to affordfor a general introduction in a wider range of industry, academic, and research communities.We present a low-cost, easy to maintain surround-screen design based on off-the-shelf affordable componentsfor the projection screens, framing, and display system. The resulting system quality is comparable to significantlymore expensive commercially available solutions. Additionally, users with average knowledge can implement ourdesign and it has the added advantage that single components can be individually upgraded based on necessity aswell as available funds

    An application driven comparison of depth perception on desktop 3D displays.

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    Desktop 3D displays vary in their optical design and this results in a significant variation in the way in which stereo images are physically displayed on different 3D displays. When precise depth judgements need to be made these differences may become critical to task performance. Applications where this is a particular issue include medical imaging, geoscience and scientific visualization. We investigate perceived depth thresholds for four classes of desktop 3D display; full resolution, row interleaved, column interleaved and colour-column interleaved. Given the same input image resolution we calculate the physical view resolution for each class of display to geometrically predict its minimum perceived depth threshold. To verify our geometric predictions we present the design of a task where viewers are required to judge which of two neighboring squares lies in front of the other. We report results from a trial using this task where participants are randomly asked to judge whether they can perceive one of four levels of image disparity (0,2,4 and 6 pixels) on seven different desktop 3D displays. The results show a strong effect and the task produces reliable results that are sensitive to display differences. However, we conclude that depth judgement performance cannot always be predicted from display geometry alone. Other system factors, including software drivers, electronic interfaces, and individual participant differences must also be considered when choosing a 3D display to make critical depth judgements

    Empirical Comparisons of Virtual Environment Displays

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    There are many different visual display devices used in virtual environment (VE) systems. These displays vary along many dimensions, such as resolution, field of view, level of immersion, quality of stereo, and so on. In general, no guidelines exist to choose an appropriate display for a particular VE application. Our goal in this work is to develop such guidelines on the basis of empirical results. We present two initial experiments comparing head-mounted displays with a workbench display and a foursided spatially immersive display. The results indicate that the physical characteristics of the displays, users' prior experiences, and even the order in which the displays are presented can have significant effects on performance

    Evaluation of optimisation techniques for multiscopic rendering

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science by ResearchThis project evaluates different performance optimisation techniques applied to stereoscopic and multiscopic rendering for interactive applications. The artefact features a robust plug-in package for the Unity game engine. The thesis provides background information for the performance optimisations, outlines all the findings, evaluates the optimisations and provides suggestions for future work. Scrum development methodology is used to develop the artefact and quantitative research methodology is used to evaluate the findings by measuring performance. This project concludes that the use of each performance optimisation has specific use case scenarios in which performance benefits. Foveated rendering provides greatest performance increase for both stereoscopic and multiscopic rendering but is also more computationally intensive as it requires an eye tracking solution. Dynamic resolution is very beneficial when overall frame rate smoothness is needed and frame drops are present. Depth optimisation is beneficial for vast open environments but can lead to decreased performance if used inappropriately

    IMPROVE: collaborative design review in mobile mixed reality

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    In this paper we introduce an innovative application designed to make collaborative design review in the architectural and automotive domain more effective. For this purpose we present a system architecture which combines variety of visualization displays such as high resolution multi-tile displays, TabletPCs and head-mounted displays with innovative 2D and 3D Interaction Paradigms to better support collaborative mobile mixed reality design reviews. Our research and development is motivated by two use scenarios: automotive and architectural design review involving real users from Page\Park architects and FIAT Elasis. Our activities are supported by the EU IST project IMPROVE aimed at developing advanced display techniques, fostering activities in the areas of: optical see-through HMD development using unique OLED technology, marker-less optical tracking, mixed reality rendering, image calibration for large tiled displays, collaborative tablet-based and projection wall oriented interaction and stereoscopic video streaming for mobile users. The paper gives an overview of the hardware and software developments within IMPROVE and concludes with results from first user tests

    Prop-Based Haptic Interaction with Co-location and Immersion: an Automotive Application

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    Most research on 3D user interfaces aims at providing only a single sensory modality. One challenge is to integrate several sensory modalities into a seamless system while preserving each modality's immersion and performance factors. This paper concerns manipulation tasks and proposes a visuo-haptic system integrating immersive visualization, tactile force and tactile feedback with co-location. An industrial application is presented

    A low cost Virtual Reality interface for CAD model manipulation and visualization

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    The human-computer interface technology provided in modern CAD systems makes the use of two dimensional (2D) computer interfaces, e.g. a keyboard and mouse, to generate and interact with CAD models. In addition, all CAD systems project complex 3D CAD models on a two dimensional computer screen, and the designer has to understand the spatial relationship of the different parts in the assembly by visualizing it in his/her mind. Because of the 2D nature of the keyboard and mouse, his/her interaction with complex 3D CAD models is restrictive and unintuitive. As compared to the traditional computer interface, VR provides a more interactive and intuitive interface for interacting with complex 3D CAD models; however, the high cost related to the VR equipment and the high level of technical skill required for implementing these technologies have restricted the widespread acceptance of such useful technologies. With the development of low-cost VR technologies in recent years, VR solutions have become more accessible. The objective of the research presented in this thesis is to implement the currently available low-cost VR technology for providing solution to the human-computer interaction problems present in today\u27s CAD applications. The thesis first reviews and analyzes some of the low-cost VR applications which are available in the market for interacting with CAD models. It then elucidates the development and implementation of a low-cost VR human-computer interface, the VR CAD Model Viewer, which is capable of importing and rendering stereo views of CAD models made in CAD systems like Pro/Engineer. The application developed also provides the user with the 3D 6-degree of freedom Data Glove device to interact with CAD models using his/her hands. A human subjects study is also performed which aims at recording the interface performance and user feedback about the use and intuitiveness of the interface. Studying this new type of learning experience and charting its strengths and limits is an important frontier for cognitive science research, scientific modeling, and constructive pedagogy

    Exploring individual user differences in the 2D/3D interaction with medical image data

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    User-centered design is often performed without regard to individual user differences. In this paper, we report results of an empirical study aimed to evaluate whether computer experience and demographic user characteristics would have an effect on the way people interact with the visualized medical data in a 3D virtual environment using 2D and 3D input devices. We analyzed the interaction through performance data, questionnaires and observations. The results suggest that differences in gender, age and game experience have an effect on people’s behavior and task performance, as well as on subjective\ud user preferences

    Exploring Oculus Rift: A Historical Analysis of the ‘Virtual Reality’ Paradigm

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    This paper will first provide background information about Virtual Reality in order to better analyze its development throughout history and into the future. Next, this essay begins an in-depth historical analysis of how virtual reality has developed prior to 1970, a pivotal year in Virtual Reality history, followed by an exploration of how this development paradigm shifted between the 1970\u27s and the turn of the century. The historical analysis of virtual reality is concluded by covering the modern period from 2000-present. Finally, this paper examines the layout of the virtual reality field in respect to he history and innovations presented