13 research outputs found

    When Ambients Cannot be Opened

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    International audienceWe investigate expressiveness of a fragment of the ambient calculus, a formalism for describing distributed and mobile computations. More precisely, we study expressiveness of the pure and public ambient calculus from which the capability open has been removed, in terms of the reachability problem of the reduction relation. Surprisingly, we show that even for this very restricted fragment, the reachability problem is not decidable. At a second step, for a slightly weaker reduction relation, we prove that reachability can be decided by reducing this problem to markings reachability for Petri nets. Finally, we show that the name-convergence problem as well as the model-checking problem turn out to be undecidable for both the original and the weaker reduction relation. The authors are grateful to S. Tison and Y. Roos for fruitful discussions and thank the anony mous ferees for valuable comments. This work is supported by an ATIP grant from CNRS

    A Logic for Choreographies

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    We explore logical reasoning for the global calculus, a coordination model based on the notion of choreography, with the aim to provide a methodology for specification and verification of structured communications. Starting with an extension of Hennessy-Milner logic, we present the global logic (GL), a modal logic describing possible interactions among participants in a choreography. We illustrate its use by giving examples of properties on service specifications. Finally, we show that, despite GL is undecidable, there is a significant decidable fragment which we provide with a sound and complete proof system for checking validity of formulae.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2010, arXiv:1110.385

    Elimination of spatial connectives in static spatial logics

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    AbstractThe recent interest for specification on resources yields so-called spatial logics, that is specification languages offering new forms of reasoning: the local reasoning through the separation of the resource space into two disjoint subspaces, and the contextual reasoning through hypothetical extension of the resource space.We consider two resource models and their related logics:•The static ambient model, proposed as an abstraction of semistructured data (Proc. ESOP’01, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2028, Springer, Berlin, 2001, pp. 1–22 (invited paper)) with the static ambient logic (SAL) that was proposed as a request language, both obtained by restricting the mobile ambient calculus (Proc. FOSSACS’98, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1378, Springer, Berlin, 1998, pp. 140–155) and logic (Proc. POPL’00, ACM Press, New York, 2000, pp. 365–377) to their purely static aspects.•The memory model and the assertion language of separation logic, both defined in Reynolds (Proc. LICS’02, 2002) for the purpose of the axiomatic semantic of imperative programs manipulating pointers.We raise the questions of the expressiveness and the minimality of these logics. Our main contribution is a minimalisation technique we may apply for these two logics. We moreover show some restrictions of this technique for the extension SAL∀ with universal quantification, and we establish the minimality of the adjunct-free fragment (SALint)

    On Model Checking Boolean BI

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    The logic of bunched implications (BI), introduced by O'Hearn and Pym, is a substructural logic which freely combines additive and multiplicative implications. Boolean BI (BBI) denotes BI with classical interpretation of additives and its model is the commutative monoid. We show that when the monoid is finitely generated and propositions are recursively defined, or the monoid is infinitely generated and propositions are restricted to generator propositions, the model checking problem is undecidable. In the case of finitely related monoid and,generator propositions. the model checking problem is EXPSPACE-complete.http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000270711900021&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=8e1609b174ce4e31116a60747a720701Computer Science, Theory & MethodsEICPCI-S(ISTP)

    When Ambients Cannot be Opened

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    International audienceWe investigate expressiveness of a fragment of the ambient calculus, a formalism for describing distributed and mobile computations. More precisely, we study expressiveness of the pure and public ambient calculus from which the capability open has been removed, in terms of the reachability problem of the reduction relation. Surprisingly, we show that even for this very restricted fragment, the reachability problem is not decidable. At a second step, for a slightly weaker reduction relation, we prove that reachability can be decided by reducing this problem to markings reachability for Petri nets. Finally, we show that the name-convergence problem as well as the model-checking problem turn out to be undecidable for both the original and the weaker reduction relation. The authors are grateful to S. Tison and Y. Roos for fruitful discussions and thank the anony mous ferees for valuable comments. This work is supported by an ATIP grant from CNRS

    Design-time formal verification for smart environments: an exploratory perspective

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    Smart environments (SmE) are richly integrated with multiple heterogeneous devices; they perform the operations in intelligent manner by considering the context and actions/behaviors of the users. Their major objective is to enable the environment to provide ease and comfort to the users. The reliance on these systems demands consistent behavior. The versatility of devices, user behavior and intricacy of communication complicate the modeling and verification of SmE's reliable behavior. Of the many available modeling and verification techniques, formal methods appear to be the most promising. Due to a large variety of implementation scenarios and support for conditional behavior/processing, the concept of SmE is applicable to diverse areas which calls for focused research. As a result, a number of modeling and verification techniques have been made available for designers. This paper explores and puts into perspective the modeling and verification techniques based on an extended literature survey. These techniques mainly focus on some specific aspects, with a few overlapping scenarios (such as user interaction, devices interaction and control, context awareness, etc.), which were of the interest to the researchers based on their specialized competencies. The techniques are categorized on the basis of various factors and formalisms considered for the modeling and verification and later analyzed. The results show that no surveyed technique maintains a holistic perspective; each technique is used for the modeling and verification of specific SmE aspects. The results further help the designers select appropriate modeling and verification techniques under given requirements and stress for more R&D effort into SmE modeling and verification researc

    Axiomatisation and decidability of multi-dimensional Duration Calculus

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    AbstractThe Shape Calculus is a spatio-temporal logic based on an n-dimensional Duration Calculus tailored for the specification and verification of mobile real-time systems. After showing non-axiomatisability, we give a complete embedding in n-dimensional interval temporal logic and present two different decidable subsets, which are important for tool support and practical use

    Design Time Methodology for the Formal Modeling and Verification of Smart Environments

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    Smart Environments (SmE) are intelligent and complex due to smart connectivity and interaction of heterogeneous devices achieved by complicated and sophisticated computing algorithms. Based on their domotic and industrial applications, SmE system may be critical in terms of correctness, reliability, safety, security and other such vital factors. To achieve error-free and requirement-compliant implementation of these systems, it is advisable to enforce a design process that may guarantee these factors by adopting formal models and formal verification techniques at design time. The e-Lite research group at Politecnico di Torino is developing solutions for SmE based on integration of commercially available home automation technologies with an intelligent ecosystem based on a central OSGi-based gateway, and distributed collaboration of intelligent applications, with the help of semantic web technologies and applications. The main goal of my research is to study new methodologies which are used for the modeling and verification of SmE. This goal includes the development of a formal methodology which ensures the reliable implementation of the requirements on SmE, by modeling and verifying each component (users, devices, control algorithms and environment/context) and the interaction among them, especially at various stages in design time, so that all the complexities and ambiguities can be reduced

    Fifth Biennial Report : June 1999 - August 2001

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    Spécification, validation et satisfiabilité [i.e. satisfaisabilité] de contraintes hybrides par réduction à la logique temporelle

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    Depuis quelques années, de nombreux champs de l'informatique ont été transformés par l'introduction d'une nouvelle vision de la conception et de l'utilisation d'un système, appelée approche déclarative. Contrairement à l'approche dite impérative, qui consiste à décrire au moyen d'un langage formelles opérations à effectuer pour obtenir un résultat, l'approche déclarative suggère plutôt de décrire le résultat désiré, sans spécifier comment ce «but» doit être atteint. L'approche déclarative peut être vue comme le prolongement d'une tendance ayant cours depuis les débuts de l'informatique et visant à résoudre des problèmes en manipulant des concepts d'un niveau d'abstraction toujours plus élevé. Le passage à un paradigme déclaratif pose cependant certains problèmes: les outils actuels sont peu appropriés à une utilisation déclarative. On identifie trois questions fondamentales qui doivent être résolues pour souscrire à ce nouveau paradigme: l'expression de contraintes dans un langage formel, la validation de ces contraintes sur une structure, et enfin la construction d'une structure satisfaisant une contrainte donnée. Cette thèse étudie ces trois problèmes selon l'angle de la logique mathématique. On verra qu'en utilisant une logique comme fondement formel d'un langage de « buts », les questions de validation et de construction d'une structure se transposent en deux questions mathématiques, le model checking et la satisfiabilité, qui sont fondamentales et largement étudiées. En utilisant comme motivation deux contextes concrets, la gestion de réseaux et les architectures orientées services, le travail montrera qu'il est possible d'utiliser la logique mathématique pour décrire, vérifier et construire des configurations de réseaux ou des compositions de services web. L'aboutissement de la recherche consiste en le développement de la logique CTLFO+, permettant d'exprimer des contraintes sur les données, sur la séquences des opérations\ud d'un système, ainsi que des contraintes dites «hybrides». Une réduction de CTL-FO+ à la logique temporelle CTL permet de réutiliser de manière efficace des outils de vérification existants. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Méthodes formelles, Services web, Réseaux