1,303 research outputs found

    Human Factors Considerations in System Design

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    Human factors considerations in systems design was examined. Human factors in automated command and control, in the efficiency of the human computer interface and system effectiveness are outlined. The following topics are discussed: human factors aspects of control room design; design of interactive systems; human computer dialogue, interaction tasks and techniques; guidelines on ergonomic aspects of control rooms and highly automated environments; system engineering for control by humans; conceptual models of information processing; information display and interaction in real time environments

    Emerging Communication Technologies (ECT) Phase 2 Report

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    The Emerging Communication Technology (ECT) project investigated three First Mile communication technologies in support of NASA s Second Generation Reusable Launch Vehicle (2nd Gen RLV), Orbital Space Plane, Advanced Range Technology Working Group (ARTWG) and the Advanced Spaceport Technology Working Group (ASTWG). These First Mile technologies have the purpose of interconnecting mobile users with existing Range Communication infrastructures. ECT was a continuation of the Range Information System Management (RISM) task started in 2002. RISM identified the three advance communication technologies investigated under ECT. These were Wireless Ethernet (Wi-Fi), Free Space Optics (FSO), and Ultra Wideband (UWB). Due to the report s size, it has been broken into three volumes: 1) Main Report 2) Appendices 3) UWB

    A multifunctional product design for performing work from home

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    Sabe-se que recentemente poucas situações tiveram um impacto tão grande na forma como as empresas trabalham como a pandemia de SARS-COV2. Numa tentativa de evitar a propagação do vírus, as empresas e os seus empregados foram forçadas a trabalhar sob o regime do trabalho remoto, o que teve um impacto positivo na produtividade dos empregados, mas nem sempre com as condições e equipamentos adequados. Hoje em dia, o trabalho híbrido que combina trabalho em casa e no escritório é uma realidade para muitas empresas, pelo que criar um local de trabalho em que as características fisiológicas, anatómicas e psicológicas sejam tão equilibradas quanto possível é uma necessidade real. Esta investigação procurou compreender como, através do design, um produto pode ser criado para oferecer condições favoráveis para se realizar trabalho a partir de casa. Da mesma forma, também se procurou compreender os fundamentos ergonómicos necessários para realizar o trabalho da forma mais apropriada. Para atingir este objetivo procurou-se compreender a forma como os espacos de trabalho evoluiram ao longo da história e que continua a evoluir até nos dias de hoje. Foram também realizados estudos de casos e uma investigação sobre os espaços de trabalho em casa usados durante o confinamento devido à pandemia, utilizando a técnica do questionário. Toda a informação e dados obtidos, contribuíram para a criação de uma proposta de produto multifuncional, que tenta oferecer as características necessárias para trabalhar a partir de casa de uma forma adequada.It is known that recently few situations have had as great an impact on the way companies work as the SARS-COV2 pandemic. In an attempt to prevent the spread of the virus, companies and their employees were forced to work under remote working, which had a positive impact on employee productivity, but not always with the right conditions and equipment. Today, hybrid work that combines work at home and in the office is a reality for many companies, so creating a workplace where physiological, anatomical and psychological characteristics are as balanced as possible is a real need. This research sought to understand how, through design, a product can be created to provide favorable conditions for doing work from home. Likewise, it also sought to understand the ergonomic fundamentals needed to perform work in the most appropriate way. To achieve this goal, we sought to understand how workspaces have evolved throughout history and continue to evolve today. Case studies and an investigation into the home workspaces used during the pandemic confinement were also conducted, using the questionnaire technique. All the information and data obtained, contributed to the creation of a multifunctional product proposal, which tries to offer the necessary characteristics to work from home in an adequate way

    Journal of Telecommunications in Higher Education

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    This Issue: Integrating Networks ATM: It\u27s All That Matters ATM Delivers Voice, Data, Video Cabling the Integrated Network Interview: Robert Collet, Data Services & Network Systems BYU: Striving for Excellence in Telecom Service

    Toward an integrated conceptualization of the service and service system concepts: a systems approach

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    Service and service systems concepts are fundamental constructs for the development of the emergent SSME, ITSM, and Service Oriented Software (SOS) knowledge streams. A diversified literature has provided a richness of findings, but at the same time, the lack of standardized conceptualizations is a source of confusion to IT practitioners and academics. Given this problematic situation, we pose that a systems approach is useful to address it. In this article, we review and synthesize key studies in these knowledge streams to design: (i) a framework to characterize both concepts under a system view and, (ii) harmonized definitions (e.g. identification of shared and essential properties) for such fundamental concepts. Our main contribution is scholastic, but we are confident that the posed conceptual artifacts can be further used to elaborate standardized definition for the IT service and IT service system constructs, as well as analysis tools for describe real service systems

    Technology Assessment and High-Speed Trains: facing the challenge of emergent digital society

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    The present PhD dissertation addresses the extension of selective environments of new technologies within the high-speed train technological system from business and regulations to the wider society. And, it argues the recognition of society as an actor in that system. Motivating it is the observed ever increase exposure of high-speed trains to public acceptance, caused by empowered society from fast ICT advancements. They refer to digitalization - the rise of social media and big data, combined with the widespread use of mobile technology - changing if not revolutionizing our understanding of product and service selection. Unprecedented societal demands, opening a new market segment, require new technologies to integrate with the emergent digital system. Moreover, societal actors became themselves innovators. Inevitable they have to become part of the value chain widening the collective of stakeholders. However, such raises the dilemma of promotion and control and adds complexity and uncertainty to the industry in deciding which technology to select. Statistical evidence shows that businesses are figuring out ways to embed societal actors in their value creation. In this dissertation, I demonstrate to the high-speed train industry how is it falling short in addressing societal embedding in their product creation and argue why requires improvement. Technology Assessment provides the approach for the orchestration of the necessary dialogue with societal actors for better anticipating potential development in the full system and for embedding the resulting technology options within. By exploiting it to the high-speed train industry innovation strategic management, the aim of my dissertation is, borrowing the words of Douglas K. R. Robinson, to “arrive to a better informed designs of future working worlds, which are structured by theory while empirically well grounded, so they are usable by decision makers”. With this work, I expect to contribute to the new governance structure for research and development set buy the railway industry SHIFT2RAIL (Joint Undertaking for Rail Research and Innovation)

    Non-speech auditory output

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    On the Viability of Quantitative Assessment Methods in Software Engineering and Software Services

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    IT help desk operations are expensive. Costs associated with IT operations present challenges to profit goals. Help desk managers need a way to plan staffing levels so that labor costs are minimized while problems are resolved efficiently. An incident prediction method is needed for planning staffing levels. The potential value of a solution to this problem is important to an IT service provider since software failures are inevitable and their timing is difficult to predict. In this research, a cost model for help desk operations is developed. The cost model relates predicted incidents to labor costs using real help desk data. Incidents are predicted using software reliability growth models. Cluster analysis is used to group products with similar help desk incident characteristics. Principal Components Analysis is used to determine one product per cluster for the prediction of incidents for all members of the cluster. Incident prediction accuracy is demonstrated using cluster representatives, and is done so successfully for all clusters with accuracy comparable to making predictions for each product in the portfolio. Linear regression is used with cost data for the resolution of incidents to relate incident predictions to help desk labor costs. Following a series of four pilot studies, the cost model is validated by successfully demonstrating cost prediction accuracy for one month prediction intervals over a 22 month period

    DRONE DELIVERY OF CBNRECy – DEW WEAPONS Emerging Threats of Mini-Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disruption (WMDD)

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    Drone Delivery of CBNRECy – DEW Weapons: Emerging Threats of Mini-Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disruption (WMDD) is our sixth textbook in a series covering the world of UASs and UUVs. Our textbook takes on a whole new purview for UAS / CUAS/ UUV (drones) – how they can be used to deploy Weapons of Mass Destruction and Deception against CBRNE and civilian targets of opportunity. We are concerned with the future use of these inexpensive devices and their availability to maleficent actors. Our work suggests that UASs in air and underwater UUVs will be the future of military and civilian terrorist operations. UAS / UUVs can deliver a huge punch for a low investment and minimize human casualties.https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1046/thumbnail.jp