37 research outputs found

    QCSP on partially reflexive forests

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    We study the (non-uniform) quantified constraint satisfaction problem QCSP(H) as H ranges over partially reflexive forests. We obtain a complexity-theoretic dichotomy: QCSP(H) is either in NL or is NP-hard. The separating condition is related firstly to connectivity, and thereafter to accessibility from all vertices of H to connected reflexive subgraphs. In the case of partially reflexive paths, we give a refinement of our dichotomy: QCSP(H) is either in NL or is Pspace-complete

    Finding Cuts of Bounded Degree: Complexity, FPT and Exact Algorithms, and Kernelization

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    A matching cut is a partition of the vertex set of a graph into two sets A and B such that each vertex has at most one neighbor in the other side of the cut. The Matching Cut problem asks whether a graph has a matching cut, and has been intensively studied in the literature. Motivated by a question posed by Komusiewicz et al. [IPEC 2018], we introduce a natural generalization of this problem, which we call d-Cut: for a positive integer d, a d-cut is a bipartition of the vertex set of a graph into two sets A and B such that each vertex has at most d neighbors across the cut. We generalize (and in some cases, improve) a number of results for the Matching Cut problem. Namely, we begin with an NP-hardness reduction for d-Cut on (2d+2)-regular graphs and a polynomial algorithm for graphs of maximum degree at most d+2. The degree bound in the hardness result is unlikely to be improved, as it would disprove a long-standing conjecture in the context of internal partitions. We then give FPT algorithms for several parameters: the maximum number of edges crossing the cut, treewidth, distance to cluster, and distance to co-cluster. In particular, the treewidth algorithm improves upon the running time of the best known algorithm for Matching Cut. Our main technical contribution, building on the techniques of Komusiewicz et al. [IPEC 2018], is a polynomial kernel for d-Cut for every positive integer d, parameterized by the distance to a cluster graph. We also rule out the existence of polynomial kernels when parameterizing simultaneously by the number of edges crossing the cut, the treewidth, and the maximum degree. Finally, we provide an exact exponential algorithm slightly faster than the naive brute force approach running in time O^*(2^n)

    Minimal disconnected cuts in planar graphs

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    The problem of finding a disconnected cut in a graph is NP-hard in general but polynomial-time solvable on planar graphs. The problem of finding a minimal disconnected cut is also NP-hard but its computational complexity is not known for planar graphs. We show that it is polynomial-time solvable on 3-connected planar graphs but NP-hard for 2-connected planar graphs. Our technique for the first result is based on a structural characterization of minimal disconnected cuts in 3-connected K 3,3 -free-minor graphs and on solving a topological minor problem in the dual. We show that the latter problem can be solved in polynomial-time even on general graphs. In addition we show that the problem of finding a minimal connected cut of size at least 3 is NP-hard for 2-connected apex graphs

    On the Complexity of Matching Cut in Graphs of Fixed Diameter

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    Finding Matching Cuts in H-Free Graphs

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    The well-known NP-complete problem MATCHING CUT is to decide if a graph has a matching that is also an edge cut of the graph. We prove new complexity results for MATCHING CUT restricted to H-free graphs, that is, graphs that do not contain some fixed graph H as an induced subgraph. We also prove new complexity results for two recently studied variants of MATCHING CUT, on H-free graphs. The first variant requires that the matching cut must be extendable to a perfect matching of the graph. The second variant requires the matching cut to be a perfect matching. In particular, we prove that there exists a small constant r>0 such that the first variant is NP-complete for Pr-free graphs. This addresses a question of Bouquet and Picouleau (The complexity of the Perfect Matching-Cut problem. CoRR, arXiv:2011.03318, (2020)). For all three problems, we give state-of-the-art summaries of their computational complexity for H-free graphs

    Matching Cut: Kernelization, Single-Exponential Time FPT, and Exact Exponential Algorithms

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    In a graph, a matching cut is an edge cut that is a matching. Matching Cut, which is known to be NP-complete, is the problem of deciding whether or not a given graph G has a matching cut. In this paper we show that Matching Cut admits a quadratic-vertex kernel for the parameter distance to cluster and a linear-vertex kernel for the parameter distance to clique. We further provide an O^*(2^{dc(G)}) time and an O^*(2^{dc^-}(G)}) time FPT algorithm for Matching Cut, where dc(G) and dc^-(G) are the distance to cluster and distance to co-cluster, respectively. We also improve the running time of the best known branching algorithm to solve Matching Cut from O^*(1.4143^n) to O^*(1.3803^n). Moreover, we point out that, unless NP subseteq coNP/poly, Matching Cut does not admit a polynomial kernel when parameterized by treewidth