565 research outputs found

    Applications of Finite Model Theory: Optimisation Problems, Hybrid Modal Logics and Games.

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    There exists an interesting relationships between two seemingly distinct fields: logic from the field of Model Theory, which deals with the truth of statements about discrete structures; and Computational Complexity, which deals with the classification of problems by how much of a particular computer resource is required in order to compute a solution. This relationship is known as Descriptive Complexity and it is the primary application of the tools from Model Theory when they are restricted to the finite; this restriction is commonly called Finite Model Theory. In this thesis, we investigate the extension of the results of Descriptive Complexity from classes of decision problems to classes of optimisation problems. When dealing with decision problems the natural mapping from true and false in logic to yes and no instances of a problem is used but when dealing with optimisation problems, other features of a logic need to be used. We investigate what these features are and provide results in the form of logical frameworks that can be used for describing optimisation problems in particular classes, building on the existing research into this area. Another application of Finite Model Theory that this thesis investigates is the relative expressiveness of various fragments of an extension of modal logic called hybrid modal logic. This is achieved through taking the Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé game from Model Theory and modifying it so that it can be applied to hybrid modal logic. Then, by developing winning strategies for the players in the game, results are obtained that show strict hierarchies of expressiveness for fragments of hybrid modal logic that are generated by varying the quantifier depth and the number of proposition and nominal symbols available

    Coalgebraic Reasoning with Global Assumptions in Arithmetic Modal Logics

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    We establish a generic upper bound ExpTime for reasoning with global assumptions (also known as TBoxes) in coalgebraic modal logics. Unlike earlier results of this kind, our bound does not require a tractable set of tableau rules for the instance logics, so that the result applies to wider classes of logics. Examples are Presburger modal logic, which extends graded modal logic with linear inequalities over numbers of successors, and probabilistic modal logic with polynomial inequalities over probabilities. We establish the theoretical upper bound using a type elimination algorithm. We also provide a global caching algorithm that potentially avoids building the entire exponential-sized space of candidate states, and thus offers a basis for practical reasoning. This algorithm still involves frequent fixpoint computations; we show how these can be handled efficiently in a concrete algorithm modelled on Liu and Smolka's linear-time fixpoint algorithm. Finally, we show that the upper complexity bound is preserved under adding nominals to the logic, i.e. in coalgebraic hybrid logic.Comment: Extended version of conference paper in FCT 201

    Named Models in Coalgebraic Hybrid Logic

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    Hybrid logic extends modal logic with support for reasoning about individual states, designated by so-called nominals. We study hybrid logic in the broad context of coalgebraic semantics, where Kripke frames are replaced with coalgebras for a given functor, thus covering a wide range of reasoning principles including, e.g., probabilistic, graded, default, or coalitional operators. Specifically, we establish generic criteria for a given coalgebraic hybrid logic to admit named canonical models, with ensuing completeness proofs for pure extensions on the one hand, and for an extended hybrid language with local binding on the other. We instantiate our framework with a number of examples. Notably, we prove completeness of graded hybrid logic with local binding

    Reasoning with global assumptions in arithmetic modal logics

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    We establish a generic upper bound ExpTime for reasoning with global assumptions in coalgebraic modal logics. Unlike earlier results of this kind, we do not require a tractable set of tableau rules for the in- stance logics, so that the result applies to wider classes of logics. Examples are Presburger modal logic, which extends graded modal logic with linear inequalities over numbers of successors, and probabilistic modal logic with polynomial inequalities over probabilities. We establish the theoretical upper bound using a type elimination algorithm. We also provide a global caching algorithm that offers potential for practical reasoning

    Named Models in Coalgebraic Hybrid Logic

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    Hybrid logic extends modal logic with support for reasoning about individual states, designated by so-called nominals. We study hybrid logic in the broad context of coalgebraic semantics, where Kripke frames are replaced with coalgebras for a given functor, thus covering a wide range of reasoning principles including, e.g., probabilistic, graded, default, or coalitional operators. Specifically, we establish generic criteria for a given coalgebraic hybrid logic to admit named canonical models, with ensuing completeness proofs for pure extensions on the one hand, and for an extended hybrid language with local binding on the other. We instantiate our framework with a number of examples. Notably, we prove completeness of graded hybrid logic with local binding

    The intuitionistic temporal logic of dynamical systems

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    A dynamical system is a pair (X,f)(X,f), where XX is a topological space and f ⁣:XXf\colon X\to X is continuous. Kremer observed that the language of propositional linear temporal logic can be interpreted over the class of dynamical systems, giving rise to a natural intuitionistic temporal logic. We introduce a variant of Kremer's logic, which we denote ITLc{\sf ITL^c}, and show that it is decidable. We also show that minimality and Poincar\'e recurrence are both expressible in the language of ITLc{\sf ITL^c}, thus providing a decidable logic expressive enough to reason about non-trivial asymptotic behavior in dynamical systems