3,340 research outputs found

    Approximation Complexity of Optimization Problems : Structural Foundations and Steiner Tree Problems

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    In this thesis we study the approximation complexity of the Steiner Tree Problem and related problems as well as foundations in structural complexity theory. The Steiner Tree Problem is one of the most fundamental problems in combinatorial optimization. It asks for a shortest connection of a given set of points in an edge-weighted graph. This problem and its numerous variants have applications ranging from electrical engineering, VLSI design and transportation networks to internet routing. It is closely connected to the famous Traveling Salesman Problem and serves as a benchmark problem for approximation algorithms. We give a survey on the Steiner tree Problem, obtaining lower bounds for approximability of the (1,2)-Steiner Tree Problem by combining hardness results of Berman and Karpinski with reduction methods of Bern and Plassmann. We present approximation algorithms for the Steiner Forest Problem in graphs and bounded hypergraphs, the Prize Collecting Steiner Tree Problem and related problems where prizes are given for pairs of terminals. These results are based on the Primal-Dual method and the Local Ratio framework of Bar-Yehuda. We study the Steiner Network Problem and obtain combinatorial approximation algorithms with reasonable running time for two special cases, namely the Uniform Uncapacitated Case and the Prize Collecting Uniform Uncapacitated Case. For the general case, Jain's algorithms obtains an approximation ratio of 2, based on the Ellipsoid Method. We obtain polynomial time approximation schemes for the Dense Prize Collecting Steiner Tree Problem, Dense k-Steiner Problem and the Dense Class Steiner Tree Problem based on the methods of Karpinski and Zelikovsky for approximating the Dense Steiner Tree Problem. Motivated by the question which parameters make the Steiner Tree problem hard to solve, we make an excurs into Fixed Parameter Complexity, focussing on structural aspects of the W-Hierarchy. We prove a Speedup Theorem for the classes FPT and SP and versions if Levin's Lower Bound Theorem for the class SP as well as for Randomized Space Complexity. Starting from the approximation schemes for the dense Steiner Tree problems, we deal with the efficiency of polynomial time approximation schemes in general. We separate the class EPTAS from PTAS under some reasonable complexity theoretic assumption. The same separation was achieved by Cesaty and Trevisan under some assumtion from Fixed Parameter Complexity. We construct an oracle under which our assumtion holds but that of Cesati and Trevisan does not, which implies that using relativizing proof techniques one cannot show that our assumption implies theirs

    Inapproximability of Combinatorial Optimization Problems

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    We survey results on the hardness of approximating combinatorial optimization problems

    Approximating Subdense Instances of Covering Problems

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    We study approximability of subdense instances of various covering problems on graphs, defined as instances in which the minimum or average degree is Omega(n/psi(n)) for some function psi(n)=omega(1) of the instance size. We design new approximation algorithms as well as new polynomial time approximation schemes (PTASs) for those problems and establish first approximation hardness results for them. Interestingly, in some cases we were able to prove optimality of the underlying approximation ratios, under usual complexity-theoretic assumptions. Our results for the Vertex Cover problem depend on an improved recursive sampling method which could be of independent interest

    Computational Geometry Column 42

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    A compendium of thirty previously published open problems in computational geometry is presented.Comment: 7 pages; 72 reference

    An efficient algorithm for nucleolus and prekernel computation in some classes of TU-games

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    We consider classes of TU-games. We show that we can efficiently compute an allocation in the intersection of the prekernel and the least core of the game if we can efficiently compute the minimum excess for any given allocation. In the case where the prekernel of the game contains exactly one core vector, our algorithm computes the nucleolus of the game. This generalizes both a recent result by Kuipers on the computation of the nucleolus for convex games and a classical result by Megiddo on the nucleolus of standard tree games to classes of more general minimum cost spanning tree games. Our algorithm is based on the ellipsoid method and Maschler's scheme for approximating the prekernel. \u

    Multi-Embedding of Metric Spaces

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    Metric embedding has become a common technique in the design of algorithms. Its applicability is often dependent on how high the embedding's distortion is. For example, embedding finite metric space into trees may require linear distortion as a function of its size. Using probabilistic metric embeddings, the bound on the distortion reduces to logarithmic in the size. We make a step in the direction of bypassing the lower bound on the distortion in terms of the size of the metric. We define "multi-embeddings" of metric spaces in which a point is mapped onto a set of points, while keeping the target metric of polynomial size and preserving the distortion of paths. The distortion obtained with such multi-embeddings into ultrametrics is at most O(log Delta loglog Delta) where Delta is the aspect ratio of the metric. In particular, for expander graphs, we are able to obtain constant distortion embeddings into trees in contrast with the Omega(log n) lower bound for all previous notions of embeddings. We demonstrate the algorithmic application of the new embeddings for two optimization problems: group Steiner tree and metrical task systems

    Estimating the weight of metric minimum spanning trees in sublinear time

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    In this paper we present a sublinear-time (1+ξ)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation randomized algorithm to estimate the weight of the minimum spanning tree of an nn-point metric space. The running time of the algorithm is O~(n/ξO(1))\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(n/\varepsilon^{\mathcal{O}(1)}). Since the full description of an nn-point metric space is of size Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2), the complexity of our algorithm is sublinear with respect to the input size. Our algorithm is almost optimal as it is not possible to approximate in o(n)o(n) time the weight of the minimum spanning tree to within any factor. We also show that no deterministic algorithm can achieve a BB-approximation in o(n2/B3)o(n^2/B^3) time. Furthermore, it has been previously shown that no o(n2)o(n^2) algorithm exists that returns a spanning tree whose weight is within a constant times the optimum

    Parameterized Approximation Algorithms for Bidirected Steiner Network Problems

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    The Directed Steiner Network (DSN) problem takes as input a directed edge-weighted graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and a set D⊆V×V\mathcal{D}\subseteq V\times V of kk demand pairs. The aim is to compute the cheapest network N⊆GN\subseteq G for which there is an s→ts\to t path for each (s,t)∈D(s,t)\in\mathcal{D}. It is known that this problem is notoriously hard as there is no k1/4−o(1)k^{1/4-o(1)}-approximation algorithm under Gap-ETH, even when parametrizing the runtime by kk [Dinur & Manurangsi, ITCS 2018]. In light of this, we systematically study several special cases of DSN and determine their parameterized approximability for the parameter kk. For the bi-DSNPlanar_\text{Planar} problem, the aim is to compute a planar optimum solution N⊆GN\subseteq G in a bidirected graph GG, i.e., for every edge uvuv of GG the reverse edge vuvu exists and has the same weight. This problem is a generalization of several well-studied special cases. Our main result is that this problem admits a parameterized approximation scheme (PAS) for kk. We also prove that our result is tight in the sense that (a) the runtime of our PAS cannot be significantly improved, and (b) it is unlikely that a PAS exists for any generalization of bi-DSNPlanar_\text{Planar}, unless FPT=W[1]. One important special case of DSN is the Strongly Connected Steiner Subgraph (SCSS) problem, for which the solution network N⊆GN\subseteq G needs to strongly connect a given set of kk terminals. It has been observed before that for SCSS a parameterized 22-approximation exists when parameterized by kk [Chitnis et al., IPEC 2013]. We give a tight inapproximability result by showing that for kk no parameterized (2−ε)(2-\varepsilon)-approximation algorithm exists under Gap-ETH. Additionally we show that when restricting the input of SCSS to bidirected graphs, the problem remains NP-hard but becomes FPT for kk

    Approximating Directed Steiner Problems via Tree Embedding

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    In the k-edge connected directed Steiner tree (k-DST) problem, we are given a directed graph G on n vertices with edge-costs, a root vertex r, a set of h terminals T and an integer k. The goal is to find a min-cost subgraph H of G that connects r to each terminal t by k edge-disjoint r,t-paths. This problem includes as special cases the well-known directed Steiner tree (DST) problem (the case k = 1) and the group Steiner tree (GST) problem. Despite having been studied and mentioned many times in literature, e.g., by Feldman et al. [SODA'09, JCSS'12], by Cheriyan et al. [SODA'12, TALG'14] and by Laekhanukit [SODA'14], there was no known non-trivial approximation algorithm for k-DST for k >= 2 even in the special case that an input graph is directed acyclic and has a constant number of layers. If an input graph is not acyclic, the complexity status of k-DST is not known even for a very strict special case that k= 2 and |T| = 2. In this paper, we make a progress toward developing a non-trivial approximation algorithm for k-DST. We present an O(D k^{D-1} log n)-approximation algorithm for k-DST on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) with D layers, which can be extended to a special case of k-DST on "general graphs" when an instance has a D-shallow optimal solution, i.e., there exist k edge-disjoint r,t-paths, each of length at most D, for every terminal t. For the case k= 1 (DST), our algorithm yields an approximation ratio of O(D log h), thus implying an O(log^3 h)-approximation algorithm for DST that runs in quasi-polynomial-time (due to the height-reduction of Zelikovsky [Algorithmica'97]). Consequently, as our algorithm works for general graphs, we obtain an O(D k^{D-1} log n)-approximation algorithm for a D-shallow instance of the k-edge-connected directed Steiner subgraph problem, where we wish to connect every pair of terminals by k-edge-disjoint paths
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