4,087 research outputs found

    Admissibility in Finitely Generated Quasivarieties

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    Checking the admissibility of quasiequations in a finitely generated (i.e., generated by a finite set of finite algebras) quasivariety Q amounts to checking validity in a suitable finite free algebra of the quasivariety, and is therefore decidable. However, since free algebras may be large even for small sets of small algebras and very few generators, this naive method for checking admissibility in \Q is not computationally feasible. In this paper, algorithms are introduced that generate a minimal (with respect to a multiset well-ordering on their cardinalities) finite set of algebras such that the validity of a quasiequation in this set corresponds to admissibility of the quasiequation in Q. In particular, structural completeness (validity and admissibility coincide) and almost structural completeness (validity and admissibility coincide for quasiequations with unifiable premises) can be checked. The algorithms are illustrated with a selection of well-known finitely generated quasivarieties, and adapted to handle also admissibility of rules in finite-valued logics

    The variety generated by all the ordinal sums of perfect MV-chains

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    We present the logic BL_Chang, an axiomatic extension of BL (see P. H\'ajek - Metamathematics of fuzzy logic - 1998, Kluwer) whose corresponding algebras form the smallest variety containing all the ordinal sums of perfect MV-chains. We will analyze this logic and the corresponding algebraic semantics in the propositional and in the first-order case. As we will see, moreover, the variety of BL_Chang-algebras will be strictly connected to the one generated by Chang's MV-algebra (that is, the variety generated by all the perfect MV-algebras): we will also give some new results concerning these last structures and their logic.Comment: This is a revised version of the previous paper: the modifications concern essentially the presentation. The scientific content is substantially unchanged. The major variations are: Definition 2.7 has been improved. Section 3.1 has been made more compact. A new reference, [Bus04], has been added. There is some minor modification in Section 3.

    Interval-valued algebras and fuzzy logics

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    In this chapter, we present a propositional calculus for several interval-valued fuzzy logics, i.e., logics having intervals as truth values. More precisely, the truth values are preferably subintervals of the unit interval. The idea behind it is that such an interval can model imprecise information. To compute the truth values of ‘p implies q’ and ‘p and q’, given the truth values of p and q, we use operations from residuated lattices. This truth-functional approach is similar to the methods developed for the well-studied fuzzy logics. Although the interpretation of the intervals as truth values expressing some kind of imprecision is a bit problematic, the purely mathematical study of the properties of interval-valued fuzzy logics and their algebraic semantics can be done without any problem. This study is the focus of this chapter

    An analysis of the logic of Riesz Spaces with strong unit

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    We study \L ukasiewicz logic enriched with a scalar multiplication with scalars taken in [0,1][0,1]. Its algebraic models, called {\em Riesz MV-algebras}, are, up to isomorphism, unit intervals of Riesz spaces with a strong unit endowed with an appropriate structure. When only rational scalars are considered, one gets the class of {\em DMV-algebras} and a corresponding logical system. Our research follows two objectives. The first one is to deepen the connections between functional analysis and the logic of Riesz MV-algebras. The second one is to study the finitely presented MV-algebras, DMV-algebras and Riesz MV-algebras, connecting them from logical, algebraic and geometric perspective

    Toward a probability theory for product logic: states, integral representation and reasoning

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    The aim of this paper is to extend probability theory from the classical to the product t-norm fuzzy logic setting. More precisely, we axiomatize a generalized notion of finitely additive probability for product logic formulas, called state, and show that every state is the Lebesgue integral with respect to a unique regular Borel probability measure. Furthermore, the relation between states and measures is shown to be one-one. In addition, we study geometrical properties of the convex set of states and show that extremal states, i.e., the extremal points of the state space, are the same as the truth-value assignments of the logic. Finally, we axiomatize a two-tiered modal logic for probabilistic reasoning on product logic events and prove soundness and completeness with respect to probabilistic spaces, where the algebra is a free product algebra and the measure is a state in the above sense.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur

    Almost structural completeness; an algebraic approach

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    A deductive system is structurally complete if its admissible inference rules are derivable. For several important systems, like modal logic S5, failure of structural completeness is caused only by the underivability of passive rules, i.e. rules that can not be applied to theorems of the system. Neglecting passive rules leads to the notion of almost structural completeness, that means, derivablity of admissible non-passive rules. Almost structural completeness for quasivarieties and varieties of general algebras is investigated here by purely algebraic means. The results apply to all algebraizable deductive systems. Firstly, various characterizations of almost structurally complete quasivarieties are presented. Two of them are general: expressed with finitely presented algebras, and with subdirectly irreducible algebras. One is restricted to quasivarieties with finite model property and equationally definable principal relative congruences, where the condition is verifiable on finite subdirectly irreducible algebras. Secondly, examples of almost structurally complete varieties are provided Particular emphasis is put on varieties of closure algebras, that are known to constitute adequate semantics for normal extensions of S4 modal logic. A certain infinite family of such almost structurally complete, but not structurally complete, varieties is constructed. Every variety from this family has a finitely presented unifiable algebra which does not embed into any free algebra for this variety. Hence unification in it is not unitary. This shows that almost structural completeness is strictly weaker than projective unification for varieties of closure algebras
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