7 research outputs found

    The effects of the HIV-1 Tat protein and morphine on the structure and function of the hippocampal CA1 subfield

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    HIV is capable of causing a set of neurological diseases collectively termed the HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND). Worsening pathology is observed in HIV+ individuals who use opioid drugs. Memory problems are often observed in HAND, implicating HIV pathology in the hippocampus, and are also known to be exacerbated by morphine use. HIV-1 Tat was demonstrated to reduce spatial memory performance in multiple tasks, and individual subsets of CA1 interneurons were found to be selectively vulnerable to the effects of Tat, notably nNOS+/NPY- interneurons of the pyramidal layer and stratum radiatum, PV+ neurons of the pyramidal layer, and SST+ neurons of stratum oriens. Each of these interneuron subsets are hypothesized to form part of a microcircuit involved in memory formation. Electrophysiological assessment of hippocampal pyramidal neurons with Tat and morphine together revealed that Tat caused a reduction in firing frequency, however, chronic morphine exposure did not have any effect. When morphine was removed after chronic exposure, non-interacting effects of Tat and morphine withholding on firing frequency were observed, suggesting that a homeostatic rebalancing of CA1 excitation/inhibition balance takes place in response to chronic morphine exposure independently of any Tat effects. Additionally, differential morphological effects of Tat and morphine were observed in each of the three major dendritic compartments, with SR being less affected, suggesting complex circuit responses to these insults reflecting local change and potentially changes in inputs from other brain regions. Behaviorally, Tat and morphine interactions occur in spatial memory, with morphine potentially obviating Tat effects

    Communication Structure of Cortical Networks

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    Large-scale cortical networks exhibit characteristic topological properties that shape communication between brain regions and global cortical dynamics. Analysis of complex networks allows the description of connectedness, distance, clustering, and centrality that reveal different aspects of how the network's nodes communicate. Here, we focus on a novel analysis of complex walks in a series of mammalian cortical networks that model potential dynamics of information flow between individual brain regions. We introduce two new measures called absorption and driftness. Absorption is the average length of random walks between any two nodes, and takes into account all paths that may diffuse activity throughout the network. Driftness is the ratio between absorption and the corresponding shortest path length. For a given node of the network, we also define four related measurements, namely in- and out-absorption as well as in- and out-driftness, as the averages of the corresponding measures from all nodes to that node, and from that node to all nodes, respectively. We find that the cat thalamo-cortical system incorporates features of two classic network topologies, Erdös–Rényi graphs with respect to in-absorption and in-driftness, and configuration models with respect to out-absorption and out-driftness. Moreover, taken together these four measures separate the network nodes based on broad functional roles (visual, auditory, somatomotor, and frontolimbic)

    The Connectome Viewer Toolkit: An Open Source Framework to Manage, Analyze, and Visualize Connectomes

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    Advanced neuroinformatics tools are required for methods of connectome mapping, analysis, and visualization. The inherent multi-modality of connectome datasets poses new challenges for data organization, integration, and sharing. We have designed and implemented the Connectome Viewer Toolkit – a set of free and extensible open source neuroimaging tools written in Python. The key components of the toolkit are as follows: (1) The Connectome File Format is an XML-based container format to standardize multi-modal data integration and structured metadata annotation. (2) The Connectome File Format Library enables management and sharing of connectome files. (3) The Connectome Viewer is an integrated research and development environment for visualization and analysis of multi-modal connectome data. The Connectome Viewer's plugin architecture supports extensions with network analysis packages and an interactive scripting shell, to enable easy development and community contributions. Integration with tools from the scientific Python community allows the leveraging of numerous existing libraries for powerful connectome data mining, exploration, and comparison. We demonstrate the applicability of the Connectome Viewer Toolkit using Diffusion MRI datasets processed by the Connectome Mapper. The Connectome Viewer Toolkit is available from http://www.cmtk.org

    Identification of vulnerable cell types in major brain disorders using single cell transcriptomes and expression weighted cell type enrichment

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    The cell types that trigger the primary pathology in many brain diseases remain largely unknown. One route to understanding the primary pathological cell type for a particular disease is to identify the cells expressing susceptibility genes. Although this is straightforward for monogenic conditions where the causative mutation may alter expression of a cell type specific marker, methods are required for the common polygenic disorders. We developed the Expression Weighted Cell Type Enrichment (EWCE) method that uses single cell transcriptomes to generate the probability distribution associated with a gene list having an average level of expression within a cell type. Following validation, we applied EWCE to human genetic data from cases of epilepsy, Schizophrenia, Autism, Intellectual Disability, Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis and anxiety disorders. Genetic susceptibility primarily affected microglia in Alzheimer’s and Multiple Sclerosis; was shared between interneurons and pyramidal neurons in Autism and Schizophrenia; while intellectual disabilities and epilepsy were attributable to a range of cell-types, with the strongest enrichment in interneurons. We hypothesised that the primary cell type pathology could trigger secondary changes in other cell types and these could be detected by applying EWCE to transcriptome data from diseased tissue. In Autism, Schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease we find evidence of pathological changes in all of the major brain cell types. These findings give novel insight into the cellular origins and progression in common brain disorders. The methods can be applied to any tissue and disorder and have applications in validating mouse models

    Agile in-litero experiments:how can semi-automated information extraction from neuroscientific literature help neuroscience model building?

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    In neuroscience, as in many other scientific domains, the primary form of knowledge dissemination is through published articles in peer-reviewed journals. One challenge for modern neuroinformatics is to design methods to make the knowledge from the tremendous backlog of publications accessible for search, analysis and its integration into computational models. In this thesis, we introduce novel natural language processing (NLP) models and systems to mine the neuroscientific literature. In addition to in vivo, in vitro or in silico experiments, we coin the NLP methods developed in this thesis as in litero experiments, aiming at analyzing and making accessible the extended body of neuroscientific literature. In particular, we focus on two important neuroscientific entities: brain regions and neural cells. An integrated NLP model is designed to automatically extract brain region connectivity statements from very large corpora. This system is applied to a large corpus of 25M PubMed abstracts and 600K full-text articles. Central to this system is the creation of a searchable database of brain region connectivity statements, allowing neuroscientists to gain an overview of all brain regions connected to a given region of interest. More importantly, the database enables researcher to provide feedback on connectivity results and links back to the original article sentence to provide the relevant context. The database is evaluated by neuroanatomists on real connectomics tasks (targets of Nucleus Accumbens) and results in significant effort reduction in comparison to previous manual methods (from 1 week to 2h). Subsequently, we introduce neuroNER to identify, normalize and compare instances of identify neuronsneurons in the scientific literature. Our method relies on identifying and analyzing each of the domain features used to annotate a specific neuron mention, like the morphological term 'basket' or brain region 'hippocampus'. We apply our method to the same corpus of 25M PubMed abstracts and 600K full-text articles and find over 500K unique neuron type mentions. To demonstrate the utility of our approach, we also apply our method towards cross-comparing the NeuroLex and Human Brain Project (HBP) cell type ontologies. By decoupling a neuron mention's identity into its specific compositional features, our method can successfully identify specific neuron types even if they are not explicitly listed within a predefined neuron type lexicon, thus greatly facilitating cross-laboratory studies. In order to build such large databases, several tools and infrastructureslarge-scale NLP were developed: a robust pipeline to preprocess full-text PDF articles, as well as bluima, an NLP processing pipeline specialized on neuroscience to perform text-mining at PubMed scale. During the development of those two NLP systems, we acknowledged the need for novel NLP approaches to rapidly develop custom text mining solutions. This led to the formalization of the agile text miningagile text-mining methodology to improve the communication and collaboration between subject matter experts and text miners. Agile text mining is characterized by short development cycles, frequent tasks redefinition and continuous performance monitoring through integration tests. To support our approach, we developed Sherlok, an NLP framework designed for the development of agile text mining applications

    Coming of Age of the Hippocampome

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