13 research outputs found

    Integrative Solutions in Online Crowdsourcing Innovation Challenges

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    Online crowdsourcing challenges are widely used for problem-solving and innovation. Existing theory has characterized such challenges as tools for tapping distant knowledge. By building on information processing theory we move beyond this characterization and present a perspective that describes innovation challenges as virtual places in which ideas are not simply submitted or commented upon but knowledge is integrated. This perspective shifts the role of crowdsourcing challenges from mere tools for gathering ideas to representing the locus of innovation. Our perspective suggests that three types of knowledge affect the quality of integrative solutions: elementary ideas, facts, and analogical examples. Based on a large dataset, we find that elementary ideas and analogical examples are related to increased solution quality, while facts are related to decreased solution quality. We expand the research on online crowdsourcing innovation challenges to include how crowd participants influence the quality of solutions through the content of their postings

    Uma Análise Crítica da Revolução Cognitiva: Implicações Epistemológicas

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    This paper presents a critical review of the cognitive revolution in psychology and the epistemological implications for the scientific status of psychology. Cognitive psychology was born in the fifties and the information processing is its main “paradigm”. It has been diffused as a scientific revolution as proposed by T. Kuhn. This proposal is false and raises doubts about psychology as a science. I suggest the abandonment of the Kuhn’s philosophy on account of the normative naturalism, a useful solution for psychologies.Este artigo apresenta um histórico da revolução cognitiva em psicologia, uma discussão crítica sobre ela e as implicações epistemológicas para o status científico da psicologia. Surgida na década de 50 e tendo o paradigma do processamento de informação como base, a psicologia cognitiva foi difundida como uma revolução científica, tal como proposta por T. Kuhn. Essa proposta se mostrou falsa, colocando dúvidas sobre a cientificidade da psicologia. Propõe-se o abandono da filosofia de Kuhn e a adoção do naturalismo normativo como uma saída frutífera para as psicologias

    Draining your Brain: The Effects of Four Fatiguing Task Domains on Executive Function and Prefrontal Cortex

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    The present study empirically examined the effects of four fatiguing task domains on executive function through participants\u27 reaction time, accuracy, and brain activity in prefrontal cortex (PFC). Forty college-age participants were collected (16 males and 24 females), of which eleven were examined using a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) imaging system. The present study used a 4×2 mixed factorial design consisting of fatiguing task (arm contractions task, vigilance task, distance-manipulated Fitts\u27 task, size-manipulated Fitts\u27 task) as a between-participant variable and n-back testing period (pre-test versus post-test 3-back task) as a within-participant variable. Results indicated significant increases in 3-back performance after the fatiguing tasks, and significant increases in 3-back compensatory brain activity in dorsomedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dmPFC and dlPFC) after the fatiguing tasks. Furthermore, results showed an interaction between 3-back target type and fatiguing task on standardized changes in reaction time, and an interaction between fatiguing task and testing period on brain activity in dmPFC. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Findings from this study may be used to help draw the boundaries on different domains of fatigue and their effects on the brain and body

    Conceptualizations of Students With and Without Disabilities as Mathematical Problem Solvers in Educational Research; A Critical Review

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    Students with disabilities are often framed as “the problem” and have limited opportunities to engage in standards based mathematics leading to persistent underachievement. In this paper, we investigate a research divide between mathematics educational research for students with and without disabilities, a divide with significant differences in the theoretical orientations and research methodologies used to understand learners. Based on an analysis of 149 mathematics educational research articles published between 2013 and 2015, we found significant differences between articles focused on learners with and without disabilities. For those with disabilities, mathematical problem solving was understood primarily from behavioral and information processing theoretical perspectives, while for those without disabilities, problem solving was understood primarily through constructivist and sociocultural perspectives. While 86% of research on problem-solving including students with disabilities was quantitative, only 35% of research on students without disabilities was quantitative. 50% of problem-solving research on students without disabilities was qualitative, compared to only 6% of research on students with disabilities. Problem solving, then, is studied in very different ways for learners with and without disabilities. Students without disabilities are studied through close analysis of learning, often individual. Students with disabilities are most often studied quantitatively, in groups, with no analysis of individual thinking. By offering only a limited range of methods and theoretical orientations, this research divide reifies deficit constructions of students with disabilities

    Tell me how you gaze at Strategy Tools and I tell you how you decide

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    Strategy tools are frequently used in organizations and extensively taught in educational institutions. However, the real impact of strategy tools in practice is still uncertain. In addition, strategy tools can also introduce misunderstandings and are by no means guarantees for establishing shared meaning. This study analyzes the gaze behavior, i. e., eye movements, of 91 decision makers. Therein, it is determined that the gaze of decision makers carries significant predictive value for the actual decisions made and is closely linked to the cognitive processing of the decision makers. These results establish eye tracking as a viable method for analyzing the individual interpretation of strategy tools by users and contribute to an under-represented area of strategic management research. The authors raise awareness to the importance of the gaze on information processing and provide ideas on how those insights can be used to establish shared meaning in organizations


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    In this chapter, we review leadership research, with special attention to the questions that psychologists have addressed. Our presentation emphasizes that the phenomena of leadership can be predicted by a wide range of situational, social, and individual differences factors. Although not organized into a single, coherent theory, these bodies of knowledge are sufficiently related that we are able to piece together a moderately cohesive picture of leadership. This emergent understanding derives from research based on highly varied research methods, the most important of which we review and evaluate in this chapter

    The Effect of Color Coding Exterior Letters of Words on Reading Fluency and Decoding Ability in Intermediate Students Who Read below Grade Level

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    The purpose of this true experimental, posttest-only control-group design was to determine if the color coding of exterior letters affects the fluency and decoding ability among fourth grade students who were below grade level in reading. If color coding exterior letters is an effective intervention, then struggling readers could utilize this intervention to improve their reading fluency and decoding abilities. Participants were selected from a random sample of 102 public school students who were below grade level in reading. The participants were from a district in the southeast United States. Each student was randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group. Both groups received identical tests from the Houghton Mifflin (2009) diagnostic assessment in real word decoding, pseudoword decoding, and fluency, except that the exterior letters of words were colored blue for the treatment group, while all letters were black for the control group. The real word decoding assessment revealed no statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the control group and treatment group. There was a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the control group and treatment group for the pseudoword decoding assessment and fluency assessment. While current research indicates that the exterior letters of a word play an essential role when reading, based on a review of the literature, including searches from ERIC (Ebsco), ETS Online Research Library, Education Research Complete, Children’s Literature Comprehensive Database, and ProQuest Education Journals, there are currently no color interventions that assist readers in focusing on exterior letters. Future research should focus on conducting follow up studies on the effectiveness of this intervention and test the effectiveness of color coding other morphological elements of words

    An Agent Based Model to Assess Crew Temporal Variability During U.S. Navy Shipboard Operations

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    Understanding the factors that affect human performance variability as well as their temporal impacts is an essential element in fully integrating and designing complex, adaptive environments. This understanding is particularly necessary for high stakes, time-critical routines such as those performed during nuclear reactor, air traffic control, and military operations. Over the last three decades significant efforts have emerged to demonstrate and apply a host of techniques to include Discrete Event Simulation, Bayesian Belief Networks, Neural Networks, and a multitude of existing software applications to provide relevant assessments of human task performance and temporal variability. The objective of this research was to design and develop a novel Agent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS) methodology to generate a timeline of work and assess impacts of crew temporal variability during U.S. Navy Small Boat Defense operations in littoral waters. The developed ABMS methodology included human performance models for six crew members (agents) as well as a threat craft, and incorporated varying levels of crew capability and task support. AnyLogic ABMS software was used to simultaneously provide detailed measures of individual sailor performance and of system-level emergent behavior. This methodology and these models were adapted and built to assure extensibility across a broad range of U.S. Navy shipboard operations. Application of the developed ABMS methodology effectively demonstrated a way to visualize and quantify impacts/uncertainties of human temporal variability on both workload and crew effectiveness during U.S. Navy shipboard operations

    Assessment and management of visual deficits within the hospital setting

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    The proposed vision program, the Assessment and Management of Visual Deficits within the Hospital Setting, will establish an evidence-based evaluation, treatment, and referral process for individuals with visual impairment (VI) (either neurological or due to low vision) within the acute care, hospital setting. It is reported that 80% of all VI can be prevented or cured (Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization, 2014) and research supports a need for intervention for VI within the hospital setting, as it is often an overlooked area. Despite this high prevalence of poor vision among inpatients, vision is reportedly not routinely tested nor documented (Press et al., 2015; Roche, Vogtle, Warren, & O'Connor, 2014). The occupational therapy practitioner (OTP) is recommended to incorporate vision screening and intervention to maximize clients’ occupational performance and successful participation in daily activities. Support exists that VI and falls are prevalent in older adults (Roche et al., 2014) and addressing this gap in care shows value by reducing LOS, cost, and improving patient satisfaction (Morse, Seiple, Talwar, Lee, & Stein, 2019; Wong, Brooks, & Mansfield, 2016). This occupational therapy (OT) program will describe a vision screen for use within a hospital setting that assesses key areas of visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, visual field, convergence, and eye range of motion. This program could be implemented across settings including inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, thus following the continuum of care, and across diagnostic categories (Balcer, Miller, Reingold, & Cohen, 2015; Cate & Richards, 2000; Roberts et al., 2016). Incorporating this vision screen into daily practice may occur as one component of a comprehensive OT evaluation or a subsequent treatment session. The screen could be administered by OTPs once clinical competence has been established through hands-on training utilizing the OT Vision Assessment/Management Manual and mentoring by senior staff and the Vision Program Coordinator. Community-based resources are reviewed to aid in the acquisition of services and proper eyewear. This program is designed to establish an educational pathway to support those patients identified with a VI within a hospital setting

    Designing Attentive Information Dashboards with Eye Tracking Technology

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