17 research outputs found

    User-Centered CASE Tools for User-Centered Information Systems

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    The goal of this research is to design and evaluate a new generation of CASE tools, capable of clearly supporting all the styles of work adopted by teams of developers and capable of promoting Usability concerns to Informa tion Systems building. Our research approach is based on (a) creating usable and effective models of the developers behavior, and (b) building innovative, unconstrained collaborative prototypes that allow co-authoring of models by all stakeholders involved (programmers, marketers and interaction designers).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Experimental Object-Oriented Modelling

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    This thesis examines object-oriented modelling in experimental system development. Object-oriented modelling aims at representing concepts and phenomena of a problem domain in terms of classes and objects. Experimental system development seeks active experimentation in a system development project through, e.g., technical prototyping and active user involvement. We introduce and examine "experimental object-oriented modelling" as the intersection of these practices

    A tool for automatic model extraction of Ada/SPARK programs

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    This paper presents a brief description of the current work on a tool that analyses temporal behaviour of Ada/RavenSPARK programs. The approach takes as a basis two previous publications that introduce innovative methods in the field of verification of real-time systems. The development of a tool that automatically generates models (timed automata) from Ada/RavenSPARK source code and uses the model checker to verify timing properties is discussed

    Design and Implementation of a Conceptual Modeling Assistant (CMA)

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    This Master's Thesis de nes an architecture for a Conceptual Modeling Assistant (CMA) along with an implementation of a running prototype. Our CMA is a piece of software that runs on top of current modeling tools whose purpose is to collaborate with the conceptual modelers while developing a conceptual schema. The main functions of our CMA are to actively criticize the state of a conceptual schema, to suggest actions to do in order to improve the conceptual schema, and to o er new operations to automatize building a schema. On the one hand, the presented architecture assumes that the CMA has to be adapted to a modeling tool. Thus, the CMA permits the inclusion of new features, such as the detection of new defects to be criticized and new operations a modeler can execute, in a modeling tool. As a result, all modeling tools to which the CMA is adapted bene t of all these features without further work. On the other hand, the construction of our prototype involves three steps: the de nition of a simple, custom modeling tool; the implementation of the CMA; and the adaptation of the CMA to the custom modeling tool. Furthermore, we also present and implement some examples of new features that can be added to the CMA

    Collaborative problem solving and program development model

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    A model to enhance collaborative problem solving and program development is presented. The collaborative model is a detailed cognitive model that takes into consideration the cognitive and social activities that occur during collaborative problem solving and program development. The cognitive activities required for collaborative problem solving and program development are identified and integrated into a six-stage model. An extensive literature review in the associated fields is presented to show the need for the model described in this dissertation. In addition, a comprehensive study of tools to support collaboration during problem solving and program development was also performed as well as a critique of these tools. A detailed statistical experiment to study the effect of this model on subjects, collaboratively solving a software problem was designed and executed. The experiment included testing the collaborative problem solving and program development model with and without assistance from groupware tools. The subject teams each constructed a software design and this design was evaluated based on, research hypotheses. This experiment produced results indicating the positive effect the Collaborative Model has on problem understanding and the quality of solution planning during collaborative problem solving and program development efforts