39 research outputs found

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    Cloud Service Brokerage: A systematic literature review using a software development lifecycle

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    Cloud Service Brokerage (CSB) is an emerging technology that has become popular with cloud computing. CSB is a middleman providing value added services, developed using standard software development lifecycle, from cloud providers to consumers. This paper provides a systematic literature review on this topic, covering 41 publications from 2009 to 2015. The paper aims to provide an overview of CSB research status, and give suggestions on how CSB research should proceed. A descriptive analysis reveals a lack of contributions from the Information Systems discipline. A software development lifecycle analysis uncovers a severe imbalance of research contributions across the four stages of software development: design, develop, deploy, and manage. The majority of research contributions are geared toward the design stage with a minimal contribution in the remaining stages. As such, we call for a balanced research endeavor across the cycle given the equal importance of each stage within the CSB paradigm

    Longitudinal Study on the Expectations of Cloud Computing Benefits and an Integrative Multilevel Model for Understanding Cloud Computing Performance

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    Cloud computing, a term introduced ten years ago, has proliferated rapidly both in developed and developing economies. Benefit expectations have impacted the rapid usage increase of this technology. We investigated with a five-year longitudinal survey changes in the expectations regarding cloud computing. We also crafted an integrated multilevel model to understand how cloud expectations and cloud readiness influence cloud computing deployment and performance combined with five IT business value (ITBV) factors. We tested empirically the crafted hypotheses and the research model using survey data collected from approximately 200+200 randomly selected business and IT executives in 2014 and 2015. Empirical results confirmed that our research model explained approximately one half of cloud computing performance for both years

    Cornell University remote sensing program

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    Aircraft and satellite remote sensing technology were applied in the following areas: (1) evaluation of proposed fly ash disposal sites; (2) development of priorities for drainage improvements; (3) state park analysis for rehabilitation and development; (4) watershed study for water quality planning; and (5) assistance project-landfill site selection. Results are briefly summarized. Other projects conducted include: (1) assessment of vineyard-related problems; (2) LANDSAT analysis for pheasant range management; (3) photo-historic evaluation of Revolutionary War sites; and (4) thermal analysis of building insulation. The objectives, expected benefits and actions, and status of these projects are described

    The Relationship between Nonprofit Organizations and Cloud Adoption Concerns

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    Many leaders of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in the United States do not have plans to adopt cloud computing. However, the factors accounting for their decisions is not known. This correlational study used the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) to examine whether performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, price value, and habit can predict behavioral intention (BI) and use behavior (UB) of NPO information technology (IT) managers towards adopting cloud computing within the Phoenix metropolitan area of Arizona of the U.S. An existing UTAUT2 survey instrument was used with a sample of IT managers (N = 106) from NPOs. A multiple regression analysis confirmed a positive statistically significant relationship between predictors and the dependent variables of BI and UB. The first model significantly predicted BI, F (7,99) =54.239, p -?¤ .001, R^2=.795. Performance expectancy (β = .295, p = .004), social influence (β = .148, p = .033), facilitating conditions (β = .246, p = .007), and habit (β = .245, p = .002) were statistically significant predictors of BI at the .05 level. The second model significantly predicted UB, F (3,103) = 37.845, p -?¤ .001, R^2 = .527. Habit (β = .430, p = .001) was a statistically significant predictor for UB at a .05 level. Using the study results, NPO IT managers may be able to develop strategies to improve the adoption of cloud computing within their organization. The implication for positive social change is that, by using the study results, NPO leaders may be able to improve their IT infrastructure and services for those in need, while also reducing their organization\u27s carbon footprint through use of shared data centers for processing

    Understanding Financial Value of Cloud-Based Business Applications: A Phenomenological Study

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    An understanding of opportunities and challenges in cloud computing is needed to better manage technology costs and create financial value. The purposes of this transcendental phenomenological study were to understand the lived experiences of minority business owners who operated business applications in the cloud and to explore how these experiences created financial value for businesses despite security challenges. Historically, minority business owners have experienced high rates of business failures and could benefit from information to help them manage business costs in order to position their businesses to grow and succeed. Modigliani-Miller\u27s theorem on capital structure and Brealey and Young\u27s concept of financial leverage were the conceptual frameworks that grounded this study. Data consisted of observational field notes and 15 individual semistructured interviews with open-ended questions. I used the in vivo and pattern coding approaches to analyze the data for emerging themes that addressed the research questions. The findings were that drivers of positive cloud-based experiences, such as easy access, ease of use, flexibility, and timesavings, created financial value for small business owners. In addition, the findings confirmed that opportunities in the cloud such as cost savings, efficiency, and ease of collaboration outweighed security challenges. Finally, the results indicated that cost-effective approaches such as the subscription model for acquiring technology created financial value for businesses. The findings of this study can be used by business owners, especially minority small business owners, to decide whether to move operations to the cloud to create financial value for their businesses

    Digital Technologies for Digital Innovation: Unlocking Data and Knowledge to Drive Organizational Value Creation

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    The rise of digitization has radically transformed innovation processes of today's companies and is increasingly challenging existing theories and practices. Digital innovation can describe both the use of digital technologies during the innovation process and the outcome of innovation. This thesis aims to improve the understanding of digital innovation in today's digitized world by contributing to the theoretical and practical knowledge along the four organizational activities of the digital innovation process: initiation, development, implementation, and exploitation. In doing so, the thesis pays special attention to the use of digital technologies and tools (e.g., machine learning, online crowdsourcing platforms, etc.) that unlock knowledge and data to facilitate new products, services, and other value streams. When initiating digital innovations, organizations seek to identify, assimilate, and apply valuable knowledge from within and outside the organization. This activity is crucial for organizations as it determines how they address the increasing pressure to innovate in their industries and markets while innovation processes themselves are changing and becoming more distributed and open. Papers A and B of this thesis address this phase by examining how digital technologies are changing knowledge gathering, e.g., through new ways of crowdsourcing ideas and facilitating cooperation and collaboration among users and innovation collectives. Paper A focuses on organizational culture as a critical backdrop of digital innovations and explores whether it influences the implementation of idea platforms and, in this way, facilitates the discovery of innovations. The paper reveals that the implementation of idea platforms is facilitated by a culture that emphasizes policies, procedures, and information management. Additionally, the paper highlights the importance of taking organizational culture into account when introducing a new technology or process that may be incompatible with the existing culture. Paper B examines newly formed innovation collectives and initiatives for developing ventilators to address shortages during the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper focuses on digital technologies enabling a transformation in the way innovation collectives form, communicate, and collaborate - all during a period of shutdown and social distancing. The paper underlines the role of digital technologies and collaboration platforms through networking, communication, and decentralized development. The results show that through the effective use of digital technologies, even complex innovations are no longer developed only in large enterprises but also by innovation collectives that can involve dynamic sets of actors with diverse goals and capabilities. In addition, established organizations are increasingly confronted with community innovations that offer complex solutions based on a modular architecture characteristic of digital innovations. Such modular layered architectures are a critical concept in the development of digital innovations. This phase of the digital innovation process encompasses the design, development, and adoption of technological artifacts, which are explored in Sections C and D of this paper. Paper C focuses on the latter, the adoption of digital services artifacts in the plant and mechanical engineering industry. The paper presents an integrative model based on the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework that examines different contextual factors as important components of the introduction, adoption, and routinization of digital service innovations. The results provide a basis for studying the assimilation of digital service innovations and can serve as a reference model for informing managerial decisions. Paper D, in turn, focuses on the design and development of a technology artifact. The paper focuses on applying cloud-based machine learning services to implement a visual inspection system in the manufacturing industry. The results show, for one, the value of standardization and vendor-supplied IS architecture concepts in digital innovation and, for another, how such innovations can facilitate further innovations in manufacturing. The implementation of digital innovations marks the third phase of the digital innovation process, which is addressed in Paper E. It encompasses organizational changes that occur during digital innovation initiatives. This phase emphasizes change through digital innovation initiatives within the organization (e.g., strategy, structure, people, and technology) and across the organizational environment. Paper E investigates how digital service innovations impact industrial firms, relationships between firms and their customers, and product/service offerings. The paper uses work systems theory as a theoretical foundation to structure the results and analyze them through the lens of service systems. While this analysis helps to identify the organizational changes that result from the implementation of digital innovations, the paper also provides a basis for further research and supports practitioners with systematic analyses of organizational change. The last phase of the digital innovation process is about exploiting existing systems/data for new purposes and innovations. In this regard, it is important to better understand the improvements and effects in the domains beyond the sheer outcome of digital innovation, such as organizational learning or organizational change capabilities. Paper F of this thesis investigates the exploitation of digital innovations in the context of organizational learning. One aspect of this addresses how individuals within the organization leverage innovation to explore and exploit knowledge. Paper F utilizes the organizational learning perspective and examines the dynamics of human learning and machine learning to understand how organizations can benefit from their respective idiosyncrasies in enabling bilateral learning. The paper demonstrates how bilateral human-machine learning can improve the overall performance using a case study from the trading sector. Drawing on these findings, the paper offers new insights into the coordination of human learning and machine learning, and moreover, the collaboration between human and artificial intelligence in organizational routines

    Giants among us : a study of first-generation college graduates

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    Aeronautical engineerng: A special bibliography with indexes, supplement 36

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    This special bibliography lists 628 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in September 1973