24 research outputs found

    Bifurcation and stability for Nonlinear Schroedinger equations with double well potential in the semiclassical limit

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    We consider the stationary solutions for a class of Schroedinger equations with a symmetric double-well potential and a nonlinear perturbation. Here, in the semiclassical limit we prove that the reduction to a finite-mode approximation give the stationary solutions, up to an exponentially small term, and that symmetry-breaking bifurcation occurs at a given value for the strength of the nonlinear term. The kind of bifurcation picture only depends on the non-linearity power. We then discuss the stability/instability properties of each branch of the stationary solutions. Finally, we consider an explicit one-dimensional toy model where the double well potential is given by means of a couple of attractive Dirac's delta pointwise interactions.Comment: 46 pages, 4 figure

    An integral that counts the zeros of a function

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    Given a real function ff on an interval [a,b][a,b] satisfying mild regularity conditions, we determine the number of zeros of ff by evaluating a certain integral. The integrand depends on f,ff, f' and ff''. In particular, by approximating the integral with the trapezoidal rule on a fine enough grid, we can compute the number of zeros of ff by evaluating finitely many values of f,ff,f' and ff''. A variant of the integral even allows to determine the number of the zeros broken down by their multiplicity.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, final versio

    A census of zeta functions of quartic K3 surfaces over F_2

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    We compute the complete set of candidates for the zeta function of a K3 surface over F_2 consistent with the Weil conjectures, as well as the complete set of zeta functions of smooth quartic surfaces over F_2. These sets differ substantially, but we do identify natural subsets which coincide. This gives some numerical evidence towards a Honda-Tate theorem for transcendental zeta functions of K3 surfaces; such a result would refine a recent theorem of Taelman, in which one must allow an uncontrolled base field extension.Comment: 11 pages; final version, minor changes; to appear in ANTS XI

    Algebraic certificates for Budan's theorem

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    Descartes's "Rule of Signs'' and Poincar\'e's Positivstellensatz

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    This is an exposition of Poincar\'e's 1883 paper, ``Sur les \'equations alg\'ebriques,'' which gives an important refinement of Descartes's rule of signs and was a precursor of P\' olya's Positivstellensatz.Comment: 6 pages. This report on Poincar\'e's 1883 paper, "Sur les \'equations alg\'ebriques,'' is based on a talk in the New York Number Theory Seminar on September 29, 202

    Efficiently Computing Real Roots of Sparse Polynomials

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    We propose an efficient algorithm to compute the real roots of a sparse polynomial fR[x]f\in\mathbb{R}[x] having kk non-zero real-valued coefficients. It is assumed that arbitrarily good approximations of the non-zero coefficients are given by means of a coefficient oracle. For a given positive integer LL, our algorithm returns disjoint disks Δ1,,ΔsC\Delta_{1},\ldots,\Delta_{s}\subset\mathbb{C}, with s<2ks<2k, centered at the real axis and of radius less than 2L2^{-L} together with positive integers μ1,,μs\mu_{1},\ldots,\mu_{s} such that each disk Δi\Delta_{i} contains exactly μi\mu_{i} roots of ff counted with multiplicity. In addition, it is ensured that each real root of ff is contained in one of the disks. If ff has only simple real roots, our algorithm can also be used to isolate all real roots. The bit complexity of our algorithm is polynomial in kk and logn\log n, and near-linear in LL and τ\tau, where 2τ2^{-\tau} and 2τ2^{\tau} constitute lower and upper bounds on the absolute values of the non-zero coefficients of ff, and nn is the degree of ff. For root isolation, the bit complexity is polynomial in kk and logn\log n, and near-linear in τ\tau and logσ1\log\sigma^{-1}, where σ\sigma denotes the separation of the real roots