17 research outputs found

    Sistema de informação energético-ambiental para veículos rodoviários

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    Mestrado em Engenharia MecânicaCom o presente trabalho pretende-se proporcionar ao cidadão comum a possibilidade de consultar, através de uma aplicação informática, informações variadas, nomeadamente consumo de combustível e emissões de poluentes para veículos automóveis comercializados em Portugal e nos EUA. É dada ênfase a modos de propulsão e combustíveis alternativos, sendo também possibilitada a realização de análises de ciclo de vida recorrendo ao simulador MOVES. Esta interface proporciona igualmente uma fonte de informação ao consumidor, particularmente aquando da aquisição de um veículo. Para além da construção de duas bases de dados, uma para cada mercado automóvel, foi também implementada uma interface gráfica, executável em qualquer computador de sistema operativo Windows. O objectivo último do presente projecto é alertar o cidadão para as problemáticas actuais do aquecimento global e da dependência excessiva de recursos não-renováveis, como o petróleo. ABSTRACT: With this work it is intended to give the common citizen the possibility to search, through an informatic application several informations, namely fuel consumption and pollutant emissions for automobile vehicles commercialized in Portugal and USA. Emphasis is given to alternative fuel and propulsion methods, being also possible to run life cycle analysis recurring to MOVES simulator. This interface constitutes also an information source to the consumer, particularly when acquiring a vehicle. Besides the construction of two databases, one for each car market, it was also implemented a graphical user interface, executable in any computer running Windows operating system. The ultimate goal of the present project is to alert the citizen to the actual problematics of global warming and excessive dependency from nonrenewable resources, such as oil

    Digitale Datenbanken: Eine Medientheorie im Zeitalter von Big Data

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    Wir leben längst nicht mehr nur im Informationszeitalter, sondern in der Ära von Big Data. In dieser steht die Datenbank gleichzeitig für die riesigen Erkenntnispotenziale von Informationssammlungen wie für die bedrohlichen Informationsexzesse der digitalen Medienkultur. Zudem bezeichnet der Begriff konkrete Technologien und Verfahren der Sammlung und Bereitstellung von digitalen Informationen. Zwischen diesen sehr unterschiedlichen Auffassungen gilt es, Datenbanken medientheoretisch zu verorten. Marcus Burkhardt zeichnet die Geschichte der Datenbanken nach und fragt, wie technische Verfahren der Verwaltung digitaler Informationen bedingen, was auf welche Weise in Datenbanken gefunden und durch sie gewusst werden kann.We have long moved on from a mere information age to the era of big data. Here, databases represent both the enormous potential for gaining knowledge of data collection and the alarming information excesses of digital culture. Furthermore, the term refers to concrete technologies and processes of gathering and accessing digital information. Media theory has to locate databases in between these very different conceptions. Marcus Burkhardt retraces the history of databases and asks how technical procedures of processing digital information determine what can be found how in databases and what knowledge can be gained through them

    Digitale Datenbanken

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    We have long moved on from a mere information age to the era of big data. Here, databases represent both the enormous potential for gaining knowledge of data collection and the alarming information excesses of digital culture. Furthermore, the term refers to concrete technologies and processes of gathering and accessing digital information. Media theory has to locate databases in between these very different conceptions. Marcus Burkhardt retraces the history of databases and asks how technical procedures of processing digital information determine what can be found how in databases and what knowledge can be gained through them

    The boyce-codd-heath normal form for SQL

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    In the relational model of data the Boyce-Codd-Heath normal form, commonly just known as Boyce-Codd normal form, guarantees the elimination of data redundancy in terms of functional dependencies. For efficient means of data processing the industry standard SQL permits partial data and duplicate rows of data to occur in database systems. Consequently, the combined class of uniqueness constraints and functional dependencies is more expressive than the class of functional dependencies itself. Hence, the Boyce-Codd-Heath normal form is not suitable for SQL databases. We characterize the associated implication problem of the combined class in the presence of NOT NULL constraints axiomatically, algorithmically and logically. Based on these results we are able to establish a suitable normal form for SQL

    A machine independent implementation of a data storage description language.

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    This thesis presents the methods, results and conclusions of a design and implementation of a Data Storage Description Language (DSDL). The DSDL chosen was the CODASYL Network DSDL. The design supports storage independent manipulation, for access and reorganisation of partitioned schema records, sets and indexes. The production of a Table Generator to compile the DSDL provided the basic structure and mechanisms of a run-time system for the support of dynamic incremental reorganisation. The project developed storage constructs and techniques for a machine independent Data Storage Description Language and evaluated these ideas through an implementation.The particular objectives of the project included the evaluation of the efficiency of the techniques regarding the criteria of the storage space of tables and records, time for processing, and ease of reorganisation. By developing a run-time system to control dynamic reorganisation of a database given a new version of the storage schema for the same database

    The Secondary Use of Longitudinal Critical Care Data

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    Aims To examine the strengths and limitations of a novel United Kingdom (UK) critical care data resource that repurposes routinely collected physiological data for research. Exemplar clinical research studies will be developed to explore the unique longitudinal nature of the resource. Objectives - To evaluate the suitability of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Critical Care theme of the Health Informatics Collaborative (CCHIC) data model as a representation of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) for secondary research use. - To conduct a data quality evaluation of data stored within the CC-HIC research database. - To use the CC-HIC research database to conduct two clinical research studies that make use of the longitudinal data supported by the CC-HIC: - The association between cumulative exposure to excess oxygen and outcomes in the critically ill. - The association between different morphologies of longitudinal physiology—in particular organ dysfunction—and outcomes in sepsis. The CC-HIC The EHR is now routinely used for the delivery of patient care throughout the United Kingdom (UK). This has presented the opportunity to learn from a large volume of routinely collected data. The CC-HIC data model represents 255 distinct clinical concepts including demographics, outcomes and granular longitudinal physiology. This model is used to harmonise EHR data of 12 contributing Intensive Care Units (ICUs). This thesis evaluates the suitability of the CC-HIC data model in this role and the quality of data within. While representing an important first step in this field, the CC-HIC data model lacks the necessary normalisation and semantic expressivity to excel in this role. The quality of the CC-HIC research database was variable between contributing sites. High levels of missing data, missing meta-data, non-standardised units and temporal drop out of submitted data are amongst the most challenging features to tackle. It is the principal finding of this thesis that the CC-HIC should transition towards implementing internationally agreed standards for interoperability. Exemplar Clinical Studies Two exemplar studies are presented, each designed to make use of the longitudinal data made available by the CC-HIC and address domains that are both contemporaneous and of importance to the critical care community. Exposure to Excess Oxygen Longitudinal data from the CC-HIC cohort were used to explore the association between the cumulative exposure to excess oxygen and outcomes in the critically ill. A small (likely less than 1% absolute risk reduction) dose-independent association was found between exposure to excess oxygen and mortality. The lack of dosedependency challenges a causal interpretation of these findings. Physiological Morphologies in Sepsis The joint modelling paradigm was applied to explore the different longitudinal profiles of organ failure in sepsis, while accounting for informative censoring from patient death. The rate of change of organ failure was found to play a more significan't role in outcomes than the absolute value of organ failure at a given moment. This has important implications for how the critical care community views the evolution of physiology in sepsis. DECOVID The Decoding COVID-19 (DECOVID) project is presented as future work. DECOVID is a collaborative data sharing project that pools clinical data from two large NHS trusts in England. Many of the lessons learnt from the prior work with the CC-HIC fed into the development of the DECOVID data model and its quality evaluation

    Организация баз данных

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    Опис дисципліни. Дисципліна присвячена вивченню теоретичних основ, практичних методів і засобів побудови баз даних, а також питань, пов'язаних з життєвим циклом, підтримкою і супроводом баз даних. Розглядаються основні поняття баз даних, способи їх класифікації, принципи організації структур даних і відповідні їм типи систем управління базами даних (СУБД). Детально вивчається реляційна модель даних, теорія нормалізації та СУБД, що відповідають цій моделі (на прикладі СУБД MS SQL Server), стандартна мова запитів до реляційних СУБД - SQL, методи представлення складних структур даних засобами реляційної СУБД. Розглядаються питання організації колективного доступу до даних, вводяться поняття посилальної цілісності і семантичної цілісності даних, транзакцій і пов'язані з ними проблеми і методи їх вирішення. Розглядаються питання збереження і безпеки даних, методи резервного копіювання та стиснення даних. Дається огляд ієрархічних, нереляційних і постреляціонних, об'єктно-орієнтованих, повнотекстових, мережевих і розподілених СУБД. Вивчається побудова ER-моделі засобами Entity Framework Visual Studio, створення додатка для роботи з базами даних в середовищі розробки Visual Studio на мові С #.Анотація дисципліни «Організація баз даних». Метою викладання дисципліни є формування у студентів розуміння ролі автоматизованих банків даних в створенні інформаційних систем. Завданнями вивчення дисципліни є: вивчення моделей даних, які підтримуються різними системами управління базами даних (СУБД); вивчення нереляційних моделей; вивчення елементів теорії реляційних баз даних; знайомство з принципами побудови СУБД; вивчення розподілених СУБД і засобів розробки додатків для цих СУБД.Abstract "Database Organization" discipline. The purpose of teaching is to develop students' understanding the role of automated data banks in the creation of information systems. The objectives of the discipline are: study data models supported by different database management systems (DBMS); the study of non-relational models, the theory of relational databases, the principles of creating a database, the distributed database and application development tools for these databases.Аннотация дисциплины «Организация баз данных». Целью преподавания дисциплины является формирование у студентов понимания роли автоматизированных банков данных в создании информационных систем. Задачами изучения дисциплины являются: изучение моделей данных, поддерживаемых различными системами управления базами данных (СУБД); изучение нереляционных моделей; изучение элементов теории реляционных баз данных; знакомство с принципами построения СУБД; изучение распределенных СУБД и средств разработки приложений для этих СУБД

    Business Intelligence on Non-Conventional Data

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    The revolution in digital communications witnessed over the last decade had a significant impact on the world of Business Intelligence (BI). In the big data era, the amount and diversity of data that can be collected and analyzed for the decision-making process transcends the restricted and structured set of internal data that BI systems are conventionally limited to. This thesis investigates the unique challenges imposed by three specific categories of non-conventional data: social data, linked data and schemaless data. Social data comprises the user-generated contents published through websites and social media, which can provide a fresh and timely perception about people’s tastes and opinions. In Social BI (SBI), the analysis focuses on topics, meant as specific concepts of interest within the subject area. In this context, this thesis proposes meta-star, an alternative strategy to the traditional star-schema for modeling hierarchies of topics to enable OLAP analyses. The thesis also presents an architectural framework of a real SBI project and a cross-disciplinary benchmark for SBI. Linked data employ the Resource Description Framework (RDF) to provide a public network of interlinked, structured, cross-domain knowledge. In this context, this thesis proposes an interactive and collaborative approach to build aggregation hierarchies from linked data. Schemaless data refers to the storage of data in NoSQL databases that do not force a predefined schema, but let database instances embed their own local schemata. In this context, this thesis proposes an approach to determine the schema profile of a document-based database; the goal is to facilitate users in a schema-on-read analysis process by understanding the rules that drove the usage of the different schemata. A final and complementary contribution of this thesis is an innovative technique in the field of recommendation systems to overcome user disorientation in the analysis of a large and heterogeneous wealth of data