59 research outputs found

    SecMVC : a model for secure software design based on the model-view-controller pattern

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    Current advances in the software development industry are growing more ubiquitous by the day. This has caused for security, not only in the broader sense, but specifically within the design and overall development of software itself, to become all the more important. An evidently prevalent problem in the domain of software development is that software security is not consistently addressed during design, which undermines core security concerns, and leads to the development of insecure software. This research seeks to address this issue via a model for secure software design, which is based on a software design pattern, namely, the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. The use of a pattern to convey knowledge is not a new notion. However, the ability of software design patterns to convey secure software design is an idea worth investigating. Following identification of secure software design principles and concepts, as well as software design patterns, specifically those relating to the MVC pattern, a model was designed and developed. With the MVC pattern argued as being a suitable foundation for the model, the security conscious MVC (SecMVC) combines secure software design principles and concepts into the MVC pattern. Together herewith, the MVC pattern’s components in the MVC Compound pattern, namely: the Observer pattern, the Strategy pattern, and the Composite pattern, have provided further sub-models for less abstraction and greater detail. These sub-models were developed, as a result of the SecMVC model’s evaluation in the validation for this study, an expert review. Argued in the light of similar research methods, the expert review was chosen – along with a process that included the use of two expert participants to validate the SecMVC model. It was determined through the expert review that the SecMVC model is of sufficient utility, quality, and efficacy to constitute research value. The research methodology process followed was design science, in which the SecMVC model, which includes its related sub-models, serves as the artefact and research output of this study. This research study contributes evidence of the feasibility for integrating knowledge into software design patterns. This includes the SecMVC model itself. In addition, it argues for the use of an expert review, as an evaluative research method for such an artifact

    VLSI architectures for public key cryptology

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    The design of a secure data communication system

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    The recent results of using a new type of chosen-plaintext attack, which is called differential cryptanalysis, makes most published conventional secret-key block cipher systems vulnerable. The need for a new conventional cipher which resists all known attacks was the main inspiration of this work. The design of a secret-key block cipher algorithm called DCU-Cipher, that resists all known cryptanalysis methods is proposed in this dissertation. The proposed method is workable for either 64-bit plaintext/64-bit ciphertext blocks, or 128-bit plaintext/128-bit ciphertext blocks. The secret key in both styles is 128-bit long. This method has only four rounds and the main transformation function in this cipher algorithm is based on four mixed operations. The proposed method is suitable for both hardware and software implementation. It is also suitable for cryptographic hash function implementations. Two techniques for file and/or data communication encryption are also proposed here. These modes are modified versions of the Cipher-Block Chaining mode, by which the threat of the known-plaintext differential cyptanalytical attack is averted. An intensive investigation of the best known Identity-based key exchange schemes is also presented. The idea behind using such protocols, is providing an authenticated secret-key by using the users identification tockens. These kind of protocols appeared recently and are not standardized as yet. None of these protocols have been compared with previous proposals. Therefore one can not realize the efficiency and the advantages of a new proposed protocol without comparing it with other existing schemes of the same type. The aim of this investigation is to clarify the advantages and the disadvantages of each of the best known schemes and compare these schemes from the complixity and the speed viewpoint

    Extension and hardware implementation of the comprehensive integrated security system concept

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    Merged with duplicate record (10026.1/700) on 03.01.2017 by CS (TIS)This is a digitised version of a thesis that was deposited in the University Library. If you are the author please contact PEARL Admin ([email protected]) to discuss options.The current strategy to computer networking is to increase the accessibility that legitimate users have to their respective systems and to distribute functionality. This creates a more efficient working environment, users may work from home, organisations can make better use of their computing power. Unfortunately, a side effect of opening up computer systems and placing them on potentially global networks is that they face increased threats from uncontrolled access points, and from eavesdroppers listening to the data communicated between systems. Along with these increased threats the traditional ones such as disgruntled employees, malicious software, and accidental damage must still be countered. A comprehensive integrated security system ( CISS ) has been developed to provide security within the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and Open Distributed Processing (ODP) environments. The research described in this thesis investigates alternative methods for its implementation and its optimisation through partial implementation within hardware and software and the investigation of mechanismsto improve its security. A new deployment strategy for CISS is described where functionality is divided amongst computing platforms of increasing capability within a security domain. Definitions are given of a: local security unit, that provides terminal security; local security servers that serve the local security units and domain management centres that provide security service coordination within a domain. New hardware that provides RSA and DES functionality capable of being connected to Sun microsystems is detailed. The board can be used as a basic building block of CISS, providing fast cryptographic facilities, or in isolation for discrete cryptographic services. Software written for UNIX in C/C++ is described, which provides optimised security mechanisms on computer systems that do not have SBus connectivity. A new identification/authentication mechanism is investigated that can be added to existing systems with the potential for extension into a real time supervision scenario. The mechanism uses keystroke analysis through the application of neural networks and genetic algorithms and has produced very encouraging results. Finally, a new conceptual model for intrusion detection capable of dealing with real time and historical evaluation is discussed, which further enhances the CISS concept

    Adaptive Encryption Techniques In Wireless Communication Channels With Tradeoffs Between Communication Reliability And Security

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    Encryption is a vital process to ensure the confidentiality of the information transmitted over an insecure wireless channel. However, the nature of the wireless channel tends to deteriorate because of noise, interference and fading. Therefore, a symmetrically encrypted transmitted signal will be received with some amount of error. Consequently, due to the strict avalanche criterion (sac), this error propagates during the decryption process, resulting in half the bits (on average) after decryption to be in error. In order to alleviate this amount of error, smart coding techniques and/or new encryption algorithms that take into account the nature of wireless channels are required. The solution for this problem could involve increasing the block and key lengths which might degrade the throughput of the channel. Moreover, these solutions might significantly increase the complexity of the encryption algorithms and hence to increase the cost of its implementation and use. Two main approaches have been folloto solve this problem, the first approach is based on developing an effective coding schemes and mechanisms, in order to minimize and correct the errors introduced by the channel. The second approach is more focused on inventing and implementing new encryption algorithms that encounter less error propagation, by alleviating the sac effect. Most of the research done using these two approaches lacked the comprehensiveness in their designs. Some of these works focused on improving the error performance and/or enhancing the security on the cost of complexity and throughput. In this work, we focus on solving the problem of encryption in wireless channels in a comprehensive way that considers all of the factors in its structure (error performance, security and complexity). New encryption algorithms are proposed, which are modifications to the standardized encryption algorithms and are shown to outperform the use of these algorithms in wireless channels in terms of security and error performance with a slight addition in the complexity. We introduce new modifications that improve the error performance for a certain required security level while achieving the highest possible throughput. We show how our proposed algorithm outperforms the use of other encryption algorithms in terms of the error performance, throughput, complexity, and is secure against all known encryption attacks. In addition, we study the effect of each round and s-box in symmetric encryption algorithms on the overall probability of correct reception at the receiver after encryption and the effect on the security is analyzed as well. Moreover, we perform a complete security, complexity and energy consumption analysis to evaluate the new developed encryption techniques and procedures. We use both analytical computations and computer simulations to evaluate the effectiveness of every modification we introduce in our proposed designs

    Dynamic block encryption with self-authenticating key exchange

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    One of the greatest challenges facing cryptographers is the mechanism used for key exchange. When secret data is transmitted, the chances are that there may be an attacker who will try to intercept and decrypt the message. Having done so, he/she might just gain advantage over the information obtained, or attempt to tamper with the message, and thus, misguiding the recipient. Both cases are equally fatal and may cause great harm as a consequence. In cryptography, there are two commonly used methods of exchanging secret keys between parties. In the first method, symmetric cryptography, the key is sent in advance, over some secure channel, which only the intended recipient can read. The second method of key sharing is by using a public key exchange method, where each party has a private and public key, a public key is shared and a private key is kept locally. In both cases, keys are exchanged between two parties. In this thesis, we propose a method whereby the risk of exchanging keys is minimised. The key is embedded in the encrypted text using a process that we call `chirp coding', and recovered by the recipient using a process that is based on correlation. The `chirp coding parameters' are exchanged between users by employing a USB flash memory retained by each user. If the keys are compromised they are still not usable because an attacker can only have access to part of the key. Alternatively, the software can be configured to operate in a one time parameter mode, in this mode, the parameters are agreed upon in advance. There is no parameter exchange during file transmission, except, of course, the key embedded in ciphertext. The thesis also introduces a method of encryption which utilises dynamic blocks, where the block size is different for each block. Prime numbers are used to drive two random number generators: a Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) which takes in the seed and initialises the system and a Blum-Blum Shum (BBS) generator which is used to generate random streams to encrypt messages, images or video clips for example. In each case, the key created is text dependent and therefore will change as each message is sent. The scheme presented in this research is composed of five basic modules. The first module is the key generation module, where the key to be generated is message dependent. The second module, encryption module, performs data encryption. The third module, key exchange module, embeds the key into the encrypted text. Once this is done, the message is transmitted and the recipient uses the key extraction module to retrieve the key and finally the decryption module is executed to decrypt the message and authenticate it. In addition, the message may be compressed before encryption and decompressed by the recipient after decryption using standard compression tools

    Development of a Drone-Mounted Wireless Attack Platform

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    The commercial drone market has grown rapidly due to the increasing utility and capabilities of drones. This new found popularity has made it possible for inexpensive drones capable of impressive carry capacities and flight times to reach the consumer market. These new features also offer an invaluable resource to wireless hackers. Capitalizing on their mobility, a wireless hacker can equip a drone with hacking tools to surpass physical security (e.g. fences) with relative ease and reach wireless networks. This research seeks to experimentally evaluate the ability of a drone-mounted wireless attack platform equipped with a directional antenna to conduct wireless attacks effectively at distances greater than 800 meters. To test this hypothesis, the “skypie v2” prototype conducts computer network attacks against a target network and captured data is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the platform. Results showed that capture of a WPA2 handshake was possible at a RSSI of -72 dBm or 2400 meters from a network located in a open field. Additionally, nmap scans were conducted with a RSSI value of -74 dBm or nearly 3000 meters from the target network