120 research outputs found

    Phase-Based Binocular Perception of Motion in Depth: Cortical-Like Operators and Analog VLSI Architectures

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    We present a cortical-like strategy to obtain reliable estimates of the motions of objects in a scene toward/away from the observer (motion in depth), from local measurements of binocular parameters derived from direct comparison of the results of monocular spatiotemporal filtering operations performed on stereo image pairs. This approach is suitable for a hardware implementation, in which such parameters can be gained via a feedforward computation (i.e., collection, comparison, and punctual operations) on the outputs of the nodes of recurrent VLSI lattice networks, performing local computations. These networks act as efficient computational structures for embedded analog filtering operations in smart vision sensors. Extensive simulations on both synthetic and real-world image sequences prove the validity of the approach that allows to gain high-level information about the 3D structure of the scene, directly from sensorial data, without resorting to explicit scene reconstruction

    Recent Trends in Communication Networks

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    In recent years there has been many developments in communication technology. This has greatly enhanced the computing power of small handheld resource-constrained mobile devices. Different generations of communication technology have evolved. This had led to new research for communication of large volumes of data in different transmission media and the design of different communication protocols. Another direction of research concerns the secure and error-free communication between the sender and receiver despite the risk of the presence of an eavesdropper. For the communication requirement of a huge amount of multimedia streaming data, a lot of research has been carried out in the design of proper overlay networks. The book addresses new research techniques that have evolved to handle these challenges

    The Roadmap to Realize Memristive Three-Dimensional Neuromorphic Computing System

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    Neuromorphic computing, an emerging non-von Neumann computing mimicking the physical structure and signal processing technique of mammalian brains, potentially achieves the same level of computing and power efficiencies of mammalian brains. This chapter will discuss the state-of-the-art research trend on neuromorphic computing with memristors as electronic synapses. Furthermore, a novel three-dimensional (3D) neuromorphic computing architecture combining memristor and monolithic 3D integration technology would be introduced; such computing architecture has capabilities to reduce the system power consumption, provide high connectivity, resolve the routing congestion issues, and offer the massively parallel data processing. Moreover, the design methodology of applying the capacitance formed by the through-silicon vias (TSVs) to generate a membrane potential in 3D neuromorphic computing system would be discussed in this chapter

    Custom Memory Design for Logic-in-Memory: Drawbacks and Improvements over Conventional Memories

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    The speed of modern digital systems is severely limited by memory latency (the “Memory Wall” problem). Data exchange between Logic and Memory is also responsible for a large part of the system energy consumption. Logic-in-Memory (LiM) represents an attractive solution to this problem. By performing part of the computations directly inside the memory the system speed can be improved while reducing its energy consumption. LiM solutions that offer the major boost in performance are based on the modification of the memory cell. However, what is the cost of such modifications? How do these impact the memory array performance? In this work, this question is addressed by analysing a LiM memory array implementing an algorithm for the maximum/minimum value computation. The memory array is designed at physical level using the FreePDK 45nm CMOS process, with three memory cell variants, and its performance is compared to SRAM and CAM memories. Results highlight that read and write operations performance is worsened but in-memory operations result to be very efficient: a 55.26% reduction in the energy-delay product is measured for the AND operation with respect to the SRAM read one. Therefore, the LiM approach represents a very promising solution for low-density and high-performance memories

    Real time unsupervised learning of visual stimuli in neuromorphic VLSI systems

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    Neuromorphic chips embody computational principles operating in the nervous system, into microelectronic devices. In this domain it is important to identify computational primitives that theory and experiments suggest as generic and reusable cognitive elements. One such element is provided by attractor dynamics in recurrent networks. Point attractors are equilibrium states of the dynamics (up to fluctuations), determined by the synaptic structure of the network; a `basin' of attraction comprises all initial states leading to a given attractor upon relaxation, hence making attractor dynamics suitable to implement robust associative memory. The initial network state is dictated by the stimulus, and relaxation to the attractor state implements the retrieval of the corresponding memorized prototypical pattern. In a previous work we demonstrated that a neuromorphic recurrent network of spiking neurons and suitably chosen, fixed synapses supports attractor dynamics. Here we focus on learning: activating on-chip synaptic plasticity and using a theory-driven strategy for choosing network parameters, we show that autonomous learning, following repeated presentation of simple visual stimuli, shapes a synaptic connectivity supporting stimulus-selective attractors. Associative memory develops on chip as the result of the coupled stimulus-driven neural activity and ensuing synaptic dynamics, with no artificial separation between learning and retrieval phases.Comment: submitted to Scientific Repor

    Cellular Nonlinear Networks: optimized implementation on FPGA and applications to robotics

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    L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi consisteix a estudiar la factibilitat d'implementar un sensor càmera CNN amb plena funcionalitat basat en FPGA de baix cost adequat per a aplicacions en robots mòbils. L'estudi dels fonaments de les xarxes cel•lulars no lineals (CNNs) i la seva aplicació eficaç en matrius de portes programables (FPGAs) s'ha complementat, d'una banda amb el paral•lelisme que s'estableix entre arquitectura multi-nucli de les CNNs i els eixams de robots mòbils, i per l'altre banda amb la correlació dinàmica de CNNs i arquitectures memristive. A més, els memristors es consideren els substituts dels futurs dispositius de memòria flash per la seva capacitat d'integració d'alta densitat i el seu consum d'energia prop de zero. En el nostre cas, hem estat interessats en el desenvolupament d’FPGAs que han deixat de ser simples dispositius per a la creació ràpida de prototips ASIC per esdevenir complets dispositius reconfigurables amb integració de la memòria i els elements de processament general. En particular, s'han explorat com les arquitectures implementades CNN en FPGAs poden ser optimitzades en termes d’àrea ocupada en el dispositiu i el seu consum de potència. El nostre objectiu final ens ah portat a implementar de manera eficient una CNN-UM amb complet funcionament a un baix cost i baix consum sobre una FPGA amb tecnología flash. Per tant, futurs estudis sobre l’arquitectura eficient de la CNN sobre la FPGA i la interconnexió amb els robots comercials disponibles és un dels objectius d'aquesta tesi que se seguiran en les línies de futur exposades en aquest treball.El objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en estudiar la factibilidad de implementar un sensor cámara CNN con plena funcionalidad basado en FPGA de bajo coste adecuado para aplicaciones en robots móviles. El estudio de los fundamentos de las redes celulares no lineales (CNNs) y su aplicación eficaz en matrices de puertas programables (FPGAs) se ha complementado, por un lado con el paralelismo que se establece entre arquitectura multi -núcleo de las CNNs y los enjambres de robots móviles, y por el otro lado con la correlación dinámica de CNNs y arquitecturas memristive. Además, los memristors se consideran los sustitutos de los futuros dispositivos de memoria flash por su capacidad de integración de alta densidad y su consumo de energía cerca de cero. En nuestro caso, hemos estado interesados en el desarrollo de FPGAs que han dejado de ser simples dispositivos para la creación rápida de prototipos ASIC para convertirse en completos dispositivos reconfigurables con integración de la memoria y los elementos de procesamiento general. En particular, se han explorado como las arquitecturas implementadas CNN en FPGAs pueden ser optimizadas en términos de área ocupada en el dispositivo y su consumo de potencia. Nuestro objetivo final nos ah llevado a implementar de manera eficiente una CNN-UM con completo funcionamiento a un bajo coste y bajo consumo sobre una FPGA con tecnología flash. Por lo tanto, futuros estudios sobre la arquitectura eficiente de la CNN sobre la FPGA y la interconexión con los robots comerciales disponibles es uno de los objetivos de esta tesis que se seguirán en las líneas de futuro expuestas en este trabajo.The main goal of this thesis consists in studying the feasibility to implement a full-functionality CNN camera sensor based on low-cost FPGA device suitable for mobile robotic applications. The study of Cellular Nonlinear Networks (CNNs) fundamentals and its efficient implementation on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) has been complemented, on one side with the parallelism established between multi-core CNN architecture and swarm of mobile robots, and on the other side with the dynamics correlation of CNNs and memristive architectures. Furthermore, memristors are considered the future substitutes of flash memory devices because of its capability of high density integration and its close to zero power consumption. In our case, we have been interested in the development of FPGAs that have ceased to be simple devices for ASIC fast prototyping to become complete reconfigurable devices embedding memory and processing elements. In particular, we have explored how the CNN architectures implemented on FPGAs can be optimized in terms of area occupied on the device or power consumption. Our final accomplishment has been implementing efficiently a fully functional reconfigurable CNN-UM on a low-cost low-power FPGA based on flash technology. Therefore, further studies on an efficient CNN architecture on FPGA and interfacing it with commercially-available robots is one of the objectives of this thesis that will be followed in the future directions exposed in this work

    Low-power Wearable Healthcare Sensors

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    Advances in technology have produced a range of on-body sensors and smartwatches that can be used to monitor a wearer’s health with the objective to keep the user healthy. However, the real potential of such devices not only lies in monitoring but also in interactive communication with expert-system-based cloud services to offer personalized and real-time healthcare advice that will enable the user to manage their health and, over time, to reduce expensive hospital admissions. To meet this goal, the research challenges for the next generation of wearable healthcare devices include the need to offer a wide range of sensing, computing, communication, and human–computer interaction methods, all within a tiny device with limited resources and electrical power. This Special Issue presents a collection of six papers on a wide range of research developments that highlight the specific challenges in creating the next generation of low-power wearable healthcare sensors

    Stochastic-Based Computing with Emerging Spin-Based Device Technologies

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    In this dissertation, analog and emerging device physics is explored to provide a technology platform to design new bio-inspired system and novel architecture. With CMOS approaching the nano-scaling, their physics limits in feature size. Therefore, their physical device characteristics will pose severe challenges to constructing robust digital circuitry. Unlike transistor defects due to fabrication imperfection, quantum-related switching uncertainties will seriously increase their susceptibility to noise, thus rendering the traditional thinking and logic design techniques inadequate. Therefore, the trend of current research objectives is to create a non-Boolean high-level computational model and map it directly to the unique operational properties of new, power efficient, nanoscale devices. The focus of this research is based on two-fold: 1) Investigation of the physical hysteresis switching behaviors of domain wall device. We analyze phenomenon of domain wall device and identify hysteresis behavior with current range. We proposed the Domain-Wall-Motion-based (DWM) NCL circuit that achieves approximately 30x and 8x improvements in energy efficiency and chip layout area, respectively, over its equivalent CMOS design, while maintaining similar delay performance for a one bit full adder. 2) Investigation of the physical stochastic switching behaviors of Mag- netic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) device. With analyzing of stochastic switching behaviors of MTJ, we proposed an innovative stochastic-based architecture for implementing artificial neural network (S-ANN) with both magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ) and domain wall motion (DWM) devices, which enables efficient computing at an ultra-low voltage. For a well-known pattern recognition task, our mixed-model HSPICE simulation results have shown that a 34-neuron S-ANN implementation, when compared with its deterministic-based ANN counterparts implemented with digital and analog CMOS circuits, achieves more than 1.5 ~ 2 orders of magnitude lower energy consumption and 2 ~ 2.5 orders of magnitude less hidden layer chip area

    Study and design of topologies and components for high power density DC-DC converters

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    Size reduction of low power electronic DC–DC converters is a topic of major interest for power electronics which requires the study and design of circuits and components working under redefined requirements. For this purpose, novel circuital topologies provide advantages in terms of power density increment, especially where a single chip design is feasible. These concepts have been applied to design and implement an integrated high step-down multiphase buck converter and to study the miniaturization of a stackable fiflyback architecture. Particular attention has been dedicated to power inductors, focusing on the modeling and measurement of magnetic materials’ hysteresis and core losses